Beasts of Beyond
CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - Printable Version

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CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - Luca - 07-16-2018

Luca didn't know what had possessed him to make him decide to walk for hours across the soggy trail that led to The Typhoon. He had talked about, and apparently there were a few other groups around, but he just had to choose the furthest one because it seemed 'cool' and 'exotic'. Boy, was he regretting that now. About a mile back he remembered that he could probably just use his wings, but he had already made it this far and it seemed like a shame to cheat now. Thankfully, he could see the gates he had heard about looming in the distance. The demon came to a halt once he deemed himself close enough, falling down on his haunches and stretching his front paws. "Helllloooo?" He called, rocking backwards slightly to stare up at the rest of the island. He was already regretting sitting down. It was good to get some rest for his aching feet, but now his ass was all wet. His tail snaked through the water to curl around his body, and he yawned tiredly as he waited for someone to let him in.

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

goldie has travelled the tracks a few times before, though she didn't do it often. she didn't like to walk that far, either, in all honesty. it was an incredibly hard task when she and solveig visited snowbound the other day, but she had been determined to do it. she had fallen over a lot. she felt bad that she slowed down solveig, but she was honestly glad the female accompanied her. she wasn't too sure how well she would have made it on her own. her injuries were really just getting worse, and she knew it, even if she wouldn't admit it.

the young girl considered this quietly as she struggled near the gate, only stopping when she noticed the male calling out. she stumbled towards him, legs shaking from the work. she coughed a couple times and then sat down in a wobbly fashion as she peered towards the male. "hiya," she greeted with a nod, her tired green eyes curious. "what brings you to the typhoon?"

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle wasn’t all too sure why she’d ended up in the Typhoon, just as Luca did. However, in the past few days it was becoming more and more evident that she ran away here to the sea. It was the vengeful waters that brought her here, and it was the the calming tides that would welcome her here. That’s how she thought of if, that the goddess Nereides had seen mercy in her, that she’d seen grief and guilt in Rochelle and decided to bring her here to be saved. That’s what she prayed to be true, and she wouldn’t let her faith bend, no matter how long she waited for the gods to speak to her.

The dark brown wolf approached on light paws, letting the soft wet sand in between her paw pads as she stepped forward. It must’ve been high tide already, the water lapping at her ankles. Rochelle padded up beside Goldie, giving a polite smile to the hellhound that lounged in front of her. ”Hello and welcome.” She addressed Luca warmly, dipping her head in greeting. She anticipated that he would be joining the Typhoon, as it seemed it was strictly joiners that came to the gate now. Rochelle was glad for that, though she did wonder if any of the other groups ever visited. Still, the influx of joiners, even after her own arrival into the Typhoon was pleasing, and she could sense that Luca would be an intriguing addition.

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - PINCHER - 07-16-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher honestly found the three miles of distance between the island and the main lands both irksome and wonderful. It allowed them to be disconnected from the annoying fuckers yet close enough for his crewmates to go seek trouble if they desired. Personally, Pincher enjoyed the walking especially since the low water soothed him and he enjoyed the sound of splashing, of how each time he rose his paw off the ground, small droplets of sea water would crash back to where they belong. For now, he was currently laying in a hammock, rocking slowly and appeared to be relaxing. In reality, he was glaring through books of norse mythology, his fictional eyebrows furrowed with concentration as he tried to figure out what had brought him back to life. He knew it had to do something with magical creatures that roamed at the bottom of the ocean but he specifically did not know what so for now, he tugged at the pages to spot anything that could give him a hint. However, all he found was long rambling tales and he slammed the book shut, a small grunt of frustration rumbling in his throat before the dark jaguar heaved himself off the hammock.

His paws softly thumped against the peach colored sand as he trekked to go see if there were any possible joiners waiting at the only border that the Typhoon had. With the rise of members, he wasn't shocked if there was so the the muscular figure followed the trail of Rochelle and his daughter, noticing that they had beat him to it. His pitch black velvety ears pricked when he spotted them as well as a winged stranger, one with a peculiar voice. His calculative bloodshot glacier blue eyes narrowed with concentration but was quickly distracted by the coughing of his daughter. Halting behind her, the towering wildcat leaned down to grab her by the scruff and softly lay her on his back to rest, a small frown of worry lacing his muzzle before Pincher snapped his attention back to Luca, remaining silent for now since his daughter had already questioned the waiting stranger.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - Luca - 07-16-2018

Luckily, he didn't have to wait long for the first person to appear. Unluckily, she was a child, and he couldn't have any fun with a child. Hopefully there were some adults around and this wouldn't turn out to be some Children of the Corn type situation, although it wouldn't be the first time he ran from a clan with knives sticking from his ass. "Hey," he greeted her anyway, his lips curling into a pleasant smile. "I'm just looking for a place to stay. You accepting joiners?" He'd be pretty damn pissed if they weren't, considering he came all the way over here. His smile seemed to falter for a bit as he continued to examine the kid. "Hey, are you okay? You're looking a little... wobbly."

Alas, he would never hear the answer, as he was distracted soon after his question by the appearance of another. Luca's demeanour shifted instantly at the sight of someone that met his age standards, his smile curling into something more mischievois. Luca's lashes fluttered subtly and he stood, his tail curling sensually around his leg. "Thank you," he spoke, his voice a touch more sultry than before. And then another appeared, only delighting the hellhound further. Luca had always leaned more towards men, so he metaphorically all over this handsome stranger. He licked his lips and arched his back in a stretch, vibrant pink eyes locked on Pincher. "My name's Luca Rosario, I've never tried to join another group before, so please be gentle with me..."

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]”Oh?”

The expression was one that came from the wolf being caught off guard. Rochelle’s hunch had been right, this was a joiner, and an interesting one to say the least. Her brows stitched together and upwards, eyes going a little hard, like she was a tad bit concerned about what the hellhound had said. Not so much the “thank you” to her or his words to Goldie, but his demeanor towards Pincher! Rochelle let out a soft laugh, she couldn’t help it. Her expression relaxed, honey eyes going soft as she looked at Luca.

”Don’t worry ... we’re not going to ... do anything to you?” Her words came out almost questioning, still quite humored and surprised by the flirtatiousness of Luca. ”The Typhoon would be glad to have you, Luca. My name is Rochelle.” She dipped her head to the hellhound briefly, her face feeling a little hot just from the forward ness of the stranger. And it wasn’t like he was flirting with her that much, just the hilarity of Pincher being flirted with, in front of his own daughter too. Boy, what an interesting time it was.

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
her ears twitched as the male spoke up, giving a friendly smile. "of course. welcome to the typhoon!" she accepted quickly, nodding. at his last comment, though, she'd huff quietly. everyone was commenting on it and she was a little annoyed by it. not because they were expressing care, but because she wasn't hiding it well enough to keep others from having to express concern. "i'm perfectly fine, don't worry!"

the girl glanced to rochelle as the female approached, giving a small nod in hello. she hadn't gotten a chance to speak much to her, but planned on fixing that soon enough. she'd been behind ever since she'd gotten hit by lightning and that meant she needed to work two times as hard in order to get caught up. it was still a bit difficult, though. at the presence of her papa, though, she would give a warm, bright smile. she brushed her cheek gently against him as he placed her against his back as a sign of affection before balancing herself to look back to the stranger.

she blinked quietly at his change in tone, not thinking much of it. he must just sense that her papa was one to be respected. "it's nice to meet you, luca. my name's goldenluxury roux, though i usually just go by goldie. this is my papa, pincher! he's the captain. i'm sure you'll fit in just fine here!"

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - jacob w.c. - 07-16-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob was just out on a walk when he heard voices nearby. He'd been walking around for quite some time and he supposed a break would be nice. When he arrived, he saw Pincher first and let a small smile come across his maw. He heard an unfamiliar voice among the crowd, though, and when he got closer he saw Luca. Now, Jacob didn't like to make judgements before he really knew someone, but he was already angry at this man. He wouldn't want to be rude, though. So, he smiled and walked up to Deniz with a wide smile on his maw and grabbed him, pulling him down a bit so he could kiss him. Once he'd finished that, he leaned against him and spoke, "Sorry, Pinch, i's jus' been so long since I saw ya', I felt like ya' might need a kiss from your fiance." Jacob still had a wide smile on his face as he looked towards Luca. "Sorry, I didn' see ya' there. 'M name's Jacob, 's nice ta' meet ya'. 'N don' worry, Pinch isn' gonna' touch ya' so ya' don't need ta' worry 'bout 'im bein' gentle," he assured the other man, trying to make direct eye contact. He wasn't exactly sure why he felt so defensive but he did feel a little proud of himself.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - PINCHER - 07-16-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher wasn't an idiot and he certainly wasn't new to being flirted with or at least looked at the way Luca was inspecting him. It did cause his attention to shift with slight mixed emotions about the sudden demonstration of interest from the winged creature though Pincher's cool facade didn't phase as he allowed a sly smirk to trace itself over his muzzle as he gave a light nod, arctic ice blue eyes locking onto the rose pink ones of Luca. "I don't intend to be anything but gentle so no worries. I'm Pincher, feel free to ca-" Pincher voice was cut off when he was suddenly tugged away by the voice of Jacob as his fiance arrived, his tar black ears twitching as the jaguar shifted ever so slightly towards Jacob but not enough to have Goldie fall off. The captain let out a small muffled grunt of surprise when Jacob grabbed him to plant a kiss but his eyes fluttered briefly before pulling away with a satisfied purr rumbling in his throat as he allowed the husky to press against him.

The commentary that Jacob made didn't go through Pincher's head as the cunning male bit back a chuckle at realizing why he was behaving that way and saying the things to Luca. He remained silent for now, eyes locked onto the ground as he tried not to bust out laughing before he managed to contain himself, clearing his throat and placing the gentleman appearance he always did. "Umm anyways, if you have any questions, feel free to find me." He stated casually before tensing up ever so slightly when he realized how suggestive that comment was now even though usually, he never really thought much about it when he stated it to other joiners. Fucking hell, he better not be in trouble by what he had said as he gently pressed his muzzle onto Jacob's ear in a warm loving touch.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - SÉAMUS - 07-16-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ I COULD BE THE LIGHT OR DARKNESS, REDEMPTION OR SORROW
Seemed there was nothing but newcomers lately.  Séamus wasn't sure he'd keep up.  The rusty spotted cat flicked an ear as he arrived, sea-green orbs narrowing onto the day's joiner.  Interesting.  A bit flirty too, but that wasn't something he minded.  It was amusing really, watching Jacob make a show of affection on Pincher, no doubt to establish the captain as off-limits.  Cute.  It took a lot of effort not to start laughing.

He chuckled, smirk lighting up his maw.  "Welcome to the Typhoon mate." Then with a wink, he added, "name's Séamus, an' I make no such promises."

// Mobile + I'm dying, this is such a change from Han and his discomfort around Luca