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swans // raid checkup - Printable Version

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Re: swans // raid checkup - selby roux ! - 08-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby watched Kiira from a good distance away, grateful for her help. He had no doubt that she was skilled, plus Wormwood hadn’t been badly injured as far as he could tell. He observed the exchanges of pleasantries between those that had gathered, staying silent himself. The medic busied himself with straightening the thin sheets on the cots.

Out of the corner of his eye, Selby spotted Leroy approaching. He turned to face him, concern flaring up quietly in his stomach. He’d seen Leroy passed out on Wormwood’s back, and he wondered if the fatigue had come from the quick journey or some other reason. "Hello, Leroy," he replied easily, eying the hound carefully, trying to find the cause.

At first glance, all Selby could notice was a cut on Leroy’s nose. He examined it and found the small wound to be quite clean, not from claws or teeth for sure. It was in an awkward position to bandage, and it was hardly bleeding anymore, so he decided to just put on a little bit of the poultice he had made earlier. "I’m just gonna put a little cream on that cut, alright? It’d be hard to bandage, and it wouldn’t be worth the effort anyway since it’s such a clean cut." Selby turned away for a moment to check the rack behind him and found a small jar of what he wanted. He unscrewed the top and dabbed the slightest amount onto the wound, having to crane up to reach Leroy’s nose.

"I know that seems like all, but you passed out at the border, so I want to do a general examination," Selby explained as he began moving around Leroy’s body. He reached up to touch his patient’s neck, prodding his lymph nodes and feeling his pulse, which felt fast. Is he nervous or is this leftover adrenaline?

Selby, deciding that this question was not as important as continuing, carried on. Leroy’s shoulders and legs seemed fine, ribs intact, stomach— What’s this? On the dog’s side, just below the medic’s eye level, was a small disturbance in the flow of Leroy’s wiry fur.

He reached out to prod firmly at it, finding it hard and unnatural. The edges of the small lump were irregular and hard to define on one edge. Selby had only ever heard of lumps like these, and he knew that there was nothing he could do for it. He touched it again, harder this time, more impatiently, not wanting to believe it. The bump was unyielding, refusing to go away and refusing to reveal itself as a trick of the eye. He knew it added up: the fatigue, the fast pulse, but... the thought of naming this horrible disease was overwhelming.

Selby swallowed hard, fixing his yellow stare to the ground. No, no, no! He wasn’t close to the proxy by any means, but he held an immense amount of respect for Leroy. He gave out weekly tasks and gave his all for Tanglewood. He had brought back Sam and Beck. He knew how much the dog meant to his fellow group mates. This will destroy them, he thought. And then quieter, more in the back of his mind: This will destroy Crow.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Selby knew he had to tell Leroy. He needed to know. "Leroy," he began lowly, casting a nervous gaze to the others. He knew they’d find out eventually, but Leroy deserved to let them know on his own time. "There’s a... lump on your side. It’s cancerous," he said, wincing at how callous he sounded. Why wasn’t there an easier way? How do you tell someone that they’re dying? "I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do for it. You— I’m afraid you don’t have much time left. You aren’t going to be able to carry on as you have been for very long."

"I’m so sorry," he said again, hating the tone of finality in his words.

Re: swans // raid checkup - DELILAH. - 08-22-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"I'm assuming you're going to keep an eye on Beck and Sam, then."

Delilah drew closer, head lowered and nose twitching as she scented the air. Everyone was gathering for a checkup, she was glad that nobody had died.

A familiar smell caught her nose, and Delilah immediately padded over to the glitching femme, a small smile on her face as she greeted her former.
"Kiira, Darling.. Are you okay? You really should rest.."

While Delilah couldn't hear the conversation between Selby and Leroy, the ex-medic was still working on checking for any more injuries while Selby was busy, nose sniffing the air around them.

Re: swans // raid checkup - toboggan - 08-22-2019

Steadfast peepers burnt Selby's figure into his retina. Despite the extensive distance kept between the duo, he held a great volume of reverence towards Crow's son. Undeterred by the fact that he was among Tanglewood's youngest, Selby proved to be the most mature individual inside the territory's outer limits. That, partnered with the feline's lengthy career as a medic, moulded the boy into one of the most trustworthy personage's around.

With optimism, the appointment would come to a close in a mere matter of moments. Here's hoping for positive results.

Yellowed ivories became exposed as Leroy's kisser shifts into an avid smile. He dips his forehead in a bow to answer the younger Roux's greeting, ere straightening his posture for the Sawbones' convenience.

Firstly, the focus fixates on the cur's snout, namely the slash that bedecked its moist flesh. He hesitates, though ultimately endorsing the pussycat's care. The damn cut would have been left well alone if it were up to him. After all, such tears in tissue oft made for the spiffiest scars. A small loss for the sake of wellness. Amber hues descend with vigilance upon Selby, whose paw now extended into a solution of some sort. The smaller male applies the cream, which forthwith tickled Leroy's nose on contact. An active effort was made to stifle the oncoming slew of snickers. But it wasn't enough. Soon, the worn male found himself overwhelmed by restlessness, compelling him to wince his features, with intermittent chortles breaking his silence.

The itchy sensation soothes. The proxy sighs in composure. His set of eyes reveal themselves, the sun's shine clashing with the ocular organs' sensitive surfaces. When his vision grows accustomed to the daylight once more, it rivets upon the spot where Selby last stood. The doctor, however, had disappeared from the canine's front - instead relocating to Leroy's midsection, pressing against the lump in his side. Any trace of happiness still present on his visage diminished at that very point. The growth had made a habitat out of his abdomen a fair while back. It had attained his attention almost immediately, though he hadn't ever considered it a grievous matter. In his mind, it was simply a swollen area, a goose egg. Selby disclosing it as a cancerous growth was the killswitch for his system.

He hadn't very long to live.

What was that supposed to mean? Couldn't he, an experienced practitioner, do anything about it? Was there not an herb that subdued tumours? Was it possible for them to cut off the growth? Leroy didn't consider himself a top figure in the medical field, but he was dead sure that something could have been done.

"I... unders-stand".

There was nothing more to be done.

[color=#b2b2b2][b]"Good day. Selby."

Re: swans // raid checkup - selby roux ! - 08-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby watched as Leroy’s expression changed as he told him, and it made him sick to his stomach. He knew there wasn’t an easier way, but could there really have been anything harder? He swallowed thickly, avoiding looking at Leroy’s face. "Good day, Leroy. I’m sorry," he replied slowly, unable to find anything else to say.

He turned away from Leroy, forcing away the painful tightening of his throat. It wasn’t his job to be sad right now. There would be people who needed help. Selby walked away slowly, refusing to glance back at the dog. He knew that if he did, tears would be inevitable. Be professional.

Selby, once a safe distance away, looked back to where Leroy sat, unable to resist. "I’m sorry I can’t be more," he whispered to himself. Was this Arrow all over again? It was beginning to feel like it.