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YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - Printable Version

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YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-21-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
The recent events needed to be addressed. Aphra had plenty of time to recover by now and while she was still hesitant in taking Sojourn's place as the Kingpin after such an ordeal, she was the next highest position in line. And Byriath having a mental breakdown himself probably was a good idea to throw leadership on him, either. Taking in a shaky breath, Aphra came out from her home and made her way towards the middle of camp.

"WANDERERS, meeting!" Or more like a miniature meeting, something to address what happened with Sojourn and the mess that was the Typhoon rescue raid. "As I'm sure all of you know, Sojourn... had a mental breakdown and proceeded to attack her fellow Wanderers." Sojourn's mentality was... debatable at best, but it seemed to have snapped after Michael was revealed to be Silvertongue. "While I'd imagine that attacking and murdering your own clanmates should have gotten her chased out, Maude went ahead and finished the job herself. So in this particular case, Maude will remain a Wanderer." She would be taking attacks against clanmates seriously from now on, but in Sojourn's case... Something needed to be done, or else the mad woman was going to do worse damage.

"For the time being," Aphra went on. "I am not announcing any promotions or demotions, but I do wanna thank Angelembrace, Saturn, Solsken, and Maude for sticking around despite everything and trying to make sure everything returns back to normal." Essentially a small shoutout, but that was about it. Arvid would have been apart of these, but... the scientist had been killed by Sojourn, as unfortunate as that was. "Final announcement, we're... holding off on captures for the time being, alright? At least in regards to The Typhoon." The raid had hit them hard and while Aphra enjoyed Maude's little pit fights, the Coalition's safety was her first priority above all. Ironic, how the woman who didn't care for one child was going to be caring for an entire group. "If no one has any questions or concerns, or whatnot, you all are dismissed. We will be holding a funeral for Saturn and Arvid later on, and... Sojourn, if anyone wishes to mourn them." She would have to be added to the Hall of Kings later on, but Aphra could find someone to do that later, when things had settled down. She expected others to want to hold a funeral for Sojourn because despite the woman's end, she was still a mother to several Coalitioners. It would be wrong not to let them get a proper farewell.

//Nothing super important for this small meeting but!:
- Aphra has stepped up after Sojourn's death
- Shoutouts to [member=18066]ANGELEMBRACE[/member] , [member=6034]Saturn.[/member] , [member=18239]Solsken.[/member] , and [member=18216]MAUDE P.[/member] but no promos or demos just yet
- Typhoon captures are being put on hold until CotC recovers from Typhoon's rescue raid; everyone else is fair game, if desired.
- Funeral for Arvid, Saturn, Sojourn will be coming up soon[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - MAUDE P. - 05-21-2021

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - Casphian - 05-21-2021

Solsken followed the group of npcs to where the meeting was being held, his head hung as he padded along. He honestly didn’t want to attend this meeting but of course he knew he needed to go especially since Aphra would probably announce the change of leadership. With that he found himself settling off to the side of the group, gaze half looking at the feline. He listened as she went on with the meeting, flicking an ear at being mentioned but showed no emotion towards it. It was next that the funerals would be announced and at that the pup found himself letting out a soft sigh of annoyance at the thought of a burial for his so called mother.

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - trojan g. - 05-21-2021

Ruven hadn't been in his home when what had gone down with Sojourn did. He hadn't been there when his brother was attacked, when Arvid was killed, when Oleander had been thrown like a chewtoy. He had heard about it though. He'd been told things when he came back, and he had been devastated. His mother, the one he had trusted the most within the Coalition, had harmed and killed his groupmates - no, his friends - and then had died for what she had done. He guessed it was the best ending there could be, considering he didn't want her being exiled - he'd miss her too much and worry about where she was without him - but this way he knew where she was. Buried six feet below.

He trudged over to the meeting that Aphra had called out, ears pinned to his head as he looked up towards the feline before him. He didn't have much issue with her being the new Kingpin of the Coalition. He knew there could be others that did considering her parenting style, but she and Sojourn had been similar enough in that for Ruven to know that she could potentially do good with the power that she was given. "Noted." Was all the child would speak for now, sitting there and waiting, unsure of what to do next. If he had known that Sojourn was going to get a statue in the hall of kings he would have stopped it. She had left them, she had left the Coalition and left her children without parents. She had tried to end it all before Maude finished it before her. She wouldn't have wanted a statue in her honor in that case... deserters didn't get statues. 

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - Romulus - 05-21-2021

Ding dong, the wicked bitch takes over after the other. After witnessing Aphra's death during the raid, Romulus wished her demise would remain permanent. To his disappointment, the abusive mother crawled her way back to the Coalition of the Condemned with power in mind. While she was the highest rank before them, he dearly wished for her dismissal. Abusive, uncaring, and wicked, Aphra was not deserving of the throne his parent's and sister once held. To hear her call from the center island's meeting place caused a lowly growl to erupt from his throat.

He traveled over in silence. Romulus made no plans to sit near anyone, but instead sat near the back and observed the other's reactions. His gaze settled on Maude temporarily. For as much as he held disdain for her actions, he couldn't deny his sister's crazed demeanor, but was ending her suffering the logical choice? Craning his head, the lion merely shook his head in disappointment. How the mighty have fallen.

Rounded ears pinned to the back of his head as he listened. He disregarded her words. The hesitance in her voice about Sojourn's funeral made her sound almost ungrateful. That feeling was not new with Aphra though. Clearing his throat, the lion spoke outwards. "I will be holding my sister's funeral," he stated firmly. If anyone wanted to challenge him on that aspect, then so be it. The lion had nothing else to lose. He would get his way.

With no other demands, the lion stood up. Romulus looked out at those who gathered once more, only to turn tail and walk away without another word.

//out unless stopped/new announcements

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 05-22-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Narrowed optics as her mothers' raised voice called a meeting. Having a familiarity with Romulus she padded over to him with a snarl growing on her maw. "I disapprove of her status." But it was done. Sojourn was dead and Aphra had been the second highest. A snort as she sat down.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
As expected, most of the Coalition offered a simple 'noted' as a response to her announcements - other than Romulus, who seemed like he was in quite the mood. Almost understandable, really, with Sojourn being his sister, but surely Romulus had seen that if Maude hadn't done anything herself, Sojourn was either going to do something horrible to herself or her clanmates. The casualties could have been so much worse. But Aphra didn't want to bring that up, nor did she have a reason to, with Romulus not speaking out on the matter.

Clearing her throat, Aphra decided to take note of Romulus's statement, "Romulus will hold Sojourn's funeral. I will hold Arvid's in this case, and... Byriath would you like to hold Saturn's...?" She would understand if not, but the Guru seemed close to the other, and she supposed it was really awful of her to be stepping on others' toes to hold a funeral of their loved ones. But did Arvid have anyone? Aphra wasn't sure, nor did she really care about who held who's funeral, as long as it was done. God damn. "I also plan on getting someone to help me with making a statue of Sojourn, but since I don't have earth elementals, I do need some help with that."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - Byriath - 05-22-2021

Byriath felt heavy as he walked to the group (well... Xenosmilus' were big), ignoring most of the words. But he held his head up for a moment. "Yes.. I'll hold Saturn's funeral." and he lowered his head again. When did he become so damn tired?
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - trojan g. - 05-22-2021

Ruven wanted to leave, he was ready to do so and was about to get up to go try and find a new home when Aphra mentioned who would be doing which funeral, and his ears pinned to his head. He didn't know Romulus, only knew that he was his uncle - or, well, had been before Sojourn died. He didn't know how that worked - and in the two months of being in the Coalition Ruven had only seen him once before. He guessed it made sense for him to hold it though, considering their blood relation, and Ruven would take note of who was doing each funeral, and he was going to be sure he showed up to each of them.

Head turned back to Aphra however when she mentioned a statue for Sojourn, and Ruven would quickly jump up, finally speaking more than one word. "No, she doesn't get a statue." He would say, ears pinning to his head at the thought, "She wouldn't want one, she said so herself when she took her parent's statues down." He had been there, he knew what had been said when that had happened. "She's not coming back, we're here and she isn't." Her own words exactly, "She killed Arvid and hurt her own child, she brought ruin not glory." A hideous end to it as well.

Re: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART || Mini-meeting 5/21 - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Ruven suddenly jumping up surprised Aphra and the she-cat looked over at him as he started to speak, stating quite simply that Sojourn did not deserve a statue. It surprised Aphra at first, but the adolescent lion did have a point - Sojourn did just up and abandon her family, just as Ninazu and Stryker had done. But was death really... abandoning her children? In one way, yes, Aphra could see how one could see it that way. Although Aphra didn't remember Sojourn stating she did not want a statue when she destroyed her parents', Aphra believed Ruven; out of all people (other than Romulus, perhaps), he would be the one to know. "You're right." Aphra agreed, giving Ruven a quick nod to show she understood.

Sojourn killed Arvid and hurt one of her own children, she did not deserve to be revered by the group. I will. Aphra promised to herself. If it was the last thing she did with this group, she was going to be the one leader they were proud of.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]