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say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Printable Version

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Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - S. PENDRAGON - 10-30-2020

Sophiea had been busy to say the least, she was too busy writing to all of her penpals and training her owl, Archimedes, the feline had been at her desk writing away until the small screech owl would look out their window letting out a hiss did Sophiea actually glance up with a frown on her maw. "Archimedes... Be silent," She began before the sound of someone shouting reached her ears making the fur on her spine begin to prickle upwards, she couldn't help but scowl upon hearing that Vigenere was gone "Bloody fuckin hell... Of course, the damn lemon can't fend for himself." She rose for her paws rather hastily only to grab at the letters she had been so close to finishing, her eyes lingering on the papers she had planned to send to Roan and Goldenluxury. "Archimedes. Arrows." She said after organizing the papers to the side before the owl let out a screech flying to the other side of the room to return with the quiver of arrows. She pushed the window open as she stepped outside wrapping her ribbon onto one of the letters glancing over to her avian companion "Deliver." The bird didn't hesitate to take the slip of paper and fly away, it would be rude if Sophiea didn't send her most recent letter back to Goldenluxury.

"Oi! You fuckheads don't belong here." She stood on the roof of her home immediately using her telekinesis to lift several arrows into the air, her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits as her ears flattened themselves against her cranium "I'll give ya to the count of three to fuckin leave." With a wave of her wing, she sent a powerful gust of wind sending one of the arrows flying at full force in the direction of [member=218]ARGUS[/member] aiming the arrow at one of her eyes to daze her briefly, she drew a soft breath as she spoke "One." She spread her wings out and sent another powerful gust as two arrows flew in the direction of [member=16503]Stheno[/member] in attempt to get the creature's backside, she said through gritted teeth "Two." She rose to the air with a few flaps of her wings, a few droplets of blood dripping from her nose as she sent one last powerful gust aiming to send a fleet of arrows towards Argus once more, it was in hopesof getting the draconic beast away from her cousin. If the dragon was distracted, Sophiea took the chance to dive forward and aimed to pick up Eternalknight to try and get him away from Argus if she succeeded, the winged feline would say with a hiss "Usually it is a poor decision to go after the bigger opponent, you knob."

[ fyi; the letter doesn't have info about what's happening just a normal letter with hobbies and shit, penpal shit, but your character is free to give chase though Archimedes will successfully escape ]

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - SirDio - 10-30-2020

With everything going on, it was pretty hard to focus on things while other things were happening. That just so happened to be the case as an arrow skimmed her haunches, and one landed directly in her thigh. Suppressing a growl, she dove for cover to pull the arrow out. Vision still didn't return to her scratched eye. Guess that reduces her to 50% visibility. "畜生." She growled as she pulled the arrow out of her thigh. Sometimes, things just didn't go your way, you know?

She took the time to recover herself, eyes scanning the manic crowd, and realizing a good many were flooding toward the entrance of town, seeking asylum in their swamp and forest. Tough fucking shit. Sticking to behind houses to prevent getting another arrow in her ass, she made her way to the entrance, where she saw a good few Condemned members taking out and knocking out many Tangler NPCs. "Good job, keep it up." Was all she spoke to the NPCs as she joined their ranks in taking out as many escaping Tanglers as they could, sending one or two of her own forces to take care of those who had somehow managed to get past. She lunged into the fray again, launching herself into any unfortunate soul who would be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

// 畜生 Translation: Damnit //

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ninazu - 10-30-2020

Sthenos’s sharp scream snared Ninazu’s attention. The lioness altered course through the chaotic throng, jumping over smaller critters and ignoring the laughable one-sided battle Argus found themselves in. Her mane pulsed, flames contorting like living snakes, around her neck and down her spine like a protective wreathe. The use of her fire elemental magic like this prevented her from using offensive magic, however, but she doubted she needed to for these ittle wittle felines.

From behind Moth and Atticus, Ninazu leaped and attempted to smack Moth to the ground between her front paws. It was not unlike how a domestic feline would smack down a mouse.

Heat rolled off her body and hazed the air around her. Her fangs dripped saliva, and she considered taking a bite out of these tiny things. She glanced at Stheno; the itch turned into a roar inside her head. Instead, she flexed a claw and twisted her wrist, attempting to cut Moth over the eye, as Atticus had done to Stheno.

“They say an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” She chuckled, her snarl slipping into a smirk. “But I like a taste of irony in the morning.”


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Kharisma - 10-31-2020

[Image: tenor.gif]

[div style="background-color: #00316E; color: #091217; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"][ OPEN to an attack. ]
Kharisma's blood was racing itself with adrenaline as she stormed in with the Coalition. The crsip air of Tanglewood's camp pinched at her nose and she wrinkled back her muzzle, her distaste evident with the low growl that arose from her pharynx. Despite the putrid stench, though, it didn't take long for the sabertooth to begin investigating her new surroundings. She would wait. She would wait until Stryker gave the signal to...

And there it was, as promptly as she had hoped.

At this point in time her blood was pumping so rapidly it was a shock it didn't combust her physique as she charged forward into the mass of creatures. Her diversely spotted tail streamed like a flag in the air from behind her, forepaws pounding the earth as she ate up the distance in what seemed like no time. "Alright, shitheads, come and get a taste of your own blood!" Blood! It'd honestly come as a surprise to Kharisma if the Tanglewhateverthehells didn't end up ecstatic upon catching the eager beckoning. Blood was always a good sign, was it not?.

Kharisma urged herself to slew to a halt to better take in the horde of loyalists. Best not be too quick and let someone trip her or some shit. And now she would wait to gauge an incoming moron, her paws planted firmly in the leaf-littered soil. She was ready to kick some ass. Hmph.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Stryker - 11-01-2020

The sound of thumping paws echoed in his ears. Stryker's head whipped around, spotting the king cheetah darting towards him with a fury. The lion expected them to jump towards him as his haunches were lowered, but his expectations were thrown aside. Her jaws parted, revealing a white flame. The flash of color caused him to launch himself a few feet away as the heat of Elswyer's radiated from afar. Unfortunately, some of her dastardly flames managed to lick the back of his hindlegs as he darted away. With every step away, his legs stung. The Kingpin winced, but wasn't willing to let the cheetah go down without a fight.

A vicious hiss left him. This nobody wasn't going to take him down any time soon, especially during his big moment. Before attacking, he momentarily considered his chances. With her speed, Stryker would need to catch her severely off-guard. The Kingpin narrowed his gaze, zoning in on the cheetah. Given time, the lion darted forward with his teeth bared and jagged claws unsheathed. His haunches lowered to the floor and launched himself into the air, aiming to jump onto the cheetah's back and slam her into the floor. His claws would dig into her lower back and head while his teeth snapped vigorously at her backside. If unsuccessful, he'd slide off to the side with a growl. Next time.


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - wormwood. - 11-01-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Peace. It was something that Aurum had always idolized, ever since he had been just a cub, living within a kingdom that was supposedly one day to be his own. Of course, unfortunately, life had a way of crushing one's dreams. Slowly, his wonderful vision of a kingdom full of peace and goodwill had given way to cruelty and bitterness, jealousy rotting him down to his very core as his life had been given over to Poetking. Since then, the graph of his life had been a sort of u shape, mainly because things had gone disastrously downhill when he had been motivated by envy and fury. Then, they had become so much better when he had finally joined Tanglewood. The swamp-dwelling group had become his true home ever since he had shown up on the border, following after Poet's trail. So much had changed since that day, but a lot had also remained the same. He still strove for peace in every aspect of his life, even if it wasn't exactly easy. For a time, it had almost seemed as though his life goal had been achieved. Things around Tanglewood had been quiet, and he had been happy, although he was also tired as well. Coming back from getting kidnapped had been understandably tiring, and for a time, he just wanted relaxation within his home, without anyone to bother him.

He ventured out occasionally, mainly when there were smaller social gatherings and when he needed to eat, but he had practically gone into hibernation. His days consisted of sleeping, eating, and reading, regaining his energy for whatever the future may have held. As it turned out, the future was holding this. A roar echoing through the air, and yet another hot-headed asshole with self-esteem issues had come to try and take them over. This was what, the third time? It was tiring, and part of Aurum just wanted to roll back over and go back to sleep. However, he knew that, as always, that wasn't an option. He couldn't abandon the defense of his home, no matter how much that final rest truthfully tempted him. With a grunt and a sigh, the fully healed lion got up to his paws, his sunrise colored wings spreading out so that his feathers brushed the walls around him. He heaved himself down the stairs, the dusty wood creaking from a new amount of disuse. His jaw clenched as soon as he spotted the chaos going on outside, one blue eyes narrowed with rage and contempt as he looked out through the window. He didn't even recognize these assholes. Wasn't that so sad? Had The Pitt seriously birthed another pathetic spinoff, or were these guys their own particular brand of disgusting?

The lion didn't leave himself time to ponder these questions, grumbling as he stepped out and launched himself up, and into the air. As nice as his little hiatus had been, he had to admit that he had missed the sensation of flying. It was incredibly freeing, and the wind beneath his wings was a welcome old friend. Of course, his happiness was not meant to last for long. His one-eyed gaze landed down upon his beloved sister, who had only recently returned to the land of the living, and then fell on the one who was attacking her. He knew nothing of Ninazu, but he really didn't need to. All he needed to know was that she was a member of these fools, and that she deserved to die, because she was trying to put a paw on Moth. A snarl ripped forth from his throat, and he dove down towards [member=2040]ninazu[/member], attempting to slam his upper body, claws out, directly into her side. If he was successful, he would then try to manipulate her mind, attempting to make her feel incredibly nauseous and unable to fight. His voice was low and vicious as he growled, rumbling from deep down in his ribcage, "Pick on someone your own size, little lioness. Or I'll pick on you." Kydobi had once learned what it felt like to die at the end of Aurum's claws, and the former proxy had no problem with teaching Ninazu of it as well. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ninazu - 11-01-2020

Aurum slammed into her shoulder. His claws scored long gashes down her side, ripping into the superficial muscles above her ribs. She screamed a lone staccato note; her teeth snapped around the sound and killed it with a click.

Ninazu rolled with the force to the right. Her flames licked down her body, immediately cauterizing the wounds. Dirt and muck stuck to sandy fur, hiding the gashes. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins and dampened the pain. When she stood, she flashed her fangs and drowned in her rage.

She shook off the mental attack, canceling it with her own magic. Aurum’s words never entered her head; she heard but did not comprehend. Instead, she lunged at him before he finished speaking. She did not growl. She did not scream. She only breathed into the flames.

She attempted to jump on his hindquarters. Her claws sought to bore into his flesh, and her teeth attempted to sink into the junction where wing met torso. Did the male lion think his wings and doubled weight offered an advantage? Ninazu would teach him otherwise.


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - SirDio - 11-01-2020

Stheno heard her cry, and just as Ninazu helped her, she ran toward Arurum. A growl ripped out of her as a Tangler npc ran into the hybrid, teeth tearing into her hood, ripping scales from skin. The hybrid, already furious, decided to let the Tangler have their fun - the hybrid would tangle with the feline npc, tail coiled around their midsection. It seemed that she could hold her own but was holding back.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - wormwood. - 11-02-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Success. God, it felt good, hearing the brief shriek that left Ninazu as his claws met her flesh. He felt no sympathy for her, nor any need for mercy. Her group had come into his home, unprovoked, acting as if they owned the place. Frankly, she just should've been glad that she wasn't dead already. Of course, she wasn't smart enough to just back down whole she was still alive. The angel roared in pain as he felt claws dig into his flank, a rough grumble of rage leaving him as he felt the unwelcome visitor on his back. He managed to yank his wing away just in time, snarling at Ninazu viciously, "Off, you little shit." Figuring that it wasn't time for simple party tricks, Aurum began to channel his earth elementals, attempting to rip a considerable chunk of earth and roots up from the nearby ground, and slam it full force into [member=2040]ninazu[/member]'s side. If he was successful, he would try to roll with it, hopefully ripping Ninazu from his back and throwing her a good amount of distance away. He would wait to see what happened for now, just to see if the force of the blow from a chunk of firmly packed ground and roots would be enough to knock her off balance. If it was, then perhaps he could get an opportunity to get some good shots in. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ninazu - 11-02-2020

Pain is irrelevant now. Ninazu seethes in rage, and the rock smashing into her body is an annoyance. A claw slips, but she keeps her hold, and the lioness attempts to sink her teeth into his flesh. Fine. She didn’t get the prime weakness of his wings, but she would rip into him anyway.

She feels the roots in the boulder without touch. Ninazu taps into them with her magic, feeling their living energy scream for vengeance. The lion uprooted them from their home, and they will die. The plants will die. Because of him. Ninazu fuels their burning hatred with her own, whispering of vengeance and channeling power to their cells.

The roots rapidly expand. More roots shoot out of the ground, joining their severed brethren. The roots, vine-like, attempt to wrap around Aurum’s paws and tie him to the ground. Ninazu did not tell them to do this, exactly, but she senses their intent. She flexes her claws, wills herself to stay on, and bides her time.

Because when you’re a smaller opponent, you never let go. You will lose your advantage. And then you will be at the mercy of the larger opponent’s greater striking range. She knows, she knows, she knows. The instinct burns hotter than the rage, and she bides her time.
