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A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - Printable Version

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Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - palejaw - 09-21-2020

PALEJAW - male - carnotaurus - palmclan
[Image: carno_resized.png]

Upon noticing one of the kittens leave the den, Pale rose his head, nostrils flaring as he tried to shake off the sleep that hung onto his shoulders and dragged him down. He pressed the side of his head against the ground as he stood, pushing up with his knees to stand fully. Watching Sugar sprint past, curiosity got the better of the Carnotaurus and he followed her. He made sure to lag a bit behind, not wanting to accidentally step on or hinder Sugar's hunting-down-the-kit progress.

He noticed Rhine coming up and allowed the leader to go by first. He loomed in the trees, watching the tiny creature, before he realized it was a Microraptor. To see such a small carnivore was not unusual, he was used to walking among the tiny creatures, sometimes unfortunately stepping on them. He couldn't count on one foot how many small creatures he had accidentally stepped on in his hunts. His teeth bared as the raptor bounced around the kit.

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - RHINESTONE. - 09-21-2020

Storm... the hurricane. Suddenly, things clicked in Rhine's mind, causing the leader to wince just a little bit. It seemed as though they wouldn't be able to reunite Drift with her family, not unless her mother had somehow miraculously survived the battering winds and howling rain. Crazier things had happened, he supposed, but he also didn't want to rely on anything absolutely ridiculous happening. At least it didn't seem as though Drifting Feather lingered on it for long, which he supposed was a good thing – not anything she could do about it now, after all. Despite his earlier apprehension, Rhinestone found himself grinning when Drift began to bounce around again, even though the rhythmic sway from side to side was sort of making him dizzy. He nodded enthusiastically, letting out a bit of laughter, "Yes! Yes, home, nest! We can give you a new nest, nice and safe... you want to go there?" He cocked his head questioningly to one side, hoping that the universal sign of a question would get through to Drift as well. Of course, he hadn't yet become aware of Palejaw's presence nearby, unaware of the carnotaurus's protective snarl that he was presenting.

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - Grimm - 09-21-2020

Broken record had they become, the repeated chirp framing the broken word arising once more, though further had it degraded with the breathless laughter that spilled forth around it. "Fren!"

Soothing the tempered voice, back ears swivelling before cranium alike performed movement, still harsh the breath seeping in between clenched teeth though at least quelled his laughter for the moment. Mention indeed such basis was present and seemed forth in extending to the creature that bounced about as though spring-loaded her muscles, sparked to life a cry in back of his throat. Apparent the joy in it how it reverberated in short notes before breaking away, wracked in a coughing fit tiny body that doubled over.

Too much excitement had transpired in all too short a frame of time, waning as thoughts swirled about prospect of introduction to other deemed friend, his lack among them noted with a dour down shift of pale lips. Sunrises had come and gone since he had departed beneath the watch of grief stricken mother, eyes skirting the sand as paw did alike, mindless the patterns he drew where it converged with loam. Ignition once more the mention of home, an offer that drew his attention once more to Drift, now hopeful the tiny smile he wore.

From between teeth poked a tiny tongue, mentioned of the prior storm mere tales, arrival staged during time impact was a minimal affair upon his life. All the same he knew it, had tried and been turned from the final aspects of repair, gentle buffering based on the fact he simply was too young for such work. "Nnnest!" Drawn out and over pronounced the word yet familiar the sounds, numerous the occasions upon which he had heard it before though odd the chatter Drift spoke with.

Craned neck as once more attention turned, direction enough to allow mere caught glimpse of the carnivorous beast that lingered among towering pines, adornment of emerald paling compared to the rich hues painted upon hard skin. "Fren!" Volume arose and upon toes did Foam roll his weight, bouncing forward before he settled once more, action repeated until he, as the microraptor herself continued to be, picked up a bouncy movement in place.
code by Reggan

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - SirDio - 09-21-2020


Drift was ecstatic - and her rapid bouncing smoothed out for a moment as she nodded to Rhine. "Home! New Home!" She squeaked happily, running between Rhine's legs in pure joy. She jumped around, then stopped as she scented the larger dinosaur. She let out a weary chirp as she ducked over to Rhinestonestar, hiding beneath him. Her wild energy was stifled by the panic she felt, and she kept herself under Rhine, another scared chirp coming from her.

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - RHINESTONE. - 09-21-2020

It certainly seemed as though Palmclan would have all of their paws full, just dealing with the combined presence of both Foamkit and Drift together. It was easy to see the brief flash of grief that came to Foam's face, the child clearly thinking about their own abandonment in comparison to the hurricane, and Drifting's loss of parents. However, as quickly as the flash had come, it was suddenly gone, causing Rhine to blink in surprise and simply watch as the child bounced enthusiastically back and forth. His mimicry of Drifting was definitely amusing, but the leader couldn't help but think it might be an issue later. As long as the child didn't try jumping off of anything as tall as the trees... the thought caused his ears to flatten temporarily, his head giving a shaky jerk. However, after taking a breath inward to soothe his anxious thoughts, Rhinestone chuckled and nodded at Foam, purring, "Yeah, nest... our home. You gonna help me lead her back there? I'm sure you two can become even better friends." He gave another wave of his paw towards camp, hoping that the safety would cause both younglings to settle a little – although he doubted it.

Unfortunately, the tom wasn't able to go far as he turned, hearing a high pitched squeak of fear come from the newcomer. He could feel Drifting's small form suddenly squirm underneath him for protection, causing him to let out a soft sound of surprise. Glancing around, he finally spotted Palejaw, his eyes widening a little in realization. Oh, well, that was certainly something to be afraid of, even if Rhine knew Pale wouldn't just attack a newcomer. After a moment of hesitation, Rhinestonestar spoke up, "Palejaw... hello. This is the newest member of our group... she's no threat to us. Would you like to help escort her back to camp?" He tried to keep his tone light and conversational, his long and fluffy tail brushing against Drift's spine as a sign of comfort. He didn't want her to be frightened of Palejaw, and he took a few steps towards camp, turning back towards the bouncing reptile and offering her a reassuring grin.

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - Grimm - 09-23-2020

Turbulent scape shifting beneath ever increasing external stimuli, over it all ceaseless the thrum of thought, poor the regulation present. Children bounce back fast. Such is where the discrepancy may be found, confusion it all, a bubbling mess beneath tentative hold, away slipping as fingers try all the harder to hold closer it all in hope to understand.

Beneath the slowly fading edges, grown taunt, it lingered in shaded corners, a cruel beast the misunderstood slowly growing mind proved incapable of handling. Yet apparent grew it once more, befell soft visage within twisting adornment frown hung upon pale lips, broken the pitiful little mewl he voiced. He could not understand, conflicting that which converged in tightening chest, sudden the arrival of tears gathering before the fall. Hiccups arose next, mixed within a strained, odd little laugh, before himself paws crossing over, placement switching after a few seconds.

Creeping up closed throat the want to yell, remove from beneath rust hued fath — leader the creature depicting signs of worry, addressal of such beyond him, and so tighter grew the press of lips, words withheld for known the displeasure Rhine was likely to express. More words, gesture to the shallow valley where comfort may be found, silenced the roiling waves his mood had become, dipping and arising with each fluttering heartbeat. Unsure the nod Foam offered, forth creeping on shaking paws, beneath sliding beside the other.

Even seized by his own dour mood close did lean child, among feathers sought to bury nose, murmuring in a soft voice before a purr began. "Fren."
code by Reggan

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - SirDio - 09-23-2020


Sparks of worry sparkled within those feral purple eyes, seeing Foam in such a distressed, even anxious mood. Drift let out a quiet cooing, the fear she experienced gone within seconds as she felt Rhine's tail against her spine, alongside her new friend's mood. Letting Foam bury his nose within her feathers, she nuzzled him gently, letting out another coo in hopes of comforting him. She looked to Rhine, then at Foam, then at Pale - a weary smile coming to her face. She was still scared by him, but knowing he probably didn't mean any harm brought the fear down to just an unsettled feeling.

She gave Foam a few more nuzzles before motioning to Rhine, wanting Foam to follow her in following Rhine toward the new nest. She slowly moved away from Foam, but stayed close enough incase he didn't want her to leave - a patient shine within those wild eyes that was so faint, it almost didn't exist. "Go, fren. Go nest!" She squeaked, joy in her voice and joy in her eyes.

Re: A not-so-gentle Breeze -- Drift Intro - RHINESTONE. - 09-24-2020

It was unsettling, to see Foamkit made so upset by Palejaw's slightly hostile presence, even if it was merely meant to be a protective one. Rhine knew that Foam was still a child, and thus prone to overreacting, but the leader admittedly couldn't say that he blamed the child for being upset. Similarly, Rhinestone didn't want any conflict happening, as evidenced by the way he tried to soothe the situation around him. His nose touched briefly to Foamkit's head, trying to provide the kit with some comfort before he dove into the soft and warm feathers of Drifting. The young and odd creature's reaction was positive, judging by the way that she seemed to similarly comfort Foam and hold him close. Rhine found himself smiling up at her, immediately grateful to her for knowing how to provide something solid in an upsetting time. He then nodded his head, saying to all those around him, "Camp... nest. Yes, follow me. It'll be much calmer there." He shot a brief look back at Palejaw, flicking his tail to indicate that the other could follow as well, if he wished.

Without waiting for another response, the leader then turned, guiding the small group back towards the sandy valley that held Palmclan's main camp. He could already feel the sun beating down upon their backs, and he spoke quietly as he moved along, a few chuckles bubbling up from his chest, "Some in camp might be a little... surprised by you. Don't worry about them, though. We've been getting a lot of new and different creatures in the clan lately, and everything is still kind of in an adjustment period." Rhine not only had one, but now two different children following him that he wasn't even sure could understand him, yet he still found himself talking normally. He wasn't sure if it was because he was just that bad at speaking more simply, or if he was just trying to help them both learn.