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Bloodlust of Love | Joining - Printable Version

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Re: Bloodlust of Love | Joining - COSMIIX - 01-13-2021

His ear would twitch when the sound of snow crunching caught his attention, Mord having approached and took a protective stance only making Grem feel a bit more confident about himself. He listened to what Bullet Bill was saying about not being old and he rolled his single eye "The white hairs on your nose say otherwise," That shit grin was not leaving his maw anytime soon as he listened to the other start talking about how he had killed his wife and some of his kids. "Oh boo-fucking-hoo, you killed people. Enlighten me with something else, you nutcase!" He was about to continue ripping a new one into the guy until Kuragori finally said something, Grem would narrow his pupil listening to the owl griffin call the an asshole in French but, Grem didn't know that. The small Asian leopard cat knew that he was untouchable at the given time and moment, he was a bit amused by everything that was unfolding. Gremlin loved to cause shit and this was no exception whatsoever, a soft content purr leaving him as the other said something about a fight. Grem was small and could easily be snapped in two, he was well aware but the leopard cat had lived for this long and surely had something up his sleeve if Bullitt tried anything.

"Maybe not, maybe I am." He decided to say at last though he noticed that Kuragori had glanced over at him, ah, especially given a look to cut the shit. Gremlin flicked his tail to the sides only to stick out his tongue at the large owl griffin but for the sake of Kuragori, he would stop instigating the new guy. "But I got better things to do than making you eat the snow, so, I'll pass. I got plans." He would pull at the tigers skin that was draped over his small body, he would stop after that. He had already said his words and ripped one into Bullitt, he was satisfied to say the least. "Your next words or moves are on you now, chump." Gremlin knew that the other was watching him, he loved the attention as he stood up brushing up against Kura's legs with that cocky grin and mischief glinting in his single eye.

Re: Bloodlust of Love | Joining - SirDio - 01-13-2021

Copy cat, tryna cop my manner,
Watch your back when you can't watch mine.
Mordred simply huffed, claws reaching over her Cloak and pulling it closer, hiding her form from this beast, this monster who said he murdered his own family. Then again, she killed her sister, so she wasn't much to judge. Still. He was proven a potential threat and she would treat him as such. A sour, demonic hiss left her jaws as she moved her head closer to keep her sharp teeth as an open threat to this bastard.

"You make a single move on any of us, any of my people, and I will be the last thing you will ever fight." She hushed but said nothing more, simply moving her body a little as she squinted at Bullitt. A bulwark to the coalition, willing to die for it's people. Her people.


Re: Bloodlust of Love | Joining - rhosmari - 01-13-2021

''Are you all done fucking stroking your egos and standing like idiots in the snow?'' Her voice filled the sudden void of sound that had permeated for a short time. The blue tinted predator walked forward, snow dragging at her paws from her powers fucking up with her emotions. She was mildly annoyed and she flicked it away before finally laying her pastel pink orbs on the group as a whole. Watching them bicker like children while they also froze had become a bore and as much as their was complaints about the cold one would think they would want to get the fuck out of it as soon as possible. She hardly noticed the temperature differences so this place didn't bother her. It was just another place to call home and another place to live. She could have done with more decor she supposed but it was already settled and done and she was still tired from having to fucking move most of the land to get this point. Her tail whipped across the air as she rolled her eyes, tilting her horned skull slightly. ''We all know that if he is an idiot and makes a dumbass mistake he won't last long. Move on.'' Her eyes flicked to Kuragori and then to Gremlin before landing on Mordred last. Well within their right but they had the advantage here.

Finally she looked at their supposed new member and she narrowed her eyes, jaws parting as cold air seeped and dragged down from her maw. ''And we better not have any problems with you. I'm Sojourn. Our Kingpin is Ninazu and trust me you don't want to get on her bad side. She'll do worse to you.'' With a twist of her patterned figure she then beckoned with her tail, talk was over with. She wanted to get out of the cold now, away from the snow at least. She was tired of it.

Re: Bloodlust of Love | Joining - Bullitt Sky - 01-13-2021

Bullitt Sky | 3 years

Bullitt just simple nodded. He didn’t say anything, well not at first. ”You’ll have no problems out of me.” He said before looking at Sojourn. He didn’t want to cause problems, and he wouldn’t be dumb enough to provoke someone. ”I’m Bullitt Sky.” Bullitt said to Sojourn. He didn’t say anything else and didn’t look at Gremlin, Kuragori, and Mordred.