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Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - miithers - 09-02-2020

tracking w the owner of unrelated moody teenager

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 09-10-2020

bumps! i'd love to see some more kiddos!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - tikki - 09-22-2020

basics .*✧
Torsten Folie-Mikaelson Roux .*✧ nickname: tortoise 
male .*✧ he/him
unborn .*✧ ages with body
typhoon .*✧  minnow
David Tennant as The Doctor for face claim

appearance .*✧
.*✧ siamese munchkin longhaired domestic mix
A brown and white spotted feline with mostly short fur. Around the neck the fur is longer, making it seem as though he has a sort of mane there, and his tail is long-furred as well. He has a pink nose and orange horns with matching orange wings, and his tongue has an orange tint to it. Both eyes are green, the left being half blue

.*✧ Has a small stone he carries around with him wrapped in a string around his neck shaped like a tortoise.
.*✧ When apprentice aged, will accidentally step on his stone on a sharp edge, causing a tortoise shaped scar on his paw pad, hence the nickname tortoise. 
.*✧ no injuries
.*✧ will have the vampiric and wereblood traits in another form, which will be decided as he grows.

personality .*✧
.*✧ personality will be decided through roleplay for the most part. He is very gullible though, and gets easily attached to small items such as his tortoise shaped stone.

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 09-22-2020

he sounds like an absolute baby

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Orion - 10-02-2020

NAME: Alexandre Folie-Mikaelson Roux
— Also goes by Alex, along with Andre
GENDER: Born as a biological male
— Goes by he/him and is considering they/them pronouns.
— His expression is rather androgynous, mainly feminine.
AGE: Currently three months old
ALLIANCE: Born and resides within The Typhoon.
RANK: No current rank / kitten.
— No former ranks listed.

RELATIONS: Roxanne Roux x Diya Folie-Mikaelson
— Related to the famous Roux family, who's family is headed by Goldenluxury [Typhoon leader] and was founded by Pincher Roux [former Typhoon leader]. Full family tree is WIP.
— Sibling to: ???

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Alexandre's sexual orientation is pansexual, though he has a preference to men. He currently is single and not seeking for any relationships, as he is too young.

Alexandre is a domestic feline, a mix of chocolate point and white masking. While the rest of his body is white, his ears/legs/tail/head are dipped in a dark chocolate gradient. The brown tendrils on his bat-like wings compliment this aspect. Meanwhile the orange skin on those defining wings perfectly match his gleaming eyes and dashing horns. His stature is often thinner, as he is the tallest of his siblings.

ACCESSORIES: Alexandre currently has no accessories.

— Unbeknownst to Alexandre currently, he has inherited Diya's vampirism mutation. Due to this, his diet strictly relies on blood and he has developed sharp incisors.
— Two orange devil horns don the top of his head
— Brown bat-like wings with orange accents
— Powers unrevealed/unknown (mental manipulation/fire elementals?)
Open-minded and an explorer, Alexandre excels greatly within novel environments. His sly way with words allows him to navigate easily through social situations, despite not being much of a talker. Moreso, he is very observant of body language. The domestic feline uses this to advantage. Whether that's indulging in his impulsive feelings or long-term planning depends on the situation.

He does not stick to tradition. Alexandre tends to flourish on his own, allowing himself to express his interests without judgement. Whether it's his androgynous gender expression or reinvention of a forgotten creation, he always finds a way to stand out from the crowd. If his acts gain attention, he tends not to care and almost embraces the stares. Being 'different' bothered him at first, but as he developed, he began to internalize the feeling and grow confident of himself.

MBTI PERSONALITY TYPE: ISFP, Introverted/Observant/Feeling/Prospective or the 'Adventurer'
— Later develops into an ESTP, Extroverted/Observant/Thinking/Prospective or the 'Entrepreneur', notably switching away from introverted feelings and developing more intelligent/long-term planning patterns.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral

— Unbeknownst to Alexandre currently, he has inherited Diya's vampirism mutation. Due to this, his diet strictly relies on blood and he has developed sharp incisors. [noted above]
— At first he will have a normal diet. Later in childhood, he begins to notice himself thinning. At first he believes this is due to him being the tallest of the children, along with his tendency to skip meals to keep himself skinny in almost a 'feminine' aspect. His mind dwells. He’ll try and deny it at first, telling himself he’s just paranoid and that he didn’t inherit those genes from Diya. As time goes on, his taste fades and he begins to grow sick over regular meals. Alexandre hesitates. Frustrated, he goes to his mother with his pleas. She discovers he carries the vampirism gene. With time, he learns to control this newfound burden.
— Alexandre will start off by sucking the blood out of prey. By accidental occurrence, he will taste the blood of a sentiment animal. From there, he tries to ignore the impulse. In a sense, it was a drug with a powerful high that he kept coming back to though. Eventually, his diet will remain primarily on sentient beings through willing partners. Though there may be some slip-ups.
— To coerce blood, Alexandre will form romantic partners. This ranges from multiple-times to one-night stands. His victims gain a sense of euphoria from his bite, causing them to potentially return later on. Needless to say, this lets him deem the demon title of 'Succubus/Incubus'.
— Later develops into an ESTP, Extroverted/Observant/Thinking/Prospective or the 'Entrepreneur', notably switching away from introverted feelings and developing more intelligent/long-term planning patterns. [noted above]

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - april . - 10-06-2020

tracking :eyes:


also soft bump

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 10-06-2020

If anyone wants me to detail Diya's vampirism so they can use it for their kids just DM on discord! It's up to you if you actually go with it or have the vampirism come out differently!!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Orion - 10-06-2020

I think my application is done. Let me know if I need to make any changes. <3

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - april . - 10-06-2020

NAME: Finnegan Folie-Mikaelson Roux
— Will also respond to Finn. Tolerates being called Finny or Finnster only by family or close friends.
GENDER: Biological Male
— Uses he/him and they/them interchangeably, has no preference.
AGE: 3 months old
VOICECLAIM / FACECLAIMS: Main voiceclaim is Twitch streamer Jawsh; Faceclaims include the following:
— Haku (Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli)
— Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
ALLEGIANCE: The Typhoon, born and raised.
RANK: No rank at the moment, kitten.
— No previous ranks

ORIENTATION: Finn considers himself to be pansexual, but leaning more towards females. He is single but not seeking a relationship, as he is far too young.

FAMILY: Finn's parents are Roxanne Roux and Diya Folie-Mikaelson. He has relations to all of the afformentioned familes, as well as Goldenluxury Roux, who is the current leader of The Typhoon and head of the Roux family.
— Littermates and Siblings are TBD

APPEARANCE: Finnegan is a primarily white, long furred domestic feline with various spots of dark gray on his body. These spots can be found on his tail top, back, legs, and face, with one spot covering what would be his right eye (or left to onlookers). Both of his ears are a dark gray, the same color as his spots, with a light pink inside that is the same color as his nose. Adorning Finnegan's head are two deep purple horns, which match the same color as the webbing and claws on his two dark gray wings. Funnily enough, his eyes are also the same purple color, except slightly darker. Finn almost always has a piercing, serious look on his face, almost as if he were staring directly into your soul. Although it may be unintended most of the time, you'd best hope that you aren't the one on the receiving end of his glare. As far as his stature goes, he appears to have a rather normal build, not too skinny and fairly average height, but standing just slightly taller than a normal feline. As he grows older, however, he will gain some muscle around his chest, torso, and upper legs.

INJURIES AND ILLNESSES: During the first few months of his life (until around 5-6 months), he will struggle with asthma and breathing complications, but will quickly grow out of these conditions by the time he becomes an apprentice.

ACCESSORIES: None for now.
POSSESSIONS: None for now.

POWERS AND MUTATIONS: Finnegan, like his mothers, is draconic and has inheireted Diya's vampirism. He relies completely on the blood of other living beings for his food source, and like Diya, becomes somewhat feral when hunting prey. Often, his mood is affected by his hunger, and depending on how hungry he is, it may become harder for him to control himself if he is especially starved. Because of his vampirism, his front fangs, are especially sharp in order to properly pierce skin.
— Two purple devil horns on his head.
— Two dark gray and purple draconic wings on either side of his torso.
— Other unknown powers (fire elementals, shapeshifting, mental manipulation/communications, enhanced senses)
A fighter from the very beginning, Finnegan is a very determined feline, not afraid to voice his opinions or fight for what he believes is right. While trouble with his lungs in his early months will try to hold him back from becoming a proper warrior, he is determined to not let his conditions stop him from achieving his dream of becoming someone his parents and clanmates can be proud of, even if that means taking a risk every now and then. Although Finn may not seem like the type to crack a joke, if the opportunity presents himself, he may throw in a witty line or two. He doesn't show it often, but he's very much a goofball at heart. For the most part, however, he likes to keep a somewhat serious attitude about himself, especially when it comes to group politics. He is normally quite calm as well, but if something pushes him in just the right way, it's fairly easy for him to become agitated, his tail lashing and fur bristling. Lastly, while Finnegan can sometimes become easily distracted, he is always interested in new things, his curiosity often driving him to try something different from the norm. This drive of his can also lead him into danger if he is not careful about his choices, which is something he will have to learn to control as he grows.

MORAL ALIGNMENT: Tends to lean towards both Chaotic Good and Neutral Good.
— At birth, it will appear as if Finnegan is dying, his breaths short and shallow. His lungs, it seems, are weak and eventually, he stops moving altogether. At this point in time, Finn's soul will be in suspension, a world between life and death itself. This is where it collides with another wayward spirit, Mementomori. The resulting collision causes both to fall back into Finnegan's lifeless body. Both souls, determined to live, ultimately restart the body and bring themselves back from the cusp of death, although they are left with asthma and breathing conditions that will affect them up until apprentice age.
— For the first few months of his life, Finn does not know he is reincarnated. At times, Mementomori will try to guide and speak to Finnegan, but the boy dismisses it as merely voices in his head. He begins to have dreams about being someone else, some of them nightmares.
— Once he becomes an apprentice, Mementomori finally attempts to reach out once more, this time, stronger. He appears in Finn's dreams and tells him his story. Although he does not believe it at first, he eventually comes to terms with it, allowing Vincent to help him through his life. He becomes determined not to make the same mistakes that Vinny made in his past life, wanting nothing but the best for his family and friends.
— At some point, I'd like him to discover he has a were form, but I'm not when or where in the timeline this will happen so it's TBA!
"feel like a brand new person (but you'll make the same old mistakes), i don't care, i'm in love (stop before it's too late). i know, feel like a brand new person (but you'll make the same old mistakes), i finally know what it's like (you don't have what it takes). (stop before it's too late) i know (there's too much at stake), (making the same mistakes)..."