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sing me a song - joining/introduction - Printable Version

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Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-07-2020

Jamie once more turned his attention to the rather brightly colored multi-tailed canine before him. In the least offensive way possible, the fox was only reminded of a peacock when he eyed the other male. Bright colors and flashing tails, it was rather similar to the extravagant bird. He nodded, pursing his lips tightly. He could tell the other did not like him much, though he didn't know why. "Aye. If it is no a problem, I would very much appreciate yer hospitality."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - Grimm - 12-07-2020

Varied the dialect adorning numerous tongues, culture and history pieces within the puzzle of a whole. Expected difference, welcomed even, this only incited confusion. Wide grew eyes that assessed other with open curiosity, aside placed any hint of prior disinterest, mouth moving. The shape wrong, the odd words he spoke mimicked without sound to accompany, bridge of nose scrunching. "Speak funny." One may well say the same to the child, rather rudimentary the words he utilised in sentences that lacked the words to make them such, all the same easy his remark given.

Interruption, both in conversation that may not truly be deemed such and the line of his vision, dual toned that which reduced his sight. Upwards did it trail, a distance that near necessitated his head to become parallel with his body, though such not quite the case, regarded other with scowl drawn across lips. Assertive Quasar in speaking reasoning only he may give, bolstered by that which barely put the other above him. Upon toes did he rock forward and he made to fasten his teeth about the canids leg, a little nip if anything, concluded with a hasty retreat.

Further remark, other words among Foam had not come across in daily life before this instance, hesitant the few steps conducted which drew him closer. Halted his progress, however, another arriving, stranger who bore a name he had buried within his memories, back turned as the supposed Rhine gave his spiel. Conversation continued, grown tiresome for avenues familiar traversed, his only comment given with mirth touched smile. "Always prickly."

With nought to halt him once more Foam closed the distance, intent on gaining the attention of stranger once more, his method lightly striking his leg with his head. "Follow, show camp." Over head much of his words gone, at the least imparted intent to linger though frame of time an unknown, such a minor factor he might ignore in favour of simply enjoying the change Jaime brought with him.
code by Reggan

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-07-2020

Jamie smiled as the kitten bumped him, chuckling softly. "Ah, yes, of course. I'll follow yew, laddie." he agreed, rising to his paws. His plaid moved comfortably as he did, shifting over his ginger fur. He could feel the cold metal of the pin, and a tight grimace traced his lips as he thought once more of the home he'd likely never see again, and of the woman he'd left behind. Would she be happy? Or would she spend her life searching for a man who was gone? No matter. He was here now, which meant there wasn't much use in dwelling upon his past.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - RHINESTONE. - 12-12-2020

To be honest, Rhinestone still wasn't entirely sure of what Jamie was saying as he continued to speak. The other's accent was still difficult to parse out, and he hadn't exactly ever been around anyone who used a similar dialect before. Thankfully, it seemed as though the others who was grouped around knew how to parse out what was being said. So, Rhinestone mostly just waited as the usual interactions went on, chuckling a bit before he muttered, "Foamkit isn't entirely wrong... Quasar is always a bit prickly. But you get used to him, with time. I'm glad to hear that you'll be joining us, for however long you want to stay. If you have any questions that need answering, I will be happy to help out." Obviously the rest of his high positions could help out as well, but Rhine had always preferred a more hands on approach. He liked meeting the newest people within the group, and he liked knowing that they weren't left with extra questions rattling around in their minds. Thankfully, even with Jaime's more complex than usual transition into the group, The Palm Glades were fairly accessible to everyone.

As Foamkit began to do the traditional song and dance of welcoming someone in and showing them to camp, the serval couldn't help the proud grin that flashed on his muzzle momentarily. Even if Foam wasn't ready to accept a position like that of a gladiator, he still did a wonderful job of helping out around the group, and his activity was hardly anything to sneeze at. As a father figure to him, Rhine wanted to do nothing more than to pull the boy close and tell him just how proud he was. However, for the moment, he decided against it. Foam was still wary about him as a whole, and there was Jaime's presence to worry about as well. So, instead of saying anything to Foam, Rhinestone turned and followed after the pair, flicking his tail as a signal for the others to follow as well. As he padded along, the male said simply, "I'm sure that you'll like our camp. It's not quite as dazzling or impressive as our boardwalk, but it's still home." That was part of the reason why Rhine chose to remain in camp, rather than choosing to move into one of the boardwalk homes. He simply couldn't imagine being away from the little sand camp, and the boardwalk's bright surroundings had a tendency to overwhelm him.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - Grimm - 12-13-2020

Moment caught, a frame suspended as mind caught the compulsion enacted without aid, discarded that miniscule break as attention turns. Mild the reprimand of a time well past, closing in the conclusion of his second lunar cycle, lost the instance but not the disappointment. There was no such re-enactment to sour exceedingly perplexing invitation, slow the sweep yet sweet it, a smile he bore without thought.

Ingrained such simplistic action, taunt grown edges, lapse in judgement that could not be erased. To admit he bore such desire would be to speak a falsehood, however, smaller grown though evident still. "Rhine come, help." To dissuade him from accompanying a fool's errand, the notion never grew present in his mind though quiet his voice, away turning once it had been offered. Rather apt the descriptor of wary, by no fault of Rhine so far as his prior deeds, the combination of grief upon his passing, and the shock and subsequent hostility produced during reunion his own. Time had allowed some processing though still that bridge may not be traversed as of yet, the matter at hand once more demanding his attention.

Of a more positive bent the response given by Jaime, startled into brief existence a short bout of mirth his own, widened the edges of his smile though no more real for this growth. Acknowledgement of his words lead to a quick turn, the slurry of snow and sand familiar now, though enjoyment as little as he had the prior fall that buffeted their shores, a few paces keeping him at forefront. Indeed he unequipped to handle proposed proposition, the notion of ascending ranks he had yet to truly grasp one daunting, though this he fell into with ease, acting the part he had taken upon himself.

"Got pretty shells and glass from there-" paired his rather strange comment with indication that make apparent the origin was the ocean "-big rock, too." Further practical information seemed impossible to receive from Foam, his comments meagre in terms of offering though did pertain to at least some which made up the main camp.
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker