Beasts of Beyond
BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - Printable Version

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Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - SirDio - 09-29-2020

Ezrakel Tsune

"God unholy, you bunch. We certainly don't need injuries. Leave me out of this, will you?" The tom hissed through his teeth, backing away out of annoyance. He took a look to Chaz as Argus left him and Caesar out in the open. Ears flicking, he sent a stabbing glare at Ninazu - something he barely did to others who were more powerful or held a higher status than him, but he was tired and he was annoyed.

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - Stryker - 10-01-2020

Sickness had given Stryker some time to relax. The loud whacks outside his home didn't alert him, nor did he necessarily care about the ruckus. After all, he heard Ninazu's voice and Caesar's screaming. He could only assume she was beating his ass. Caesar deserved it too. He laughed at the thought, causing the cucumber's on his eyes to shift. Snorting, he moved them back and continued to unwind.

Ah. What a time.

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ninazu - 10-02-2020

“Don’t worry yourself sick, Chaz. I can heal people’s scraps, bruises, and burns from my own training,” Ninazu said. Her eyes flicked down to Chaz for only a moment. “I might not act like it, but I was the Pitt’s only healer for a long ass time. Too long! Which is why you’re the guru and I’m not!”

She chuckled, her tongue flicking over her teeth. Her golden eyes focused on Argus, and her chuckle turned into a frown. The dragon spoke uncomfortably close to the truth—the condemned couldn’t afford to cripple their still-standing citizens.

“It’s not like I’m going to kill anyone,” she grumbled. The serval huffed.

Ninazu wasn’t disappointed the flaming rock missed all three, as she almost expected that. Argus was a clever one, and landing a clean strike… that would be a challenge, wouldn’t it? The smirk returned on her muzzle.

“The Great and Wise Coco Lord hears your pleas for mercy! I’ll go easier on you lot, since you can’t stomach the full power of my might!”

With a wave of her paw, she levitated a rock and crunched it down to dirt. The cloud of floating dirt and pebbles floated around her, and the serval cackled. She sent the cloud down towards Argus, attempting to have the mass collectively coil around the dragon’s form and hit the two smaller creatures taking shelter.

“Hope you don’t mind sand in your britches!”