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LIVE BEYOND / tattoo time - Printable Version

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Re: LIVE BEYOND / tattoo time - roan ; - 10-21-2020

Roan didn't know too much about tattoos, if he was being honest. The young feline knew that his uncle did, considering Michael had two tattoos that he had gotten done before his children were born. However, he also knew that the dealer hadn't done those himself, sokething that Roan was infinitely grateful for. He didn't want to have to be the one to clean the infected wounds of someone inexperienced who decided to struggle to tattoo themselves.However, he didn't really have the same worries when it came to Goldie. Not only was his cousin captain, but he also knew that she had experience with this kind of thing. Not only knowing about the art that went into such a thing, but also knowing about the medicine that would be necessary if something went wrong. Not only that, but she probably wouldn't immediately go asking for his assistance if something went wrong – not that he was glad about that. He didn't enjoy anyone not asking him for help, not since everything that had happened with Jaime. The thought of it alone was still enough to leave his chest tight.

Long strides brought the soothsayer over to the group that had begun to gather around Goldenluxury, his blue gaze lingering briefly on her new tattoo. With his tail flicking behind him, the zombified feline spoke softly, "...It looks good, cousin Goldie. Like Rosemary said, please remember to take good care of it. I don't want to see you within my temple anytime soon." He shook his head from side to side, thinking of all the times he had already seen Goldie injured. He wasn't sure he could handle it again right now. Things had slowed down so much recently when it came to his duties as a soothsayer, and while he was grateful, he couldn't help but feel like something was building. Like something awful was on the horizon, just waiting to strike like a venomous snake forth from the brush. At least, that's how his life had seemingly always operated. Whenever things looked like they were about to go the right way for him, something awful always happened, and brought him crashing back down to reality. Roan had grown used to it, at this point.

The medic's attention then turned towards Alexandre, a soft snort leaving him as he heard his brother's question. There was no way that Roxie and Diya would allow him to get something so permanent at such a young age. And attempting to get around that by appealing to Goldie's ego – something that Roan very much knew wouldn't work – was just a fool's errand. Moving over to Alexandre, the feline lifted a paw to gently mess with the fluff atop his brother's head, saying with a shake of his head, "You have to ask mama because if she finds out that you did it without asking her? She'll ground you for a year. Maybe even more. Roxie is Goldie's aunt, which means she's got family power." That wasn't entirely true, since Roan knew that Roxanne would defer to Goldie on any matters that didn't involve her family. However, he just wanted to get it into Alexandre's head that he could wait a bit. After all, he didn't want to grow up too fast. Roan knew that firsthand.