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JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - Printable Version

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JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - PINCHER - 04-22-2018

He was glad that he was finally able to notice some members that were actually interested in medicine and healing rather than combat or social events. He knew that everyone could pretty much take care of themselves but that did not mean that they did not have the need to have a doctor and nurse on sight. Why the hell would he create a rank to just keep it empty? Obviously the dark leader was able to find some sort of medical book about the herbs within the jungle temple, his jaws clamped lightly around the book as well as a large bag of herbs that he had managed to snatch since no one was really there to supervise the place. He knew he needed someone he could trust and depend on making sure nothing of the temple was taken from enemies or rouges. As creepy as the jungle temple was with its ominous jungle fog settled over it, outsiders would still be tempted to explore the rich area of supplies. He wrinkled his pepper black nose as the strong scents of mingled herbs danced upwards, the tempting sensation of a sneeze burning his nostrils but he kept it down as he headed quickly towards the turtle statue that was in the dead center of Barracuda bay.

Once he arrived to the looming statue of the ridiculous fucking turtle that everyone called Tofu, Pincher dropped the bag onto the ground and settled down on the concrete block that supported the statue, the shady spot helpful from the glaring sun. Luckily, he noticed some towels had been placed on the shaded spots near the statue so members would be able to not end up getting scurvy while trying to learn or at least attempt to become doctors or nurses. He of course wasn't the most experienced but Pincher knew some general stuff as the blue-eyed male glanced around to some crewmates that were passing by as he called out "Oi! Anybody interested in becoming the Witch Doctor or Voodoo Nurse, get your ass over here. Or if you just want to watch and learn some shit of what's plants aren't gonna kill ya, feel free to join us." With that, the tall Captain flipped the book open to the first few pages where the main important herb information lay. Wow, that was a lot to take in but he was still going to do this shit even if he sucked at it.

( super rushed !! )

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - tesserae - 04-22-2018

Tesserae fell into that latter category.

She knew that having some brief medical knowledge on hand was always a good idea, but sticking to that for her whole life? Absolutely not. Maybe the girl that met her on the border and looked her over would show, she would be a good candidate for that. Plus, it would be interesting to see who even showed up. So Rae sat there, tired eyes taking in the slowly-becoming-familiar territory.

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - lilyspoise - 04-22-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Witch Doctor tryouts? That was the medical position here, if Lil was remembering correctly. She hadn’t been an official medic in any of her previous residences, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t qualified, and that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. Of course, she didn’t need anyone to tell her she was able to heal, but she supposed that it was best to at least put herself out there. Even if she didn’t get the position, she had enough knowledge to help in case a medic wasn’t around, and she wouldn’t hesitate to do so should the need come.

”Stating interest in a medical position.” Lil said upon walking over, taking a seat closer to the front so that if she needed to talk to Pincher she wouldn’t have to yell. She wasn’t one for over-exuberance or extroversion in general, so yelling only really came when she way angry. A long time ago, in her old home with her old family, she was bright and cheery and loving. Nowadays she was cold. ”I’m assuming there’s more than stating interest, so what would you like me to do?

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - Guru - 04-23-2018

tracking b/c i'm not applying!!

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - Kian. - 04-25-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
Kian had never been particularly interested in holding a position as a healer.  He knew about healing.  He was very confident in his skills, but before joining the Typhoon he had been busy holding the position of a captain on his ship.  Perhaps... Well, he didn't mind being some use in this area.

"I'm interested." Besides, it was good to know who knew their stuff when it came down to the medical field.  Essential, really, so that people knew who they could ask for help, holding the official status or otherwise.

/ Mobile
code by spacexual

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - Keona. - 04-26-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. ref. bio.
Keona did not want to be a healer.  It had never interested her before.  It had never occurred to her as an option.  While the beta liked the concept of helping others, the art of medicine did not call to her.  Perhaps, one day it would, or perhaps it would never, but she was not foolish.  She knew it was better to know than not.  Flicking her tail to and fro, the tiny kitten joined her father, ears perked. 

She would see how she took to this.  Perhaps she would be good at it, or perhaps she would hate it.  One way to find out.
She aimed a tiny smile up at her father.  She knew he knew about all that doctoring stuff, but she had never seen him actually do any of it really.  After all, he had been a captain before this and they had a doctor on their ship.  He had not needed to do any of it.  She wondered if he liked it.

It seemed a nice thing to be.
code by spacexual

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - PINCHER - 04-26-2018

Pincher could never understand how medical folks were able to shove so much information into their brains to memorize during bleeding emergencies or simple colds that needed to be treated unless some mad doctor wanted to allow some epidemic sickness to overtake them all. Health was a mysterious and flexible concept that included physical and mental. Personally, Pincher was doing decently okay with his physical health. After the raid battle, he had gained a few cuts and scratches from the whole event that were hardly visible anymore due to his obsidian short fur still able to hide any small wounds that were not to obvious. He had a small wrapping around his back leg but other than that, he seemed in perfect shape. Mentally? He was doing alright and certainly was not struggling to pushing against the thoughts of haunting memories that wished to bring turmoil to the male. His strength was somewhat of a mirage, an illusion than he settled over the true characteristics of himself. Paranoid. Distraught. Power-hungry. And many other flaws that defined who the Typhoon leader was and how he behaved.

His pale salmon pink tongue drawled over his shark-like razor teeth as he heard the footsteps of members beginning to arrive. Huh, it seemed that they had heard him. The tall doberman's vibrant sapphire blue eyes snapped upwards to the first person, Tesserae. She seemed worn out and tired, her eyes containing an expression that did not match his bright grin that he flashed towards her as he gave a quick tip of his head before turning to the others. Hearing Lily state interest in the medical field position was no surprise for the Captain for he had observed for a while on what his members tended to choose for their division and focus work. He raised a mocking fictionl eyebrow, the corners of his muzzle curling upwards to show a wider toothy grin as the male stated "Well, I'll be damned. And well, I'm going to do some quick review on what everyone knows at the moment." As he finished, he noticed the tiny family of small wildcats arrive. He tipped his head downwards to look at them, quick shocked that Kian was intersted but knew that he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. He  gave a nod towards both pirates, his firework glowing gaze flickering down to his paws as they pushed some herbs forward to the crowd as he began "Like, I said I want to first figure out who will be responsible for being our medics when shit hits the fan. So, out of all these herbs, which one do you think works best with fevers?" He pointed a caramel brown paw to five herbs that lay on the sandy ground as he stated their names. "Lavender. Aloe vera. Alder bark. Dock. Or Cobwebs. Choose one and explain why."

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - coldblue - 04-27-2018

no stranger to the danger
medicine? herbs? healing? for a child who already displays an affinity to do whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases, pincher might be surprised to see none other than coldblue arrive to the medical training. blue is surprised himself, but he is bored, and he likes to read things when he is lazing about in the sun. somehow he got his paws onto an old medic's journal, and though it smelled like old people and he could not digest many of the larger medical terms, he found he possessed an interest in the subject. the boy does not know what he intends to get out of this medical training, but he certainly does like to prove that he is smarter than everybody else. usually it's all talk, but he knows that now is his time to shine.

"lavender," answers the young roux in an arrogant tone, not even bothering to disguise his opinion of himself. most of it is just for show, anyways. blue enjoys how people react to a cocky child persona. "it can be ingested to bring down a fever or chills. cobwebs are more useful in closing wounds, and aloe vera is better for burns and damaged skin." coldblue doesn't really know what the other two options do exactly, but hopefully nobody notices that he failed to mention them since his answer is correct (as far as he knows, at least).

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - Kian. - 04-27-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
Kian smiled lovingly at his daughter, gently nudging her in turn for her smile. He hoped she would learn something from this. It would be good information.  For fevers? He flicked his ear.

"Coldblue is right; lavender.  Alder bark is an anti-inflammatory, good for your teeth especially.  Dock on the other hand, good for scratches an' sores." He couldn't comprehend how cobwebs were a liable option for headaches, but he supposed Lunch needed answer choices.

He glanced at Keona with a thoughtful frown.  Perhaps they ought to name some of the plants and let her touch and smell them so she could recognize them later.

// Mobile
code by spacexual

Re: JAWS OF LIFE — o / medical tryouts - lilyspoise - 04-27-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise stayed quiet as the others answered, a small smile forming on her face as the others seemed to know the answer. It was relieving that she wasn't the only one around with medical knowledge, but upon thinking rationally she supposed that would've been impossible. "Dittoing the aforementioned answers, as well as adding that despite not being a listed answer, borage leaves and, hence the name, feverfew can help reduce fevers." Lilyspoise said, knowing that despite answering after the others, that Pincher likely knew the extent of her medical knowledge. She hadn't exactly hesitated to administer medicine where it was needed, and she was sure that word had gotten back to him at this point. "Dock's large leaf size can also be used for carrying a large quantity of herbs at once, if no other options are available. In addition, cobwebs can be used alongside sticks to help bind broken bones." She could've honestly rambled on and on about herbs, but she didn't want to seem snooty. A part of her worried that if she didn't, though, she wouldn't have proved herself as a proper healer, but that was most likely a leftover anxiety from her previous residence.