Beasts of Beyond
INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - Printable Version

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Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-10-2020

Delilah brought up a good point as well; Vigenere looked over at the dragoness as she brought up her concerns, grateful for them. "That's why I don't plan on going alone." He knew the horror of war, he was no strange as to what would happen to him or his clanmates. "I have a plan whenever we go there, in case it does get bad. I don't want to say it publicly out here, however." What if there was a Pittian lurking nearby? He wouldn't want them to overhear this and warn their leader.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - BLOODHOUND. - 07-10-2020

The verbal back and forth between Ryder and Vigenere was.... odd to them. What was the point of venturing into enemy territory, when their numbers were already dwindling. They didn't even have a medic, or a sawbone as it stood. To them, it seemed to be an unnecessary waste of resources for the sake of pettiness. The arctic wolf stands then, when the other two finish speaking, shaking their head. Bloodhound deeply respected Vigenere, but they strongly felt that now was not the time for this show of bravado.

"I do not think this is wise. We have nothing to prove to them, and our numbers are not what they used to be." The crowd felt empty here. They had lost so many so soon. They were sitting ducks for The Pitt, scouting party or not. Their efforts were best focused on what they had, not establishing themself as a power. Besides, by the time the Pitt found out, Tanglewood might already have the power to be able to handle what they could throw at them.

"I do not wish to invite an attack. We have not a medic to tend to our wounds, let alone one able to handle a raid, or a war. We should focus our efforts internally, where we are able to." They pause, letting their words sink in. "This is the best time to build up what we have. They don't know. They will not know that they have missed an opportunity. If we tell them now, they will take it."

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-12-2020

Bloodhound also brought up good points. Vigenere looked over at the arctic wolf as they spoke, listening intently to their words. Perhaps it was Vigenere missing the adrenaline rush of battle that made him so eager to jump at Ryder's suggestion; that being said, though, Vigenere did typically think things through - especially when others pointed things out, such as Bloodhound saying they had no medic around. "The Pitt has not been terribly aggressive lately." Vigenere spoke, half to himself. The savannah wrapped his tail around his paws, the tip flicking as his considered what his clanmates were saying.

"My worry is, though, Bloodhound: what if they find out through the grapevine?" Vigenere went on. "You bring up good points, and I do not condone any sort of visit to them -" His gaze flickered to Ryder, as if trying to silently warn him, before he looked back at Bloodhound. "- but I fear if they hear rumors through the vine, it could be worse. We have traps set up if they were to try raiding us, but those traps can only deter so many." He doubted they had enough traps to stop every member in The Pitt - though, again, this was assuming that The Pitt had a lot of members within their ranks. Vigenere wouldn't know; he's never been there, nor did he really care much about them.

"Until we are stronger and able to mend our wounds, I do not advise visiting The Pitt." Vigenere looked back at Ryder, addressing him head-on now. "Am I clear?" Obviously if Ryder did end up going there, he would need some sort of punishment for going against the General's words. But what could be done in that case? It wasn't anything extreme; at least, nothing in comparison of what could happen. Bloodhound was right; Tanglewood needed to focus on themselves for the time being, especially considering they had no medic if things got bad.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - trojan g. - 07-12-2020

Though it would have been preferred to be able to go somewhere other than a group that was allied with Tanglewood, even simply for the slight rush of adrenaline of what could happen, Ryder knew after the words of the others had been spoken that it wouldn't be happening. Things heard through the grapevine were never good, and not often able to be trusted, though it could mean worse for Tanglewood if they found out through that rather than face to face telling of what was going on. It could have always been possible to potentially mend - slightly though - the relationship between the two groups now that there were two new leaders there, but he supposed it wouldn't be happening.

Ryder knew of some of the rules that Kydobi had implemented through his own reign, hearing it from old Tanglewood NPC's that had been there when Jervis had reined. Now there were no captures allowed, where they were able to do them whenever before. Did this mean that they were trying to change? Ryder didn't know, and with the direct order given to him to not go to the Pitt, it seemed as though he wouldn't know.

Ear flicking in response to the words everyone spoke, he would look towards Vigenere before speaking directly to him. "If you change your mind for whatever reason, I shouldn't be too hard to find," He was a large individual after all, "But I'll make sure to stay within the borders until then." He wouldn't go to the Pitt if he was told not to, no matter how interested in the concept he was. But he'd leave the others to talk about stuff now, he didn't care much for politics.



Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - BLOODHOUND. - 07-13-2020

Their answer to Vigenere's question to them came after some thought.

"We can increase border patrols, if the Pitt finding out through the grapevine is concerned, " They start,  "Training, in both battle and healing. Mobilizing, developing our response to a raid, even with our smaller numbers."

They pause, looking from Vigenere, to the faces around them. This was the most they felt they'd spoken in some time... it was a bit nerve wracking. They stayed firm, however. Tanglewood needed sure leadership, and they wanted to make sure that the clan could survive what the Pitt might have in store, if it came to it.

"If we find and develop our strengths as a group through training, we can pinpoint and then defend our weaknesses. While we are not militaristic, we can hone the skills we have in the space between now and an attack. When we have higher numbers, and more members within our core ranks, perhaps then it would be wise to send a party to deliver the news, if we wish to send them a message."

Or extend a hand. Their eyes drift to Ryder, who seemed to have accepted that his idea had been shot down. They hoped that the young one understood that it was for the safety of the group. Perhaps another time. At the very least, they would keep him in mind, if there was an opportunity in the future to send a party to the enemy group.

They watched Ryder leave, reassuring Vigenere that he would stay within the borders. Their attention would turn back to the new General, then, interested in hearing his response. They did not wish to undermine him, but simply employ caution, in any move they make towards the Pitt.

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-13-2020

Vigenere carefully watched Ryder as he spoke and left, blinking slowly before returning his gaze back to Bloodhound once more. "I can definitely set up some battle training if need be." He offered, recalling the little training session Bloodhound had a while back. That had been quite fun, actually, even if Snarl had beaten him*. "We definitely need to get some medical training going on, though..." His last words came in a thoughtful hum, slowly scanning his clanmates that were hanging around for the discussion. " [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member] , do you have any medical knowledge?" He thought he recalled her being a medic a while back, or perhaps she had been interested at one point; he couldn't remember. Hell, he could even be remembering that wrong in the first place.

//*Blazic and I talked and decided that Snarl won, though both Vig and Snarl matched with each other pretty well.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - DELILAH. - 07-14-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah raised her head when Vigenere spoke, blinking slowly. She was Tanglewood's lead medic long ago, and had taught many of the sawbones and medics that came after her.

"Yes, of course. I could do a training session for anyone whom is interested in learning?"

The dragoness lowered her head in respect to Bloodhound for having said what was on her mind- more patrols were good, but straight up confrontation was something Delilah hated with a deep passion.

"Is there anything else you need? If need be, I can take on the role of temporary medic until I can find someone to train up into one. Or until.. No. It's up to you, Viggy.."

Old bones groaned against heavy weight as the woman stood up, seating herself on her back feet to make herself more comfortable.

She missed Selby.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
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