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MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - gael - 11-06-2020

Since the September meeting, the vulpine regarded these affairs with wariness.  Tedious gatherings, but the Ardent would arrive quietly as he often did, taking a seat on his daughter's other side.

Regarding those present, Gael only recognized the Typhoon, asides from the liger his cousin's son appeared to know.  He inclined his head, a brief flicker of amusement passing through hazel optics at Kold's excited voice.

"He is a liger, Kold," the faerie would offer gently -- a very big cat indeed, due to their mixed heritage.  A curious presence too, if they did not reside among the groups, but curiosity was no sin to Gael.

The mention of a sailing accident caused the Ardent to frown, a few words of reprehension for caution resting on his tongue.  He was neither Roan's father or mother however, simply raising a concerned brow before politely offering his own introduction.

"I am Aine's father, Gael Ó Broin -- the Pitt's Ardent, or leader."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - aine. - 11-08-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Aine raised her hoof off the last flower, glancing up at Roan with a soft smile.  Her cousin could surprise her sometimes, such as when he attacked Hani and Alani, but he was still nice.  And family.

How were the medical side of things...?  Her ear twitched.  "Jus-jus' a little busy," she murmured.  Atticus' injuries had been the most concerning.  Broken ribs weren't visible.  One could only do their best to ensure they heal.  Take it easy.  Maybe that's why I don't see Atticus yet.

Ry too.  A recent patient.  She smiled sheepishly.  "He's okay.  D-doesn't make it easy to keep an eye on him when-whenever he's hurt though."  But she was hardly one to talk.

The Fleshweaver ducked her head shyly as her cousin introduced her and Paintbrush, hazel hues flickering in concern when Roan mentioned a crash-landing.  That didn't sound good.  "Ar-are you okay?"

"'m- 'm glad you found him," she offered softly, "ar- are you a healer too, Paintbrush?"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - VALE - 11-09-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ wolf shapeshifting to crow
“Oh, hello!” the winged wolf cawed from the trees. Vale stood up, teetering on the branch, and waved a skeletal paw. The paw’s wrist cracked. “GREETINGS! Typhoon healers.”

Vale’s wrist popped clean off, dropped through the air, and attempted to land on Gael’s head. The wolf sat down, made an obviously fake surprised face, and tapped vis remaining forelimb to vis chest. “Oh? Was that me? Was that bundle of bones me, from me? I suppose you’ll ignore that, like you ignored my slam poetry? You know! In a proper rap battle, not even bothering to show would eliminate you!” Black puss dripped from Vale’s face, ran down vis chest, and the heavy liquid dragged ragged clumps of fur along with it.

The red eyed wolf, wings pinned to vis sides, leaped off the branch and smattered on the ground. Bones snapped! Rotting flesh bounced! And in the beaten clump of rotting gore, a little crow tore itself free of tangled tendons and rib bones. The crow tutted to vemself and fluttered over to Roan and Rosemary.

“Woe is me, for I have many, ahem, issues! Many points of sorrow, indeed! Thoughts dripping out, out, out! I would ask our fleshmender for therapy, but I'm afraid I need someone mOrE iMpArTiAl than tHe LeAdEr'S dAuGhTeR!! The leader, whom, I must add, ignores my very existence, hahaha, can you see? How that would? Drive anyone mad?” Vale did a little jig, hopping from foot to foot, and stuck out vis tongue at Aine.

Blood weeped from the center of vis forehead, and an eye sprouted out of the wound. Bowed low, ve bobbed vis head and turned back to the healers. “Will one of you therapy my brain?"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - trojan g. - 11-10-2020

This would be the first meeting of this kind that Sweeney would go to, and with the way things were going already - boring to say the least - it might be her last. The only reason Sweeney had thought of going to this one here was because she had been told it was something all the groups went to, which meant she might be able to see Atticus. Upon noticing he wasn't there however - and it seemed as though the smell of the swamp in general was missing from this meeting - Sweeney would simply let a small sigh leave her, eyes rolling as she listened to the words that Vale spoke. "The only thing medial-related that should happen with your brain is tearing it from your skull to examine it. There's no way anyone as annoying as you can have nothing wrong with it." The kitsune would growl in the direction of her fellow Pittian, tails flicking in annoyance behind her.

Sitting down, the female would watch for a moment in the direction of Tanglewood, waiting to see if someone would come, and when no one did, she would look over towards those already there once more. Typhoon was here, but Goldenluxury wasn't. That was probably a good thing, considering Sweeney wasn't sure what she'd do if the other was there, and she really didn't want to cause a scene with everyone watching.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - Tena M. - 11-10-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: constantia; color: #c48d85; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free
Kriffing hell.  Well.  This was far more interesting than sitting at home, but the petite sand cat snorted quietly as she attempted to send the falling bones straight back to Vale with a strong gust of wind.  "Cute," she quipped dryly.

The shapeshifter seemed the attention-seeking type.  In a grotesque fashion.  Hardly a healer and more interested in the Ardent himself, Tena narrowed her eyes on the fox thoughtfully.

She hadn't been present at the previous meetings.  Not too fond of the idea of showing off her injuries to Elysium's neighbors.  The burns marring the left half of her face clearly left permeant damage to her sight and hearing, but she was still stubborn.  Curious enough to finally attend.  See for herself.  Still better than arguing with Lavi about her health.

"I'm Tena.  I was Elysium's magna before Warringkingdoms and Hani and Alani," wherever they were.  "Gael, yeah?  I heard you abolished slavery after it was reestablished.  Good call."

It was nice to see a positive change from within the Pitt.  "Hope it stays that way," she added more roughly, her tail flicking behind her.  The Demdji had no tolerance for depurs.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - sykes - 11-11-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
He's late, he's late, of course he's bloody late, he had barely been within Elysium's own borders this month, it was safe to say he hadn't known the meeting was today until eh, rather soon. No, no, he'd been staying away from the mountain group- he's got a project for himself, see, something big, something splendid... something nobody else knows of yet, that's true, of course- no, he'd not even told Hani or Alani, and that's quite a shocker all things considered.

He doesn't burst through the buses, no, too much of a big entrance and considering by the smell it seemed there were quite a few people here- well, he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself. He hadn't last time, mere introductions and his skulking in the shadows, he'd appeared more as a bodyguard to his leaders than for any, eh, formalities.

This time he steps quietly out of the bushes and into the sunlight, cerulean optics peeled to assess who was here and who was not- no sign of his leaders, which is a surprise as they'd attended the previous two, but oh well. Guess he's just here in her stead, then.

And then he spots Tena, and it's with a great deal of weight off his shoulders that he hurries to her side, shaking various twigs or leaves from his subtly curled fur. He stands at her side with almost indifference painted across his face as the wolf- or, now a crow, actually- seems almost to beg for attention; he wants to scoff but he keeps quiet, and though the scene is grotesque and abhorrent, he doesn't squirm nor show any signs of discomfort; no, when you've died and watched people die all around you for two years you become accustomed to such sights, although even still they come as a shock. That said, it's clear by the loud squawking that seems to resonate in his ear that the bird isn't dead, and so he has no reason for concern beyond that, though the crow seems to be very concerned with being ignored.

He tunes out then, doesn't speak until everyone else has too quieted down, and his voice- a rough growl, deeper and more baritone than last he came here, perhaps due to lack of use- resonates, albeit not purposefully. "I'm Loey- Loey Xenias, a member of Elysium too." and at once he cuts himself off, allowing everyone else's talk to flow through his head- he turns to Gael at one point, eyes narrowed and ears twitching, and it's clear he's realized just what Tena said.

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - ROXANNE R. - 11-11-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Well, it seems everyone was fixated with either Vale or the new stranger. Roxanne only nodding slowly as Roan walked away to speak with Aine but it wasn't hard to notice things, she supposed that she wouldn't interfere but instead start to figure out who was or wasn't here. Gael was present and some of the Elysium members were here but Hani nor Alani were late to arrive. Roxie was surprised that there hadn't been any Tanglewood members to arrive or well, that pain in the ass who was known as Vigenere had yet to show up and start being a hostile little shit. Roxanne didn't seem to care seeing as she would've preferred the meeting to not be a complete shitshow though, she would take note of their absence and would only bring it up if the Typhoon's ally didn't show their asses any time soon. Roxanne glanced over the gathered individuals taking note of their behaviors, maybe she could detect something was up yet... Part of her doubted it.

With a click of her teeth, she decided that it would be best to busy herself with her own thoughts or conversation.  So, slavery had been abolished within the Pitt? That was good though she was sure that her niece had went through the whole trouble to end it, the old Ardent before Gael had reintroduced it only for it to be ended once more. "Yes, very good call." Roxie finally piped in with a toothy grin, her narrowed pupils fixated onto the vulpine leader only to inquire with a lash of her tail "Aside from that change... How is the Pitt doing? How're you doing?" She might as well ask to be polite though she believes that she has not met Tena before so she introduces herself with a curt nod "Hello Tena... I'm Roxanne Roux, Quartermaster of the Typhoon." Quartermaster Roxanne still felt funny to her... She never expected to be at such a position but here she was.


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - roan ; - 11-12-2020

There was so much talking. It was part of the reason that Roan despised monthly meetings so much. There were so many different faces that he just didn't give a shit about, and so many of them just couldn't shut their damn mouths. At the very least, one of the people he had actually been talking to had responded, which gave him one point to focus on for the moment. The soothsayer smiled slightly at Aine, his stitched up tail twitching behind him as he spoke, "Ah... yeah, Trygve can be a bit of a pain in the ass as a patient. I hope that things stay alright, though. And a bit less busy, for your sake." Roan wasn't sure whether or not The Pitt had more than one healer, but it seemed like Aine was really the only one that he knew of. He could still remember being the sole healer of The Typhoon, and what a shitshow that had been, so he hoped things weren't similar for her. Either way, he was quick to reassure her, shaking his head from side to side before he muttered, "Don't worry, I'm fine. No major injuries, or anything. I was just pretty aggravated when I woke up on a shore different from my own. I'm good as new now, though. Well... good as I was before, I suppose." He wasn't sure that anyone would categorize his current zombified form as good as new. Not unless they had a very different definition of new.

The shrill voice of Vale then interrupted Roan's temporary peace, causing the feline to scowl. Ve already had a way of disturbing the soothsayer with how vis body worked, and now ve had to come and shriek in his ear? The male had half a mind to just lash out and let his claws fall where they may, even if it wouldn't affect Vale much, but he ultimately decided against it. After all, he was supposed to be peaceful at these things, hard as that actually was to pull off. So, after temporarily digging his claws into the earth to stabilize himself, Roan snorted upon hearing Sweeney's comment, feeling much the same way she did. Seeing as there was nothing preventing him from being a little shit at these gatherings, the medic just glanced towards Vale, hissing in a monotone voice, "I'm not sure that any amount of therapy would be able to help you. Besides, therapy often involves diagnosing the brain. I can't diagnose something that isn't there in the first place." He wasn't going to be physically violent, but he had no intention of holding back his snide words. Particularly since Vale didn't seem interested in holding back vis snide words, even about vis own group.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - kinglykingstone - 11-13-2020

"So sorry we're late, y'all!" said Alani as the two headed feline approached, glancing over the gathered animals. Ah good, Roxanne and Roan were here! They wished to have a word with them after this, or maybe during. They were willing to bite their pride and apologize in front of the others if need be.

They were surprised to see two elysium members already there, especially the small sand cat. They would approach and settle beside Loey, flicking a tail against the brown feline's side. "It's good to see you, Loey," greeted the astral seraph quietly, ducking his head close to the others. He would lift his head, nodding towards Tena silently, before looking at the others gathered.

They would remain silent for a moment, listening to the conversations around them. Their tails would twitch behind them some private conversation happening as they observed. Eventually, they would look to Roan, and then Roxanne. Quartermaster Roxanne, Soothsayer Roan, if you don't mind I would like to speak to you after this meeting, we have some apologizing to do."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ NOVEMBER 2020 ] - sykes - 11-13-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
The appearance of the twins isn't a shock, they were bound to have showed up at some point, but even still as he sets his sights upon them he jolts as if he'd just touched a live wire, the fur along his spine standing on end as they moved to seat themselves beside him.

For a moment he thinks they won't say anything to him and he allows himself to settle down, but as Hani's voice greets his ears he seems to lurch sideways in an odd, surprised sort of way. Perhaps, if anyone were looking in his direction, they'd see his bright, cerulean gaze sweep across the gathered crowd before deducing that nobody had seen his odd behavior and settling back down.

At once after he'd calmed himself he angled his upper body so he was leaning towards Hani and Alani, as if preparing to speak, though Hani's voice rose over his; it took but a moment for him to digest what had been said, and immediately his mind began to wander; this, then, would be something to do with what happened at the gathering Loey had missed.

He allowed Hani and Alani time to settle then, before trying to speak again; "I'm glad to see you here." no doubt, if his previous muck-ups were anything to go by. "Nothing's happened thus far, 'sides the crow being er... well, he doesn't like being ignored, 's put it that way."

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