Beasts of Beyond
start it again // intro - Printable Version

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Re: start it again // intro - ninazu - 09-04-2020

Ninazu’s gaze slides over to Stryker again, a lopsided smirk on her muzzle. “Breaking his jaw would be more effective than killing him. Once this body dies, he’ll find another one quickly,” she says, surgically. As though reading off an anatomy textbook, rather than best strategies on dealing with Caesar. “Of course, he would enjoy that.”

She imagines reaching over and smacking his jaw; how would the crack sound? If she held him down, could she break his jaw in multiple places? Knock out his teeth, keep them as a trophy in a jar? Would he still try to talk? How funny would it be seeing his stupid tongue flailing around while nothing but incoherent sounds came out?

Ninazu blinks, and the sounds and images fade out. Her upper lip curls in distaste at Caesar, attention slipping away from his face to the burn mark. She’ll watch the flesh blister over the next few weeks. Knowing Caesar, he wouldn’t give enough of a shit to take care of it—how long would it take him to burst the blister, opening the wound to infection? She’s tempted to start a betting pool, but Ninazu doubts anyone else would be interested.

“What do you think, Caesar? Broken jaw—perhaps in multiple places—you get your pain kick, we get silence,” she suggests, a touch of mercy in her voice. Or is it simply curiosity?

Re: start it again // intro - kinglykingstone - 09-05-2020

Chaz was late to arrive, but the best timing for him. It oftentimes amused the moss-backed guru how Ceaser was treated, nothing more than The Coalition's neon punching bag. He earned it frankly, with his rancid personality and all-around annoying attitude. So quick to pull the trigger, never giving room for defense. ass-on-fire improvisor, Ninazu wasn't far off with that. He greeted the lions with a kind smile, meeting the fire-wreathed one's eyes for a moment before looking over to Ceaser. "Well, Sunshine, meditation's good f'r thinkin'! Guess you don't kno' much 'bout that though, bless 'ur heart." he tsked sadly, shaking his head and returning his gaze to Ninazu. "If you're wantin' 'im to suffer, I got stuff to rot 'im from the inside out."

Re: start it again // intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-08-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar's tail tip twitched whenever Stryker spoke; he was offended that the lion had said such a thing about him, especially considering he had helped the Kingpin burn down Snowbound. But whatever; if that's what Stryker thought of him - a nuisance, apparently - then so be it. He said nothing in response to Stryker though, and simply glared at the other male before Ninazu started to speak again.

"Unfortunately for the lot of you," Caesar responded with a roll of his eyes. "I have telepathy, so not quite an efficient way of shutting me up." That being said, they could still block his telepathic messages out, but he wanted to prove that despite what Ninazu thought, he wasn't just going to shut the hell up.

Of course, the savannah heard Chaz's comment and simply shook his head, unamused by being the target of harassment at the moment. Without another word, Caesar turned around and headed back to camp.

//out unless anyone stops him![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]