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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't know why the fuck he even wanted to mess with the Ascendants. He didn't really desire anything from them but some of his crewmates had been desiring some looting and trouble, stating that it would be neat to fuck shit up. And frankly, he had to agree with them. There was something incredibly satisfying in going around and having fun especially without the risk of being killed. Well, for him anyways. Being a demigod had it's perks even though he had never desired being one and had been rather forced to become what he was now due to the greed of mysterious beings that claimed themselves to be "gods", whatever the fuck that meant. So, the usual paranoia that laced his actions had lessened but only for himself. His worry for his crew always stuck around him and plagued his thoughts on the possibilities of things going wrong but even if they did, would they be able to prevail? His tendency to look at the darkness of ideas and not the silver linings tended to hold him back but the male knew it was better to take the risks than not risk anything at all. Especially in a dog eat dog world like the one that they lived in.

Pincher had told everyone to prepare for the raid, ensured their scents were buried beneath the coats of coal that they had covered themselves with. Their ink black figures had hopped into some small boats and sailed the waters without much trouble since they were pirates after all and Pincher was able to guide them through the midnight darkness, his electric blue gaze honed onto the shores of the territory that the Ascendants claimed for themselves. Too bad that Pincher didn't really care about borders that weren't his. Once the boats had pushed through the dark waves and pressed against the land, the male hopped off his boat and glanced towards the others with a light grin lacing his muzzle. "Alrighty, let's get down to business, eh? I heard they've got some neat shit in some called the Starpool. Get as much as you can and then dash back to the boats. If we do get caught, try not to get killed. I don't want to drag any dead bodies back home, is that understood?" He whispered softly in the darkness, his long coal covered tail twitching excitedly behind him before he turned to stalk through the territory and towards the Starpool. Pincher wondered how this would all turn out. Would the Ascendants throw a fit? Hell yeah, they would but the immortal bastard didn't mind. Pissing off people were the highlights of many pirates' lives including Pincher's.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - lessa - 07-28-2018

✯ — Lessa was... A pacifist.  Unfortunate in these cases.

The Halo had been sitting on the island in the star pool's center, beside the ancient oak.  Given how her mind seemed rather far away, the petite marten might not have noticed anyone at the moment, if it weren't for the sudden soft cry of a sharp-shinned hawk.  Calum.  Her head turned on a swivel, her one uncovered eye narrowing.  If he was antsy about an approach; they weren't a clanmate.  Ears flattened, Lessa slithered up the oak's trunk, easily blending in and scaling it with an expert's ease.

She didn't stop until she was up high enough to make reaching her - and hopefully spotting her - difficult, as well as giving her a bird's eye view of the situation.  They were covered in black, but Lessa saw the movement.  She breathed in quietly through her nose.  Perhaps this was a good reason to stay inside at night, but the Halo was restless and sleep was not an option.

Silently, she flicked her tail, and watched as her hawk companion zipped away, spread wings barely making a sound... Until he reached the outside of the Observatory; where he created a huge ruckus, screeching at full volume

Meanwhile Lessa remained perched high in her tree, pressed close to the bark; tugging gently on her bond with Shininglight with one simple message; danger. If that was not enough to warn the Ascendants, nothing was.
code by spacexual

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Verdigris - 07-28-2018

  Maybe the Ascendants hadn't done anything in particular to arouse the Typhoon's ire, but then they also hadn't done anything to make it not worth attacking them. Besides, they had so many resources in their territory that were practically begging to be stolen. The Typhoon would make better use of them, to be sure.

  After some time, Paper had finally gotten used to the strong, smoky scent of the coal that coated his frame. He was uncertain how well the black dust would actually work in terms of camouflage, but at least the Ascendants would probably have trouble identifying their attackers. As they disembarked onto the shore, he listened in to Pincher's instructions, his good ear turned towards the other male. Once Pincher had finished speaking, Paper nodded, then proceeded into the territory.

  Upon arriving at Starpool, his eyes caught the glittering metal beneath the surface of the lake- but therein lay the problem, as getting wet would hamper their maneuverability. Still, there wasn't much time to think about it. Wading out into the water, he removed a couple of meteorite shards, careful not to slip and fall. The question was how many they could grab before someone noticed them.

  Suddenly, in the distance, he could hear the echoes of a hawk's cry, repeating over and over again. With a low grunt, he picked up two more shards in his mouth- he was carrying six in total- then made his way back to solid ground. With that, after checking to make sure everyone else was either on their way back or able to handle combat, he headed back to the boats; he kept his good ear open, though, in case someone needed help.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - MirrorEdge - 07-28-2018

"You really should ask before taking things, mister." A bubbly voice could be heard, and the bandaged leopard came forward, wincing from the healing burns on her paws, but the grin on her face was there all the same, and plenty unnatural. She wouldn't bother to wait for the other Ascendents. Why let them have all the fun?

With those words, she was quick to teleport next to Papercutter, aiming to slam a paw into their jaw to get them to drop the shards. "Especially pretty things. I like pretty things. And I think you'll be prettier with blood!" She chirped.


Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Cosmic - 07-28-2018

"Look, I don't give a fuck who any of you are, all I know is that you're going down." Came the snarl of the mutated feline, lips curling to expose her poisonous fangs. They were not taking anything from her home and that was final. As much as she didn't trust the entirety of the Ascendants yet, this was where she lived and she'd be damned if she didn't protect it and return the favor for allowing her to stay with them.

Reptilian claws tapped against the ground, strong, thick tail lashing in irritation. Her tongue flicked in and out of her mouth, tasting the air for a potential target. She was cautious in her approach, but regardless of her irritation there was a chilling coldness to the survivor's light-green eyes. She was a strategic creature by nature, and as much as she hated bloodshed, she would not hesitate to kick someone's ass for messing with her home base.

"Come after me, you fucking fools. I dare you."

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Luca - 07-28-2018

Luca hated the texture of coal against his fur, but he knew all about making sacrifices to ensure that things went smoothly. Stealth was essential to missions like these, after all. At least the smoky smell was already pretty close to his natural scent, so that part didn't bother him as much as it would have otherwise. He hung close to Pincher as the orders were given, flicking an ear and taking off after Papercutter in the direction of the Starpool. Unlike most other raids that he'd been a part of, this one had a purpose. Collect a few shiny things and then get out. He could do that, he supposed. He dipped his paws into the lake and mirrored the actions of his clanmates, gripping as many shards as he could in his dainty maw before placing them in the belt pouch that hung from his side.

It was the screeching of a hawk that threw the canine off. The surprise of it all caused his powers to flare up, sending a pretty conspicuous plume of steam up around him. He cursed and leaped out the lake, the clink of the shards in his pouch telling him that he'd gathered enough for the time being. He shook off his paws before bounding in the direction of the boat, ignoring all the calls to battle around him. He wasn't here to fight, after all. 

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Roy Mustang - 07-28-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
If people assumed the majority of the Ascendants are pacifists, they'd quickly learn how wrong they are. Roy Mustang is the last person to call a 'pacifist'- he really stands out in the crowd of his groupmates. Roy comes from a military background- he's used to war, handling cases, missions, commanding a unit, and more. Roy quickly learned from his time in the military that the world isn't perfect. It's practically impossible to avoid dangerous, dark situations, as the world isn't rainbows and sunshine- whether or not you want to run across difficulties, you will. Roy has gone through some hell, and certain experiences he went through would be impossible to handle for an ordinary, everyday person. How Roy even wakes up in the morning after Ishbal is due to the fact that he's grown a thick skin. He was expected to handle things with maturity in the military, and while he's not apart of the military anymore, he still holds that mentality to this day. It's apart of him now, asking him not to fight is like telling him not to be himself.

Thankfully Roy wasn't asleep when Lessa's hawk companion screeched out, he quickly picked up on it. Roy had been in his room, with the plans of eventually falling asleep. But the hawk caught his attention, usually they wouldn't shriek out so loudly, especially at this time. Something felt horribly wrong in Roy's chest. Without another thought, the male quickly jumped off of his bed, and began to head out of the observatory- when the scent of the Typhoon invaded his nostrils.

As soon as that scent hit him, and when he heard the cries of his clanmates, he knew this can't be good. Plus, the Typhoon scent was far past the border, and it's past midnight. They're not here on peaceful terms, they thought out a plan to attack when the Ascendants wouldn't be ready. Without another thought, Roy broke out in a sprint, following the scent carefully to the best of his ability. Roy had all intentions to attack with brute force- he will kill if he has to.

When Roy finally arrived to the scene, he skidded to a stop at the starpool. There were Typhoon members everywhere- some were in the water pulling meteorites out of it, with the full intentions to steal. Some of them weren't in the starpool just yet, his eyes scanning the area quickly. Roy's eyes landed on [member=66]PINCHER[/member] , who gave Roy Mustang a feeling they're the ones running this raid. Blue eyes narrowing, the Flame Alchemist's gaze locked on the Typhoon leader. Without saying a word, the male quickly whipped out his front right paw. Without another moment passing by, Roy snapped his mutated claws, attempting to use his flame alchemy to send a controlled blast of flames at Pincher. The flames illuminated the night sky, and for one moment it looked beautiful. But when it's remembered that the flames are meant for pain and destruction, that beauty quickly turns to living hell.

Roy is a master at flame alchemy- he can keep control of his flames and pin point aim, when fully comprehending the chemical make-up of what he's transmuting and the flame array on his paw pads. He felt great confidence that he'll either hit his target, or at least distract them from their plans to steal from the starpool.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - deimos - 07-28-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]A raid was something Deldrach had participated in, but in a different role, a different land, different time, different body- but it was no different now. Enter, steal, attack, whatever, then get out with a smirk and a victory. Simple enough. Her typically brighter, tan pelt was now blended with the night, the only thing reaching out of the blackened pelt her gold and silver eyes. She stepped off of the boat, making for the lake. She had shifted the sheath on her right side into a pouch, leaving her sabre and sheath on her left. She picked shards up one by one, dropping them in, before hearing the hawk's cry.

Instinctively, she knew that was not good, whatsoever. Her head snapped about. She knew the others could hold on, her chin tucking the button down on the satchel before she turned, whipping her head about. The jaglion pulled the sabre free, the blued and inscribed metal whispering against the leather. She wore her armor, which glittering in the moonlight. Metal plates lined her back, covering her front legs and her haunches, covering her neck- yet she could still move, enough gaps free to make it possible.

Typical hit boxes would not be available for this match.

The oversized jaglion turned, snarling as she watched Roy head for Pincher. Her paws drummed against the ground as she suddenly shot forward, her speed intense. Any 400 lb body heading for anyone was more than enough to throw them off. Deldrach aimed to leap at [member=312]Col. Mustang[/member], attempting to bowl him over with her claws digging into his flesh.



Rosemary intended to come here as back-up; after all, she healed first and dealt with everything else second. The witch would feel far more comfortable if she stayed in the Typhoon's own territory during all of this, but she knew that there might be a possibility of someone getting a lethal injury during all of this and needing immediate medical attention - so she simply couldn't sit this out with good consciousness.

Warily watching the Ascendants' territory and each member as they came into view, she steadied her nerves with reminding herself that she was currently sitting up in the tree branches, so she probably wouldn't have made the most appealing target, anyway.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Shininglight - 07-28-2018

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The sharp cry of a hawk awoke Tabitha. Her senses were keen, ready to go at a moment's notice. The avian jumped off her perch and onto the sleeping lump of striped fur below, piping and cawing loudly. Only then did Shining finally come to life, his movements a bit sluggish however. He blinked mismatched eyes for a moment, looking at Tabitha. "Raid? Trespass?" the tom inquired, rising to his paws. In the dead of the night... A surprise attack?

Shining didn't connect the dots of the other hawk crying away until he felt a familiar tug on his soul. His eyes widened, senses springing to action. A voice came through the bond. Danger. Lessa was in danger. Shine managed to focus now, quickly heading out of the Observatory, Tabitha right behind and above him. Coming. I'll protect you, he answered back, giving a gentle tug on the bond in response.

[glow=black,2,300]YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING. POWERLESS.[/glow]

Shining bit his lip as he ran. Once he had held onto so many powerful abilities that his strength was quite scary if provoked. But now, he was perhaps at his weakest state ever, physically and mentally. No elementals, no telepathy, no deceiving mind tricks. Just teeth and claws. Hopefully it wouldn't resort to violence- he needed to simply make sure Lessa was safe, out of the center of chaos. They were both pacifist medics, not fighters. Their job was to tend to the injured.

Fighting had already started by the time Shining got to the Starpool. Blood spilled onto the ground, the very scent of it causing the feline to freeze for just a moment. But he shook his head and kept gently tugging on the bond- signaling his arrival in the darkness to Lessa. She was nearby... very close. Here to save you. Shine kept his eyes and ears peeled, in case anyone tried to start something with him. Tabitha, the red kite, perched onto his back, doing the same.