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nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - Printable Version

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nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - ; albion - 10-14-2018

it seemed as the tanglewood would be their unfortunate victims for the next two weeks. benny had started to kick off new bi-weekly with a raid hosted by himself, seeing as he was one of their marauders. he had some responsibility for pulling his own weight around.

the marsh was no less than a nightmare to navigate. he wasn't looking for growing an extra limb because of whatever the hell was in their freakishly colored water. the fox nimbly jumped from stone to stone, catching small masses of land before until reaching more consistent, steady land. baby blue eyes glanced over his shoulder to make sure the rest of the pittians hadn't fallen in, or worse; gave up their position.

taking a deep breath the male pushed on ahead, climbing up the hill it was set on and carefully using his senses to navigate which paths were taken most by their natives. he took a wrong turn here and there, reaching a dead-end and retracing his steps before coming out on top of the hill. marbled paws leaped onto a mossy stump, his tail curled over his back and a smug grin spreading across his maw.

"sick'em boys, it's feedin' time!"

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - HAMMOND - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The male was not the type to go out of his way for revenge, or to aim for such things at all. It was a pointless thing, set others back and forth on one another when they could just save their resources on more important things. Everyone was out for themselves at the end of the day, there were reasons for keeping others captive. Yet, the familiar reeking stench that Axle had been victim to for days lingering into his nostrils sent such justice-seeking thoughts his way, and before he knew it a great rage overcame him. Long ago a similar anger had consumed him, the Heeler had forgotten what it was like though for it had resulted in a traumatic experience. Being a guard dog had led to the direct destruction of his entire life, the Tangler would've been more careful to avoid such a fate again, but there were trespassers on lands he promised to protect for a time. Instincts could never truly go away, deep within the hearts of every civilised creature lay a powerful feral brought out when pushed to the limits and when their life was on the line.

Only a small beast in comparison to some of the creatures this world had to offer, but Axle cared little for his own stature. With that average disposition came an easier experience navigating through the marshes that the Tanglewood resided in, and he'd have no problem using that to his advantage against those who'd never ventured into muddy terrain before. Kill. Protect. Kill. Protect. Commands he was giving himself did their best not to muddle, and as it became clearer that he was growing closer to the beasts who dared come back for round two Axle crouched amidst the low laying foliage. It was unfortunate territory to be defending from, uphill enemies always held an advantage, but the male used the time that Benny was wasting showing off to traverse the terrain silently. A call came, and though unsure of how many lay beyond the cover, Axle seemed to care little as he suddenly pushed himself out of his hiding spot.

Going straight for the leader of the raid, Axle would charge right for the slaver, aiming to crash his entire body weight into [member=1555]benny g.[/member] in hopes of sending the fox flying down the Tanglewood's side of the hill. Such momentum came at a cost, for whether he wanted to or not the Heeler was going where he intended to take the Pittian. Paws searched for grip as he slid down the hill and in less of a suicidal position, hopping off before he collided into the ground and sprinting away a couple of steps in order to get some much needed distance. The less Pittians hogging the high ground, the better. As he slowed down, his fury became clearer, eyes wide and saliva pooling around bared teeth. One in that state normally would've gone straight for the kill, Axle included, but when potentially outnumbered he wasn't going to make himself a prime target for the Pitt's own revenge. Feral-looking, sure, but he was far from feral-thinking even in that daring state. A growl escaped him, watching for further movement from the trespassers.

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - DELILAH. - 10-14-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

//Entering combat. She is terrified of men, and open to capture! PM me for the torture thread, because I have ideas.

Delilah had heard the call from a distance, the three-legged medic rushing to the field on shaking paws. She didn't want to fight, she didn't like to fight, but the way the earth shuddered underneath her paws as she raced through the mud, soaking into her soft paws, made her wary of her surroundings much more now than usual.

She hadn't participated in a raid before, she didn't even realize people would raid their swamp until now. The sight of Axle made Delilah tense up; he was fighting a man. If he got injured, she'd help, but for now, she needed to move around the fight.

Slowly, the medic pushed her way through the undergrowth, earth manipulation ready to be used if necessary. All the while, the grass below her feet pulled at her paws, begging the faerie to stay. Inky black wings appeared over her shoulders, dripping black igor onto the ground, but she wouldn't do anything about it. She needed to wait until she was needed.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - arrow - 10-15-2018

[glow=black,1,400]YOU'RE JUST TOO PERFECT FOR MY HANDS TO HOLD — 。+゚.[/glow]
The Pitt. Was she quite over that yet? Could she face them?

Perhaps she would avoid the thick of it, she knew what these fuckers were capable of and they fought dirty. Her leg burned in response to her own thoughts, and she hissed and swore under her breath from her position in the undergrowth of the swamp. As long as that green bitch wasn't around, she'd be okay. She was the only one Arrow had a bone to pick with, she woulda liked to punch her teeth in and pull that stupid, stupid tongue right outta her jaws.

"Wonder if that crazy boy made it out."

What was his name? V-something? Ah, didn't matter. She owed him one, big time, but for all she knew, they could've gutted him. Arrow shook her head, a rush of regret hitting her as she moved under the growth to look for any other Pittfucks.

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - ; albion - 10-15-2018

there was no doubt that benny was.. indulging himself. seeing npcs clash into another got his blood pumping. the rising chaos felt different when he was overseeing it. claws and teeth flashing at their enemies. it was different than how he normally attended battles; normally for himself. leaving when it got too heated and he didn't feel like putting his life down for a few finks. is this what loyalty felt like? he was never a patriotic man, but he would be damned if seeing his subordinates defend him didn't make him feel powerful.

it didn't last, unfortunately. in all his gloating one of their mangy mutts managed to catch him off guard. the marauder choked out a shocked gasp as the wind was knocked from his lungs and the two of them were sent rolling downhill. benny was dazed for a moment, feebly looking for balance as the ground seemed to fall from beneath him at every attempt to stop. he tumbled onto his side when finally meeting the bottom of the hill. he rushed to stand up, even if a bit dizzy. lips peeled back in a snarl and benny lunged at [member=1501]AXLE[/member] . he aimed to snap his jaws around the heelers tail and yank back as hard as possible to drag him back away from the fighting.

"nuh-uh bucko, you're not goin' anywhere!"

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - HAMMOND - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He should've expected that his tenure to safer and smarter grounds would not go without retaliation. With so many scrawny and pathetic animals that he'd been forced to tangle with previously, meeting one of a similar disposition was rarer than expected for the former nomad. Even the sound of paws crunching against the grasses and leaves behind him came as a bigger shock than it should've been, a sudden jerk of his tail putting a stop to any of the male's plans. Initially Axle had been able to remain standing in the face of retaliation, but eventually the force put on his hindquarters was too much for the Heeler's wobbly paws to handle. Still weaker than normal due to muscles thinning out from starvation, it was fairly easy to drag the male once his footing had succumb to Benny, a popping sensation in his tail warning him that he was at risk of losing the thing if he didn't resist in the right way.

If he lived, his balance might've been affected forever, if he died... no, he wouldn't die from being dragged too far. He'd make sure of that. Another sharp pain running through him tail sprung the canine into action once again. Paws started digging into the ground again as the male connected all four pads to the earth again. Before too much resistance caused a rip of a tear, Axle started shuffling backwards quickly, consenting to the direction which he was being pulled in in hopes of closing the gap between tail and maw. If he could, he'd aim to give a swift kick to Benny's jaw once or twice, hoping to loosen or completely eradicate the male's grip on his appendage. No heed was given to the comments made, not even an eye roll or a shameful tut escaped the Heeler. It wasn't his style, there was no jokes to be had about fighting for survival.

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - guts - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette wasn't a fan of violence, or at least, she hadn't been at one point. Even now she wasn't fond of it, but she had come to realize it was just a part of life. Certain things just had to be done, and she wasn't one to reject such things. It simply wasn't her place. She was only here to help out any members that were injured in the fray.

As she stepped into the new territory, she makes a face as she shakes off her paws, which were coated in mud. Then she glances around, scanning the faces of everyone as the fight began. Surrounded by the eager souls of the Pitt, she spotted a Tangler, straying off towards the side of the battle. She figured she must have been their healer, a dark grin forming on her face.

She hadn't planned on getting involved, but considering how important she probably was to the clan, she figured she could make an exception. She could get some recognition finally, get some approval from her clanmates. It was what she had wanted for so long now, to prove herself to everyone--and maybe even her own self.

The serval bounded down the hill, taking advantage of the cover of those fighting around her. Using it to grow closer, she burst out into a sprint towards the other healer, hoping to barrel into her and knock her off her paws. If successful, she'd move to pin her down, digging her claws into whatever flesh she found.


Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - DELILAH. - 10-16-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

If one were to ask Delilah to fight, she would have probably had a panic attack right then and there just from thinking about it. She didn't like to fight, she didn't like to get hurt- she had already been through enough as it was.

She was so stuck in her thoughts that she didn't hear, nor expect the weight of another creature push her over, three legs toppling to the side wildly as she tried to push herself back up, only to find a female on top of her, claws sinking into her thick fur. She could smell it, the smell of blood seeping from the little holes that were caused by the claws puncturing skin.

Delilah's maw opened to let a shriek escape her jaws, eyes widening in fear as the medic struggled under the femme's grasp. "L-Let me go! I have clanmates to heal!" Delilah cried out, telekinesis lifting a stick up off of the ground, as she attempted to swat the girl across the face with the stick.

The grass under her seemed to pull at her skin as she laid against the ground, struggling, as if begging her to move. To just get up, to fly away. Their princess couldn't get hurt- the nymphs and wood spirits all knew this, but Delilah ignored their silent cries to her. She was no longer a princess, she had been exiled from those lands. Titania had no rule over her anymore.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - guts - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She had never seen anyone with powers before, didn't even know that such things existed, so she wasn't expecting to get hit in the face. Grunting upon impact, she hissed at the sting, looking around in bewilderment. Upon not seeing anyone nearby that could have done it, she looks down at the female trapped under her and decides that she must have done it. Was she a witch? She had heard her mother speak about them before, and this sounded an awful lot like the stories she had told her.

The force of the hit hadn't been enough to knock her off, though her grip did loosen slightly. She didn't give her time to get far, though, lunging forward and aiming to wrap her paws around her neck. She'd apply sharp pressure against her windpipe, hoping she could knock her out if she held on long enough. She didn't want to kill her--that would be a waste of a good capture.

Re: nothing fucks with my baby ;; RAID - DELILAH. - 10-17-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Powers were something that Delilah had been familiar with since her birth, gifted with the powers to see the earthen spirits and nymphs, wood elves, and so much more. Her status as a faerie royal made it hard for her to not inherit powers, though.

The look of surprise on the girl's face made Delilah internally cheer, but her satisfaction didn't last long. She tried to move her legs, but was caught once again, this time feeling pressure against her windpipe, against her throat. A soft choke left her throat, and Delilah gagged on the pressure, saliva dribbling up from the corner of her mouth as she sputtered for air. She should have swallowed beforehand.

Desperate for air that wouldn't come, Delilah felt herself black out, hesitating to use her earth manipulation. She didn't want to hurt this girl- she was younger than her, she didn't deserve to be on a battlefield. She should be at home.

It didn't take long before Delilah had passed out, falling victim to suffocation far too easily for her own liking.

//powerplay is allowed for her capturees escape with her after this!
[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]