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UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - Printable Version

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UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - RHINESTONE. - 11-04-2020

In many ways, things were fairly quiet in Palmclan as of late. After all, there hadn't been any other massive storms since the initial one, and although the snow remained, ot wasn't as if more was coming. However, this didn't mean that all was well within the group. Rhinestone was feeling exhausted, as more and more of their prey fled underground or became trapped beneath a layer of ice over the rivers and sea. He was trying his best, but it wasn't as if one feline on his own could take on the whole of nature itself. He had hoped that all within the group would understand that fact, and many did, thanking him for doing as much as he could as things went wrong. He tried his best to get food in their bellies and protected dens over their heads, as hard as that was at the moment. However, not everyone felt as though he was doing enough, and that was perhaps the part that hurt the most. At first, he hadn't heard the gentle mumblings that spread throughout camp, but then it had all come to a head.

He had been sitting within his den when he heard the mumbling coming from outside, causing him to lift his head in confusion. He had been trying to figure out patrol schedules, and he hadn't really expected anyone to be waiting for him. As he made his way towards the entrance of his den, however, he realized that the pair of NPCs outside weren't waiting for him. Instead, the two were huddled together, gossiping freely, "Can you believe all of this is happening? We should've known things would eventually go downhill, after the hurricane..." He immediately winced, opening his mouth to speak up, but was cut off by the other responding, "Obviously. Starclan is clearly just trying to punish us all. It's ridiculous that we have to suffer, considering it's all his fault. If he hadn't taken over and started straying from tradition, none of this would be happening." Their harsh words immediately dug into Rhine's mind, causing the leader's ears to flatten down against his skull.

Suddenly feeling an awful sense of heavy guilt in his heart, the leader slipped silently out of his den, making sure the two rumormongers didn't spot him. He headed towards the entrance to camp, sitting down nearby and heaving a heavy sigh. He didn't know what to do to make things better, and he could already feel a headache beginning to form. Raising one of his paws, he pressed it lightly against his temple, his eyes falling closed as he tried to hold it together.

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - SirDio - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The hybrid didn't want to be there. But she had duties to fill out, like gathering food for their little prey pile. There were already rumors and whispers about her. Them? She could deal with. But when it came to rumors about a close friend?

Seeing Rhine so hurt by their garbage words, it made her fur bristle and her tail lash. How fucking dare they talk behind his back? How dare they say shit like that, and not even to his face? Sauntering to the two spineless members, she stared one down and kept the other in her sights.

"How were things before the hurricane, hm? Tell me why it's his fault -- I knew who you spineless cowards were talking about. I saw you walk up to his den just to gossip, and not even to his face. Are you that much of cowards?" Her voice was hard, stern, demanding. [color=#0C7805]"If you want to gossip, gossip about me. Me and the other... anomalies in the group. Rhinestonestar has done nothing wrong. He is kind and just, and a much better leader than either of you could ever be."


Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - Grimm - 11-04-2020

Easier the acceptance of dire situations when blame may be placed upon a singular focal point, the unknown causation behind imperceptible disaster but another facet for concern. Yet such allowed the festering of misdirected guilt, harboured a notion proven false though disregarded the evidence.

Of this the child knew nought, basic still the grasp he had about the events that populated daily life, made further apparent his lack with the offering of trivial knowledge he struggled to recall. This Starclan spoken of with such blatant disregard, a reason that allowed another to be made a scapegoat, another he bore little idea of, downfall in such rather apparent. Stilted his motion, slow as it had been, supervised walks within the camp itself all he was allowed and thus taken to with a relish that wore thin quickly, raspy the growl that seeped between clenched teeth.

Had not Medusa spoken aloud his name, and made apparent the direction of their spite, ignored the comments in favour of continued exercise, the mention of Rhine enough to draw his attention. The end to his growl across in a squeaky cry, stumbling through the collected snow the kitten before he made to slam his head into the side of a warrior, the badmouthing of his father figure not permitted. Back did Foam fall with this, heaving heavy breaths broken by dry coughs, his pride over such defense of the leader outweighing the pain, including that radiating out from his forehead where it had made contact.
[Image: B03r9ds9-HWWR-1.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - RHINESTONE. - 11-04-2020

In truth, Rhinestone wasn't sure whether or not he would've preferred for Medusa not to way anything, or to say something. On one paw, it did feel good, having his friend – as well as his son – jump to his defense. On the other paw, he didn't want them taking any of the flack for his mistakes. He was about to speak up and interject, just to calm the situation down somewhat, but the two NPCs were already stepping back, their eyes wide with shock at Medusa's scathing words. They both seemed to fall deathly silent, before the first one spoke once again, "I... we didn't realize he would hear. We didn't think he was in camp. We didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Honest..." The second NPC let out a soft squawk as Foamkit headbutt into his leg, staring down in shock at the kit before the pair both hastily turned towards Rhinestonestar. His words were strangled as he squawked, uneasy on his paws, "We're sorry, Rhinestonestar! We shouldn't have been so reckless with what we said... throwing around your name, and Starclan's like that... right?" He glanced at his companion, who hastily nodded as well, evidently petrified to have been caught.

With a heavy sigh, Rhine flicked his paw off in a direction away from his den, a frown pulling at his muzzle as he spoke, "Ah... well. Your apology is... fine. Just... please? Go?" The both of them immediately nodded, scampering off away from the tom and his apparent "lackies." Once they were out if his sight, he turned back to Medusa and Foamkit, offering them a tired smile as he spoke, "There was really no need for that, either of you... they were rude, yes, but I think you just about scared them out of their skin, Medusa. And you too, Foam, of course." He didn't actually really feel any remorse over what had happened, but he still needed to put on a brave face. He had to be a respectable leader, not one that let silly little rumors rule over his mind.

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - SirDio - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Seeing Foamkit headbutting one of the gossipers would've made Medusa laugh if it were not for the seething anger she felt. While she stepped back as they apologized profusely to cool off, their thoughts that Rhine wasn't there made her flick her ear in anger. There might have been a flame to follow the ear, but if there was, it was gone as quickly as it arrived. "Next time, just watch what you say, will you?" She said in a tired fashion, noticing a burning feeling in her chest slowly fade. Giving Rhine a tired smile in return, she shook her head, "I didn't mean to petrify them -- I just can't handle hearing gossip about a friend, who is absolutely normal and unlike me." While she meant it to be a compliment, she felt a bit of envy, and a burning feeling in her chest again. She really wished she could have been a normal cat. Apparently that was too much to ask.

Turning to Foamkit, she gave him an approving nod, "Yeah, Foam! You're a big scary cat now."


Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - VASS . - 11-05-2020

Vaas was not knew to rumors.

To speak out of tounge against the once boss was a challenge when he was in his role. Vaas had come into Palmclan with the mild manner of a deer and offered smiles between his yellow fangs. The facade of it had fallen quickly, Vaas was a tiger of fangs and claws and marred with a blanket of his victories and defeats alike on his pelt. The facade was clear cut ad dry, Vaas was far from dangerous, and it kept those whispers nothing ore than whispers.

Vaas felt his mood sour that day at the sight of the two scampering clan mates of his, the somber set in Rhine's small frame was enough, as he walked past them he let the facade fall with a loud snarl. The prowl of his gait showed his anger, the displeasure, and he enjoyed the petty fear that flashed in their eyes before he moved on.

"Belief is fickle thing, they would rather blame something real than something on the paws of one rather than themselves." of any creature, vaas knew the fraility of faith, of belief, it wasn't so long ago that Vaas' own had shattered, broken and laid to the earth for the clan to bear witness. Instead the water around his cuff flexed at the emotion, melting and freezing rapidly in equal measure as he took a spot among the group. Brushing his tail along the leader's paws before he curled it around his own.

"It's not your fault," Vaas held his tongue, the want to lie the blame on some fallible stars would give them the credit of blame, of belief. Vaas would not belittle the leader for believing in them, everyone needed belief, didn't they? "fear makes anyone rash," Vaas shook his head at the thought, fear could turn into anger, if allowed, scorn was already on the leader? Vaas wondered what there was to do about it, but his concerns were more selfish.

He was more worried about Rhinestonestar, if the careful set to the others frame, the dismissal of their words Vaas let his voice be steel, calm and placid but undeniably true. "it isn't your fault, rey"
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - Grimm - 11-05-2020

Enacted course unassisted by thought, despite numerous lessons to baseline he fell, at the mercy of whims that steadily ebbed and flow like the disquieted ocean. The manner it arose with sudden force was mimic of departure, crestfall that which fit against features pale in hue, averted vision to not entice further reprimand. "They were lying."

Simple reasoning, process of thought similar, all wound tight about a fickle heart. Further conversation staged with the requested departure, bystander made the child until particular words arose. "Medusa good, big dumbheads stupid." Unusual the edge adorning soft tone, head lowering in a short nod as though within agreement with his own words, light the ghost of a smile curling the corners of his lips. The quiet innocence of a child, overlooked every aspect deemed irregular and thus unpermitted on the basis of difference, to be lost in time but revealed in now when permitted.

Approached marked by hesitation, brief still, cheek to leg pressing lightly. The cruel malice lacking, only a quiet and fleeting embrace, the curl of body about her extremities as though he may take all spat at her onto himself, a burden readily taken if impossible for such. Away did he step, similar actions enacted when another joined, harder the press, light the graze of teeth in playful manner. Family them both, if unvoiced such, carved into his heart a niche no other may occupy.

The last Foam turned to with some sense of unease, forth creeping until before Rhine did he draw to a halt. Onto toes rolled his weight, once more forehead making contact yet only in a light press, aching where the contact was made. "Do good job, best leader."
[Image: B03r9ds9-HWWR-1.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - RHINESTONE. - 11-07-2020

In all honesty, Medusa's words caused Rhine to wince, a brief frown flicking across his face. He was obviously glad to hear that not everyone thought he was committing crimes against Starclan, but he didn't want the hybrid to belittle herself in the process. He sighed softly, nudging his head gently against her shoulder before he spoke, "Hey, I don't like hearing about my rumors about my friends either. You're perfectly normal, Medusa, so don't make me have to lecture you." The ruddy tom smiled sideways at her, before looking up when Vaas approached. He couldn't help the soft snort that left him after the tiger's snarl, the petrified gossipers seeming to retreat even farther away. After his amusement melted away, he shook his head at Vaas, muttering softly, "It's really no big deal... like you said, they're just looking for someone to blame for the problems we're having right now. I would've hoped they'd be smart enough to know that I can't control the weather, though." He chuckled a little, although it was obviously a bit forced – even with all of this encouragement, things still felt rough, to say the least.

However, he managed to shake that feeling off, briefly moving forward to press his nose against Vaas's shoulder before he pulled back, "Thank you, Vaas. I'll try not to let them get to me, you know?" He offered the tiger another smile, before turning when he heard Foamkit speaking up once again. He grinned before nodding his head firmly, echoing the kit's words a bit more eloquently, "Foamkit is right. Anybody who has a problem with you, Medusa, is a huge idiot. They just don't see how great you are." The leader then let out a soft grunt as Foam leaned against his chest, a gesture the feline had grown more used to after time. He chuckled lightly, lifting one of his front limbs to wrap it around Foamkit, holding him close as he muttered, "Thanks, Foam. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm the best leader, but... I like to think I'm doing a decent job of things." A low rumbling purr spread through Rhine's chest as he held Foam close, setting his chin on the kit's head. The other really was like a son to him.

Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - SirDio - 11-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Medusa smiled warmly, though partially forced, at Rhine's words. "I lecture myself enough already, so I'll try not to have you do my work for me." Setting her eyes upon Vaas, down to Foam, then back to Rhine, she found words caught in her throat at the scene before her. They were all entirely feline. She wasn't. Instead of a burning feeling, there was just pain. The feeling of being a singled out individual, even if singled out by her own mind, was agony. But she kept the smile on. "You're doing a much better job at leading than I could ever do." She said those words softly, probably a little too soft to even remotely take the edge off her mind. The pain in her chest worsened. Was it anxiety? Or something worse, something that couldn't go away just by breathing and calming down?

Something flickered in her eyes -- pain, sadness, anxiety? A mix of all three? Either way, it was gone before anyone could really notice. "Aside from the rumors, how have things been at camp?" Good -- a distraction for her.


Re: UNDER YOUR SKIN ☆ o, rumors - RHINESTONE. - 11-07-2020

It was hard not to notice the slightly pained look that flashed across Medusa's face, and Rhine wished that there was something that he could do. He had told the hybrid over and over again that she was welcome within the clan, but it wasn't as if he could just make everyone back off. Even with every warning he gave, there was still doubt that he was making a good decision. Too many who still had the utmost faith in Starclan, and saw him as some kind of freak, even if he was entirely feline. For now, though, Rhinestone just tried his best to shake it off. After all, it was pretty clear that Medusa didn't want to focus on it, and the tom didn't want to make her have to. Instead, he just chuckled and said, his words reflecting his relief, "I'm glad to hear you say that. I've been anxious about my leadership, ever since I kind of had to step up. I'm glad that we're nowhere near the same place that we were back then..." Even with the recent storm that had hit, and even with prey being scarce, things were nowhere near as bad as when the hurricane had first hit.

Equally grateful for a distraction, Rhine sighed and glanced upwards briefly, inspecting the camp around him. When he returned his pale gaze to Medusa, he explained, "How have things been? Well... not bad, in the grand scheme of things. People are still... adjusting to the weather, and not everyone is happy, but we'll be alright. Prey is getting to be a bit scarce, but we've also got enough of a stockpile that we should hopefully be able to hold out. I just hope that this weather doesn't go on for too long..." He grimaced a little at the mere thought of the storms continuing, his eyes briefly lingering on the clouds off in the distance.