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[ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - Printable Version

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Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - roan ; - 06-26-2020

[glow=#172020,2,300]you'll never settle any of your scores[/glow]
☆彡 the typhoon & 9 months & sage

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - roan ; - 06-26-2020

text "dialogue"

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 06-26-2020

aurum & winged african lion & elysium + tanglewood
[Image: 078uUWt.gif]

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 06-26-2020

actions "speech"

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - sinclair. - 07-15-2020

[align=center][Image: lviqMbM.png]
[div style="font-size:14.4pt;line-height:.9;color:#cda963;font-family:impact;padding:8px;letter-spacing:.7px"]YOU TOLD THE DRUNKS I KNEW KARATE [color=transparent]——–-
[ THAT WAS A LIE, THAT WAS A LIE, THAT WAS A LIE ][div style="font-size:7pt;line-height:1.2;color:#694a49;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:center"]IGNACE & TANGLEWOOD & TI-TIGON & 2 MONTHS & CLOSETED TRANS WOMAN & TAGS

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - sinclair. - 07-15-2020

[glow=#694a49,2,300]▶ YOUR PLANS TO MAKE IT BIGGER AND CONQUER ◀[/glow]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec magna lorem. Nam placerat efficitur dapibus. Nam sit amet elit quam. Fusce feugiat felis enim, id fermentum turpis porta ac. Nulla et efficitur sapien. Nam rhoncus justo id quam imperdiet, nec facilisis libero pharetra. Donec varius, ex sit amet hendrerit eleifend, ligula nibh mattis dolor, sit amet tempus turpis orci a nibh. Fusce efficitur, libero quis pulvinar condimentum, diam justo bibendum tortor, in iaculis elit tortor et libero. Phasellus eget auctor metus. Etiam facilisis velit ut tellus malesuada volutpat ac ut lacus. Nunc ultricies varius fermentum. Integer sed libero nisi.

Duis sit amet enim dignissim, accumsan elit sed, pulvinar arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas interdum blandit ipsum, ac ultrices lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas egestas hendrerit felis, eget viverra arcu pulvinar et. Aenean venenatis pellentesque tristique. Aliquam eget ultricies elit. Donec vitae arcu a ipsum faucibus malesuada. Aliquam feugiat condimentum libero in fermentum. Maecenas ornare sit amet erat non volutpat.

Duis posuere justo ut lectus consectetur, a tempor felis pharetra. Nulla a ex erat. Sed molestie ac eros quis pulvinar. Integer gravida magna accumsan, scelerisque augue ut, consequat lorem. Integer eu consequat dui. Donec elementum commodo lectus, sed tempor lectus imperdiet eu. Vivamus arcu quam, pellentesque at facilisis id, viverra nec magna. Donec ante felis, accumsan non viverra eu, vulputate eget enim. Proin at tellus ac orci vestibulum facilisis. Fusce egestas, lorem ac pharetra finibus, elit metus sagittis nisl, quis pellentesque dui tellus in risus. Aenean non libero ut nunc congue facilisis convallis ut nisi.

Mauris viverra tincidunt accumsan. Duis pulvinar enim rutrum accumsan bibendum. Cras enim tellus, convallis eu iaculis quis, dictum at augue. Integer mauris purus, sagittis eu risus nec, ultrices faucibus arcu. Vivamus non pulvinar nisi, vitae facilisis lorem. Pellentesque hendrerit justo at gravida tristique. Sed a augue diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris ac posuere leo, non ultricies leo. Mauris quis eleifend risus, quis semper neque. Mauris massa eros, scelerisque eget magna ac, tincidunt sollicitudin ex. Suspendisse sagittis turpis nunc, ut feugiat purus imperdiet et.

Suspendisse fermentum arcu urna, nec pharetra tellus condimentum sed. Nam ipsum ante, semper a condimentum eu, congue ac nulla. Aenean tempor ipsum diam. Ut vitae felis viverra, aliquam diam id, faucibus nunc. Vestibulum laoreet turpis non erat posuere ultricies. "Nam placerat, velit sed congue ornare, tellus nunc blandit arcu, vitae vulputate magna ipsum vitae lorem. Nam in viverra urna, sit amet ornare diam. Pellentesque eleifend, orci in elementum dapibus, est sapien varius velit, ut maximus sapien turpis eu nisl." Donec lacinia venenatis dignissim. Sed vitae urna eget justo aliquet porttitor. In ultricies finibus sapien. Aliquam blandit tristique tortor sed facilisis. Nunc aliquam eget mauris nec malesuada. In convallis dolor in elit consequat, vitae ornare enim rhoncus. Aenean congue eros sed congue porttitor. Morbi sagittis est consequat fermentum facilisis.

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - sinclair. - 07-15-2020

FULL NAME sinclair "ignace" wessex
NICKNAMES iggy, sin, clair
CLAN/GROUP[b] tanglewood
—ranking member
2 months
—mental age 2 months mentally - acts like a slightly spoiled child
—aging ratio ages realistically each month
GENDER trans female - closeted
—pronouns she / her internally, he / him to everyone else
sinclair is the child of aurum and draekon, from a smaller litter conceived after draekon joined tanglewood - the litter was born early, and she was the only one to survive, and aurum is extremely protective of her
sinclair is a closeted trans woman in that she hasn't quite figured out her identity yet - as of right now to everyone else she is known as "ignace" and uses masculine pronouns, but she uses feminine pronouns internally for herself. she will come out at 4 months old
will eventually move to the pitt with her father's blessing - will initially be taken to be a friend for barbara within the pitt, but will come to love it
will end up having a very complicated relationship with her birth home of tanglewood as a result of her time within the pitt
health status - [100%]
SPECIES[b] ti-tigon ( young ref ), ( adult ref )
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] as of right now, sinclair is still fairly small. she doesn't have her full pelt colors, or her mane, but does have the beginnings of what she may one day look like. her fur is a rich golden color, being darker along her back and sides, while her belly, chest, and the bottom half of her face are a lighter gold. she has various dark fleck markings on her body that will fade with age, and her eyes are a bright and warm amber color. her pelt is thick and usually messy from running around, with big fluffy cheeks and a wild tail. she also has a pair of small wings that are mostly white, but become more golden at the tips of her feathers.
—accessories she has no accessories as of now - as she grows older, however, she will acquire a golden neck piece, and a pair of golden bracers
—smells like what’s the general scent for your character?
—scars n/a
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] as most children are, sinclair is extremely high energy, often running around and getting herself into trouble, as well as tripping over her own paws - she often prefers to be close to people, and will usually always have some part of her moving
—posture she has somewhat poor posture, often not worried about it as she bolts around and follows the adults
enfp - chaotic good - gryffindor
friendly - charismatic - non-judgmental - chivalrous
honest - non-traditional - sensitive
restless - wild - demanding - foolish
DESCRIPTION[b] in many ways, sinclair takes after her father, aurum. she is extremely friendly and charismatic, and is also very chivalrous, especially to those that she doesn't know. she tries her best to be non judgemental, particularly since she knows it can sometimes be difficult to know what someone is really thinking. she is also very honest to most everyone that she meets, which can sometimes either be a negative or a positive - she tries to have it be a positive, however, thanks to her sensitive nature.

however, there are also some ways that sinclair doesn't take after either of her fathers. she is very non-traditional in her way of thinking, not following the traditions that aurum believes in from his old pride. she grows restless easily when she doesn't have somewhere to focus her energy, and can tend to be very demanding of others when things don't go her way - this can lead to others perceiving her as wild, or even as foolish.
—interests sinclair enjoys party planning, drawing, sparring, competitive games such as chess, and when she grows to adulthood, she will enjoy gambling as well
ORIENTATION[b] homosexual
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends tba
—family aurum ( father ), draekon ( father ), asvini ( sister ), nugget ( brother ), taegue ( sister ), moth ( aunt - deceased )
—enemies tba
will start fights - will fight back - will end fights - won't kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] fairly easy to get along with
—platonic relationships friendships are easy to cultivate with sinclair, as she hasn't yet been wronged by anyone and is extremely curious
—romantic relationships sinclair doesn't care much about romantic relationships yet, but this doesn't mean she is opposed to one in the future
—rivalries can be easy to anger, but difficult to form a lifetime rivalry with
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] medium
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty medium
@ this sub or @/stilly. - attack in bold #ba8543

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - RHINESTONE. - 07-16-2020

tracking with Palmclan leader

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - RHINESTONE. - 07-16-2020

[div style="background: ; font-family: arial;"]tags - 38 months - palmclan / leader

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - RHINESTONE. - 07-16-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
action "speech"