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BROKEN CROWN / joining - Printable Version

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Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - COSMIIX - 06-29-2020


Siborno watched as a small group of three creatures approaches them, of course, they were all much smaller than him but it didn't mean they couldn't team up together and take him down. Clearly, Aurum knew these people yet it did not ease Siborno's sudden discomfort, the fur along his spine rising and his pupil was down to dangerous slit. A rough growl would begin to make his throat and chest vibrate, his lips peeling back slightly as if to keep Rin and company away from him, apparently, they would help him feel better but nonetheless, everyone here was a stranger to him. No one struck any comfort aside from the two that had let him tag along yet he figured that if he ever wanted to repay his debt to Aurum, he would need to let these strangers treat his wounds. But Rin taking the back of the group made Siborno growl even more, she was small yes... But he knew better than to underestimate his opponents. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - fulzanin - 06-29-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

"Yea, we can take you to camp!" Clony helpfully chattered upon hearing Limbotrials speak. The camp, right, that was a good place as any. Briefly the thought of becoming a tour guide slipped through their mind, pearly eyes widening momentarily. "Its nice, you'll love it, trust me!" They continue, hopping on their feet. Their gaze flickers back to Roy, hearing their question of elaborating on what a fashion show was. The bat emits a few more clicking noises, rolling their wings a little. "Well! Its where a bunch of people wear lots of fancy stuff and the more stuff you wear, the more points you get! Pretty sure that's how it works. I am, exactly, a hundred and forty eight percent sure." They further their affirmation with a nod of their head.

Clony flaps their wings a few times, noticing that Rin was approaching. They flick their ears a little, gaze slipping to the lion, then back to the Magna. Later, they assured themselves. It was a two letter difference between the bat's two worries, but one could wait for later and the other certainly could not, and so later it would be. "Hey Rin! Why didn't you tell me we were gonna be having a fashion show? I coulda got a stage set up and everything if I knew!" Clony chatters. As the group begins moving, and Rin takes the rear, the bat stretches their wings to launch up into the sky. They flutter around in small circles, mostly staying ahead and craning their head around to look at the group. "Getting attacked at a fashion show is illegal, Rin, you're the one hosting it so you get to establish that such behavior won't fly. Where are my ribbons? Can I get blue ones? I want blue ones. Roy, was it? You want blue ribbons too? You want a laser? I can get you a laser!" Clony ceaselessly rambles, their wings flapping to keep themself aloft as they fluttered back towards the camp.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - wormwood. - 06-30-2020

Aurum couldn't say that he blamed Siborno for being overwhelmed. Hell, Aurum was arguably one of the most sociable people present, and even he was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the cacophony of voices all around him. Despite this, he tried to take it one person at a time. He took a deep breath, closing his eye briefly and sinking his claws into the dirt. When he opened his blue gaze again, he focused it on Clony first, muttering, "Thank you, for letting us in... and I promise you, I'm not here for a fashion show. The 'ribbons' are actually bandages. I lost an eye, so they're covering... all of that." He gestured vaguely at the right side of his face, grimacing a little when he thought about the unfortunate wounded hole that lurked beneath the bandages – or occasional eyepatch. He didn't linger on the thought long, however, because the next person was already speaking up – Limbotrials. Bo. The name felt starkly familiar, and it shot through Aurum's system like a bullet traveling at high speeds. He could still remember Roy confiding in him about his past, and about his only family, and what he had lost. He knew full well it could've just been a coincidence, but his heart still sped up all the same, wondering if perhaps his son's brother was really still alive, here. Still slightly stunned, the angel found himself rumbling, his one eyed gaze darting between Bo and Roy before he spoke, "It's... nice to meet you. We'd be happy to go back to camp. We're all very tired..." His voice sounded slightly breathless, and he tried his best to refocus on the moment. It was made even more difficult by the brief flash of shock he saw on Roy's own face, however.

Rin was the next to arrive, and the magna's presence was enough to shock him back into semi-normalcy. It was good to see that she was alright, especially since he had become unfortunately intimate with the dangers that she found herself facing more often than not. It also seemed as though she was ready to help, yet another thing that put him at ease. Siborno was far from on the verge of needing dire and urgent medical attention, but the smell of blood on the air still unnerved him, and he knew his sloppy patch up job would only last so long. Beginning to move forward, he found himself falling into step with Siborno, a long and skinny tail flicking up to gently touch the large male's spine, trying to reassure him, "It's okay, Siborno. They're helping us." Glancing back towards Rin, the lion seemed to struggle for words to say, not quite sure what the right greeting was. Glad to see you're not dead? That certainly didn't seem right. Her ominous warnings of former attacks only further confused him, and he had to imagine she had some questions of her own, particularly about his absence from Tanglewood. Feeling it too early to address any of that just yet, he just chuffed as he walked, "It's good to see you again, Rin. And it's also good to see that nobody was too injured by that last attack..." He could only hope that the feline would know what he was talking about. He could also only hope that there hadn't been some other unfortunate attack that happened in his absence.

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - Warringkingdoms - 06-30-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As she ushered the three newcomers away from the border, Rin cast occasional glances over her shoulder at the trees behind them. Still no sign of additional strangers, but the fur on the back of her neck continued to stick up. The growl of who she assumed to be Siborno ahead of her- she wasn't looking at his face, but the tone of voice didn't sound like anyone else who was gathered- did little to dissuade her from forging onward. He'd hardly be the most defiant patient she'd ever treated, and being tense was understandable under the circumstances.

  Clony's chattering reverberated through her head, cheery and rapid-fire. "Yes, attacking people at a fashion show is illegal," Rin said, twitching her ears. "But this world is full of creatures who don't care about the law." Another glance at the forest, another confirmation that no one was following them.

  At Aurum's first statement, Rin nodded. "Likewise." It was nice to see him again, yes. Part of her was hoping that learning the circumstances of his appearance here wouldn't change that. His second statement, however, drew a wry scoff from her. It was true, none of the other members of Elysium had been too terribly injured by the attack.

  ...Had he been there when she appeared after Caesar was chased off? She'd blacked out pretty soon after, so her memories of most of that night were a blur... Adjusting the bandages over the right side of her face, Rin commented, "Yeah, everyone came out in one piece. No thanks to Caesar."

  Shaking her head, she asked, "How long ago did you find Siborno, and how long has it been since you patched him up?" Best to start covering the relevant questions now, to make treatment quicker when the time came. Glancing forwards towards the sea town, she added, "We're not far away now. Once we get inside, I'll get to treating him."