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Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Printable Version

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Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Onyxdreams - 11-16-2020

~ ☼ Sat within the much warmer interior of the nursery, covered in as many blankets as she could convince the queens to give her, Onyxkit stared out at the rest of the world outside. In the month since her birth, she had only been outside the nursery a few times, enough that she could have counted them on a paw...or maybe two, she wasn't very good at counting still. She wasn't very good at a lot of things just yet, speech was still a bit hard to get down, all the different words and meanings, the pronunciations, it was hard, and slow work. She had come out of her egg a lot better than these other newborns in a lot of things, because of her not-cat half, already grown and matured more than those her age from the moment of her hatching. Hunting, survival, it came naturally to her, but a lot of other things were taking time to learn, to get down to habit, it still took her a few seconds of thinking to puzzle out others sentences, but she was making progress.

Watching some of the other kits outside, so much different in appearance from her, playing around, having fun, she wanted to join them, to go have some fun out there, but the cold would bite into her, sap her of her strength. The first time she had gone outside she remembered that the queen that had been watching her at the time had been worried, about her sluggishness after the short venture, the tiredness that had crept through every inch of her being. It turned out, the cold wasn't good for her, but that was fine, she didn't like the cold anyways, she much preferred the heat of the nursery, she just wished that everyone else would play inside more. Maybe she could get one of the queens to play with her? Or better yet, maybe if her father came by, they could play together! He seemed sort of sad lately anyways, it might make him feel better if he had a bit of fun, what was the word...ah, happy! Happy, she could be happy, and he could too, they could play games all day once he got here, but....until then, she was stuck here, bored out of her mind under her blankets. Should she get more? She already had enough, in fact she had more than she needed, but she liked the warmth they provided, and another one would just make it even better right?

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - fujita - 11-16-2020

since the merge of the two clans, fujita had been rather wary of his new clanmates. his dad may approve of them, but would they be as nice as his dad led him to believe? then again, rhinestonestar himself led the colony of new faces... oh, he didn't know anymore! no matter the case, the young one would stay cautious and stray from their company. such was the case today. fujita's paws led him to the heart of palmclan's lively camp, his mind set on basking in what little stream of golden light peeked out from above the shady, cool canopy. he neared the cusp of his ideal scenario, yet, as he sprawled out and closed both eyes in contentment, a voice interrupted his sunning. "mind if i sun, too?" his olive gaze blinked open to find a stranger, one whose scent spoke of palmclan. consequently, he shot up and bounded off, leaving the sunbather at a loss. "welp, he must have had something to do.", the cat's distant voice presumed. "yeah, not put myself in danger.", he mumbled to himself.

before long, he arrived at the nursery, panting from the strain he placed upon his little legs. whenever a threat closed in, he had decided to take refuge there for only queens and kits would dare enter the shelter. sides heaving, the caracal cub paused to regain his composure as well as his breath. stability returned and, at last, he plopped himself down on the ground. "i'm not dead." he announced his achievement, mostly for himself than anything. after all, there appeared to be no one who was awake, so he was in the clear - or so he thought.

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - SirDio - 11-16-2020

Did Drift know that there were other members she could try to befriend? Yes. Was she willing to chance it? Not really. Gentle the breath of the dinosaur as she watched the kits outside of the den, leaning on the inside of her nest. Kept around her neck with a fraying leather strip was a small, shiny charm. It depicted a moth with a purple gem in its arms.

She kinda knew of the other egg, had watched it wobble a bit before her deadening mind ceased to think about it. Now that the child, Onyxkit, was up and out of the egg, Drift was a little more interested.

Seeing Fujita fumbling in, sides heaving, his body on the floor of the nursery, his achievement becoming known to the world, Drift let out a soft snort. "That's good. Let's try to keep it that way."

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Grimm - 11-18-2020

Meagre the tally of occupants once housed in subterranean den, thinned as time saw fit to advance a select few, bolstered as the merger staged had beckoned forth children lacking in parental guidance. Common ground such, deposited on grains once golden in hue one child within particular, yet burned the bridge before construction may begin, decision to welcome these interlopers coming with the small print they were deemed beneath the care of Rhine. Had been different the situation, a better basis allowing more tempered thoughts permitting slight chance of connection, welcomed may they have been. Unforeseen the issues that plagued, sullen grown mood and thus irreparable the situation.

Lacking his presence where it pertained to the discovery, and subsequent move of the overly large egg, yet made note of how it had once occupied a space, odd the creature once housed. Soured what had begun as a baseline curiosity, a desire that was mere embers sparking with jovial questioning and gentle inspection, dwindling into ash as the days passed. Allowing another a space within his fickle heart had brought only pain, aching still claws that carved ragged grooves into his bedding, beneath his own selection of blankets huddled.

Lacklustre the atmosphere present in hollow, rambunctious voices ringing with delight as the snow that peppered shallow divet nestled against open cliff face melted, two worlds separate that may not come together. Oversight such notion, however, entrance one uncoordinated as overtaxed the tiny body that broke the silence, only touched lightly by slow and even breath, at rest all that were present. Some offered amusement in light laughter, others annoyance at disturbance, the sleep of their own not wished to be disturbed, his own guardian lacking. Fewer the instances she may be present, expectation driving her out come morning with hastily given apologies, familiar grown the empty space, accepted as he shivered and struggled to breath.

Narrowed the pale green depths that landed upon cub that spoke in such brazen tone, grumble befalling lips half hearted and further punctured by deep sniff. It seemed his constant wandering beyond the nursery was slowly catching up, dry the cough he tried to muffle behind ivory paws. Another voice, familiar and welcome, the eldest among them and kin, if in all but the blood that seemed to ravage taunt veins with each beat of his heart.

More jovial her words, framed in an amusement Foam missed in the once brightly chaotic reptilian, shakey the grin brought forth as he listened, simply pleased to hear her voice. Improvement had been staged for them both, time and the community about assistant as no other, thought stilted the broken words Foam offered after Drift had finished. "Be not dead outside."
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - fujita - 11-18-2020

"wha-- who!?" ears too big for his head flicked forward, sounding around for the cause of the voice once he turned his head this way and that. he wasn't alone. oh geez. pale eyes pinpointed the straggler, a reptilian individual settled within a close by nest. "whoops." his voice hushed, taking into account the awfully unfettered way in which he arrived. the revision coupled with the small ashamed smile he offered up confessed his guilt, yet he wanted the raptor to look past it. the look on her face, he realized, hinted at not that.

a stirred kitten cast a drowsy glance at him and a mother offered a deadly glare. suddenly, he regretted ever breathing. "sorry for my volume." he directed his apology at those who lay awake, his fragile grin disappearing as a kitten voiced his anger. "i'll be quietly dead in here; i promise." fujita's assurance rang true for he peeled himself up from the den's organic floor, slunk to a corner, and sprawled out with his head on his paws.

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

It was sort of a wonder, in a way, that Rhinestonestar had so many children, despite having never taken on a mate or had any of the biological variety. Perhaps he just had a naturally parental nature to him, something that pushed him to take in all those that needed guidance. That certainly appeared to be the pattern, considering his taking in of Foamkit, Tree and Quasar, Fujita, and now Onyxkit. Hell, in a way, he even offered his parental guidance to Drifting as well, although he wouldn't go so far as to call himself her father, not without her saying as much first. It was because of this taking in of children that Rhine found himself in the nursery often, to the point where the various queens practically referred to him as one of them. Unfortunately, his visits had been more spaced apart lately, mainly as he didn't want to get any of the little ones within the nursery sick. His condition only appeared to be worsening, and he wouldn't dare risk anything happening, especially considering how freshly hatched Onyx still was.

Despite his hesitancy, Rhinestone would never just stop visiting any of his children, considering he didn't want any of them to feel abandoned. It was because of this that the ruddy feline found himself moving towards the warm den that day, feeling better than he had in a while. Still not good by any stretch of the imagination, but the illness had decided to give him a moment of peace, at least for a little while. Of course, it didn't seem as though the children of the group would do the same. He got as far as two pawsteps into the nursery when he heard the various clashing of voices, including Fujita's awkward tone, Drifting's jovial one, and Foamkit's unexpectedly sharp one. Rhine couldn't help but snort, moving further into the den and touching his tail briefly to Fujita's back before he spoke, "You don't need to hide away... Foam can catch people off guard sometimes. Besides, most of you haven't properly met Onyxkit yet, have you?" Rhine's purr was rough with tiredness, but there was no less of a happy feeling to it

With those words, the leader moved over to where Onyxkit was, chuckling softly as he saw the pile of blankets that she had amassed. Reaching out a paw, he tapped his daughter lightly on the head, careful to avoid her horns as he spoke, "Onyx? Do you think you'll be able to introduce yourself, little one?" He wasn't absolutely sure if she was ready yet, considering he knew that they were still working on language. He certainly wouldn't blame her if she wasn't yet, considering how complex learning to speak really was for the little ones, even just a simple introduction.

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Grimm - 11-19-2020

Quelled, in some small part, the annoyance once housed beneath overheated skin, the pitiful display in wake of vocalised displeasure carving into the insubstantial joy kindled in aching chest. Minimal the moments he may claim as such, meagre the offering of delight once heavily present in days shaped by wonder, too young the eyes that peered through jade, taken in places he may not have otherwise found it. Brief the thought arising through cotton laced strands, wrinkled nose, diet cut deep between eyes squinted near shut. Momentary the hold before expression grew lax, heavy the sigh accompanying.

Discarded the warmth he was loath to depart from, behind the retreating cub following, heavy each step and lacking in ways that drew scowl forth along lips reddened and chewed upon, boredom making enjoyable anything. When proximity permitted Foam leaned down to the other, a feat almost unnecessary for their similar age did not permit the same in stature, light the press he placed to shoulder. "Am sorry." Half hearted the apology he mumbled, thought meant muffled by position and the simple fact his stuffed up nose warped his voice.

Excited may he have been once, even welcome, but wide the vision that turns, darkened as recognition settles. Still is it there, the adoration that may not depart heart seeking connection, the comfort he may give as no other might. Cast aside those desires and Foam seemed almost staunch in his desire to ignore the other, how he tended another, Foam focused only standing upon shaky legs once more. The words Rhine spoke brought only further confusion, for a time forgotten himself as a few steps were taken, once more regarded the other, a child bearing signs of a dual nature as Medusa had.

"On… Oni… mmm." Each attempt staged further muddled the poorly structured sounds, no other word present within his limited vocabulary necessitating the final letter nor a sound that may be deemed similar. Once more frustrated his attention fixed upon the floor below, mouth continuing to move, his further attempts to speak her name proved inaudible, however.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - number nine. - 11-22-2020

Number Nine had certainly heard that there was a new kid in the nursery, but he hadn't thought much of it upon initially hearing about her. After all, new kids were born all the time in a group like Palmclan, and while Nine was grateful for that, it wasn't something to get all excited about every single time. However, the jaguar had changed his tune when he had heard how exactly the kid had came to be. A giant egg, just showing up on the shore without much of a warning? It was certainly one hell of a story, and Nine immediately found himself intrigued, knowing that he needed to say hello to this particular kid once he got the chance. Not to mention the fact that he probably should've said hello anyways, since the rumor was that Rhine had decided to take the child in as his own. That wasn't exactly surprising, considering Rhinestone's sympathetic nature, but it did give Nine more motivation to visit. Didn't want to get on the leader's bad side by snubbing his kid, after all – not that Nine really thought Rhine was the type to get all up in arms about something like that.

After coming in from a surprisingly successful hunting patrol, Number Nine's ears had perked up when he heard the sound of talking coming from the nursery. There were several different voices that were bouncing off the walls of the den, including several that were familiar to Number Nine, and a couple that weren't. Intrigued, the jaguar folded in his large feathered wings, ducking his head and going inside. He had to stay near to the entrance, not wanting his larger form to cause any issues as he settled and looked at those around him. Two of Rhine's unfamiliar children, Drifting, and Foamkit. It was certainly one hell of a crowd, and Nine found himself snorting at the exchange that went on between Foam and Fujita. Shaking his head a bit at Rhine's gentle scolding, the bounty hunter spoke up casually, evidently amused, "No need to be too sorry, Foamkit. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that's just how siblings are with each other." He didn't know exactly, considering he had no actual siblings of his own, but he knew that they had a tendency to butt heads.

Turning his gaze towards Onyxkit, Nine looked the young kit over, taking in her various unusual mutations that came from her hybridization. If Medusa was around, she surely would've been delighted to see another creature somewhat like herself – well, delighted and a bit worried for how others would see her. Shaking that off for now, Nine muttered to Onyx, his grin a toothy smile, "Hey there, Onyxkit. My name's Number Nine, but you can call me Nine if you're still only just figuring out words. I'm a warrior, so I help work for your dad." He motioned a paw towards Rhinestone, as if the girl had somehow forgotten about the tom that had taken her in.

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - SirDio - 11-22-2020

Wild eyes seemed tame now as she looked at everyone, watching them talk and interact amongst each other. Shifting her position within her nest, she smiled gently, hiding the grief that muddled her mind too much. Gently grasping at her little charm, she spoke softly, "My name is Drifting-Feather. But pretty much everyone calls me Drift." She extended a hand toward the ground, having to lean out of her nest in order to grasp at some dirt, before she slinked it back. "Onyxkit is a pretty name. It fits her."

Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Grimm - 11-25-2020

Stilled his lips in movement that had grown halting, caught lower between grinding points. Abandoned at some point seemed his attempts, favoured over it just basic movement, mirrored in paw that swept along the organic flooring. Ceased all motion when another conducted entrance that might not be deemed such, placement filling the opening widened to allow him entry, yet the internal structure needed work with the excess number who now filled it. Brightened by the one who observed the loose rabble his prior wait for Onyx was abandoned, forth treading with clumsy steps, barely paying mind to where he was going.

Distance closed nearly in full before voice arose, ears swivelling forth and upon mouth harshly drawn the contours of a frown. By no means necessary the skirting of allowing the child time to adjust to the sudden influx, let alone that Rhine was deemed father of many, rankled. Back did lips shift, there was nothing in expression that may evoke fear but it was there all the same.

"Not sibling." It may have been a case of acting the part of single child, though chosen the closer knit connection present where Drift was concerned until the light he viewed her within had grown familial, or jealousy that attention was taken from him, none may know for sure. It mattered little in that moment with his sharp words capped by heavy, raspy breath. Not wishing to dwell away did Foam turn, the softened voice drawing him forth as though he were a mere moth aloft on paper wings.

Intrusion felt the action that saw the tabby settle near to Drift, present still distance, nest untouched if he did not seek to do so, to her facing until all may only see his back. She, too, seemed positive in her reception, annoyance biting at his skin as the realisation settled. Yet he may not turn from her, as he was unofficial her inclusion within the family Rhine had built around himself, tethered by an experience he may not share with any other, his breath stirring the grains littering the floor as he softly spoke. "Fren."
[Image: Ufxnwlgih4-BC.gif]
when I was only twelve years old, my parents went walking, I hate those wicked words they'd say when they started talking. he was headed for the open road, she turned and slammed the door. learning love ain't easy child, when all you see is war
code by Wisker