Beasts of Beyond
IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - Printable Version

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IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - trojan g. - 05-14-2021

Paw steps brought the jaguar to the border of Tanglewood, confused and lost as to what had happened. One second Moth was back, well wherever she was, and the next she knew she was floating around in limbo, so similar to when she had been dead all those months ago. She knew she had been captured but couldn’t remember where she had gone or how she had gotten there, so there would be no answers there. Moth simply remembered being sick, growing more and more ill each day, hoping it’d go away soon, but it never did. And now she was here and feeling better.

Feathers ruffled around her neck as she pad into the territory at last, tired and heading towards her home. Moth didn’t know how long she had been gone for, unable to tell the time due to not knowing how long she had slept then, but she knew it had been a while. Long enough for the days to grow hot and enough for some plants to grow. It seemed too few for the time of year though. It caused concern to flash in the medic’s brain, and so she made her way to her house. Opening the door she would pause for a moment, taking in the various scents and flattening her ears to her skull as worry ripped at her gut. It was pretty obvious there had been others in her home, and she could only wonder why.

[[ the plot that is going on with Moth is still happening, just at the same time as this so not much will be said until her capture but is over! This was also written on mobile so excuse any spelling errors!

edit;; forgot to mention that because this body was never in the frostblown, the scent isn't on it!  ]]
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - K. XIU - 05-15-2021

Ko'nari didn't know Moth. Not really, anyways. She knew of the medic, mainly through both of her mothers. They spoke highly of Moth as both a person and a medic, and that naturally made the little cub want to meet her. Unfortunately, she had quickly found out that the other wasn't around anymore – she was missing. That alone was pretty frightening for Ko, who found herself wondering where the large feline could've been taken. Both Arrow and Elsweyr were quick to soothe her mind, but Ko'nari still wasn't entirely settled. What if whoever took Moth came for her family? Her siblings? It was a pretty unpleasant thought, honestly, and occasionally the girl found herself lingering near the home that she had identified as Moth's. Just to see if the other's – potential – captors ever returned for more. If they did, she would... well, she didn't really know. She wasn't big enough to be all that effective of a fighter just yet... so she supposed she would just run off and tell somebody stronger than her.

It didn't seem as though that would be necessary, however. Ko'nari had been sitting nearby when she spotted someone moving towards Moth's home, and initially she felt her pelt spike up in uneven tufts. She was ready to bolt and go get one of her mothers immediately, but then she paused. Whoever this was... it didn't look like an intruder. In fact, it looked a lot like the descriptions of Moth that the cub had been provided. So, after a moment of hesitation, Ko'nari got up to her paws, moving over and lingering on the porch of the other's home. She didn't go inside, not wanting to intrude if this was, in fact, Moth. Swallowing thickly, the little lion eventually spoke up, tail twitching behind her, "Miss? Sorry to interrupt, but... are you Moth?" If this wasn't Moth... Ko'nari was ready to bolt if necessary.
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - LUCINDER XIU - 05-15-2021


he followed his sister with a small shrug and a sigh. only having heard of moth by name and reputation, her not being there for their lives yet. he stepped in front of ko'nai with his teeth bared, optics narrowed, ready to attack should this person actually not be moth.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
Things had been rough without Moth, though fortunately Tanglewood did have Colere in case something did happen. Even if they didn't have Colere, Vigenere knew... some basic things, but not something that would have saved Elsweyr during her birth. Everyone tried looking for Moth, but lost her trail early on, even past Tanglewood's borders - Vigenere included. When he heard one of Elsweyr's cubs speak the name of the Reaper, this immediately caught his attention. Vigenere went over to where the cubs stood before Moth's home, looking into the home and seeing the familiar orange-colored pelt of Moth. "It is Moth." He confirmed, voice low to whisper it to the cubs, before he called out to the medic, "Moth, where the hell did you go?"

Abandoning Tanglewood just as things were getting rough wasn't something Moth would do, at least from his memories of her. Unless things have changed, that is.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - Seven - 05-15-2021

Lost. She had been lost for some time. Lost and scared. This big tigress had been lost and scared and alone.

Until she spotted the auras of multiple as she slowly moved through back to the house she was scared to go in. She couldn't tell who they were, as they were simply white silhouettes. And she'd been gone so long that...

She almost ran to the house, stopping a few meters from the group. Just barely caught Vigeneres words, the name he spoke. And she looked to the silhouette of the jaguar. ".... Mom?" her voice cracked, thin limbs wobbled. Was she actually back?
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - trojan g. - 05-17-2021

Ears pricked as a voice reached the female's ears and Moth soon turned around, looking down as she looked upon the two children, confusion on her face as she tried to piece things together. Who's children were these and what had happened to cause them to be so afraid and so hostile towards someone in the territory? "Y-yes," She would speak carefully, looking at the two before continuing on, "I'm Moth... do I know you?" Did something happen where she forgot children that were in the swamp before she left?

Mind flickered to focusing on Vigenere as he soon came over, softly confirming to the children who she was before turning to her and questioning where she had gone. She had begun to walk towards the male before she heard Seven, and her head quickly turned to the tigress as tears began to form in her eyes. She quickly made her way over to the blind feline, attempting to wrap her paw around the other's shoulders in a hug before pulling back and attempting to push her head against the others. "Yeah it's me." She'd softly speak, voice cracking slightly as the relief washed over her. Seven was still here. Her daughter was still here. Throat would clear as she lifted up her head and looked over to Vig, ears pinning to her head. "I don't know where I was... I was stuck as a fox and someone named Auberon came here asking for help." She would pause for a moment to think, trying to remember everything. "I said I couldn't go to his group to help but he took me anyway... I-I don't remember what the group was called, I never caught the name." As far as she knew anyway, she had been so sick that she'd fallen asleep while being carried there.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - rhosmari - 05-17-2021

Since Moth had disappeared Tanglewood had been in the brink of destruction. Especially when nature decided to turn against them and drive away water and prey. Things were looking better and they had not been bothered by any other groups since the incident with Jormungand and the Coalition. It was peaceful but she also regretted that they had not had enough time to look for Moth. That all of their resources had been spent on surviving. The Luminary had been trying her best to keep her cubs alive as well and now that she was able to move again and was keeping a eye on them and where they were at the moment. Seeing Ko'nari as well as Lucinder at Moth's home cussed the pale lioness to make her way over to the place. Her gaze lingered on her cubs before she realized that they were talking to someone. That someone speaking about where they had been or at least that she remembered of it and the Luminary blinked slowly. "Moth..." She began before she tried not to cry.

She was happy she was back home and safe. Back where she belonged and she lowered her head a bit. "She is so sorry. If she would have known she would have come and gotten her." To be honest she felt like she had let the Reaper down and she sighed heavily. She needed to do better. She was the Luminary after all. Her tail slowly wrapped around Ko'nari for a moment, debating about introducing the children to her. After all she had yet to meet them.

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
"It's fine, don't stress about it." Vigenere replied in a gentle tone towards Moth, a concerned fronw on his face. It was... rather worrying that she didn't remember anything other than the name of the person who took her, but it was better than nothing at all. Auberon. He'd have to keep that in mind in case he ever came across someone with that name. "What matters most now is that you're back."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - K. XIU - 05-18-2021

So this was indeed the Moth that she had heard so much about? Not only that, but... she had been taken? The thought of that alone caused Ko'nari's chest to clench slightly, a wave of anxiety overtaking her. Like most children, the girl had been warned about "stranger danger," and yet... she hadn't considered someone actually getting taken. Especially a medic. The cub sort of understood being desperate for help – Tanglewood was only just now recovering from their recent drought – but to kidnap someone just to help you out? That seemed awful, not to mention impractical. She didn't see any reason why Moth would be obligated to help out, unless they were threatening her somehow. That only made Ko's stomach twist up more, and part of her wanted to bolt away and hide despite the desire to introduce herself. Thankfully, Elsweyr soon arrived to save the day, the feeling of her mother's tail curling around her causing Ko'nari to relax significantly. She hoped that the shaky little breath that left her wasn't too noticeable, not wanting to worry Els too much.

Focusing her attention once more on Moth, Ko'nari hesitated momentarily before she spoke up, "Uh... I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier! I had just heard of you before, and I knew you hadn't been around... my name's Ko'nari. Elsweyr and Arrow are my moms... they told me a lot about you!" Unbeknownst to Ko, her presence would probably be quite the shock to Moth, considering where she had come from. Hell, Moth hadn't even been the one to find out that Elsweyr was pregnant – instead, Colere had to step in. She had certainly missed out a lot thanks to Auberon and their group. It was a shame, since Els and Arrow really had told Ko'nari quite a bit about Moth, and every word had only made her want to meet the reaper even more. She would've liked to meet her earlier... but late was better than never, Ko supposed.
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - LUCINDER XIU - 05-18-2021


upon seeing his mother approach and almost cry a frown formed onto lucinder's features before the name of confirmation was barked from vigenere  and then moth herself. the corners of his lips twitched, unsure whether to smile or frown or run up to hug her. he knew moth and his parents were close but was still unsure their relationship. "lucinder xiu, also son of arrow and elsweyr."


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months