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sing me a song - joining/introduction - Printable Version

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sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-05-2020

Jamie had never been this far. He didn't even know where he was, having just awoken in this strange land. The closest place as far as he could tell that was inhabited was this one, and so he sat. The fox was just beyond the border, staring silently into the territory. He had not a clue what to expect upon the arrival of a member, though he knew enough about territory lines to know to stay put. Entering spoken for territory without invitation was often a summon of war, leading to bloodshed.

Jamie had seen enough bloodshed in his life, and direly wished to avoid such an encounter. Upon the arrival of one of the residents of this strange place, Jamie may have been inclined to introduce himself. Though whether he used his given name or one of his many aliases was a decision dependant on their attitudes towards him.

//sorry for the incredibly short intro thread, I'm trying to get everything set up for Jamie here! Any Outlander fans? If so then y'all know what to expect from this character!

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - Grimm - 12-05-2020

To shun war, and all the terrible consequences derived from such unnecessary blood that fed the ravaged field, was to be alienated. Framed these shores adorned by snow laced grains by the war heralded by echoing drum beat, yet their plight was not unjust, cruel as the tyrant that clutched at their throats. To survive, live beyond mere existence, was to fight, but this was different.

Recovery done in stages, before the culmination of hunger arising, the throes quietened but still atmosphere heavy. Own his reasoning for how head hung, dragged silver hued tail behind, carved a groove in the sands he once deemed a place of amusement. Begun again the work of preparation, war forgotten for now as seized close to all land, adrift the child that knew nothing but the aftermath. Heavy the breath that proceeded halt, vision tracking the ever shifting edge of horizon  where sky and ocean joined in turbulent matrimony, confusion alighting against soft visage as auburn point drew attention.

Common grown visitation, though particular the individuals who conducted such, and the influx of those seeking shelter stemmed as none wished to align with any for fear of outcome. Shaky the pace once more taken up, wheezing through parted mouth breath that quickened with his steps, left near impossible to take in even a small one when he stumbled to a stop before stranger. Away turned head, cough made with ears slicked back, tiny tabby left to address the other with a wince at the flare of pain encasing diaphragm.

"Who are you." Strained rasped voice, a harsh edge that would not be there if not for how he pushed after sickness only just concluded, devoid the eyes, slight the frown, a coupling that spoke not of interest. In truth Foam did not care for who the person was, knew how other encounters had ended and so met stranger with schooled neutrality, unbecoming on a child once so vibrant and bright, if prone to outbursts of violence towards supposed intruders.
code by Reggan

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-05-2020

The Scot had fought his fair share of battles, had seen his fair share of prison. Death was a kinsman now, a friend as familiar as Murtagh had once been. The red fox mourned, silently, for his lost friends and family. For those he had lost before ever meeting, and those he would never see again.

He could tell that this bairn had lost as well. "What is a wee bairn such as yerself doing out here alone?" the male mused, eyes warm upon the young child. After a moment, he nodded. "Aye, of course. Me name is James Fraser - or Jamie, if ye will."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - METEOR - 12-05-2020

The vaporwave sparkledoggo stepped out, triplet tails lashing rhythmically like a wave, from behind a redwood tree. His blue eyes narrowed skeptically as he trotted forward; he stopped in front of Foamkit, placing a front leg between the child and the stranger. While Jamie didn’t act threatening now, Quasar took no chances.

“Foamkit tends to wander,” Quasar said. The lanky adolescent looked down at the fox, yellow ears pricking forward, and he chewed on his tongue. “But I’m more interested in what you’re doing out here.”

After a sigh, the canine straightened up a tad, but his stance remained defensive. “I’m Quasar. I’m one of the animals that calls the Palm Glades home. But you could tell the borders marked, yeah? That’s because this is our territory. So. What brings you here?”

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-05-2020

Jamie bit his tongue against the abrasive male who approached. The fox narrowed his eyes, just a fraction. Though his voice remained warm, his words inviting, it was clear that the Scotsman had little to no trust. "As I've told the bairn, me name is James Fraser. I dinna ken how I've come to be here, only that I've traveled for some time, ye see. Dinna fash yerself, I mean ye no harm." His accent was thick, though certain words chosen carefully to be easier to understand. Would they glean his meaning?

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - RHINESTONE. - 12-06-2020

Warbound was the title that had been assigned to The Palm Glades, although it was a descriptor that was not wholly accurate. They were warbound in that they were always willing to defend themselves, even against the most dire of threats. They were warbound in that they would harshly punish any individual or group that dared to hurt someone who was considered one of them. They were not warbound in that they delighted in war, or even sought it out. Instead, they simply knew that war was a reality of life, and they were not afraid to lash out back at life if such an action became necessary. There were some interesting lands of the Beyond that saw that as too cruel, but Rhinestone had never seen it that way. They weren't unnecessarily cruel, and they didn't take pleasure in inflicting pain upon others. Rather, they just wanted to keep themselves safe, and were willing to go to any measure to do so. Rhine had to believe that even those who despised war could see the reason in that, considering how many members they had that disliked or outright hated battles.

Long strides eventually brought the blue hued serval over to where his son and the boy who was like a son to him stood. He winced upon hearing the harsh tone in Quasar's voice, knowing that the canine was just looking to protect the group. Still, there was no need to scare a potential joiner off just because they might have struggled with the border line. After sending a brief glance in his son's direction, Rhinestone turned to Jamie, looking the fox over briefly. The other didn't seem as though he was trying to come off as threatening, and he did seem as though he was genuinely lost – if Rhine was understanding his words correctly, that is. The leader was struggling a bit to parse out the other's accent. Taking a seat, Rhinestonestar cleared his throat before speaking, offering Jamie an even smile, "Hello there, Jamie. My name is Rhinestonestar, although you can just call me Rhine... I'm sorry to hear that you've ended up lost. As Quasar said, this is the land of the Palm Glades. If you're lost, are you looking for somewhere to stay temporarily?" Any help was good help, even if it did end up being only temporary until Jamie got his bearings. Of course, Rhinestone certainly wouldn't discourage the other from staying permanently.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-06-2020

Jamie turned his eyes towards the next to appear, who introduced herself as the leader. It was strange to Jamie to see a woman in charge, though he kept that thought to himself.

As far as war went, Jamie hated it. The fox had seen his fair share, and he rather disliked it. Now, that's not to say he wouldn't fight, if the cause was right. Just that he preferred not to. "Aye. I've no place to go. I ken you probably 'ave yer reasons not to trust, I've mine, as well, but I dinna ken what other options I 'ave."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - rhosmari - 12-06-2020

"That sounds a lot like how I got here. But, I kinda ran through forest cause I thought something was chasing me..." Heh, he probably sounded like a coward but he really didn't have many other choices. Or at the time he didn't think he had many other choices but to run for his life. He didn't have much going and well with all the things he had seen around here he was sure to be a target for the unfriendlies. But he had found this place and he was happy to have a place to stay. Though he was slightly sad given the fact that his brother had all but disappeared. Maybe he would come back one day. Maybe. He tried not to let his inner thoughts show as he gave what he hoped was a brighter smile, blind sunset orbs ever open and light. For the moment he had positioned himself behind Rhinestonestar to keep room between him and Quasar. His ears pulled back for a little bit as he slowly sat down and he wondered if he could try and show the new guy around. Though he was most likely sure to get the both of them lost considering he hadn't gotten used to the place after he had become blinded. So he huffed and merely went through with his introduction because it would be really rude of him if he didn't at least give his name. "My name's Dovah and I hope that you find this place to your liking to stay longer. Everyone is really nice around here and ummm...we have a lot of snow."

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - athenii - 12-06-2020

The newest to approach seemed less affronted than the others, not having as much suspicion in his voice. This put the red fox at ease as he pulled his plaid closer around his body. "Aye, I had no a thing chasing me. No that I'm aware of, anyhow." he murmured. "I dinna ken this place, though."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sing me a song - joining/introduction - METEOR - 12-06-2020

Bairn? Fash? The vaporwave mess blinked at the Scottish fox, blue eyes squinting closed and open as he tried to figure out what the hell the stranger said. He caught Rhine’s look and huffed, his tails lashing behind him. How was he supposed to be polite, when Foamkit could walk around with impunity and get his stupid ass attacked by any stranger? Quasar’d had more sense the moment the pup’d opened his eyes.

“Well, if you don’t have anywhere to go, we do welcome new members. And I’m less prickly. With time.” Quasar grit his teeth, popping his jaw, and grumbled incoherently to himself.