Beasts of Beyond
AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - Printable Version

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AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - PINCHER - 07-01-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It seemed that it was his turn to be the one to be the one to give out weekly tasks. He was currently busying himself with work preparing for the meeting but since it was still rather early, Pincher supposed it wouldn't hurt to do the tasks first since everything about the meeting was already prepared. Settling the papers away from his desk, the male stepped from the work and headed out of the submarine with his glacier ice blue eyes flickering around as he noticed the growing crew that demanded his focus. It was nice to see his group blossoming especially with all the various members that held a lot of potential. It almost brought a smile to his face.

The broad-shouldered lean stepped through the hills of ivory sand with the wind casting a rather strong wind that caused the palm trees to rustle. Weird. The heavy scent of rain also was something Pincher had noticed and hoped that it would just be a simple storm passing by the tropical island. He halted near the turtle statue, crawling onto it to lay down as he was rather worn out from work but wanted to be there as the captain called "Weekly tasks are ready anyone that needs something to do so get the fuck over here." With that, he raised a muscular hindleg to scratch at an itch behind his ear while he waited.

( feel free to ask for an ooc prompt as well if you wish! <3 )
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - ROSEMARY - 07-01-2018

Perhaps her lack of progress in last week's tasks showed her laziness - Rosemary usually only did things if she wanted to do them. Everything else fell through the cracks, until procrastination bit her in the ass or the needed thing sunk into the bottomless sea of Forgotten Things. Nevertheless, she wanted to make an impression as helpful to the group; she truly appreciated staying here, where hunting was more of a leisurely activity than a daily struggle for survival. She had plenty of time and space to experiment alone, away from the prying eyes of her judging older relatives, and quite a few young relatives to pass down her skills to.

In short, the ocelot supposed she liked being the 'resident witch,' rather than the 'youngest witch in the coven.' Reflecting on this, as well as what her next experiment on Caesar should be, the ocelot's auxiliary pair of eyes drifted to Pincher as she stood at the gathering spot, nodding mutely to signal her desire for one of these tasks. She'd take one, on the off chance that she'd actually like doing it.

[ ooc task too, please! ]

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - bubblegum - 07-01-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl knew that weekly tasks should be up around now, but she didn't really have the ability to ask for one at the moment. not physically, anyway. her injuries prohibited her from being able to move more than a couple feet. which was pretty frustrating if you asked her, even if she did need the sleep. but, the girl was resourceful, and somehow had managed to train a crab to do her dirty work. its job was simple, really. it just needed to deliver a note or two. it still took a while to try and get it to listen. but, she was finally one with the pinch.

so, she grabbed one of papa's many sticky notes and began writing, "hi papa please write me a weekly task on this sticky note and then gently hit sunny on their head so they know to come back thanks - goldie (P.S. love you!!)" that should be good enough. she sent the crab, apparently named sunny, off with the sticky note and sharpie in one claw. and, by some ludicrous magic, it completed its task, walking over to pincher with the items in hand.

//lol i'd also like an ooc one please + thanks!!

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - Keona. - 07-01-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny fae quickly scuttled over, tripping once or twice over her paws - not an unusual sight - head tilting upwards towards the sound of Pincher's voice.  A shy smile rested on her maw, as she rocked back and forth on her paws restlessly.  Indeed the day had just begun, and Keona was ready to get moving.

This way, she knew, even in her young mind, she might be doing some productive, which was always nice.

[ ooc task as well please c: ]
code by spacexual

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Oh, how great it felt to be back in a feline body. Caesar made his way over, his head held high. "Throw one at me, Captain." The demon stated with a grin.

//OOC prompt too, please!!

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - Verdigris - 07-01-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]There had been a lot of rain and general bad weather over the past week or so; Paper had to wonder if it would eventually result in flooding. If a flood occurred, the plan was to get to higher ground, that much made sense- but that left the question of whether or not he would have time to return to his hut and retrieve the book and the ruby. Maybe he ought to start carrying them with him, so that he wouldn't have to worry about risking his neck for them.

  Approaching the turtle statue and glancing up at Pincher, Paper nodded. "Hit me up," he said, taking a seat and lifting his head to the skies. The clouds seemed to grow darker and darker by the second. It was best to be prepared.

  /ooc prompt too, por favor ^^

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - coldblue - 07-01-2018

Blue does not usually partake in these sorts of things. He prefers to do what he wants, when he wants. If the boy feels like being useful, he will. Granted, he rarely ever feels anything other than lazy and occasionally vindictive. Actually, no. He does get pretty bored, too. And due to that boredom, the young boy found himself joining the masses all waiting on his father to give them a task. Coldblue does not like asking Pincher for anything, but he can make an exception...this time. "I guess I'll take one too, Pops," he says with a shrug. Whatever his task may be, Blue hopes that it will be, at least, a little bit interesting.

// i would like an ooc prompt as well

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - PINCHER - 07-02-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher appeared quite pleased when he noticed that a decent amount of members had arrived for tasks and as he glanced at each face or well...creature, Pincher would try to contemplate on what to give them. When Rosemary arrived, the male flashed a brief grin and a silent nod towards her before he answered "Rosemary, why don't you give a little herbal lesson for everyone before the medical tryouts? Help them remember some shit for practice or just to know what to use during different situations." He had seen the talent and potential his sibling had in two occurrances of injured clanmates and perhaps she had done more than he had been aware. His velvety ears pricked when he then heard scuttling and held an expression of confusion when he noticed that it was a little crab with a sticky note. He lowered his head to read what the note said with a look of perplexed amusement and warmth for his daughter's desire to do something despite injured and healing. He hummed softly as he thought before sighing and grabbing the sharpie to write Goldie, I would prefer you would rest but if you're really bored, why don't you decide to draw some crewmates for fun or make some leis for people. I'll make sure to bring supplies for you. Love, Dad with that he set the sticky back onto the crab and tapped it's head to watch it scuttle away towards the submarine. Weird.

He then went to turn and noticed that someone else had arrived, this time it was the tiny little figure of Keona and he had to crane his head downwards to spot the tiny feline due to his increased height since returning from the bottom of the ocean. He tipped his head ever so slightly as he contemplated what she should do as a take. "Keona, why don't you have a truth or dare game?" It seemed quite easy and he knew that the child would be able to do it. He then decided to turn to who was next and Pincher snorted as he realized it was Caesar. The captain was known to be a rather shady being so he answered "Caesar how about actually making that Snowbound/Typhoon event eh? If not then let's give you a challenge. Why don't you do some log running? Go put a log in the water and compete with someone to see who can stay on the log the longest." His cool arctic blue gaze narrowed as he hoped that the savannah would not lose his temper if he lost but it seemed that his attitude had toned down enough for there to be civility so he didn't worry too much. He then turned to Papercutter, glad to see the jackal had returned with them as he gave a nod before replying "Paper, how about a little scary story bonfire? See who can tell the scariest tale." With  that he turned towards his son, a glint of warmth though he restrained himself from leaning in and offering a hug that he knew Goldie enjoyed but not Blue. He understood his son's dislike towards him and decided it was best to not probe him now with any attempts of having a closer relationship as he answered "Blue, you seem like an avid reader. How about you hold a yard sale of books you already read for crewmates to check out? Shove some knowledge into these coconut heads." He himself enjoyed reading from time to time but he already read so many work papers that he had grown exhausted to read but perhaps he would return to the habit if his son decided to do the task.

[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] , rose came from a coven, did she ever bring something that reminds her of her past? what is it and why?
[member=48]goldenluxury[/member] , with the sudden power discovery, does she fear it or embrace it?
[member=265]Keona.[/member] , keona has a little plushie — what happens when she loses it? how does she react?
[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] , caesar was gifted with a knife by roxanne. does this mean that caesar is considered a "friend" to some, how does he react and does he care that people view him this way? what happens when a crewmate tries to steal it for themselves, does he care or just blows it off as useless?
[member=83]Papercutter[/member] , with the past filled with a fear of losing close ones, what happens when Paper stumbles on the bottle that holds his message when he had joined the Typhoon? does he throw it back or decides to keep it?
[member=469]coldblue[/member] , blue seems to have a deep connection with goldie. what happens when he has a nightmare of losing her after the accident? does he feel that he is useless in helping/contributing?
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Caesar narrowed his eyes as Pincher mentioned the whole Snowbound/Typhoon event thing, and he bit his tongue to quiet himself from making a smartass reply. "Gotcha." Was all the demon responded with gritted teeth, before he went off.

Re: AMERICAN BOY — weekly tasks/ooc prompts 7/1/18 - brad - 07-02-2018

brad decided that if he planned on sticking around the typhoon for long, he would have to help around some every now and then. the canine padded over slowly to the growing gathering of creatures, listening as pincher assigned tasks to each individual. adjusting his bandana, the leonberger cleared his throat and said, "guess i’ll take one too". his voice was dull and uninterested as he spoke, glancing at the doberman as he awaited an answer.

// could i have an ooc prompt too? :^)
actions "speech"