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burn my lungs 》drinking - Printable Version

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burn my lungs 》drinking - riftweaver - 01-11-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

It was safe to say that the last few weeks had been exceptionally difficult for, well, just about everyone. Between Goldie's amnesia and the influx of returnees and joiners, the Typhoon seemed to be teeming with activity. As things tended to go, that also meant they were swamped with happenings. There was always something going on. One could get whiplash from trying to keep up with it all.

That was why Riftweaver didn't. He was too focused on trying to keep his own situation under control to really think too hard on everything else. His worry for his mother's health, paired with the recent discovery of his other half, had left the Roux male weary and worn. A tired that sleep just couldn't fix. He could feel it in his bones, in the way his muscles remained tense. Instincts on high alert, poised and ready. He could no longer trust the calm days, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Perhaps those were the reasons behind his current state. You see, Rift was drunk. Very drunk. The leaf-maned male was not a composed drunk, either. He was sloppy. And that was fine with him. As he stumbled forward, a bottle of clear vodka in one hand, it became evident that this likely wasn't his first bottle of the day.

As the tiguar peered around through his drunken haze, he would giggle lightly. Alcohol may have not been the healthiest way to cope, but this was the happiest he'd appeared in a long while. It was hard to judge him for drinking with the goofy grin plastered across his faze, the lazy way in which he swung the bottle to his lips. "Ahhh." He smacked his lips, feeling the alcohol burn a trail of fire down his throat.

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - SirDio - 01-11-2021

She hadn't been there to see the absolute bullshit that was Rift and Brandy being children, and honestly she was glad. But even so, Magnolia wasn't sure how to react to a drunken Rift fumbling with a bottle. Gently she walked up to him, "What am I gonna do with a drunken sailor.." she said softly.

"You alright? Drinking away stress can become an unhealthy habit."


Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - Keona. - 01-11-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer knew about the unfortunate situation with Riftweaver and Brandyskies.  She didn't have any answers for it though.  No idea how it should be handled.  How to make either feel better.  She knew little about split souls aside from... Her own cousin, though that was an inverse situation.

Perhaps the wildcat should call for Kiira to visit sometime... But she didn't know if that'd be any help either.  It was a confusing situation to be in.  Enough so, the tiny fae didn't feel too surprised to find one of the duo drinking.  But from the smell and sound of it, he might've had too much.  If she did know anything, she knew that wasn't always good.

Her pale hues flickered thoughtfully as she settled besides Magnolia, keeping her voice soft.  "I think you've had a bit much, Rift.  You okay?"

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-11-2021


The scent permeated the air like a thick fog. It swallowed the throat of even the mighty wyvern whole, drawing him in with lumbering steps. He followed the trail of the enticing aroma, figuring it to be coming from his home. When he did, he was sorely disappointed, noticing not one bottle of his favorite vodka was gone, but several. The wyvern would take a deep inhale, a soft rumble of displeasure emitting past his throat. Then, he would direct his large form past his doors and into the light of day, where he then would notice Rift stumbling around like a fool...

With Cory's vodka in his grasp.

The wyvern would move in on the male, barring large and sharp ivory daggers from his maw. He glanced upon those gathered, taking note of the child that lie nearby, checking on Rift. Due to this, he would allow his tone to simmer, despite the broiling rage overcoming his body. then, the wyvern would get closer, sniffing once more to be sure. "Why did you touch my vodka without asking?" he strained out, trying not to allow the snarl to pass his lips as more displeasure crept into his gaze.
code by spacexual

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - ROXANNE R. - 01-12-2021

Roxanne Roux would drink a few times to relieve herself of her problems but given everything happening at the moment, she had no time for it and she had to stay levelheaded as a Captain so drinking right now was not really much of an option for her to begin with. She couldn't really tell someone not to drink though it did infuriate her to see that it was Riftweaver who was stumbling around like a drunken idiot, her ears pressed flat against her skull and from the sounds of Corrupttimelines' displeasure... That vodka had been his until Riftweaver had taken it for his own stupid actions. It made her angrier. Roxanne would bite down on her tongue debating over what she should do in the given moment, she hesitated as several thoughts buzzed in her mind and paused before finally acting. "Riftweaver Roux. Drinking is not the solution to everything and not to mention, you clearly took something that isn't yours." A hiss would leave her jaws as she stomped forward with her tail lashing to the sides, her pupils narrowing down into dangerous pupils.

She would let out a disappointed huff shaking her head only to turn to Corrupttimelines as she began to apologize for the actions of her kin "Sorry about that... I didn't know he would act so foolishly or let alone stoop low enough to the point where he takes shit that doesn't belong to him... I'll try and make it up to you,"

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - Grimm - 01-12-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Disjointed scenes pieced together with faux moments acting as improper stitching, a bright point simmering with poorly harboured rage the individual broken into differing halves. Known the situation both were subject to, that neither knew until reunited a trivial tidbit she deemed useless, yet concern internal, soured her opinion of both for the bull-headed actions performed by one. Needless her cruelty in lashing the other with similar withering hatred, though too strong felt such about her thoughts toward Brandy, yet to downplay it after all this time similarly not in her favour, still she held to it for it is what she knew.

And, through her own perception warped beneath these tainted thoughts, proven correct her assumptions.

Sought a merchant among the throng, quiet conversation grown stilted, amusement briefly seeping through attempted continuation. Brief her own acknowledgement at the rising clamour, a conversation direct at rather than including person of interest, the swallowed response hinting at rather poorly stemmed shock finally drawing her eye. Recalled the lumbering beast that towered above until silhouette shifted, his the voice that offered query not of concern but rather shaped by a tone belying repressed rage. Short cut her interaction as next contained similar, her voice the catalyst, however, quick the steps that drew Eulia forth.

"You smell awful," back lips peeled as the remark fell in a terse tone, schooled once more her ivory visage into neutrality as registered the thoughtless comment. Regarding Rift for a moment longer skirted any attempt to soften her words, to mother her steps drawing her, strange still how vision flicked downward, diminutive now Roxanne compared to her. "The tavern may stock that which was taken, replacement could be a suitable start for making up for this." Flint the final words that fell from severe frown pressed against the pale expanse of her muzzle, somewhere during attention diverting, regarded once more Rift, a warm point among the dull wash of her impaired vision.

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-12-2021


His breathing would become less labored, and his form more easily composed as the leader let her presence be known. Then, he took a quick glance back at the one she held as kin. Rift had been the first person to greet him when he stumbled upon these lands, so he supposed he couldn’t be too harsh. At the quick offers from both clanmate’s to replace what Rift had taken, he shook his head.

I can find more.
code by spacexual

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - riftweaver - 01-12-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Rift was about to answer the two who first approached when Cory came glomping forward. The male nodded as the other asked him about the vodka. "I found it outside." he slurred. After a second, he set the bottle down and turned to Corrupt, aiming to sling an arm drunkenly over the older male's shoulders. "Ol' buddy, ol' pal... I didn't - hiccup - know it was yours. But, but," He put one paw to his chest, the other still slung over the male's shoulders. Balancing on his back legs, wavering side to side with his paw to his chest, Rift took a deep breath and blinked over at Cory. "I have an idea! Why don't you finish this bottle with me!"

The male pulled away, grabbing at the bottle and pulling it closer. He looked at it for a moment, idiotic grin still plastered to his face, before shoving it towards Cory. What he didn't do was make sure the surface was flat. The edge of the bottle caught on a rock, tipping over and shattering in a lovely display of drunken clumsiness. "Heh. Woops." He giggled to himself, falling backwards into a sitting position.

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - michael t. - 01-13-2021

Great. Yet another drunk within the group. At least Cory had the decency to be dignified about it, meanwhile Riftweaver was here stumbling around like a damn fool. It made Michael want to drink again just so that he wouldn't have to worry about stupid things like this. He hadn't had a drink in a few weeks, though, and he didn't intend to waste his occasional treat on Rift's behavior. Instead, he just made his way over with a frown tugging at his muzzle, his tone harsh as he spoke directly to the other male, "You look like an idiot right now. And Eulia's right... you smell horrible." Maybe if this was Riftweaver's first infraction, the dealer would've been a little less harsh. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Not with drinking, but Rift had been drifting about and doing stupid shit for weeks now, and it was honestly an embarrassment. The other should've considered himself lucky that Goldie didn't retain her usual memories and personality, or she probably would've been knocking some sense into him. Not literally, obviously, but with that firm and disappointed way she used to utilize.

The bobcat then winced as the bottle shattered against the ground, a soft hiss of displeasure leaving him as he made his way over. He began to sweep the shards up carefully with his paws, voice low as he muttered to the crowd that was gathered around, "Can someone get him back to his home? Or at least get some coffee in him, please? At this rate, he's aiming to get himself a concussion – or someone else." He shot a disapproving glare in Rift's direction, making the sticky shards of glass into a small pile to soon be disposed of. It was odd, feeling like the disapproving adult in a situation when he had spent most of his life as just an out of control kid, eager to do and take whatever he could. Things had changed since he had joined The Typhoon, though, and especially since he had his pups. He had a much more solid sense of responsibility these days, something that Riftweaver was clearly in need of.

Re: burn my lungs 》drinking - SirDio - 01-13-2021

"Jesus.." The western cat huffed, shaking her head. "If someone can get me a big bucket of water, I could probably dunk him in and hope to god it sobers him up slightly." She walked over to Rift, stepping over broken glass. "Ehy, kid. Next time you want to be stupid with drinks, I have moonshine and whiskey at my place. You only get half a bottle per visit, though." She didn't need this idiot wasting all her good liquor. It was carefully made, too!

Raising a paw and her upper body, she aimed to slap Rift on the top of his head with a harsh force. "Snap the..." She side-glanced at Eulia. "Hell - out of it, you idiot. Saves us all the trouble of one of us having to go to the temple."
