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jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Printable Version

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jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - VALE - 12-29-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonefaced jaguar
// this takes place at the same time as this thread!

The vulture leaped off the ship’s bowsprit, wings outspread and feathers rustling. The ocean breeze hit Vale in full force, pushing the bird ashore, allowing the black blight to lead the team into the Typhoon’s jungle. Caw! Vale wordlessly screamed into the sky. Vis red eyes darted over the treetops, honed on a target hidden deep within the island, as Vale guided the raiders to one of the Typhoon’s greatest prizes.

Caw! Caw! Caw! The vulture broke through the jungle foliage, body dipping to the ground below, body streamlined against the air. Feathers ripped off vis flesh, leaving black puffs with gooey dots in vis wake.

The beak-faced jaguar landed on the Typhoon’s temple’s stairs. The caws transmuted into gurgling laughter, and the shapeshifter glanced behind ver to the Ironclad following. Ve mimmed tilting the brim of a hat. The beak slipped down vis face. Ve pushed it up with a paw, but it dislodged from vis black goop and shattered on the mossy steps.

No matter. The bonefaced jaguar sighed and pawed at the remaining flesh on vis skull. The rotting sludge dripped between vis claws, and Vale pressed vis foul paw to the temple’s door. It creaked open.

“My friends, didn’t I promise more medicine than you’d need in a year?” Vale tutted vis grey tongue and slid the dry muscle over vis white teeth. “Well. Be thorough. The Typhoon and the Coalition alike are too focused on each other to mind a few vultures like us, hahaha, see what I did there?”

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - michael t. - 12-30-2020

Unlike most of the Typhoon, who were currently engaged in battle with those bastards from the Coalition, Michael had opted to take a bit more of a lowkey job. Mainly because he was still recovering from the last raid involving the Coalition, when he had used almost all of his energy to try and hold back Trygve. He had only woken up from the exhaustion that had inflicted upon him about a week ago, and his last few days had been spent in a half asleep and half awake state, just trying to get better. Of course, that didn't mean that the dealer was defenseless. Hence why he had offered to guard the temple, knowing that Roan would most likely be out making sure that any injuries from the fight against the Coalition were patched up promptly. The thief wasn't sure if Rosemary would be remaining within the temple or not, but either way, he would be here, just to make sure that none of the bastard Wanderers thought they could use Typhoon herbs for themselves. Of course, what Michael hadn't been expecting was for some entirely different group to come and try to steal herbs.

As soon as the door began to open, and an unfamiliar – and unpleasant – smell began to waft inside, Michael's head snapped up. The bobcat's short tail lashed behind him as he got up to his paws, mismatched blue eyes narrowed. He wasn't sure if Vale had noticed him yet, but he found that he didn't particularly care. Ve would certainly be aware of the dealer's presence soon enough. With a low hiss, Michael pressed one of his paws against the stone floor of the temple, attempting to use his earth elementals to form a stone spike directly into [member=3123]vale[/member]'s face. If he was successful, it would more than likely stab into vis bone face, causing major damage or even entirely shatter vis skull. Even if he wasn't successful, it would hopefully act as a bit of a deterrent for Vale and vis group of scum. With a scowl on his face, Michael snarled in their direction, "Get the fuck away from our temple. Now." He ignored the way that his head was already beginning to ache, knowing that within the next day or so he would be subjected to horrible nosebleeds and migraines.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - VALE - 12-30-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeleton jaguar
The skull’s lower jaw shattered on impact. Vale flinched backward, half a second too late, vis grey tongue dangling limply underneath where the monster’s chin should’ve been. Smoke poured out of the skull’s empty bottom like water rushing out of an upside down jar as the bandit hissed and violently shook verself.

Vale’s red eyes locked onto the bobcat. Vis hiss cut out. The melanistic coat shivered and stretched over the shapeshifter’s form, boiling and bubbling like a thick witch’s stew, red and pussing flesh exposed in the sloughing off skin. When Vale stepped towards the bobcat, each step left a thick pile of black sludge behind.

Until the skeleton stepped out of the rotting skinsuit. The lower jaw reformed, lolling down in suspended animation… wait, was that a yawn? The red eyes jiggled in their sockets as the skeletal jaguar chuckled softly, a little purr of laughter really, until the chortles turned to coughing, and that coughing turned to spitting out little red flames.

“I’m flattered you’re wasting what little strength you have on me.” Vale chuckled and wiped a fake tear—only for the exposed claw to snag the eye entirely—and rip it out, with the absolute ease of practiced skill masquerading as an accident.

“Don’t make me kill you. Please? You don’t want to taste the void, and that’s if you come back at all. Trust me. I’ve been there so many times.” Vale waved the snagged eye around and sighed dramatically. “You’re in no condition to fight. Stand down. My crew and I will soon be out of your fur--haha, see what I did there? I’m on fire with these puns today!”

Vale chuckled to verself and popped the eyeball into vis maw. After the grey tongue wrapped around the jelly blob, it disappeared into… well, even Vale wasn’t exactly sure. The grey tongue reappeared, snaked up Vale’s boney face, and licked the remaining eye.

The bandit turned vis entire head to eye the bobcat. “Now, go back to sleep. You need your rest, don’t you? I’m sure your medics would be so disappointed to see you hurt yourself for replenishable supplies, after they took such great pains to heal you.”

[member=11389]michael t.[/member]

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - mars. - 12-30-2020

A slaughtered calf upon which they may gorge themselves as the true contenders waged a meaningless war.

Seen the advantage in such tactics, evident the lack of defense as elsewhere were combatants engaged, yet foul and lowly still. His protest had been held, teeth grinding against the tip of his tongue as the sweetly spun promise fell from ruined visage, a game grown the destruction of flesh once painted across exposed calcium. Choice to shun the proposed course had not arisen, and thus among them had he found himself, an old fool running the errand of a child for a monster donning the skin of another.

Hushed the voices that stirred humid air, idle the talk filling those seconds that trickled past without cause. Broken those simple threads, of no importance and thus easy their replacement with affirmation of preparation, ringing forth through the densely packed trees the harsh cry. A dark shade caught in brief glimpse through the canopy their guide, vis continued calls correcting trajectory as it shifted from course, a raucous din continued even as dive commenced. Averted vision that peered along thinned undergrowth, cleared in part to permit ease of access, cover enough their force may be ambushed even as their own assault began.

Internal the first defense, as lacking as such proved. Slow his ascension towards open doors, observation of the temple lazy as threshold was crossed. Well in hand the singular resident, the poor condition he was within apparent enough he would be incapable of handling either of them. Disregarded the bobcat after momentary inspection, rather observed the remains that paraded about with stolen time, hard the edge to rasping murmur. "We have no time for this, put him out of his misery and be done with it." No place of authority did Dylluan hold, above Vale nor within their distant home, yet still it seeped through each word slipping through clenched teeth.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - SirDio - 12-30-2020

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
You never said 'I love you'~dark blue western dragon~Your eyes always lied~undiscerned age, presumably in the 65 million year range~honey the devil wears high heels~Sentient and Violent~Even if her lover dies~Attack in [color=#ffd700]Gold + Bold~Especially if his death is by her own hand~Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
She was little more than a black force flying above the fleet, letting the currents carry her as she readied her breath. She dropped onto the sands and snorted, then pushed herself back into the air to circle around.

It was there that she spotted Michael trying so desperately to defend their temple. She also spotted vale and dylluan, a smile on her face as she dropped down behind Michael, yellow eyes shining with blood lust. [color=#66cd00]"Yeah, let's take him out before he wastes even more of our time. We don't have all night." She growled, talons digging into the ground beneath her.

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - rhosmari - 12-30-2020

What a marvel, their ships had made it and touched land. They had sailed the seas before but now they were upon a conquest. One in which would make others remember them. He knew it was underhanded, to watch these two groups attack each other mercilessly and not life a paw to help either side. Yes. Yes. He did not know them though and would not risk his Ironfolk for them. But the goods that laid unprotected were something he could find himself indulging in. Their hatred for one another would be the unraveling for another. Stepping onto the lands, smoke wraith from his paws, sand twisting and screeching at the heat that he brought with him. He had never even here but he followed Vale. Trusted them. A small chuckle left the freak's jaws as as bone popped and rattled. His eyes ever unblinking watching the temple doors as they parted for them. Yet someone had showed up. Someone who could very likely be on their death bed.

"We with him." Smoke slowly issuing forth from between bone stained teeth. A strange glow of red and orange peeking through as those bone jaws parted slowly. Like sludge the lava came, dripping from his throat and spilling onto the ground. He was eager, he had not had a fight in a while. The Dragon wanted blood. Perhaps that was his years of torment talking, having to prove himself. What did it matter that he took it out on some poor stranger he had yet to even get to know. The mere fact that he choose to stand in their way as enough for the King. The vertebrae of his fleshless scorpion tail rattled, raising from the ground and coiling, twisting before he suddenly moved forward or it appeared he had moved. For the beast had mocked the strike and instead aimed to stab his poisonous stinger into [member=11389]michael t.[/member] back. If that worked it would spread like a fire, setting his nerves alight with exquisite pain to make him writhe on the ground. "Chernabog,  Dylluan please begin taking and filling our ships."

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Damiana - 12-30-2020

Damiana | 2 years
Red Fox | The Typhoon

Damiana had been nearby since he wasn't really able to help against the Coalition raid. He had heard Micheal, and then he heard voices he didn't know. Soon the sight come into view. Damiana frowned, this was his home and this time he was going to fight back and not let the hurt or kill Micheal. "Get away from him." Damiana yelled hoping to get their attention. He knew he wasn't good at fighting, but he couldn't sit around while he home was being attack.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Lokisaurus - 01-02-2021

renlys stormbringer . male . the iron forged . member
Renlys held himself aloft on sail-like wings, watching his fellow Ironfolk file out of their ships.  The King's Shadow stuck to the skies alongside Chernabog.  He was a beast of fire and air and though he preferred to stay close to his king, he was ultimately uncomfortable staying onboard a ship at the will of the waves.

Now, with their backs to the sea, Renlys blinked, content as a cat.  This is where he belonged, high above a battlefield, surveying all of his options.  It was almost too easy...

'Get away from him!'  A small voice had called out.  The red dragon's gaze snapped to the little fox who had made the cry.  The littlest protector, how droll.  Renlys furled his wings so he could drop a couple of feet, closing a small distance between him and his target.  Once he felt as if he were in a decent range, the dragon opened his smoking maw and produced a small stream of white-hot flame that he aimed directly at [member=16774]Damiana[/member].  If the stream caught the red fox head-on, he would surely be burnt to a crisp.  If not... well, then Renlys would have a more worthy opponent than he thought.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - Damiana - 01-03-2021

Damiana | 2 years
Red Fox | The Typhoon

Damiana had jumped seeing another land near him. Since he didn't want to be caught off guard, so when he saw the attack, he moved as quickly as he could, but still got hit. His tail and left back leg was burned from the attack.

Damiana frowned, he knew that there was a possibility of being attack, but he didn't want anything to happen to Micheal. Damiana looked at Micheal for a short moment before looking back at Renlys. He wasn't happy with Renlys. "Who are you?" He asked.

Re: jump off the ledge i said // o, iron forged raid - trojan g. - 01-04-2021

[align=left]love, i don't like to see so much pain *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
[[ Torsten is not open for attack or rescue. This is a discussed plot with Rhosmari ]]

Torsten knew that fighting was bad, had always known it, which is why he didn't participate in it. He tried not to at least. His lack of fighting skills is what led him to not participate in the raid that his cousin had started against the Coalition. His age is what made him scared shitless when he had been home and watched a bunch of random creatures appear to take their medicines.

He was going to have to try and take them back.

Quickly climbing into one of the bags that carried medicines, he would try his best to take stuff out of it and throw it somewhere safe, returning to the bag afterwards to try and collect more of it. Little did he know when he entered the bag this time, it would be his last chance, for soon enough it would be picked up and he'd have to remain quiet.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away