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MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Printable Version

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MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Morrison - 05-10-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]

So this was another one of those whacky monthly meetings, right?

Morrison always enjoyed an outing and with his health beginning to improve, he couldn't help but take advantage of the event. After all, he was a leader. Leaders were practically expected to show up! With a pep in his old, decrepit step and a smile on his weary features, the aquatic wolf headed away from the Typhoon and into the neutral grounds. He arrived within no time. In fact, he was the first one there and arrived with other pirates in tow.

Paws crossed the stonehenge leading into the tree's crater, causing the gem lining the top to light up and fill the sky with a blue beam to signal The Typhoon's arrival. He wandered down into the middle of the area with hopes of having a riveting conversation, yet found no strangers to talk with. A huff left the canine. Maybe they'd arrive soon...


Yet another monthly meeting that resulted in Corrupttimelines needing to leave his home in this wretched body. What a pitiful dwarf. He had been stuck inside it for quite some time, doing much more menial tasks than the ordinary for himself. As a wyvern, he was towering in size compared to his current. If asked, he could’ve moved trees or carried multiple clanmates to safety. Now? Well, he was stuck in the form of an animal so small it was a wonder he did not get run over daily. So many creatures within this realm toppled over him, and they were less than polite about it. Rather than being at the top of the food chain as he was accustomed to, he was the bottom. Cory wanted to slash his way back up. He tread through the metaphorical murky waters of the land, beneath everyone just because he was smaller. He could crush them all.

Orange eyes peered with a curious look as he strode through the neutral grounds. Delicate steps lead him closer to the tree, but as he realized he was no leader, he made no move to engage it and signal the presence of the Tanglewood. After all, he was fairly certain they could smell the thick stench clinging to his pelt regardless.

His gaze shifted, finally landing upon the leader of the Typhoon. He could maul them where they stand. A soft smile fell upon his petite maw, and he maw his way closer. As ambassador, he needed to upkeep the relations. What could be a better opportunity?

Greetings Morrison. It’s excellent to see you.
code by spacexual

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - VALE - 05-11-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ tiger skeleton
Six beautiful, feathered, glossy wings glided down. But the creature suspended between the three pairs was an ugly sight to behold. Skullfaced, with three bloodshot and baleful red eyes. Ribs and spine protruding from a decaying body. The skin stripped entirely off vis legs.

The tiger landed upon the largest boulder. Vis legs bent to a crouch, absorbing the impact, and vis neck swiveled to survey the arrivals who beat the ardent to the meeting.

Vis grey tongue flicked between vis molars, swiping over the exposed, yellow teeth and up to clean the leftmost eye.

The rotting flesh upon vis body sloughed off. The putrid strips rolled down the stone to a heap at the bottom. Black sludge seeped from the rotting flesh and into the green grass. There was no sign of red blood; the only color upon Vale’s body were those awful red eyes and yellowed fangs.

Vis six wings rustled. Then they settled, stuffed upon vis back like a murder of crows within a dog cage.

“Thank you for not discussing anything of importance without my presence,” Vale said, vis voice a hushed rattle. “But now that I’m here, I’m sure we can all agree to share the interesting bits? Would be a shame to fly here--in my decrepit state!--only to hear people stutter out their names.”

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - aesior - 05-11-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
Three scents reached him first, the merchant about his travels as he made his way onwards to the meeting, gray fur bushed around him against the gales he encountered. Before he could see swaying paths in the grass, pausing to smell around for a bit before catching onto a familiar scent. His eyes flickered with a light interest, his paws taking him on the path after Cory, a familiar scent and face among the others soon to join or already present.

His ears were washed over by a voice he had never heard before, the domestic feline padding forth to be greeted by the gore sloughing from the tiger skeleton perched upon a Boulder. His ears swiveled backwards, taken aback by the sight for a moment, leading himself to believe that he stood before a fellow Grim for a few seconds. Jaws spreading to voice a silent question before snapping shut. No. This was not another Grim, ve was anything but another of his kind. Hiding the silent growl in a sneeze, he put his paw to his nose to cover the stench of Vale's gore. What a ... strange creature ve was. Yet ve was ... intriguing in the weirdest of ways. He wanted to learn more.

Shaking his head faintly, the merchant moved from the grasses to the meeting area itself. He supposed that the Ambassadors from Tanglewood would show up, or at least he hoped that they would. He hadn't been there for the discovery of Ximen's murder but he had hears about it and watched the funeral from the far distance, unattached. As he should be, the dead caused a morbid stir in him. He wanted to guide them to a better life. He hadn't felt this way in a long time.

Pelt crawling, he came to sit somewhere close by to Cory, waving his tail in greeting to the other feline bodied Tangler. He didn't fear the strange wolf that sat in the leaders area, or the tiger skeleton that was Vale, he merely sought the familiarity of a group member. Oh what he wouldn't give to see other familiar faces here, faces that belonged to those he knew were gone. They wouldn't show up here. They were as good as dead. He couldn't help the slight lean of his body towards Cory, looking around with curiosity even as the fur ruffled slightly along his spine. What in the hells was wrong with him today? Begonia began to appear, small sprouts of aloe appearing in less flower-choked areas upon his shoulders. He was wary, and there was a faint longing for familiarity in his chest, tail flicking back and forth in unease until he remembered the faces of those he would never see again, falling at his paws.

[ begonia - wariness. aloe - in need of assurance/seeking comfort ]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - rhosmari - 05-11-2022

Ve never came to these before. Ve despised the idea of massive group gatherings simply because of how ve felt ve would be treated. They knew from their former time as the Dragon King that they were always whispered about. Seen as a fell omen for their group and it appeared that they were right. The Iron Folk were no more but there were those now scattered to these other groups vey had encountered. Pleased as he could be to see some of them he was not certain about others but he never let on about how he felt. After all the skull faced monster could not exactly emote with a skinless face. Humor seemed to flash through vem for a moment before ve shook vis head for a moment. Stepping into that clearing vis eyes found Vale, gaze lingering before quietly they made their way forward.

Vis tail rattled and shook, carapace shuddering as they stepped around the other groups as if they were not there. He did not care, they were just burdenness to his consciousness. So ve didn't focus on them and their need to communicate. Instead ve settled vemself near Vale. Eyes glowing and floating in their sockets before ve laid his head down on metal claws. Just like Vale they wanted to get to the good shit. Being bored was unnecessary.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Cobra - 05-11-2022

a monthly meeting between all the groups. how interesting that was in the galaxy wolves mind. her paws guided her to this 'peaceful' gathering. it was there that she found herself sitting alone. no one here that she knew. no sign of max or okami, or anyone else. a soft hum leaving her lips.

she let her eyes scan the people there already. the galaxy dire wolf tilted her head slightly at the strangeness of the others. this world was full of oddities. that much was very clear. nothing here was normal or common. nothing made much sense. no, she was not sure what to think at this moment.

all sorts of beasts gathered about. milling in groups. talking, laughing. just having fun. yet, here she was. simply sitting there in her own world. laughing on the inside at herself. she had no idea why she came here. was it for the looks? perhaps. she wanted to keep up a good face for the sake of her home.

so, she offered a dip of her head. trying to seem inviting to anyone that wished to chat with her. though, she highly doubted anyone would bother chatting to her. she was not very well know, after all.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
template by quietly

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - ROSEMARY - 05-11-2022

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelot’s four eyes roamed over the crowd. Her anxiety spiked—more so than usual for the monthly meeting. Her claws scraped pebbles in the dirt.

While others might’ve relaxed from the calm over the groups’ current neutrality, Rosemary knew the serenity would crash around their heads soon. She couldn’t not think about how Stryker had murdered the Tanglewoods leader (and her friend) during one of these monthly meetings.

Rosemary shook her head. Eventually, violence would come, but she had no concrete evidence things would break at this exact moment. Captain Morrison had a drunkenly reliable head on his shoulders. Hell, even the Pittian ardent leering at everyone balefully from a boulder hadn’t actually hurt anyone—intimidated, yes, but not attacked—whenever ve’d appeared at stonehedge.

Her satchel bumped against her shoulder as she sat down. Telekinetically removing the strap, the witch sighed as its weight dropped off her shoulders. As Typhoon’s healer, it was a mostly metaphorical burden she carried, but the physical weight of medical supplies wasn’t a negligible consideration.

Stretching her shoulders and spine, Rosemary stifled a yawn. The lack of violence was good, but there was one thing she agreed with Vale on; these things were often dreadfully boring, and she wasn’t sure it was worth lugging herself and her supplies to these things when nothing of note transpired.

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Scyllios - 05-11-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The maned wolf slinked into the clearing beside Rosemary, equally anxious and more disgusted with the selection that had shown from the Pittian side of things. It was a matter of time before The Coalition showed up, and yet they were steadfast in their decision to not step into that crowd.

Lips pulled back in a disgusted frown, they turned to the witch, attempting to speak into her mind, "Are all pittians that disgusting?" they were genuinely curious.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - rhosmari - 05-11-2022

She had heard about these monthly gathering things from gossip and talk throughout the Coalition. She was not sure on it. She needed to see what it was all about and how it would happen. So she was making her way there after someone said that around this time everyone would be gathering. The dirt stained woman blinked her eyes, narrowing them slightly as she crossed onto the island and she paused there. Eyes widening ever so slightly she was both amazed and appalled at those she witnessed here. Her muzzle curled for a moment and the thought of potentially robbing any of them went out of her head. They were all so much bigger than she was. Sighing roughly she decided to sit somewhere on thr outskirts and just see what this was all about. As long as no one noticed her things should be okay. Or someone from the Coalition showed up to take the attention.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - ninazu - 05-13-2022

The cosmos shimmered in the Utahraptor’s feathers. She stepped into the stone circle with narrowed green eyes, gaze locked onto the Typhoon captain. The last monthly meeting she’d attended had been a shit show, with her sanity slipping after her husband’s death and Captain Roxanne’s boasting about hanging Stryker’s head on a pike.

Her lips curled back. But as tempted as she was to demand Stryker’s remains now, Ninazu knew that would only tank the Coalition’s reputation. And her own. If there was even anyone alive left who feared her.

Instead, her head turned to the Pitt’s monsters. A skullfaced tiger and… a skeletal creature which reminded her of something. Ve didn’t say vis name, but Ninazu knew it anyway: Vale. Had they met before her death? Probably—Stryker and her had destroyed the Pitt’s black pyramid in a deal with a traitorous blight of shapeshifting gore, and there was only one of those in the Pitt.

She huffed, said nothing, and shifted on her feet among the gathered animals. Might as well wait for Romulus before even considering acting on grudges that would’ve died with her, if she’d only had the good sense to stay in the afterlife with Stryker.