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FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - Printable Version

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FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - T. ROUX - 11-24-2020

It had been a shaky flight but he had managed to track down where that damned lion had gone to, he had to ask several loners if they had ever seen Stryker and to his luck they had. He fell into the sand not wanting to stand up anymore because of all the pain that he felt yet he pushed himself up with his entire body shaking. He would grit his teeth feeling a droplet of lava dripping from his parted maw as he heaved his breaths, he was skinny and frail looking. Easily breakable. It felt like shards of glass were residing within his lungs with each breath that he heaved, everything hurt but that wasn't going to stop him from killing that lion. He took shaky steps forward feeling more of his fur beginning to fall out as the scales on his back rippled and shone in the moonlight.

Then something made his nose twitch and for the first time since he had been born, Trygve could smell his surroundings even just briefly. He was here. His body was still shaking but his determination was stronger as he called out with a snarl "Show your fucking face, you s-snake!" The fur on his spine would bristle and the scales would do the same, this caused the draconic boy to get slightly itchy and lifted a paw to scratch. If he was going to die then he might as well die with a fight. I'm sorry, Aine. He thought quietly only to think about Natyli, he had closed off his mind from her since the beginning of his sickness. I'm sorry, Nat, if only I had been a better brother. He closed his eyes feeling the heat from inside start to bubble, he didn't know how long it would be before he died but he was going to make it worth while.

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - SirDio - 11-24-2020


Sevcon didn't know anyone off the island. So when he saw Trygve, demanding to see a snake, he was inclined to answer. Emerging from the undergrowth with a smile on his hidden face, he tilted his head. "Are yah referrin' to Stheno or Bossman?" He sat down politely, thagomizer tail swaying behind him. "Howdy, Ahm Sevcon." His one eye blinked, though the other one, his left eye, stayed wide open.


Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - summer. - 11-24-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HE[color=#637ca9]RE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Slowly, with a disappointed glint in sea-colored hues, the petite wildcat closed her book.  Last time she saw an outsider had been an annoying shifter.  Summer flicked her ear.  She liked this one more.

Even if he was interrupting Treasure Island.  Her tail twitched behind her as she gently placed her book into her satchel and trotted up after Sevcon.  The stranger didn't look too good, but she didn't comment.

The kodkod simply kept her distance and wait to see the answer to Sevcon's question.  Who was the snake here?  If I had to guess...  Well.  Her opinions of their glorious leader had been rather low lately, with the prisoners and friendliness with that strange shapeshifter who didn't seem to mind asking for aid in killing zer own clanmates.

Summer tilted her head, simply offering her attention.

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - Stryker - 11-25-2020

The Pitt liked to roll up to their borders these days, now did they? So much for 'hidden.' At the screech of Trygve, the lion merely offered a cackle in the distance, knowing well who had decided to show their face at the border. It was that prick that tried to get up in his face. Atticus attacked him too. His boldness would cost him someday. Nevertheless, Stryker couldn't help but smirk at the thought as he wandered over. He wondered why he was needed, especially after their previous squabble within The Pitt seemed to be over with, especially after Vale ultimately made zer point. 

Slitted eyes narrowed on the skinny lad as he came to a halt. What a mess. A mixture of reptilian and felidae greeted his eyes and a smirk curled upon his lips. Trygve was in no state to fight. He either had to be desperate or a fool to show up on the Coalition's borders, so which was it? "You look like shit," came the Kingpin's blunt statement. He offered an unsympathetic chuckle, offering a subtle glance to those around him in hopes for their agreement. "What do you need-" His voice trailed off. What was his name again? Not that it necessarily mattered, but a name to a fucked up face never hurt. Green hues looked him up and down judgmentally before continuing. "- small fry?"

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - T. ROUX - 11-26-2020

His body continued to shake though his gaze wavered over in the direction of Sevcon that had been the first to approach him, Trygve would snarl with lips peeled back as his tail lashed to the sides "I'm not here... For small talk..." Both of his ears pressed flat against his skull as he noticed that there was someone else there yet it wasn't the person that he had been looking for so he looked down at his paws only to let his claws sink into the sand. He could only imagine what his friends or family would think of him if they knew he was here, he gritted his teeth as he let his insides boil and bubble, the faint sound of his heart echoing through his ears as everything around him became muffled and distorted. Everything began to fly over his head and words were just foreign to him in those few moments, he coughed quietly. A huff leaving his maw as the scales on his body still pricked upwards as he stood there swaying slightly during the process.

Finally, Stryker showed his face and approached the scene though Ry only found a painful smile on his maw. "You don't look that great either..." His gaze became blurry as he wobbled a bit more but he took a few steps forward only to stop a bit as the lava dripped from his parted jaws, everything hurt so much. The draconic boy opened his jaws as if to speak but only closed them though he perked up with irritation as he was called small fry. This is where he was going to die then and he didn't care if he hadn't made much of a name for himself at this rate. He would be dust in the wind soon enough, quite literally too. "Here... For an eye, pendejo..." He finally hissed out though in that given moment, he took a step back feeling a jolt of pain go through his body.

The draconic jaguar took a few wobbly steps back only to feel his legs finally giving out, he had already traveled to several places before getting here. He wished that maybe he could've lived longer to actually make Stryker eat some sand though given his current state, it was impossible. He was going to die here. He grit his teeth digging his claws into the sand as more of his fur began to fall from his skin, the growth of scales slowly beginning to cover his legs and traveled up his chest. He felt like he couldn't breathe, everything was happening so fast. Maybe it would be a quick death despite how painful it was. Larger scales formed along his spine and skull only to eventually cover his entire body, the sound of bones snapping resonated through the area and the boy who thought he was going to die... Began to grow larger.

His once clenched paws began to unfurl and talons stretched out as he hunched over with a loud shriek of agony. Soon the boy didn't even look remotely feline but took more of a reptile appearance and his wings expanded laying against the sands on the shore. Eyes that were once shut would open in a flash, revealing a molten red gaze that locked onto the stark furred lion that stood in front of him. The large beast would lift their wings into the air only to raise their head, lava leaving the cracks in some of his scales and skin, some of it dripping from the beast's jaws. With parted jaws, the draconic beast would let out a roar and droplets of lava would fly from their cavern of teeth. Smoke would leave its nostrils as it stood there looking down at everyone that was there.

The dragon could only feel the pain that was going throughout their entire body and they wanted it to stop. The only feelings that were known to them was pain and rage. They wanted everyone to hurt like they were hurting, it was fair in the beast's eyes. Noticing movement in the corner of their eye did they catch the sight of a passing NPC, their nostrils flared as they turned around in a swift movement with the flames that lapped at their tail swinging to the side. The dragon's jaws parted as they lunged forward to bite down on the passing NPC, the creature caught between the large beasts maw. The draconic beast not biting down to kill them just yet as they turned once more to face that lion, the creature within their jaws being burned alive.

Trygve Roux had died and in his place was a large brute that was ready to reign destruction upon the Coalition of the Condemned. A merciless creature without much of a mind or thoughts of it's own, the draconic beast only wanted everyone to suffer just like they were. Loud growling would erupt from the beast as it looked upon the three that were currently gathered, forked tongue flickering out as they let out another roar of fury. IT HURTS. IT HURTS. IT HURTS. Their snout wrinkled as their tail lashed to the sides behind him, folding their wings at their side as their hard obsidian hued scales rippled and rose as more lava flowed from the crevices in their skin. DIE. DIE. DIE. They would lift up a leg to the air with talons outstretched, they aimed to swipe or stomp at Stryker if that didn't work... He would slam his tail onto the ground to cause the earth to shake violently as they shrieked.

/ oopsie

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - rhosmari - 11-27-2020

"Ugh, what is with all the noise?" Annoyance flew from her tongue cold and biting as she emerged from the jungle that she had called home for well over a year. Her eyes of light pink searching the landscape of beach and sand to try and identify what the problem was this time around. It always looked as if the Coalition had some kind of issue going on and while that could be fun for some she needed to at least get some beauty rest in. Rather it was justified or not she hardly cared. These unimportant maggots could take their issues and problems elsewhere until she deemed it necessary to deal with. But it appeared as if someone had brought their issues to the border. A..necessary evil she supposed with what her father was currently doing and it appeared to be a very large...appetizing...thrilling problem.

She could feel saliva sliding along her tongue, drool threatening to drip between closed lips as she looked at the monstrous beast. A feast, this was surely a feast. Her eyes lingered on legs, wings, tail but she also made a note that there was fire, cracks in the skin. Lava. Had she been able to eat something like this before? She could very well damn try. It was eating so why couldn't she. Her first thought was to try and overtake the body. Throw her spirit into the beast and take control, victory would be sweeter that way but she realized then that the wild destructive force was attacking. Attacking her family. There was no thought processes to her movements. The Princess of the Isle leapt forward and pushed her pale blue form to get to Stryker. Cold settled in sharply, the air becoming frigid as she let out a sharp roar, water pouring forth to solidify into a wall of ice in front of her father, aiming to divert the claws of the beast.

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - SirDio - 11-27-2020


He let out a chuff, rolling his eyes at the jaguar. "I expected that much. Hello, Bossman." He smiled to Stryker under his mask. He stood up, claws digging into the sand, his thagomizer lashing, revealing the annoyance. He could feel a prickling sensation at his paws, and suddenly, he watched as the Jaguar became something far more dangerous. Eye widened under his mask, watching that beast snatch up an NPC and burn it alive within its jaws. An involuntary snarl ripped from him.

Green eyes flickered to Sojourn, but the attention was diverted as she dove to protect her father. His body moved toward the side of the beast, quick and sudden, and he swung on his hindlegs, aiming to stab the dragon in the thigh with his thagomizer. He was already slowly dying, so what was a few missing spikes, or a burned patch on his tail?


Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - Stryker - 11-29-2020

No small talk? A sarcastic frown met the lion's lips. That was Stryker's thing. The Kingpin could monologue for hours upon hours about any subject. His true power was being able to bullshit out of any situation with brute strength and a slick tongue. This situation seemed to be no different. Through the boy's grumblings, he looked back at the crowd that had gathered for the shitshow and offered a smirk.

Slitted eyes glazed over Trygrve's body, watching as tufts of fur slowly transformed into draconic scales. Lava poured from every crevice until the day of reckoning began. One final shiver, one final gust of pain, had set him over the edge. The jaguar began to tower over them and the lion took a cautious step back, purposefully sliding in front of his daughter as she approached. Neon hues widened as the NPC came entangled in the dragon's jaws. Their screams howled out as the heat burned them alive, causing the Kingpin to reconsider his thoughts. They could use this bastard kid. Once a weakling, Trygrve was now a valuable aspect to their victory. Their weak minded state and furious impulse would make them easier to capture.

In a flash, outstretched talons came his way. Whether or not Sojourns' wall worked, Stryker moved away without a knick and let out a hesitant cackle. Now that was impressive. His slitted gaze attempted to lock eyes with Trygrve, assuming he'd still be staring the Kingpin down. Pupils widened as he tried to infiltrate the Pittian's mind. If successful, he'd attempt to use mental manipulation to take ahold of their thoughts. Silence would enter the boy's mind. The only voice would be Stryker's calm mumble. "The pain is gone," came his soft words. "Become one with the Coalition and you will no longer experience any." Trygrve, if convinced, would slip into a calm state and only follow Stryker's orders from now on.

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - T. ROUX - 11-30-2020

They began to defend themselves but the large dragon didn't care though he did become frustrated when a wall of ice came in his way to intervene and stop his attack. The draconic beast parted their jaws that dripped hot molten lava and without much of a shriek did that hack up a large ball of lava that was spat in the direction of the ice wall in an attempt to melt it. If that had succeeded, the dragon would lift his talons once more in a swiping motion but once again someone tried to stop him. He was stabbed in the thigh and he would roar in absolute anger, they were beginning to piss him off. With their own large tail, he aimed to slap away Sevcon with a quick swing of his tail if that had succeeded then the weight of his tail would've been enough to knock the breath out of his attacker or momentarily stun them.

The draconid creature turned in the direction of Stryker once more getting ready to strike once more until the lion had invaded his mind causing the beast to stumble back with a loud hiss. Suddenly, the pain was gone or that's what they believed as the lava flow from their body would ease down just a tad. He closed his jaws as a loud rumble from their maw would cause the earth to shake slightly. Become one with the Coalition. The brute creature did not know what that was but perhaps if they obeyed the lions orders, the pain would finally cease. That's what they truly wanted. For the pain to go away. The dragon would lower their body slightly until their chin touched the sand underneath them, a snort leaving them as both eyes concentrated on Stryker. This was a valuable gain for the lion and the feral creature but the boy who had fell to become the beast was unable to share their own thoughts. Imprisoned by a monster that was fueled by his anger.

Re: FIRE DANCED IN MY EYES ; trespasser - Romulus - 11-30-2020

At the raging roar of his sister, the wanderer's ears perked and he shot up from his seat in the tropical forest, only to see a troubling scene appear before him. A flurry of attacks enacted in front of his eyes. From the transformation to his father's oddly calm manner, Romulus' senses went wild. Auras came from left and right. Others went to strike, some diverted the beast's attacks with ease. Swallowing his pride, the lion darted forward onto the battlefield without any further thought.

Earth and fire elementals combined to try and take ahold of the lava flowing out of Trygrve's body, but before his eyes the beast stumbled back. The molten liquid began to slow. A strange, almost surreal, change in their attitude happened and Romulus merely stared. For a moment, his slitted gaze turned back towards Stryker. He craned his head curiously. His attention returned promptly, only to see the dragon's head lowered to the floor and his attention focused on his father. The son of the Kingpin's brow furrowed.

What happened? He had a hypothesis, but he didn't know how true it was. Romulus knew of mental manipulation, but he had never seen a beast as strong as Trygrve being taken down in an instant with it. Intrigued, Romulus decided he would approach his father later to learn more. For now though, he stood silent, watching the dragon's faint breaths. "Interesting," the lion muttered lowly to himself. There wasn't much more for him to contribute.