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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Hope Arcanium - 11-01-2019

I would approach the battlefield, nudging gently past the others in the raid to get to the actual frontlines. My time in Elysium gave me some purpose, and now I have a cause to fight for. Would it work out? I was confident, but not completely to the point of being arrogant. I had only one goal: to assist these people in taking over the Pitt and ending slavery.

I would not harm children, nor would I capture them. I knew from experience what it did to them, and it was horrible. Regardless of what anyone else had said or done, I would refuse to harm children. If nothing else, I would try and help them stay away from harm.

I will respect your wishes, Kydobi. These children do not need to be involved in this war.

At least some of them weren’t complete savages.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-01-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-01-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


talons digging into sand and stone, jaws spread and expelling all of the mingling scents from their mouth. a deep growl ripped from their chest, the long beast crouching upon one of the temples, tongue swiping over dripping jaws, blood already staining their teeth. they could smell a lot of bodies, a lot of blood, and they could hear a ton of heartbeats. their gaze was unseeing yet encompassing all those who stood waiting.

they listened in silence as children were claimed to be given freedom from this war that crackled through the terrain like a well deserved rainstorm. they had nobody here, none that cared for the dragon, which made this battle far easier for them. they were no longer with the pittians, nor with the allied forces. they had left, taking their leave from the group silently after an altercation with kydobi. they were only here to protect their daughter and sister, the last living remnants of their family.

tail lashing and thudding into the temple, lynn growled out a roar, "the pitt bows their heads to nobody, goldenluxury! you should know that at least, gilded warrior. the allied powers will not leave without their message known, carved into your bodies, pittians! do you defend your home from those pacing the border as mad as rsbid wolves or do you let them sweep in and take from you what you have achieved?" their voice boomed before they chuckled, pushing away from the temple.

landing with a booming thud, the dragon looked over both sides, their tail curling in a morbid sense of humor, "i will not participate in this war. i have no ties to either of your groups any longer. but if you must know, i side with myself and those who seek shelter from the war. feel free to try to attack me." they rumbled as they laid themselves at the edge, far enough away to get s good view. they would step in to prevent any unnecessary deaths. scars should be worn, not heads laying upon the ground.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Cosmic - 11-01-2019

Bai Shi... it had been so long since she last saw them. And they had been a member of the Pitt? These slave-keepers? These animals who had no common sense or a care for anyone? How could they have done this?

The Hellhound was disappointed in their sibling, but even that was an understatement. They felt oddly betrayed. But the lingre family member ran to greet her sibling, breaking rank within the hordes of angry people.

Bai Shi!” Hope hollered, hoping to grip them in a hug. She didn’t want to fight in this battle, instead she wanted to get away. To go with her older sibling to safety and hopefully warmth. She felt like this wasn’t the time or place for her to fight a battle like this. Call the scarred and emotional Hellhound a coward, but she has grown weary and tired of the constant fighting. She wanted a safe haven to call home. But it had been found nowhere.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - SÉAMUS - 11-01-2019

'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The Scot had been waiting for the reckoning day -- the inevitable moment the Pitt found themselves outnumbered, outmatched.  He kept up his guise amidst the motion, just another Pittian in the gathering crowd.  An invisible, friendly-seeming snake in the garden.  His sharp amber eyes were scanning for two particular faces among those on 'his side'.  His ears flicked indifferently against the chatter in the wind, apathetic towards the threats and promises traded.

He expected blood may be shed today, despite how all the odds stacked against the Pitt.  Of course, the vulpine felt eager to reveal his true face, to see as the Pittians realized one of their own had never truly been theirs.  'Embry' knew patience however, and he was seeking out one who already his true name, to stand beside ( [member=4836]gael[/member] ), readying himself for a fight.  The two of them had a child protect ( [member=4817]aine.[/member] ).

He offered Goldenluxury, at the head of their foes, a particularly blank stare.  She should be nothing more than a pirate to 'Embry'.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - gael - 11-01-2019

Goldenluxury failed to inspire fear within Gael's heart.  Then again, no pirate had ever rose terror within the black and red vulpine.  A soldier may make him wary; a pirate only served to irk him.  You want a battle? Hazel eyes narrowed darkly, a venomous scowl crossing his face.  Rage would not be his downfall however.  He knew war and he knew the game well.

As paw steps fell in beside him, the faerie turned a brief, suspicious gaze upon Embry.  His cousin seemed to be playing the long game -- continuing to hide his identity on the cusp of battle.  Gael recalled days, many years ago, falling into rank beside the royal twins.  Kian stood as his wingman from day one, but Seamus had never been far from their side.

Tricky cousin of mine.  He rolled his shoulders back, eyes cold as Goldenluxury and Kydobi traded words.  When the children were mentioned he scoffed.  Where had this promise been the day the pirates and their swamp-dwelling friends lit the jungle on fire?  Gael's own daughter had been too close to the flames.  She could have died that day.

"Geallúintí folamh," he muttered, directing his quiet words to Embry.  Never trust a pirate.  "She has shown less remorse in the past."  When his daughter's life was on the line, Gael would possess none either; not towards his enemies. "Ní dhéanfaidh mé dearmad riamh."

Gael fixed his icy eyes on Kydobi, offering the jaguar a simple nod.  If the marauder called for them to fight, he would fight.  Not for the Pitt, but for Aine -- always for Aine.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - idyllfields - 11-01-2019

stars did fall
they felt their body run cold as kydobi came forth. an almost instant recognition, though it would be hard to forget the only creature that's threatened their life. their gaze held the jaguars for only a few moments before breaking away.

he wants to kill me. gods he could... i might die today. they thought, watching goldie confront kydobi's threats. she shouldn't have to defend me... i should do something than sit here and wait. hearing bai shi's voice made their heart sink. further tha kydobi's could.

"you should have stayed home." they muttered, breath catching in their throat. this fight... would end bad tonight. they knew it.



Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-01-2019

A snarl left the flame colored guardsman when Kydobi arrived on the scene, and he stayed in the sky for a long moment, watching the male turn Knox away from the battlefield. His fangs bared, – at Kydobi, not at the child – Worm moved to land firmly in front of Kydobi, lashing a paw at the jaguar's face to try and get him to back off, "No children will come to harm here, Pittian. Unlike you savages, we do not hurt, kidnap, or enslave children." His tail lashed behind him as flames danced across his pelt, aching to reach out and make Kydobi bleed, "However, you will come to harm if you continue to look at Idyll like that. Make one move to injure them, and you will be bleeding upon the ground before you can so much say a word of surrender." He made no move to truly injure Kydobi just yet, since the Pitt's beloved little leader hadn't spoken or done anything yet. Since no Pittians had attacked, Wormwood would not either – aside from, of course, making Kydobi back the hell off of Idyll. He noticed Fourthwall sneaking off to Jervis's side, and silently noted away not to attack the fox. The body was small, vulnerable, and – unbeknownst to Wormwood – carrying a child. Worm's intentions here were not to murder Pittians, with the exception being Jervis.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tena M. - 11-01-2019

Tena Moonspinner
The petite sand cat had eyes for only one opponent.  A specific fox she wanted to slit the throat of.  Her tail lashed to and fro behind her, bright blue eyes sharp and narrowed.  Analyzing.  She knew [member=869]lavi s.[/member] stood beside her, ready to watch her back as she would his.  With such a large force, she doubted the Pitt could stand long, but she didn't doubt they might try to stand anyway.  Most depurs lacked the caution.  Pathetic arrogance.

She flexed her claws, a growl building in her throat as Kydobi outright threatened the pirate's medic.  A dangerous hiss left her maw in her warning, raising the nearby wind.  A promise of quick retribution should the jaguar make any more moves or threats.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - redvox. - 11-01-2019