Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - Printable Version

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It seems that it was time for a monthly meeting and Sophiea hadn't attended one since the Stryker incident where he had killed most of the leaders, her tufted ears twitching at the memory of being in a cage as she watched through the bar helplessly. She had felt so vulnerable that day yet she swore that she would not let herself feel such a way, a soft sigh slipping past her lips as she woke up early that morning deciding that she would make the trip to said meeting place. The British woman had been staying within her home in the Typhoon and was in the company of Goldenluxury,  she would press her nose to the former captain with a small smile on her maw "I'll be back soon, my love." With that said, Sophiea hopped off the bed fixing herself some morning tea which she drank within a few moments before slipping on her satchel and quiver full of arrows knowing that the devil woman from the Condemned would be there. A soft snort left her and she was already out of the door with Archimedes following behind her with a soft shriek

It did take quite some time to arrive at the scene given that she no longer had wings to make the trip a lot quicker but, she shrugged regardless noticing the lights within the area and noticing how the ones from her home would grow slightly dimmer. She watched as Archimedes found a branch within the tree to perch upon and she rolled her eyes in brief amusement, Sophiea finding a place within the area where she had some leverage and could watch over the meeting area with a bit more ease and she wouldn't be surrounded by so many bodies. Maybe she should have stayed home, she had been rather comfortable. The Shaderunner pushed the thoughts away deciding not to dwell too much on these thoughts of regret but they did linger on the pirate princess that caused a smile to apoear on her maw. She supposed that she would just have to wait until everyone got here.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - trojan g. - 02-02-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This would be the first meeting that Moth had actually attended. The previous month she had tried to come, but had been caught off guard when the root of a tree came out of nowhere, causing her to stumble and fall, only to be greeted by a stranger turned friend. She had hoped that when she came to this month's meeting, her new friend would eventually show his face - or, well, paper bag - once more. He was enough for her to decide to come this month, despite being told that the Coalition and Palm Glades were allowed to attend the meetings.

A small sigh of relief left her when she noticed that she was not the first one to arrive, glad that it was someone that she knew as well. She wasn't super friendly with Soph - the feline made it hard for anyone to be super friendly with her really - but Moth liked to think they were on good terms at the very least, considering they were in the same group as each other. Moth at least hadn't done anything stupid to get on her bad sad too, not that she knew of anyway. Offering a small dip of her head in greeting, Moth would soon find her own place to sit and wait, watching around her to see who would show up next.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - rhosmari - 02-03-2021

Another gathering of all of the groups that lived here. She didn't find herself enjoying the place as it brought back the memories of what she had been told happened here. The pain that was inflicted on other animals and the poor judgment that had happened that day. She had been to the last one and it was not something she had found to be comfortable. The tension thick in the air when it came to the Coalition showing up and to make matters worse Palm Glades was also present. Sighing lightly the fire goddess would walk with a slow step, pale fur and golden orange markings rippling over powerful muscles as she walked her way along the grounds. Moving back and forth, pacing here and there. Her muzzle was slightly parted but she was more so hoping that she would see her daughter here. Given everything that had happened she was holding on that maybe she had went to a group she had not been to yet that resided on this massive lay of land.

Pausing after a moment she sat down and lifted a paw to lightly brush it against her chest. Rounded ears pulled forward and she noticed that Moth was here along with another Tangler. Surely there would be more groups showing up soon. Or at least she hoped.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - SirDio - 02-03-2021

Medusa wasn't at the previous meeting, mainly in discomfort with almost everyone against her group. So why now, when she was still recovering from being mauled by a dinosaur? Maybe it was to prove to herself she was stronger than that. Maybe to prove that the glades wasn't a weak group. Either way, the hybrid limped to the meeting ground, taking caution.

Three Tanglers. Who were probably less than Happy to see her. Medusa spared each of them a glace, taking her time with Elsweyr. If you see a lioness at the meeting from Tanglewood, tell her I'm safe and okay. She grimaced. Hurting body inched to the shadow reagent, voice a pained whisper, "I carry news that you, in particular, might wish to hear.. If you wish to listen, at least."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - rhosmari - 02-03-2021

The other gathering had been a fun show, the next after that humorous. So she was wondering just what would happen at this one. Would they go the route of acting high and might and try to ignore the issue of the enemy that they still had pushing against their doors? Probably. It seemed like the only thing that they did honestly and she was more than happy to watch them as they tried to be defiant and squirmed. After all she still had that child in her lovely care. He was a spunky one although with his broken leg and his skinniness it was rather obvious that he was broken down before she had even gotten her claws into him. He would be worse for wear when he left her as well but she would give him back when she wanted to. Likely she would be finished with his torment by the time they decided to try anything anyway. Emerging onto the meeting grounds the blue tinted lioness would prowl forth with a rather happy smile upon her muzzle. She was pleased with the situation as a whole and so she settled down to watch the traitorous Gladers interact with the weak and pathetic Tanglewood members. Her paws crossed over one another as she laid down, looking at her claws in thought as she waited to see just how things would continue to roll.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - gael - 02-04-2021

Monthly meetings felt tedious at times -- an irritant to a day that could be otherwise more productive.  The vulpine found them frustratingly useless more often than not; filled with idle chatter and wasteful banter.  Regardless, the Ardent approached the designated place in silence, offering little acknowledgement to those already present.

Only Moth gained his attention, as the faerie recognized the Tangler medic from her visit to the Pitt.  "Moth," his head inclined politely.  "If you do not mind my asking; are Sweeny and Atticus recovering well?"  As healer and mother, Gael possessed full confidence she was the best to seek an update on the matter.  "I know from experience, the youth do not always make it easy for us."

Ideally, neither were causing trouble, although he doubted it.  Odds were in that case he would have heard already, since he had no trouble believing Aurum would have given him an ear-full of it.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - Keona. - 02-04-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The petite wildcat flicked her ears as she padded up to the gathering.  Her tail twitched idly behind her as she found a seat.  Silent for the time being.  Listening without a word as her pale hues danced and flickered towards different voices.

Her cousin was speaking to Moth.  Interesting.  But it was about the health of some of his members.  It made sense.  She wondered if he worried about Kian too.  Of course, her father had been fine when he came back home.  No injuries to speak of.  So, perhaps not.

She tucked her paws beneath her chest.  Content to be silent.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - trojan g. - 02-04-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Eyes flicked over to those that had arrived at the meeting after her, ears flicking back for a moment as the smell of Palm Glades, though they righted when she noticed it was simply Medusa, the one member of the group that Moth tolerated. When Sojourn arrived, however, Moth's eyes narrowed, watching the other to make sure nothing happened before her attention was pulled away by the sound of her name and the smell of the Pitt washing over her. Head turning to look over towards Gael, she would offer a smile to the other, nodding her head in response at first before speaking. "They're both doing well. Sweeney's almost completely healed and Atticus is doing good, though his ribs suffered a lot." She could only wish that he hadn't been mind controlled at this point, and there was no point in dwelling on it considering the one who had done it was dead and gone. She would let out a small laugh at his words, head nodding once more. She knew what children were like, and the constant flow of new babies in Tanglewood made it hard for the Reaper to forget.

"I do think they'll be ready to go home to the Pitt soon too, they both seem to miss it. Sweeney especially." She knew it was hard for both of them to figure out where to go and what to do, for they both now had ties in both Tanglewood and the Pitt, she could only hope they were happy no matter where they ended up. "How is Aine? My offer to bring over books or have her come with me to the library in Tanglewood is still on the table." Moth wouldn't go back on her word, it was the least she could do for the two foxes taking such good care of her son.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - wormwood. - 02-04-2021

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - FARAH - 02-05-2021

Farah weaseled her way aimlessly through the growing assemblage, her tail weaved unevenly around spotted flanks. "OOH Haha!!!" Was this one of those meeting thingies? the cougar wondered, a spurt of excited curiosity pounding at her forequarters. "Gathering! Yay, whoopeee!" Words dripped from the full-grown panther with immaturity similar to a month-old cub's, the toes perking upright her physique as she tiptoed to a spot. "Alright Farah, time to grow the heck up." The tones gradually took on those more typical of an adult her age as she sat back. "Formality is important over here... Hehehe." Well, her excitement was at least still allowed to go uncontained... Er, well, for the moment being. AaAaAa.