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Roxanne rolled her eyes at Aurum as he approached though a smile was on her maw and said in a sarcastic yet playful voice "Hey, we'll always have your back. Even if I have to rescue you over a million times." The tigress would slap away a NPC from the opposing side only to see sparks coming from the bunker, her heart would lift immediately knowing who it was. She could already see both Rift and Sea making their way to the bunker and the Quartermaster would pick up the pace as her striped tail lashed to the sides. Goldenluxury would be safe and returned home, the smell of piss and death hitting her nose as she stepped into the bunker did she recoil for a moment only to shake her head walking forward with both of her ears perked forward. There, she saw her nephews with their mother... This wasn't the type of reunion she had been wanting for them but she would not indulge on that thought for long as she carefully took some steps forward only feeling her chest fill with relief to see that Goldie was safe... But ill due to her infection and missing leg. She clenched her jaw knowing that she would make Stryker pay for hurting her niece.

It made her frustrated and seeing Riftweaver struggle to open something that was already opened made her frustrations grow even higher. With a roll of her eyes, Roxanne would walk over and say with a shake of her head "It's already open, kid. I don't see why you're struggling so much... I think the ocean life might have been much on you..." There was a pause before she added with a dismissive flick of her tail "Go on ahead and make sure no one comes to attack us, I'm going to help your brother carry your mother." It was an order and she hoped that it wouldn't be disobeyed, Roxanne would draw close to Goldie pressing her nose against her captain's head only to murmur in a gentle voice "You will be okay. I'm here now," With that said, the tigress would go to one of Goldie's sides in an attempt to help her stand. She would glance to her apprentice "Help me, Sea." They would get out of here soon.


The sound of fighting reached the injured feline as he laid prone, hidden deep in the shadows of the bunker, pale pelt dirtied by the grime he laid in. He felt nausea flood him with every motion, choosing instead to remain lying down. The sound of fighting met his tattered ears but, had not the energy to investigate. He was vaguely aware of the captain's abilities, the way she slammed her electricity against the door. He wondered faintly if he would be i this situation if he had abilities like those, he wondered if he'd be in a situation like this. He wonder if he would have failed to protect Soph. Thats what this had all been for, how had he failed so greatly?

He'd lost so much, his family, his kingdom. He just hadn't wanted to lose her too. He'd pulled her from her home after murdering the man intent on killing her, had dragged her so many miles for what? For some lion to come and rip them apart, to hip him limb from limb and hold his cousin hostage. He'd failed her, and he knew it. Did she resent him, after everything? It was his fault she was here in the first place, he'd never told her why he'd dragged her to this island, though he wished he had. He missed her so dearly, did she miss him as well?

He heard the sounds of voices and paw steps but, to him, they sounded underwater and distant. He idly wondered if it was it was Stryker coming to finish the job, not there was much left of him. He'd bled out for a long while after Stryker left him, deep gouges running from his shoulder to his tail. When they'd finally quit bleeding, they'd grown deeply infected. He hadn't been able to move without searing pain and the scabs cracking and pulling. The hallucinations had come in at some points, visits from his wife and children he knew to be long gone. He knew they weren't there but, ah, it would be lovely to see them again, wouldn't it? To see Thistlesong's lovely face once more, to hold his children close.

He had regrets in life but, yeah, at this point death didn't scare him.

The voices of closer made him finally crack open a pale eye, surprised to see so many gathered around the other and... helping her? He lifted his head half an inch before dropping it miserably, knowing they weren't here for him anyways. They'd help the other and be gone, maybe even leaving him to rot. Would Soph come looking for him? Maybe Aurum or Viginere? Ha, maybe, maybe not. A quiet cough rattled from his chest as the heavily wounded feline attempted once again to block out the world.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - bubblegum - 12-12-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Heavy breaths from the exerted energy, the sparks ceasing when she hears movement towards the entrance, which could be either Coalition members retaliating or friendly faces. The scent of the beaches, however, were quick to hit her senses, and she knew that soon they would see the light once more, and they would not die in their own pile of filth. Not yet. Her vision is foggy, unsure, but she recognizes the silhouette that appears first, and it causes her to second guess herself. The sight of a son that had not been home for some time, it caused her to wonder if perhaps she had died after all. Or perhaps she was simply unconscious, all of this a dream. She is slow to react, her body laid out, head against the cold ground. Her eyes only watch, the only indication she was taking any of this in. However, as Sea approached fully and placed his head in her dirtied fur, a sense of reality began to set in for certain.

She felt a grip of worry tug at her chest, seeing two of her sons here. She would rather them stay away from the action, keep safe and make sure everyone else who stayed behind was safe, but she understood them coming as well. They were of age to be in such a battle, and thus far, everything seemed almost too easy. And this would only be further reassured as Roxie came into view, her eyes briefly and slowly closing to the other's touch. "Don' forget 'im," the tigress would mumble out weakly as she felt others begin to push at her sides, attempting to lift her, gesturing towards Eternal. The male kept her company within the bunker, even if they really were not more than strangers strapped together in a poor situation.

"I could go for a bath, n' a drink." She'd attempt to joke, voice weak and tired. Though it was genuine, as the female had always been one to take good care of her fur, and this whole situation was worthy of something relaxing afterwards. Things weren't finished yet, and while she hated that she could not lift her own body up, she would much prefer not to die in this manner, so she would not protest. She was more happy, than anything, to see her family. The girl who'd once broken Stryker's chains now needed help, his pull too hard, too strong, and she wanted nothing more than to be with her family before the chain was broken once and for all. Things would happen as they were meant to.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - wormwood. - 12-12-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — It was rapidly becoming clear that the Coalition was not going to win this fight. Members of the rotten group were dropping like flies all around him, whether it be to his own claws, his groupmates, or the Typhooners. They were becoming more and more outnumbered by the moment, and that brought a feeling of joy flooding into the lion's chest. He was glad to see them failing, after so much time thinking that they were invincible. With a snarl, he dug his claws into one of the nearby Wanderer NPCs, grabbing onto them and slinging them violently into the nearest tree. As a satisfying crack filled the air, the angel was then distracted by a burst of light from nearby. Turning his head, he saw faint flashes of electricity rising up from the bunker, rapidly pursued by Rox and her family. It had to be Goldie. Aurum considered helping out, but ultimately realized that he had his own people to worry about. Roxanne would never allow any further harm to come to Goldie, and there were Tanglewood people in the bunker that had been missing for some time, including Eternal. It was the only place that it made sense for Stryker to hold him, and others. So, taking a deep breath inward, the lion roared, "Tanglers! Continue holding up the line with The Typhoon! If you can't kill a Wanderer outright, drive them back!" With that taken care of, the male then took off towards the bunker, slipping down inside.

Immediately, the scent of decay and rot filled Aurum's nose, causing the former proxy to growl faintly as he sped up. He prayed that Eternal was still alive, and had not yet fallen victim to whatever injuries had surely been inflicted upon him. Once he reached the cages, the lion let out a breath of relief as he saw Eternalknight. It was clear that the feline was far from alright, but at least he still seemed to be breathing. Upon hearing Goldie's soft words reminding the others of Eternal's presence, Aurum spoke up, "Don't worry, I've got him. The rest of you focus on Goldie." It would be significantly easier for him to handle Eternal on his own, considering the size difference between the both of them. Slipping his way into the cell, the angel nosed lightly at Eternal's shoulder, being careful to avoid the other's wounds as he muttered, "Sorry to disturb you, sleepyhead. But I'm getting you out of here. You're one of us now, remember?" He offered the other a small smile, trying to provide Eternal with a bit of comfort even in his current terrible situation.

With his thin tail twitching behind him, Aurum spoke apologetically as he leaned down to grip Eternal by the scruff of the neck, "Sorry, this is probably gonna hurt quite a bit..." He didn't want to disturb the other's wounds, but there was no other way to get him out. Lifting the white feline up as slowly and as gently as he could, Aurum twisted around to carefully place Eternalknight up on his broad spine. As he headed for the entrance to the bunker, he spoke firmly, "Hang on the best you can... I'm gonna go slowly, but the last thing we need is you falling off." He then began the trek upwards, moving slowly as not to disturb or displace the other. His final destination would be Moth's house, knowing that not only would it be a safe place for Eternal to be patched up, but his sister would have the knowledge to do so.

( permission given for aurum to pick eternal up and carry him! ) — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.



Their target secured, Cory felt his nerves settle. While they struggled to carry what he presumed to be their leader, the wyvern charged with his snout facing the air. Then, he would stand the front lines. In front of everyone he would remain, eyeing down the enemies.

I dare one of you to try to take them back.” he snarled out, eyes narrowed into neat slits.
code by spacexual

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - SirDio - 12-17-2020

//Deciding to kill stheno here, I have like no muse and it's time I cut the cord on her//

Wild fury surged in her, fangs digging into a Tangler NPC, watching them crumple and fall. As she leapt toward another, the fangs of a snake caught her attention. "Medusa? You'd be a traitor, you kno-" Her words halted, seeing the scarred and injured body of Xhocoatl clinging onto her. He twisted on her thigh, tearing her open. She screeched and tried to bite, but he twisted and caused her even more pain.

"You BASTARD. YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She screamed and twisted, raking claws against his face. He hissed, reared back, and bit her behind the back of the head. He shook and twisted and jerked, and Stheno knew she was done.

"FATE DOES NOT WILL IT-" Her yells were cut off by a snap, and her limp body fell. Life fled from her silver eyes. Xho, tired and wounded and aching, hushed his whispers into her dead ears.

"Fate wills many things. You have paid for the torture you have inflicted upon me and Medusa. You are not a goddess. You are nothing."

He staggered back and almost fell, succumbing to his wounds as the world spun.

"STHENO IS .... IS DEAD." He yelled out, hoping someone heard him over the chaos. He could almost hear Medusa and her hostile scolding.