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WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Printable Version

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Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - ROSEMARY - 09-10-2020

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary walked in, her tail stirring falling leaves and dirt as she joined the still crowd. The ocelot’s four eyes take everything in at once—Roan leading the session with quiet grace, the students trying their hardest, and the small changes to the temple in her absence. While Rosemary never stopped loving healing during the past few months, she hardly stepped into the temple at all; usually, she chatted with Roan in her treehouse, rather than outside.

She sat next to Goldie, choosing to stay a bit out of the way. “While I don’t want to influence the training session—” Answering could only mean fitting the eithera know it all student or a backseat teacher, and both options sounded obnoxious to Rosemary. “—I would join the soothsayer and sage team again, if you want to work with me.” It has been months since she’s acted as a healer in any official way. Longer, if you only counted her days in the Typhoon’s ranks. But her skills remained, and she knows they're useful.

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Lawlocked - 09-10-2020

There was a moment, a want to please. ALl thoese books that lawkit loved- adored so fell like sands under the pressure. This was a lession, an ease into the urgency Lawkit had seen in the soothsayer- in his nephew. It dodged his older cousin's steps and lawkit had come here to heal, to stop that fragility that etched in roan's smile, but it was a selfish want. He wanted his family happy, whole, he wanted the typhoon to be strong.

To be strong they needed a strong support, they needed more than one healer, a soothsayer who relied on herbs was well, but what of one who could mend the hidden things? the sleep that stole his mother, the bones that shattered but never quite broke bone? Stregthen the bone, the foundation and the society would prosper. It were simple logic, it was thoughtless- childish in a way, and it appealed to lawkit. He wanted it; and he would grasp it with both paws. With a voice strong a sturdy, he would speak and he would be able to help.

It was selfish, but who said anything about selfish being bad? This was his home, and he would learn how to support it, because it needed that support. When roan had stepped down- momentarily, it caused panic. Roan needed the support just as much as the typhoon, didn't he?

Other's joined the circle. His mother's presence was caught, but he pushed the flutter of nerves that edged to overwhelm him. Golden eyes narrowed in thought as he looked towards where the 'injury' would have laid across the npc's shoulders.

"Use something clean to wrap around it. If you've got it prepared, a mix of the herbs- marringold and horsetail-" he cut off his own tongue before he could point out the flaw in his own knowlege. Was dock leaves used as something to eat or something applied "give them something for the pain" he didn't specify what; still unsure of some of the uses- he knew poppy seeds- but dock leaves?
[glow=#FEF1B5,2,300]He told me I should take it in,[/glow]

[glow=#FEF1B5,2,300] listen to every word he's speaking[/glow]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - roan ; - 09-11-2020

Goldie's presence was new, yes, but it did little to unnerve the soothsayer, or distract him from his goal. She had entrusted him with watching over his division, and those that were promoted, which meant that she trusted him. She knew he would do the right thing, and for that he was grateful. He offered her a mere nod in greeting as she approached, his tail flicking and his ears perked, ready to listen to any potential answers. Harlow's presence was new as well, and surprised the siamese slightly, Roan having not expected the other to be interested in healing. Despite this, he was more than willing to let the child participate, chuckling and nodding when he heard the younger hybrid's words. He spoke simply, his long tail curling around to rest atop his paws, "You are right, Harlow. Making sure an injury is clean is vitally important, in order to prevent infections. In many cases, any sort of infection can be much, much worse than the injury that originally caused it." Just like how Ament's infected injuries had been awful. The raptor's base injuries hadn't exactly been insubstantial, but the infection had made everything so much worse.

The next to approach was none other than Rosemary, whose presence did cause the soothsayer to temporarily pause. He hadn't seen the other since he had watched her house go up in flames, and her bouncing back from it so fluidly was certainly... surprising. Despite his worries for her mental health, Roan nodded at her as well, saying in a rough purr, "Thank you, Rosemary. I will be sure to keep you in mind when I'm making my decisions." She was far from a bad choice, especially considering her past experience. Moving his blue gaze from her to Lawkit, he tilted his head to one side, listening intently to what the boy had to say. While Law was technically right, he was also very vague, a fact that caused the older feline to frown. One couldn't afford to just handwave what they were doing, especially when it came to real injuries. He pointed this out, rolling his shoulders before he spoke, "While you are right about most of it, it'd be best to specify what you're giving them for the pain. In this case, you'd probably give them poppy seeds. Although you could also mix dock leaves into the salve if necessary. Like if they've had poppy seeds very recently, or have been in pain many times." Turning towards the entirety of the group now, the medic questioned, "Why do you all suppose you wouldn't want to give someone poppy seeds over and over again, or rely on them too much to soothe a patient's pain?" It was a fairly basic question, and he hoped that at least one of his "students" would be able to get it right.

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Grimm - 09-11-2020


Times past had seen such rested at undeserving feet, hollow words ringing with a falsehood swallowed with the put upon twist, bitter sweet joy all they may offer. Different this, a butterfly with gentle wings fluttering against the cavity of chest, scraping along bone and sinew, in wake left a bubbly pressure. Distinct and true the joy that alighted on dark lips, higher held head. Silenced the tongue held behind locked teeth where matter was settled but one to which youth looked, respected and held aloft alongside the pedestal constructed for mother.

"Too much can kill…" Brow furrowed as words slipped forth, pondered the query Roan had offered forth. Indeed, it was one easy yet mind grappled with such, downfall their own lack of prior information gathering. Alcohol. While rare their times among the occupants of the tavern at the least picked up and retained their remarks over dependency, a drug in and of itself the beverages many partook in.

"Can you… Become addicted?" Unsure comment offered with downward cast eyes, claws raking into the gathered grains. It sounded at least plausible but, without confirmation, gnawing along their thoughts the notion they may be dismissed for such a foolish idea.
code by Reggan