Beasts of Beyond
shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Printable Version

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Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - SirDio - 11-12-2020

Growing satisfaction took place as the hybrid watched the group grow. Watching the cheetah, the dinosaur, and the cub. A short left her at Stryker's words toward the other lion. Ears twitched angrily at the point toward her eye, but a wicked smile graced her face. Should such a deed be attempted again, there would be no mercy. Atticus had his fun.

Silver eye glinted in a tiny bit of surprise as Stryker announced her as the leader. It was soon replaced with a malicious glee. She nodded to Stryker, then looked out into the crowd. She definitely had words to say, oh yes she did! But before that..

Palmclan. She would have to meet some of them soon! Alithis was an interesting group, Elysium, she hardly knew. But the time would come.

Eye peered to Aurum. "Colorful words infront of a child, mister," She stood up to stand beside Stryker. While the ground shook, she spoke up. "I will have you know! My venom kills an elephant within hours. I could kill the dinosaur over there in hours with a single bite. So think before you speak, or whatever insult you give me will be your last." She directed the words at Aurum, the marble head missing her barely while debris cut into her scales.

Listening to his words, unfazed by his threat. "私は長い間そこにいるでしょう、あなたは雌犬です" She hissed to him, smile on her face. If he didn't listen, she would make sure he wasn't seen around the town ever again.

/// translation: I'll be around for a long while, you bitch ///

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - rhosmari - 11-12-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
"Hardly." The woman spat with venom in her voice. She had no wish to sit here and take orders from anything like that. From someone that could so easily have her eye taken from her. They tribal woman would never allow herself to take orders from anyone. Not them and not anyone that came from whatever dugheap that these creatures crawled out from. Her fur bristled as the heat wavered around her body and though she had yet to use that power again, to even get it to work again she would use it as a threat. Her tail whipped against the ground and a snarling laugh left her throat. Her body rose to paws immediately when the lion decided it was appropriate to try and attack Salvia. To attack a child and she sudden snarled, muzzle curled and claws gripping the ground. As her kind were they did not have retractable claws, she kept them sharp and sometimes even wore bone on them for harder offensive hits because of her size, they were primarily for balance and for her speed and she kicked off quickly after his speech, after his pointless attack on a mere child. She aimed to suddenly slam her skull against [member=1738]Stryker[/member] own head. To try an throw him off balance and make him titter. To show her malice and make him understand that he had nothing.

"This one is nothing but a hollow king. And the same is for that Palmclan, they will be met with the same consequences. The same pain for they work with scum. They deserve nothing but the same treatment. He is pathetic for trying to harm Aurum's child." She snapped as teeth flashed and threatened to tear into the lion if he so much as tried to fight back and she hoped that he did for trying to give them a pauper leader. That snake creature was nothing to those of Tanglewood and Aurum had put it best. She did not care what insult it was because it was correct. They would continue to revolt till there was nothing left of the Coalition here and she  would enjoy toppling the fake queen and throwing Stheno the crocs to watch them feast upon her body.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - S. PENDRAGON - 11-12-2020

Beaten and broken. That's how she felt, she had failed not only herself and her cousin but everyone. She didn't wish to show her face though due to her own circumstances, Sophiea didn't have much of a choice. The winged feline would approach with both of her ears pinned down against her skull, she kicked away a few pebbles as she made her way throughout the crowd with her eyes on the ground. She listened to all the voices around her but they were muffled out by the buzzing in her head, she glanced up to see Stryker and Stheno up there, she wished she had her arrows or any form of weapon to kill the both of them yet she did not or couldn't make such decisions when everyone's life was at risk or so... No.

She adjusted the wings on her side and probably should've been paying attention since the marbled head of the statue came in her direction barely grazing her head and hitting her shoulder. She winced inwardly in pain but she remained silent as she glanced over to the Condemned leader with narrowed pupils as she rose to her paws slowly trying to brush off the pain to her head and shoulder. "Ah... You are a motherfucker," She finally uttered out with a shake of her head.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Grimm - 11-14-2020

Action proceeded consequence, simple the roundabout cycle, incentive merely awaited. He knew of such factor that dominated life, the continuous domino effect reflective of beginning and end, imitated all within numerous ways, yet mind rejected such notion. Ignorance may not be blamed for words he wished to take back, soil parted beneath the claws that cut shallow grooves, the vibrations radiating out from central fountain growing within frequency and strength. His own this choice, and thus accepted due punishment, still the child left to watch in frenzied panic, mouth moving yet lacking the sound to accompany.

Horrendous the noise that split air grown still, heavy with anticipation, beneath the scraping of marble as structure broke apart began a din, amusement and encouragement voiced by invaders. Fixated Salvia on that which took placement above, fragments of stone and marble alike suspended, awaiting as the sharp crack accompanying final release allowed the worn face to ascend. Momentary pause, ceasing movement even as the vibrations coursing through the earth continued —

Sharp breath slipped between tightly closed teeth, whimper audible upon the end, any further stifled. Discoloured strands once hued in pale cream beneath slow trickle, embedded in skin fragments that shifted with his own tentative movement, further assault halted, that small portion enough. Shroud the golden primaries spread before, through light filtered, reduced to nothing beneath the ignited rage Aurum voiced in deep tone. Forth did he creep, the graze of feather tips caressed back as the earth did his stomach, between peering.

Poor the scene Salvia may watch from such position, dull the ringing drone obscuring any thought, lost the words reptilian hybrid spoke, up to her blinking with apparent confusion. For only so long position held as movement caught his attention, strangled the cry that accompanied sudden movement. Incapable the child of closing the distance, however, managed only a few shakey steps before he stopped once more. He was at fault, that Elsweyr felt the need to act in such manner, provoked Aurum into such frenzied rage, his throat closed about cloying lump and ache built in ribs subjected to quickened heartbeat.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
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