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jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Printable Version

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Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - riftweaver - 01-04-2021


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Riftweaver snarled, sliding out of the shadows. "Get back!" he spat, attempting to shield Michael as he spoke. The Roux was not in the mood for this. It was definitely not on his list of things to do today, but here he was anyway. What else did he expect from a war? "You'll have to go through me before you take him."


Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - rhosmari - 01-04-2021

If only they could see the disgust on his face. Notice the annoyance that he was clearly feeling. One showed up and then another and another. Two of which were just standing there looking like tasty snacks while one who looked worse for wear was trying to defend this temple. How sad. And boring for that matter. He was for the most part done playing with them and so he decided to ignore the lot of them. They were taking these items in this temple and there was little they could do about it. After all they had two dragons here and veterans at this trade. His black tongue slithered from lipless jaws as he observed them and their pathetic plight. "This begins to bore me. Ironfolk, leave the pest and take everything and let's be off." He spoke the words with a hum in his throat, moving off toward the temple without even a small look back. With mass moving he began to grab at the herbal supplies. Stuffing them into bags here and there and not caring what was already stashed. What things he saw already bagged up he grabbed as well.

Though there was one particular bag that was rather heavy. Heavier than the rest and yet he merely snorted and continued with his work. He had cleaned out a good portion of the temple and was heading back, looking up at Renlys. "Can you carry some of these to the ships? I'll gather some more and then we all can leave. I'm tired of this spit of an island." He wanted the mountains back. The feeling of heat and stone beneath his paws and unfortunately one of the bags he had held Torsten in it.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - riftweaver - 01-05-2021


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Riftweaver's fur spiked, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Leave it. None of this is yours to take." he growled as he attempted to shove himself in their path. One person he might have been, but he would not allow his home to be ransacked. The things kept within the temple were for his clansmen.

//he is technically open to injuries & capture


Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - VALE - 01-05-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeletal jaguar
The skeleton’s eyes rolled back in vis skull. Vale thwacked the side of vis face, jiggling the eyes around, until they settled on Riftweaver. “You and the fox’re too cowardly to fight against the Coalition, but not too cowardly to face us, eh?” Vis grey tongue licked vis boneface and wet vis left eye. Vale tisked and shook vis head. “What kinda dumbasses are you?”

Vale shot forward. By the time ve spoke the last two words, ve landed next to the leafy feline and attempted to claw Riftweaver from eye to shoulder.

“This is for getting in my way!” Vale screeched, opening vis maw wide, wide, wider! until the lower jaw popped and fire poured out. Vale attempted to scorch Riftweaver, hopefully leaving him with second or, if the unfortunate feline’d decided to brawl in close-quarters, deadly third degree burns. “Learn when you’re outmatched, pleb.”


Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Damiana - 01-06-2021

Damiana | 2 years
Red Fox | The Typhoon

Damiana frowned seeing Vale attack Riftweaver. "Don't you dare." Damiana said not happy about any of this. He lunged at Vale in attempt to knock Vale away from Riftweaver to keep him and Micheal safe. Whether his attempt was successful or not Damiana didn't want any harm to come to his new family Damiana looked at Riftweaver. "Go." He said before turning his attention back to Vale.


Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - SirDio - 01-06-2021

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
You never said 'I love you'~dark blue western dragon~Your eyes always lied~undiscerned age, presumably in the 65 million year range~honey the devil wears high heels~Sentient and Violent~Even if her lover dies~Attack in [color=#ffd700]Gold + Bold~Especially if his death is by her own hand~Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
The beast grumbled as her stern body moved away from the group toward the temple. [color=#66cd00]"Lets just get our things and go, this is getting boring." She snorted, clutching a bag in her talons and stuffing herbs and other material in it, whatever riches she could find in the medicinal temple she would take. Turns out, there wasn't much.

Walking back and past the group, [color=gold]she attempted to swing her tail at Damiana and Riftweaver to knock them both over, a disgusted snort leaving her muzzle. [color=#66cd00]"Vale! We're wasting more time with you attacking the meek things, let's just be on our way. We have what we came for." She raised her voice to just before a roar, throwing her bag into the ship.

Her wings furled and opened, green flame threatening to spill from her jaws if any attempts from these so-called pirates to try and stop them.

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'