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[ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - Printable Version

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Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 01-17-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus magna est, volutpat ultricies ultrices non, placerat nec sapien. Vestibulum vulputate sagittis magna, fringilla tincidunt erat varius in. Vestibulum nisl magna, accumsan nec nisl sed, fringilla vehicula felis. Quisque elementum convallis lectus, sed fringilla felis lacinia ac. "Nunc molestie rhoncus augue eget imperdiet. Maecenas et ligula commodo, facilisis libero ac, dapibus neque. Phasellus ac sapien aliquet velit varius eleifend eget eu risus." Donec in felis est. Integer eget mauris porttitor, iaculis mi ac, finibus tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus magna est, volutpat ultricies ultrices non, placerat nec sapien. Vestibulum vulputate sagittis magna, fringilla tincidunt erat varius in. Vestibulum nisl magna, accumsan nec nisl sed, fringilla vehicula felis. Quisque elementum convallis lectus, sed fringilla felis lacinia ac. Nunc molestie rhoncus augue eget imperdiet. Maecenas et ligula commodo, facilisis libero ac, dapibus neque. Phasellus ac sapien aliquet velit varius eleifend eget eu risus. Donec in felis est. Integer eget mauris porttitor, iaculis mi ac, finibus tortor.

Integer at pretium nisl, faucibus pharetra mi. Aenean eget dolor ac quam tincidunt commodo. Sed varius lacus vel nunc ultricies malesuada. Nunc porttitor, magna id ornare condimentum, quam risus tincidunt leo, id sagittis nisl odio vitae eros. Donec varius a odio luctus finibus. Nunc vitae turpis molestie, rutrum mi eget, elementum ligula. Aliquam vitae commodo ligula, eget porttitor dolor. Pellentesque elementum tellus metus, et blandit justo commodo at. Nulla non cursus nisl. Nunc sollicitudin diam non ante pellentesque hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus magna est, volutpat ultricies ultrices non, placerat nec sapien. Vestibulum vulputate sagittis magna, fringilla tincidunt erat varius in. Vestibulum nisl magna, accumsan nec nisl sed, fringilla vehicula felis. Quisque elementum convallis lectus, sed fringilla felis lacinia ac. Nunc molestie rhoncus augue eget imperdiet. Maecenas et ligula commodo, facilisis libero ac, dapibus neque. Phasellus ac sapien aliquet velit varius eleifend eget eu risus. Donec in felis est. Integer eget mauris porttitor, iaculis mi ac, finibus tortor.

Integer at pretium nisl, faucibus pharetra mi. Aenean eget dolor ac quam tincidunt commodo. Sed varius lacus vel nunc ultricies malesuada. Nunc porttitor, magna id ornare condimentum, quam risus tincidunt leo, id sagittis nisl odio vitae eros. Donec varius a odio luctus finibus. Nunc vitae turpis molestie, rutrum mi eget, elementum ligula. Aliquam vitae commodo ligula, eget porttitor dolor. Pellentesque elementum tellus metus, et blandit justo commodo at. Nulla non cursus nisl. Nunc sollicitudin diam non ante pellentesque hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus magna est, volutpat ultricies ultrices non, placerat nec sapien. Vestibulum vulputate sagittis magna, fringilla tincidunt erat varius in. Vestibulum nisl magna, accumsan nec nisl sed, fringilla vehicula felis. Quisque elementum convallis lectus, sed fringilla felis lacinia ac. Nunc molestie rhoncus augue eget imperdiet. Maecenas et ligula commodo, facilisis libero ac, dapibus neque. Phasellus ac sapien aliquet velit varius eleifend eget eu risus. Donec in felis est. Integer eget mauris porttitor, iaculis mi ac, finibus tortor.

Integer at pretium nisl, faucibus pharetra mi. Aenean eget dolor ac quam tincidunt commodo. Sed varius lacus vel nunc ultricies malesuada. Nunc porttitor, magna id ornare condimentum, quam risus tincidunt leo, id sagittis nisl odio vitae eros. Donec varius a odio luctus finibus. Nunc vitae turpis molestie, rutrum mi eget, elementum ligula. Aliquam vitae commodo ligula, eget porttitor dolor. Pellentesque elementum tellus metus, et blandit justo commodo at. Nulla non cursus nisl. Nunc sollicitudin diam non ante pellentesque hendrerit.

template by orion

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 01-17-2020

( tanglewood winged african lion proxy tags )

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 01-24-2020

[Image: O5sA0Hc.gif]
Pale Goldenrod, #E9CEB3
Dark Slate Gray, #1F4B3C
#965B43, Sienna
#643E2D, Dark Olive Green

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 01-25-2020

proxy [b]* winged african lion * tags

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - wormwood. - 01-25-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus feugiat ipsum ac aliquam. Duis faucibus, nisl sed iaculis congue, turpis massa molestie est, sed molestie massa erat et dolor. Praesent aliquam odio in urna efficitur, vitae condimentum lacus tincidunt. Sed tincidunt, sem eu pulvinar porta, ipsum nibh aliquet enim, non vehicula lacus ipsum a est. Vivamus iaculis accumsan pellentesque. Sed rhoncus, turpis quis finibus sagittis, est odio auctor ex, tempus ornare nunc ante vitae est. Morbi blandit tortor at justo tempor, a suscipit neque porta. "Nulla non libero nec ipsum mollis dapibus. Nam quam orci, imperdiet eget scelerisque non, bibendum ac augue. Aenean eget sapien a sem egestas sagittis. In vel nisl sem."

Nullam urna mauris, rutrum non orci vitae, blandit scelerisque nisl. Nunc vitae consectetur nunc, eu porttitor ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus bibendum malesuada tortor, in placerat ligula sodales et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dapibus eros metus, at congue turpis ultricies a. Aliquam vitae mollis est. Aliquam auctor lectus lorem, ac semper diam malesuada eget. Aliquam semper lacus faucibus finibus condimentum. In pharetra lectus in scelerisque vehicula.

Ut dignissim, felis vitae vulputate condimentum, sapien nibh commodo dolor, pretium rhoncus felis arcu at magna. Sed hendrerit fermentum magna sit amet condimentum. Sed felis enim, scelerisque at eros a, venenatis tincidunt erat. Pellentesque facilisis enim pharetra risus mattis, condimentum lobortis eros ullamcorper. Phasellus blandit nisl tortor, in facilisis leo euismod id. Quisque nunc elit, fermentum ut imperdiet ut, viverra nec sem. Mauris eleifend risus ac erat aliquet, nec eleifend nisl ultrices. Aenean ex libero, dictum et leo non, condimentum vestibulum dolor. Mauris quis sem eu libero auctor pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque a sem euismod, consequat purus in, accumsan ex. Duis sit amet metus eu erat sagittis imperdiet suscipit non est.

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - michael t. - 02-09-2020

tracking with boi

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - michael t. - 02-09-2020

and i, i knew it from the start that you would change your heart through, every little low he gave another chance to you, got sunlight and you got two open eyes and whoever's life ...
「 michael t.d.s. | melanistic bobcat | the pitt | tags | penned by stilly 」—————————————————

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - michael t. - 02-09-2020

text "dialogue here"

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - michael t. - 02-21-2020

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ MICHAEL ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 07/07

name. michael townley "de santa"
michael is a name of hebrew origin meaning "who is like god"; townley is an english surname for someone who lived at a clearing associated with a farm or village; de santa is an alias
nicknames. m, mike, mikey, sugar tits
biological gender. cis male
birth date. january 13th
age. 54 months
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. michael de santa from gta v
voiceclaim. see above
☆ lifetime criminal, currently on the run from multiple loner groups
☆ blind in his left eye
☆ formerly of the pitt, left to join the typhoon; has since risen through the ranks to his current position
☆ michael uses earth elementals to form bulletlike pellets from stone and rock, and sends them shooting off at others with startling accuracy. although obviously the outcome is determined by the rper
☆ michael has a bag he keeps on him at nearly all times. this bag contains a well cared for switchblade, his pair of gold aviator sunglasses, a near empty bottle of aged whiskey, a constantly rotating assortment of jewelry, and an extremely well hidden and carefully kept cassette voice recorder
☆ michael recently developed vampirism, although he tries to keep his feeding strictly to prey animals

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
melanistic bobcat. — birth body 85% health
in terms of appearance, michael is rather unusual. he is a rare melanistic bobcat, with deep black fur and grey cheek fluff. he is around 1.8 feet at the shoulder, and slightly overweight, although this is mostly hidden by his fur. he has two pairs of exceedingly long fangs on the bottom and top sets of his teeth. he has light blue eyes, and his left one is slightly milky, although his eyes are usually hidden beneath a pair of aviator sunglasses. he has two silver hoops on his ears, as well as two matching gold hoops. he also has a thick gold choker necklace he wears around his neck, reminiscent of a pharaoh's necklace. in addition to this, he has various rotating jewelry he wears, such as various gold and silver rings, different earrings and also bracelets. his permanent jewelry fixtures are his earrings, a gold nose ring, his choker necklace, and his silver engagement ring.
injuries. many scarred over scratches; a few light scratches areas from itching at himself; two large scars over his left eye.

entj && slytherin && neutral evil
michael has a very muddled personality, split down between his more positive traits and his more negative criminal ones. in terms of the positives, michael is actually an extroardinarily considerate individual, who is very loving to those that he actually enjoys being around. he's very thorough and rational when it comes to planning, and is a natural born leader figure. he has difficulty expressing his emotions, but he cares a lot about his friends and family, and is extremely protective over them in case of danger. in terms of the negatives, there are several that plague him. for one thing, he feels most comfortable when he's harming or stealing from others for his own self gain. he spends a huge amount of time in his own head, thinking and stewing in anxiety, and despite his own narcissism, harbors a large dosage of self hatred. he is incredibly sarcastic and egotistical at times, and can be very easily angered.
main personality traits. considerate, loving, protective, rational, natural born planner and leader, difficulty expressing emotions, constant daydreamer, thief, anxious, narcissistic, self hating, easily angered, sarcastic, egotistical
disorders. antisocial personality disorder; sociopathy

parents. npc x npc
siblings. roxanne roux (adopted sister)
sexuality. homosexual
relationship status. engaged to trevor phillips
friends. trevor, caustic, roxanne, kaz, trygve, goldie, the majority of the typhoon
enemies. the lost

physically && mentally. medium && easy
will fight && will kill
self defense. not officially trained in any capacity, but grew up in a life and crime and danger, so is fairly adept at fighting. is constantly scanning others for signs of weakness to use in a fight
doesn't use weapons except for elementals
mention [member=11389]michael t.[/member] or [member=6838]stilly.[/member] when attacking
attacks in #3670AC
powers. earth elementals

Re: [ YOU AND ME, FOREVER ☆ storage ] - stilly. - 02-23-2020

Im baby profile aesthetic