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what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - Printable Version

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what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - rhosmari - 05-02-2021

Dust and bones was all she was finding as she attempted to find something for her and Arrow to eat. Expecting cubs was the last thing she had thought was going to be happening right now but it was so obvious now. She was heavy and swollen. Perhaps any day now they would be coming. But even though she was heavily pregnant her ribs were beginning to show. She was running on what energy she had left. This drought was not being kind to her or her people. These conditions seemed to be much more worse than what she had been expecting and she sighed softly as she tried to smell something, anything. But it was like the territory had become deserted. Was it going to become a desert next? The dust was in the air. The wind picking it up and making breathing a bit tougher than it should be.

Each over turned rock, each dried up bush she attempted to look through held nothing. No rabbits, no birds, no lizards, no deer, or water buffalo. Nothing. The woman felt like she could cry right now. Her head rose to the sky then, her jaws parting. "What did they do?! Cipactli please answer her!" Her voice was broken, jaw snapping shut and exhaustion clear in the way that her limbs shook and wobbled. Slowly she closed her eyes as there was only silence to greet her, it weighed so heavy. Had she been forsaken then? Was this just a punishment she had brought upon everyone else? The Luminary slowly opened her eyes and before her He stood. The amalgamation of many sharp tooth mouths, black scales that seemed to crawl along skin. Red and yellow eyes moving before they all turned to stare at her. The crocodile god seemed angry and almost immediately the woman bowed for how could she not. "How could They abandoned Something They see as Precious. His Conqueror." The Deity's voice seemed to be everywhere at once and she couldn't lift her eyes back up. Or maybe she did not want to.

"She has not conquered anything. She is trying to survive. Tanglewood is trying to survive." The woman spoke in a hushed tone before His laugh seemed to shake the very air. "She does not know it. But she has Conquered. She has Taken them. She came Here. She endured them. And now She Leads them. She has Completed Her Soul Journey. Now She will become Gifted." Warning bells lit up suddenly, instincually and her head jerked up to stare at the god. "Wait! She is pregnant, she is not well enough, not strong enough to take the Gift. Please just wait!" But there was no waiting was there. Not from the many mouth god who held the Void in His stomach.

The sudden pain that coursed through her body made her scream, a searing fron the top of her head to her paws and tail. Darkness surrounded her and she heard Him again. "If She lives, She will have power and be Reborn. If she dies...she will see Him Again." Her stomach flared to life suddenly, pain rippling through her stomach as she collapsed. Pain she had never felt before contracting and stressing. Her children. Her children. Someone please help them.

--- if the kiddos want what Cipactli has done to affect them go ahead! This is also the birthing thread!

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
Providing for Tanglewood was becoming increasingly harder as the heatwave got worse. Prey had fled and if there was any prey that got caught by Tanglers, they all seemed to be mostly skin and bones. It was better than nothing, but Vigenere was getting frustrated at catching such small pieces of prey. Like Elsweyr, the savannah was attempting to hunt - that is, until he heard the scream that erupted. Vigenere's ears pricked at the noise and he straightened himself up from his crouch, tense as he opened his mouth to taste the air; trying to pick up the scent of blood or an enemy (namely, The Pitt) nearby. Neither of those were in the air though, but that didn't stop the soldier from searching for the source.

"Fuck, Elsweyr!" Vigenere growled to himself as he came across the lioness on the ground, seemingly in pain. Although he had no experience in helping a pregnant woman give birth, it wasn't exactly hard to guess what was going on - at least, given how Elsweyr already looked like she was going to burst. The savannah rushed to his leader's side, growling at her, "Stay with me, Els." Moth wasn't here. Moth isn't here. Fucking hell. Tanglewood had no medic to help with this and while Vigenere had some medical knowledge, it wouldn't help in this situation.

But there was someone who seemed at least a little more knowledgeable on the subject. With [member=18138]COLERE![/member] in mind, Vigenere attempted to reach out to his telepathically, "Colere. We've got a problem." With this, he would also try to send an image of what was going on, as well as where he and Elsweyr were. Hopefully the newcomer could be able to do something here, something to at least ease whatever pain Elsweyr was going through.

"Stay with me." Vigenere repeated his demand out loud, focusing back on Elsweyr. "Breathe slowly, take deep breaths." This was the least he could do right now, at the very least. But truth be told, he was worried. What if something was wrong?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - LUCINDER XIU - 05-02-2021


the rumbling was loud and it grew steady and heavy. unspoken screams tearing at the cub's mind. he wanted out of here he wanted out! white, crying sounds. new smells, bright harsh light assaulted his every being, something felt wrong, out of the ordinary. this wasn't supposed to happen like a normal childbirth. where was the warmth? this was not warmth, this was heat. damaging heat that made broken lungs force a shout, a cry for help. rough breath pelted his face and an unfamiliar smell entered nostrils fighting to work for air. through blurred vision, thin eyelids revealing the panting form of his mother. he looked down, a tiny thing looking at its own feet. curled up in shuddering breaths. cold, so cold. he needed warmth. he needed his blood to circulate but he could not move a muscle. somebody help him? somebody help!


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - arrow - 05-02-2021

This was wrong, this was all wrong, not how it was supposed to be at all. Not that Arrow didn't know about how rough things could be in this tough reality, she did. She had been a rogue at one point after all, and she was sure she saw things that would have been terrible and obscure within the life of a clan or whatever else. But she wasn't living that life anymore, she hadn't in years, typically births weren't under such dire conditions after that. Aurum had given birth, Moth had done it, though she hadn't witnessed that one, and they came out fine, no? To have Elsweyr be the first she could think of to be put through Hell and back for some kids was...well, it made her even more bitter. Just one day for both of them to fucking rest was turning into an impossible dream.

Much like Vigenere, the cries of Elsweyr were immediately noticed. Arrow thought her heart may have stopped for a second. Just enough to feel the lightheadedness and lack of weight in her chest, but not enough to keep her from moving fast enough that had she had any supernatural ability like many did, she was positive she could have broken some sort of barrier. Not that it would have been a good idea, of course, but an idea. She, however, did not bother searching for the scent of anyone else, ally, enemy, or other, only interested in booking it to the source. Her main concern, that being that those suckers were ready to be born, had been correct in the assumption, but it wasn't as if she was particularly excited about this. Especially how everything seemed to be going to terribly wrong. The exhaustion pulled at her body in a way that could not be truly described, only being pushed aside by pure adrenaline and adrenaline alone.

She was no medic, not like this. Silently she cursed whatever had happened to Moth, hissing between gritted teeth and moving her thoughts on to what was important in the moment, baring her teeth at the brightness of the sun and stepping over the lioness, hoping that, while terribly thin herself, she could offer some shade to the newborns and partially to Eslweyr. Arrow nudged Lucinder with her nose, making an attempt to push the cub towards Els's belly and out of the searing heat. Alive, a little weak it seemed but alive. Something new tugged at her heart, but this wouldn't be the only cub and she could worry about the sentiment later. [i]"For the love of all that is holy, let my girlfriend make it out alive." Morbid, but honest.
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Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - SirDio - 05-02-2021

Her introduction to the world was hot and dry and bad. Soon after Lucinder a lioness cub had arrived, already mad at the heat. Eyes fused shut but she moved with slight vigor. She wanted out of the heat, finding herself inching toward Elsweyr, into the slight shade provided by Arrow. Jaws parted in a shrill but weak cry as the tan cub searched for Elsweyr's stomach to no avail.

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - K. XIU - 05-02-2021

No matter the circumstance, being born was always a sort of violent process. One moment, you were nothing. You had to focus on nothing, and simply remain in the darkness and the warmth that surrounded you. You were safe, and happy, and there were no worries about things like food, or water, or a group. Once you were born, though, all of that changed. You were subjected to a burst of strange new feelings and upsetting surroundings, and a world that was much too bright even with your eyes still sealed shut. It certainly didn't help when a searing pain rushed through your body just beforehand, your first real experience with pain aside from the occasional kick of your siblings. The pain is accompanied by a rush of upsetting new emotions, unidentifiable in your young and unknowing state. You have little idea that a god has just given your mother their "blessing," or that you have inadvertently been given something as well. All you know is that something is wrong, and everything is new, and it's all so upsetting.

Needless to say, Ko'nari's entrance into the world was not a peaceful one. Freshly into a new world, and she isn't greeted by a soft bed around her, or the kind touch of her mother's nose against her head. Instead, she was greeted by a stinging rush of unrelenting heat, and the feeling of rough, unpleasant earth beneath the pads of her paws. Her eyes, still sealed shut, were not as they once were. As opposed to the calm natural blue they had once been, they were now drenched in a eye-catching and hypnotizing mixture of bright pink and red. Indeed, they would be quiet the surprise to whichever parent got to see them first. That wasn't to say that her pelt was any more subdued, however. She was a bright and messy mix of pinks and whites, and although it would be a long time before she would have to worry about a mane growing in, she would always have unruly tufts of pure white and hot pink fluff around her face, and neck. She was eye-catching to an extreme, and although she didn't seem to bear a strong physical resemblance to either of her parents, their spirits nonetheless mixed within her.

None of this would matter, however, unless she and her siblings got out of this situation alive. As it were, that was still a very tall order, and Ko'nari saw fit to make her displeasure known. Her jaws parted in a large and desperate yowl, trying to grab the attention of either of her mothers nearby. The draw of sustenance was string enough to pull her through even the overwhelming heat, and it wasn't long until the cub found herself dragging her tiny form towards Elsweyr's belly. She wasn't exactly making very speedy progress, however, what with the dirt and small roots in her way, not to mention the unrelenting sun beating down upon her back. While it was doubtful she'd ever remember this day when she grew older, she'd certainly see fit to complain about it later if she did.
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - LUCINDER XIU - 05-03-2021


a familiar smell touched his nose, arrow, though he didn't know it yet. the nose was wet and cold as it pushed him in the direction of elsweyr. well if he was going to be guided he'd take it. finding strength somehow magically, he crawled over quickly, the heat driving him mad, to snuggle against his siblings. a sharp cry as he touched their dry skin. it was hot, very hot there.shuffled away but still stayed in the embrace of elsweyr, he found a source of food and began to suckle, feeling for the amount of siblings he had.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - COLERE! - 05-03-2021

Colere Kokytos

Colere had been minding his business, when...all of a sudden he got an annoying ping of someone jumbling in his mind and let a low hiss out before quickly rushing to the scene. "what in the world is going..." his words trail before focusing on Els... oh. "Someone get a stick and some water" he snapped quickly before rushing towards the leader's side. "Its going to be painful but hang in there okay?" he said smoothly towards the leader. This couldn't go well not in this terrible heat, and... not with the leader looking like this. Shoot, all he can do is hope for their leader to survive... "Make sure the cubs are breathing and miss leader hang on as best as you can." he stated calmly. His tail lashed slightly while he gritted his teeth and gently attempted to place a paw on the luminary's side "tell me if this hurts or not, and soon as we get a stick, bite hard on it okay?" he stated smoothly his striking golden gaze looking around a bit. This wasn't the best time to be giving birth now...

"Speech"  Thoughts

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - rhosmari - 05-05-2021

With each life that she was able to bring into the world it was as if she felt her own life ebbing and leaving her. Strength that she did have to move her and Arrow's children out into the world was disappearing and she was tired. So very tired. But each child brought her a small notion of what was happening. Her children were being born. But there was still fear. The conditions that they were being born into. As Colere came forth the Luminary stared up at him with glassy eyes, confused but still she merely gave him a nod. One of appreciation that he was here. Her paw reached out to gently attempt to hold on to his. There was no desperation as the third child came. Nothing really hurt anymore. She just felt numb yet she knew that there was another child that was left. One yet to see the world and she breathed out once. "She doesn't hurt. She's just tired." Her eyes slowly closed. There was a lot more blood than there should have been.

Her chest was taking shallow breathes in and then the last child came. A small mass of black fur. Not moving. Quiet. Els didn't have the strength to even look up and see any of her children right now. But tears ran down her face as she look up as much as she could to try and see Arrow. "Her moon...tell her, are they beautiful? She needs to know...." Her voice so faint. So quiet, a petering breath.

Re: what could go wrong? - open; hunting? - arrow - 05-06-2021

Two more. There were two more kids by the end of it all, and one of them didn't seem to be squirming like the others. Arrow gently nudged the tiny mass of dark fur, breath hitched in her throat for the first time. She looked away, attempting to grab Ko'nari by the tiny scruff and also place her beside Elsweyr. At the very least, while smaller than the other two, this cub had spunk, a survivor if Arrow had ever seen one. It gave her a brief flash of hope, one that was quickly dashed once it settled in how badly Els was doing, getting worse as the minutes passed. Even the Luminary's words caused her a great deal of pain, Arrow wasn't exactly knowledgeable in the realm of childbirth, she never had to be, but even she knew that it usually hurt, did it not? It hurt, it was a big deal and it didn't bleed this much.

Her breathing was reduced to strenuous, pained exhales, like she was trying not to cry from the stress at hand. If she had one job, it was to keep her head up where Elsweyr could not. Arrow glanced down at the squirming children, who she was trying to shelter from the heat, chewing aggressively on the inside of her cheek. The cheetah nodded in response to the lioness's question, keeping an eye on the squirming little babies as if she was trying to not focus on the weak body of their mother. [b]"They're very beautiful, doll."
She murmured quietly, but loud enough so that Elsweyr could still hear. And she meant it. She truly meant it. Colere's instructions were lost on her, she refused to move in the dark assumption that if she came back there would be nothing left in the fiery body to come back to, and besides, she didn't think this was one of those times where a stick would be needed.
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