Beasts of Beyond
see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Printable Version

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see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Stryker - 12-02-2020

Underneath the floor of the ocean, slim tunnels had been laid barren for weeks on end, awaiting their purpose. The time was now. As soon as the sun set across the lands, leaders of each taken over quadrant began their voyage. Unearthing the entrances, the wanderers of the Coalition dove into the dark and damp caves with a wicked smile and claws unsheathed. The group traversed in silence. Each member knew their purpose and goal. Attack, capture, and takeover the land and proclaim their new home with ease. No matter the cost.

They would never see it coming. Keona may have escaped and warned the pirates, but she knew none of the plan. While they might assume they'd come across on boats or across the railroad tracks, the group had other plans. By traveling underneath their feet, there would be no warning. Their precautions at the border would be rendered useless. The Typhoon would be thrown into chaos in an instant, something that would guarantee their quick victory. Stryker relied on it. As always, the Kingpin was a strategic master with a flamboyant tendency for a devious show. Today would be his finest performance.

As the brigade crawled further into the island, the heat of the volcano began to seep through the walls of their makeshift caves. Sweat trailed down their pelts as they moved forward, but their entrance came quick. Stryker paused near the bottom of the volcano and it's pit, awaiting the rest of the group. Given time, all of the groups from different directions met up. Elysium, Tanglewood, Palmclan, and Alithís Evgenis stood in the large cavern awaiting their signal from the Kingpin. Hot breath and panting echoed out as they stood in silence. Their paws hurt, legs ached, and their eyes strained in the dark, wishing for a break, but there was no time to waste. 

The ground of the inner island began to shake. At first it was subtle, Stryker taking the lead, but as time progressed the sound of clacking rocks became unmistakable. As the army of earthbenders shook the rocks above them, the wanderers hooted and hollered beneath the floor. Their courageous stomps echoed in the cavern. It was a surreal moment, yet a glorious one as they awaited to dive into the overworld. Meanwhile, a chosen few benders of fire and earth, notably a familiar Roux dragon and Malus lion, traversed further into the volcano's actual pit by bending the heated lava far away from them. With a final rumble, the others prepared to emerge.


Cracking stone led way to the arrival of the enemy. A violent burst of stone exploded outwards and the army rushed into battle, covered in colorful dyes and drawn up weapons. Stryker came first out of the group, a pillar rising underneath his feet and launching him into the air with a booming roar.


The Kingpin landed on his paws with unsheathed claws digging into the ash below. Venomous fangs bared in the moonlight. His tail flared backwards, swaying intimidatingly from side to side. Neon hues traced the horizon as he darted forward, awaiting an opponent to charge towards him and attack. No mercy.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - trojan g. - 12-02-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]When the sun had begun to set that day, Torsten had decided that it was time to go to bed. Tired at night when the sun was down, the boy was more of a morning person, so when the ground began to rumble underneath him as he began to sleep, brows furrowed and the small child would wake up and hobble his way over to a window to look out of it, to see what was going on.

What he saw scared him, and made him cry. "Momma! Madre!" He would shout quickly, high pitched voice straining to reach his parents before something bad happened. Then the call from Stryker was heard, and it quickly shut the boy up. Attacking? The ground animals were attacking? A whimper came from the child's throat and he quickly went off to find one of his parents, he didn't care who, he just wanted to feel safe, he wanted them to protect him.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Simon F.M. - 12-02-2020

Ever since the return of Keona, the Typhoon had been on guard. They were prepared, watching every entrance for signs of an attack. They could never have predicted that the attack would come from within the island. As the clattering began, the sound of rocks shifting and moving, the feline felt fear in her heart but quickly stamped it down. She had ushered her children off to somewhere safe, insisting they stay hidden until she came for them.

She was quick to leave the spot, her body shifting as she ran. She grew in size, form gaining mass until in her place ran a terrifying polar bear, massive canines stretching well past her bottom jaw. She heard Stryker's call, and turned for him, racing forwards, when a call met her ears. Her stub of a tail lashed, and she darted towards the kitten, bumping him with her large nose. "Torsten, Ma tortue, Baby please, go. Go find your siblings, follow where I've come from, you'll be safe." she promised, eyes darting around until to search for anyone approaching. Seeing none, she aimed to pick her son up by his scruff and carry him to a hollowed-out tree at the edge of the jungle. She would set him beside it, nudging him inside, huffing. "Please, Ma torture, stay here and hide, until I come for you, my bébé." She would give him a gentle nudge, softly promising him everything would be okay, before making sure he was properly hidden.

Satisfied, she would turn away, leaping back into a run until she spotted the stark pelt of [member=1738]Stryker[/member] . She crept forward slowly, staying within the shadows until she was close. She would launch herself at the lion, aiming to sink her elongated teeth into whatever bit of his flesh she could.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ROXANNE R. - 12-02-2020

The sound of rock rumbling made the fur on the draconic feline's spine rise as she immediately ran to the sound of her son calling her, she immediately touched her nose to Torsten's forehead only to hiss over to Diya "Diya! They're here!" She nuzzled his cheek before she ran out onto the beach with fur bristling, her eyes looking at those that were starting to raid their lands. "TYPHOON ATTACK EM," She would yowl loudly as she stood her ground as the moonlight bathed her coat, god, she hadn't been expecting them to come from the volcano but nonetheless. She had to protect her group.

"You motherfuckers took my daughter..." She growled under her breath as her eyes concentrated onto the lion that was at the front of the group, Stryker... Now, they finally met and Roxanne was ready to tear him into. She began to run forward on tiny legs but eventually she grew larger and her scuttling became powerful strides, the tigress would let out a roar as she ran across the cool sands to get to the son of a bitch who had decided to mess with her family. Diya was already attacking the lion and the tigress would pick up the pace as she lunged forward aiming to dig her claws into Stryker's hindquarters to throw him off balance in an attempt for Diya to grab a bite. A snarl would leave her as she would bare her fangs at the lion. They wouldn't go down easily or lightly. 

/ ninja'd gOD DAMN IT

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - S. PENDRAGON - 12-02-2020

She was a puppet on strings and moved by force, she didn't get to make her own decisions as she was pushed and shoved by those surrounding her. They were tired, she could sense it but Stryker pushed them on anyways, she blinked and stood in the crowd with arrows kept close to her side. This was her moment to rain Hell on a group that she never got to see in person aside once, a home that was important to Goldenluxury. She could feel her entire body beginning to tremble as she took hesitant steps forward and her throat growing dry, they would see her as a traitor and the useless puppet that she was. She was hanging by strings that could be cut at any second and her cousin's life depended on her next actions. When the lion ordered them to attack, she would spread her wings and flew into the air as the moonlight shone on her. She bit her bottom lip as she used telekinesis to coax the arrows from their container, this is all she had to do. "I'm so sorry..." She croaked as she faced the pirates that were fighting back.

No. It didn't need to be like this, she was certain. She was her own being even if Eternalknight was at risk "I am truly sorry..." She breathed out as she flapped her wings and whipped around to face the members of the Coalition and their ringleader. "GO FUCK YOURSELF, CUNT!" Sophiea with a powerful gust of wind and flap of her wings immediately sent the fleet of arrows in the direction of the Coalition wanderers listening as the arrows plummeted into flesh and caused pained screeches to leave the maw of several NPCs. She aimed a small fleet of arrows in the direction of Stryker to try and penetrate his flesh, this was done in an angle where those who were attacking him wouldn't get hit by the arrows.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - sykes - 12-02-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
Loey had not come willingly. His paws had moved of his own accord, but it was obvious in the moment that by no means did he want to be here.

once upon a time, Loey might have been able to consider these people his friends. There was no chance anymore. Taking part in the takeover of their group would not have earned him any favourable points, but he had to protect Hani and Alani- and above all, he had to protect Elysium. His somewhat willing participation in their endeavors would surely earn them some brownie points? He could hope, at least. He didn't want anyone else getting hurt, and if he had to sacrifice his pride and his morals to keep them safe, then he would.

Which is how he finds himself in the midst of the battle, having somehow managed to avoid being attacked by this point, perhaps due to his Elysian scent and the familiarity of him since he'd shown his face at several of the monthly gatherings now. That, of course, was about to change- apparently so was Elysium's peaceful reputation.

He had his eye on Stryker the whole time, hatred seething in his chest, the temptation to switch sides now bubbling over his restraints slowly- but no, he couldn't. He needed Hani and Alani back, and he needed those from Elysium safe in their beds.

What finally pulls him away from the boiling fury rising inside of him is the sight of two vaguely familiar faces that quickly turn into two not-so-familiar-faces each attacking Stryker. It sends him into a sort of panic, because Stryker knows he's here and he's expecting him to fight for him, so if he leaves Roxanne and Diya to attack him without even trying to fight then there would be backlash, whether on him or on his home. And neither of those options are preferable.

With only a few seconds delay he flings himself into the fray, claws unsheathed and aiming for the smaller of the two- the tigress. He stands zero chance against either of them either way, but he should at least let the big guy handle the big gal... Or, let the big gal handle the big guy. Whichever, at this point.

He attempts to land atop the tigress' shoulders, claws unsheathed and aiming to tear into her shoulder-blades with panic-driven ferocity. He hisses and spits as he does so, a tiny body attempting to at least subdue a rather humongous one in comparison. To everyone who might be able to see it's no use, of course, for though he might be a tall, muscular tom in terms of domesticated feline sizes, he's little more than a speck of dust to the tigress. It's also noted that he might not be the best fighter, in all honesty; Loey had always considered himself a healer, he'd joined the Selene Healers within Elysium and he'd trained as a Healer in the Templar, and back in his old body his friend had been brute strength and sheer size, but now... well, as previously mentioned, neither of those work in his favour, and the lack of combat training appears to be being thrown back in his face, too.

template by orion

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - kinglykingstone - 12-02-2020

Do you walk in the meadow of spring?
Do you talk to the animals?

Aveline was a poor listener, which meant when her mother told her to stay put, she obviously didn't. She had followed after her mother as quick as her stubby little legs would carry. Which quite frankly, wasn't very fast. By the time she reached the open air, things had already began. She began to panic, realizing she had gotten herself into a situation she may not be able to get out of. She froze before the scent of her brother reached her. Squeaking quietly, she scrambled over to the tree and shoved herself in. "Move over, let me in" she huffed, shaking as she pressed against Torsten.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - SirDio - 12-02-2020

War was never on Magnolia's heels, her group avoided mass conflict. But as the call to action rose within the night, the cowboy rose with it. Durgan and Mister Cutter in their holsters and a bag of specialized poppits, meant to burn and blister, at her chest, she tore out of her home at the bay.

Leaping into the fray with her hook knife in her mouth and a sonorous scream leaving her, she dug into the opposing ranks, cutting, tearing, killing. Never built for battle but built for combat and speed, she was too quick to catch. The sounds of poppits hitting flesh sounded, followed by yells of pain.



Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Keona. - 12-02-2020

Keona Ní Faoláin — the blind dealer
[div style="width: 490px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: .1.1; color: #386bab; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2px;"][i]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Despite the guards thrown up, the petite dealer certainly did not expect an underground attack.  But a surprise would not deter her today.  With Natyli at her side, the tiny wildcat stood on the dock, feeling the pull of the water.  Prepared to demonstrate why she may be small and blind, but she certainly wasn't going down easy.


The young jaguar lashed her tail as the sound for attack rang through the island.  Shouts and cries from both sides hitting her ears.  Natyli breathed out slowly, flexing her claws.  Pirates wouldn't give up without a fight.
come and fly away with me!
[align=right]Natyli Roux — the chimera

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Damiana - 12-02-2020

Damiana | 2 years | Fox | The Typhoon
Damiana had just fallen asleep before the noise of the ground rumbling and the sounds of fighting hit his ears. Damiana woke up and looked around, next excepting to be invaded quickly looked at see what he could do to help. He had never fought before and didn't know if he would be of use.

He got to his feet and quickly left the tree him was in. He could hear the fight from where he was and started heading that way, staying low to the ground, hoping not to get caught.