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ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Printable Version

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Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Luciferr - 08-09-2020

like a dark thief in the night, came the whispering one.

Paws tipped with luminous blue claws ate up the ground below him as he darted into the fray - watching the retreat of their leader, that mass of rotted abomination with some interest - surely he must have had a prize worthy of such a retreat from one so seemingly bloodthirsty.

Luminous blue eyes tracked back from the ardent to the wounded pink drake that had attacked him - was still being attacked by the marauder, jack, if things seemed as they were.

Blue narrowed as the dragon shadow in the shape of a wolf snarled - rushing from the shadows with luminous blue jaws Jumping in for the of where the Ardent had moved from.

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - gael - 08-09-2020

It may be the life of a soldier never saw rest -- blood always lingered on the horizon.  Allegiance and location may vary but the faerie had seen more than his fair share of violence to know the pattern would continue.

Blood lust did not burn within the vulpine's heart.  The steady Imperator simply heeded the Ardent's command and attended the battle -- wishing he had a match to strike.  Possessing a fierce need for vengeance specifically, not necessarily violence, Gael would rather burn the swamp down than directly attempt to hurt someone; they had done the same to the Pitt once.

He would never forgive them for how close the flames rose to his daughter.  However, that did not mean he would fight without honor, regardless of how the others would fight.  Instead, the vulpine slipped onto the battle field, watching in silence as Silent took the leader -- a strategic move.

Without hesitation, the faerie changed the course of the air, whipping up a sharp wind as warning against any who'd attempt to stop the Ardent.

// attacking: no one directly
stamina: 95%
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby


"The Gods have forsaken us."

A cried roar was called out, the dragoness' head swinging side to side to check her surroundings. Three that she could smell. Two that she could hear. One that she could touch. Red took up the elder's vision as wind swept up the muddy dirty and leaves tumbled out of the sky, magenta eyes widened as he watched her friend disappear into the Ardent's jaw.

No. No. No. No.

"Fenris!— Aurum! Someone, please. Oh, sweet Titania. Please.. Don't take him-"

Wrenched from desperate jaws, hysterical as the dragon felt fire spout from her breath. The smell of fae bringing back memories, a lack of survival ability. She couldn't win like this. It was three against one, and she was a prime target- her age, lack of fighting ability, the data went over through her head over and over again. Calculations, recalculation. Over, and over, and over.

Where were the others when their leader needed them?

Unsteady gaze shakes, head swiveling and jerking to stop the unforgiving visions. Glitches, twists in her memories.

And then the woman halted, watching and hearing the Ardent's orders.

Prize. They were merely prizes.

A slide of her paw, the trick Morgan had taught her long ago, magenta eyes watched as she curled a circle with her claws. Damp ground shifted beneath the animal closest to her, attempting to turn the ground beneath @SUSURRUS & CO. into quicksand in order to trap the creature.

When that objective was done, Delilah turned back to the fae behind Susurrus. An unfamiliar glance, as if staring at a stranger- yet he was fae, nonetheless. Not from her tribe, but she was faulted with naivety.

The Gods have forsaken us.

"You take your little ice user, and you drag your asses home. These people have done nothing to you!"

Vigenere needed help. She needed to go rescue him. She needed..

She needed to stay where she belonged and do her job. Heal and protect.

Her job was to heal and protect.

"*Faigh air falbh bhon dachaigh againn! Leave!"

*Translation: Gaelic — "Get away from our home!"
• Stamina: 60%
• Current Injurie(s): Broken wing.
• Physically hard, mentally easy.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - trojan g. - 08-10-2020


The sound of static filled Nicabar's ears as he watched the abomination take Vigenere. Though Nicabar didn't know the other all too well, he knew the male was the leader, and he knew that without Vig, things could turn bad. Of course, there was always others available to lead while Vig was gone, someone available to plan how to get him back. But Nicabar didn't know who that other would be. The only HP they had at this point was Delilah herself, and she was a sawbone. The young male didn't know how well she'd be able to lead anyway.

"Vigenere!" The young adult would call out, sprinting after the Pittians and the Tanglewood leader. Eyes locked on [member=4836]gael[/member] as Nicabar watched him readying up to protect his own leader, and the serval would lunge, aiming to knock the other over enough to lose his balance at the very least, before trying to place a blow to the fox's face. "speech"

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - j a c k . - 08-10-2020

the promise of a victory wasn't something assured to jack, and watching his precious daggers fly a little off only made the creature breathe out a colder, frigid temperature. Delilah was large, and her scales were so bright such a prize did the ardent catch, that jack felt something in him tangibly want his own; but the swamp were not his element, he could not tangle the creature in vines and skin her there in front of her clanmates, could do nothing but breathe winter too early for those around him, could do nothing but freeze and freeze would the small mor do, with his prize trying to fight and attack other's jack felt his own grin tamper off, no one from the pitt would die here, no one from the pitt would get a scratch, the mere thought of disturbing aine with her own father's injury made him want to growl, but giving away such a prize as his own location wouldn't fare much better either, ah it looks like there were a decision to be made here.

"it would seem, your clan has forsaken you, pinkette" jack's voice were as frigid as his ice, as he slipped out under hiding. he was small, but oh, if Delilah wanted a fight, it would be a fight she would attain.

still grounded, the wyvern would make easy prey. every creature was made of water, of air, but so very fue could handle the chill; could handle the winter that jack were known for. the blue in his eyes practically glowing with the season jack would lash out, the murky water still along his paws making a great weapon, jack would make a water-like whip and aim to slash it over Delilah's eyes, even if he failed, the water whip would then aim for her throat, freezing once in contact and creating a brittle but fluid collar and leash.

if the attack; either the slash or the collaring, jack would remain his distance away, only dragging the other's face closer towards the ground with the water-leash to make her kneel in a sort of way. "give in, your own people have abandoned you: you would be a wonderful part of the Pitt."

"[glow=#add8e6,2,300]all you have to do, is forget[/glow]"

// jack is still only attacking [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member]
stamina is currently around 75 percent.
please @ if attacking!
[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

[finally got this boy here]

Of course, of course he arrives too late to stop the theft of what is his brother in all but blood and the leader he’d happily follow right back into the inferno.

Fenris roars defiance as he charges in and moves to follow after the creature that had dared take Vigenere only for a strong wind to buffet him back and send him snarling aNd snapping at the air, searching for the culprit.

Which is when his eyes land on the stoic looking fellow that no doubt had caused it.

Fenris snarls, spines rising up with his anger as a Pittian npc rushes him and the great wolf breaks its neck swiftly - but his eyes fix on the imperator, a challenge there.

Status: 100%
Currently fighting: no one - is snarling [member=4836]gael[/member] though.


"The Gods have forsaken us."
Forsaken you.

Your people have forsaken you.

The wyverns head jerked, eyes lashed and a loud roar ripped from her- she had been blind for many years before this. This was nothing. Nothing at all..

Until those words left the ice-wielding man's voice, Head being jerked down by the rough binding around her neck. He had a firm hold on her.. and a dragons face was weak. A low growl left the woman's lips, smoke parting from her maw as blurry vision glanced at the creature who spoke of her being a good member for the Pitt.

"Your people have been hurting mine for moons. I have been here to experience loss because of your Clan, and you expect me to join you? Hah! Don't make me laugh."

The woman felt fire bubble up in her mouth, before she opened her jaws and let it loose, the flames catching grass on fire in the process. With this breath of fire, Delilah attempted to scald [member=7407]j a c k .[/member] in an attempt to create some more distance.
tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion