Beasts of Beyond
!!! - ??? - Printable Version

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!!! - ??? - ??? - 03-29-2022

The golden sun beats down on the desert's grainy sand. Bright, empty skies highlighted by the sun left passerbys confused. Not only this, but the winding hills of sand that lined the horizon provided no context on where to go. Only the sun's direction and the winds drove loners through. Warm air grows still as the morning winds slow to a halt upon reaching the tree's edge. Humid and hot, the Pittian jungle was an extravagant maze of vines. Through the endless sea of sand to the impassable greenery, many did not manage to reach The Pitt's inner circle.

Today, though, was different.

After traversing aimlessly into The Pitt's desert, a figure managed to follow the north eastern skies and into the jungle. Young and agile features meandered through the vines, trees, and flora with ease with no thought in mind. There was no clue as to why they were here but to walk, to breathe, and to live. The mystery led them to continue on with their endless travel. With a blank gaze leading them forward, they eventually found the central plaza.

An albino face peeked out from the bushes. Blue eyes widened at the animals roaming through the area and large, rounded ears shot upwards. A hesitant, pink paw pad lurched forward. White fur appeared out from the green leaves with a ruffle sounding behind them. The serval drifted forward without any consideration, nor did they acknowledge any animal nearby. They kept to themselves, trespassing without a care in the world. Just straightforward and stoic. Strange.

Re: !!! - ??? - Kold - 03-29-2022

Look, when some random fucking animal waltzes into the central plaza without anyone knowing who they are, you tend to think "oh, they're a spy or an intruder." That's definitely what Kold thought as she stared at the serval. She snarled, slowly stepping toward the stranger. "Who are you. State your name and your business here." She demanded, face twisted in a snarl.

Her tail stood straight up behind her, and her wings twitched.

Re: !!! - ??? - ??? - 03-29-2022

As a strange figure stepped in front of them, the serval peered upwards. Light blue eyes locked with the other's gaze and didn't falter as Kold spoke, but narrowed as the undead wolf finished. Who? Name? Business? The albino being stood silent. The words meant something, but they did not connect in the lost feline's brain. A factor was missing. Jaws parted in thought, but closed moments later after coming up with nothing. A empty mind made no assumptions.

The serval attempted to push forward and continue walking, but their stature was obviously blocked by Kold's presence and led the stranger to try to move the other aside with their body pressing against them. Whether they succeeded or not, they continued to try walking again until interrupted. An unknown goal drove them further. The question was what that goal was.

Re: !!! - ??? - shinigami sakigami - 03-29-2022

This was odd.

A creature not much bigger than himself decided to stroll right over the border. That part was normal, Arfur had noticed plenty of people ignore the common courtesy of waiting for someone to greet them. Despite it being normal, the pup found it highly disrespectful. It sounded like they could do what they please!

The purple hued child would trot up beside Kold, a bitter gleam in his eye as the creature tried to pass her up as well. Now that was rude!

Don’t ignore her!

Re: !!! - ??? - Kold - 03-29-2022

The absence of a response made Kold twitch visibly. The snarl deepened, and her fur stood on its end. As the foolish thing kept trying to pass her, and as Arfur stood by her side, she finally snapped, and tried to shove the serval away from her. In conjunction to this, a lightning spark reached out to try and zap the serval as well. "Don't you dare ignore us. Don't you dare ignore me." She barked, refusing to say anything else in case she accidentally cursed in front of a child.

Re: !!! - ??? - SOJOURN - 03-29-2022

The loud sounds always annoyed him. There was always a commotion that was going on. A pain in the ass was what he thought it was. Something that didn't need to be. The indoraptor allowed his eyes to narrow, the flaming gaze almost unnerving as he appeared through the foliage. The sound of warning was clear in his vocals, a rumbling low tone as he stepped forward. Yellow stripped figure raised onto two legs as he looked over the scene. Saw the sharp response over one little cat. One tiny cat. Thick sickle like claws wanted to reach forth and snap the bodies of the three in half. Perhaps even devour them. But he kept himself civil, head raising before he snorted. "On a mission. Let's see where they go." He was curious, these creatures he did not see as a pack. He held no respect for them. None.

Even so he watched the small serval with a measure of intrigue. Not thinking of the hunger that rumbled in his gut. This place was low on food as it were. To devour another animal of this group was looked down upon. But could they stop his instincts?
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: !!! - ??? - VALE - 03-29-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three-eyed crow
The three-eyed crow circled above, watching the serval attempt to bulldoze past Kold. A terrible decision, really, would’ve been obvious to anyone who knew her not to try such a thing. But even a stranger usually wouldn’t be empty-headed enough to act this way within the Pitt’s territory.

Vale held vis tongue, containing insults and a fireball lodged within vis beak.

Ve’d watch how the stranger dealt with three Pittians now before ve made vis move.

Re: !!! - ??? - ??? - 03-30-2022

A voice met pointed ears. Their sudden demand caused the serval to stop in their tracks and freeze, waiting until their final breath. The command was simple, but they found no meaning within the phrase. Ignore... her? The stranger looked back up at Kold as Asfur's voice halted, only to be shoved down to the ground. Paws fumbled to the floor and tried to catch their fall, but failure followed. The feline tumbled downwards. They, in desperation, tried to turn back to face Kold but was struck back down again.

Electricity traveled through them. Their muscles tensed as they plummeted face down on to the floor. Unable to move temporarily, they made no attempt to speak (not as if they were going to in the first place). Gritted teeth merely stayed clamped and the serval laid prone with no intent in changing that.

Within time though, the lightning's hold on their system faded. Paws began to twitch once again and reached outwards as if they were trying to continue walking. The body started to loosen up eventually. Claws struck ground and they pulled themselves up without a word, nor any psychical acknowledgement to the others. The flash of a velociraptor, a zombified wolf, a fireball in the jaws of a wicked creature, and a purple child did not make them flinch, nor pause. They only tried to trudge on, awaiting an end goal out of sight, but not out of earshot.

Re: !!! - ??? - shinigami sakigami - 03-30-2022

What on Earth…?

His brain was wracked with concern as he watched Kold plummet the stranger to the ground. Eager ebony eyes shot upward, panic in his gaze as he grimaced. That seemed a tad unnecessary, despite the intruder’s lack of concern for their space. Sure, rules were meant to be followed, and he didn’t appreciate them ignoring Kold at all, but was hurting them really the best response? The pup lurched backwards, tail drawing between his legs and his ears pinning downward. He supposed this was his warning not to cross them!

Let’s see where they go.

Serpentine’s crisp and familiar voice filled the air, drawing the attention of the labrador with ease. Perhaps they were right, and the child should just watch them? Drawing his shoulders back, the child of rot observed the stranger trotting onwards with minimal explanation. Deciding he didn’t know how else to handle it, the puppy began to follow behind them close, sniffing in their direction silently. If you couldn’t beat them, join them!

Re: !!! - ??? - Kold - 03-31-2022

She let out an aggravated sigh at Serpentine's words. Watching the stranger struggle was, to her, quite satisfying. Watching them get up and continue on their way? Not so much. They were just asking to get a harsher beating. But seeing Arfur follow the stranger, with no idea where they were going, her eyes widened slightly. She couldn't tell if it was concern that caused her to follow, but she gave Vale a quick glance and shrugged before doing so.