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say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Printable Version

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say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Stryker - 10-29-2020

The Coalition of the Condemned was quick to arrive after their announcement. Their boats pulled up onto the shore and were stashed away promptly in the swamp's bushes. Soon their trek begin. The Kingpin led them past the beach and into the swamp. Neon eyes met the chain link fence of the junkyard. His paw gestured towards a hole in the fence where he cut through with his earth elementals last time, hoping they'd promptly saunter through. Wanderers slunk through the junkyard first with light paws navigating carefully through the trash and eyes wide for intruders. Stryker led them through the piles, eventually coming up to the entrance. Weary eyes peeked out. His head swiveled from side to side, on the lookout for any strangers.

No one seemed to be in sight. His mental manipulated attempted to send out a telepathic message to those around him. "Clear," he started off with. "Half of you go right, I'll go left with the rest. Surround them." With one last forward gesture of his paw, the Kingpin headed off to the left with his head low and chest to the floor. He stayed with the shadows as he walked through the underbrush. He came to a stop momentarily. His paw swayed on the edge of the group's crater.

In the distance laid Tanglewood's camp. The overgrown town was populated and now surrounded by wanderers. Stryker's neon observed the area, scanning it for any stronger candidates to fight, but ultimately found none yet. So far, they were unaware of their presence. Their advances were successful. A smirk curled upon his maw. He finally peaked his head out from the bushes, looking around nonchalantly. Some started to get fluster, noticing the new smells and wide eyes looked around. It seemed it was time to go.

The alabaster lion sauntered out from the bushes and let out a daunting roar. "TANGLEWOOD, YOUR LEADER IS GONE." Madness descended around them in mere milliseconds, prompting his second shout. "ANYONE FAILING TO INITIALLY COMPLY TO THIS TAKEOVER WILL BE EXECUTED." His claws gripped at the ground. Haunches lowered to the floor, awaiting to pounce on an unwilling enemy. Yellowed teeth bared menacingly. "COALITION, CAPTURE THE REST AND THROW THEM IN THE BUNKER UNTIL THEY AGREE. TAKE ALL OF THEIR POSSESSIONS. RAID THEIR HOMES AND DENS."

A final growl left him.


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - trojan g. - 10-29-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Moth had never been in a takeover before. When Tanglewood had helped the Typhoon with the takeover of the Pitt to get rid of Jervis, she had stayed home in case those who had gotten injured had ran back home to be able to heal, and to make sure they would make it to the next day over. Luckily there had been few injured then, and she could only hope that the same would be for now.

When the call came from Stryker - a familiar voice though not yet placed in the feline's mind - Moth came running out of her home, eyes wide as she looked around at the destruction that had already happened around her, before running back inside in an attempt to get her son up and out, so that he wouldn't get more injured than he already was. "Atti, wake up dear." The mother would coo, ears pinning to her head as she attempted to get him up and moving. "It'll hurt a bit but we need to go outside. S-Someone took Vigenere, he's gone..." Then things clicked, where she had heard the voice before, at the border begging to be let into Tanglewood. Was this revenge. "Stryker!" She would speak out, "Stryker's taking over the camp, he's got friends. He used to lead the Pitt, he did bad things, we need to do what he says." Panic began to set in as Moth began to head outside once more.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Atticus Roux - 10-29-2020

The roar woke him up instantly, but Moth's panicked coo caused him to open his groggy eyes, looking around in confusion. Atticus groaned. Ribs clacked together as he rolled off his nest and onto his paws. Pain ached throughout his body, but there was no time to hesitate. A paw rose to wipe his blurry eyes and the world faded into view. Screaming echoed from all sides. His heart began to pound, looking towards his mother for answers. "What's going on?" he mumbled in worry.

The answers came soon though. 'Stryker.' That bastard at the border of The Pitt was here? If he knew the guy was going to takeover his former home, he would have tried to rip him a new one. "I just... I just saw him in The Pitt," the cat croaked. His paws hurriedly followed his mother outside. A wide gaze looked around as some succumbed and others tried to resist. Nonetheless, he yapped on. His tone was soft and quick, trying not to be heard. "He's tried to align with The Pitt in hopes of taking over The Typhoon, but he attacked one a Pittian previously and got denied."

A heave left him as he tried to keep up with pain repeatedly going through his chest. "We need to run, mom." He pulled up beside her in a rush. A concerned gaze attempted to lock with hers. "We can get help from The Pitt..." Gael had to agree, right? Their own was victimized in the situation, hence The Pitt morally had to get involved. At least he thought so. His paw reached out and attempted to grab at Moth's front shoulder, trying to get her to pause in her steps. "Please."

He couldn't afford losing her...



Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - SirDio - 10-29-2020

Silence hid the hybrid's eagerness, her yearning for violence, as they arrived on the shores. Slinking in near Stryker, body near-flat and parallel to the ground, she followed the raid force. Ezrakel was such a bitch to not show up. But oh well, that was his shit. She would probably throw him into the ocean, but not after this raid. Or maybe afterward, you'll never know.

Ears flicking with the mental words spoken by the kingpin, she decided to follow his divide, slinking to the left and watching the town. She felt adrenaline rising in her chest, and she fought back a battle-hungry growl. Not yet, don't give them away now. She waited with bated breath. Then Stryker left the underbrush and roared, causing madness. She took her own route, slinking to his left and staying a bit lower.

If any Tangler wanted to get out of this joint alive, they'd either have to comply or run for their life.

[i]Ruin them.

She was quick to spring into action, springing into the madness of the panic, power in her eyes, hood flared. There was a dangerous calm on her, hiding the fury she held. She saw Moth and locked on target. She lunged toward Moth, aiming to bite her neck, where she would give her lethal venom. Battle-hunger ate at her mind, but she forced it back. Any show of emotion, any deviation to her calm, would not end well. She didn't spot Atticus at the moment, though.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Atticus Roux - 10-29-2020

Before his mother could reply, a venomous hybrid in the distance locked eyes with Atticus. Their powerful slitted gaze locked in on Moth, greedy for blood. The hooded hybrid dove forward in no time. His vision ran red. The feline jolted forward, attempting to step in front of his mother. Jagged claws unsheathed from their sockets and reached out for what flesh he could hook onto. With all the power he could muster, Atticus attempted to swat at the wander's face, specifically near the eye.

'Not again.'

Once off guard, he'd aimed to launch forward towards her hood and scratch furiously.

'Not AGAIN.'

He'd lean in and attempt to bite at her head. Sharp teeth would grab at her from behind, making her unable to snap back at him with her lethal venom.


With a heave, he'd throw himself forward and try to swipe furiously at Stheno again.

'NOT... AGAIN...'

His stance would not hold for long though. The world begun to spin and he grew uneasy as he continued to try and swipe at his enemy. Wavering, he'd look over towards Moth. She was safe. Upon realization, he collapsed to the floor with a loud thump and fell onto his side. Pain promptly shot up into his body. Agony and emotions rushed through him as he stared up towards Moth, tears beginning to swell in his eyes. A paw reached out towards the sky, trying to grab onto her foreleg. "Moooo..." His voice fades off and the world goes black.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - SirDio - 10-29-2020

Before she even landed, the tabby tom swatted at her, claws ripping over one of her eyes, scratching it. Scales broke. Blood welled up and began to seep down between scales. The vision was lost in that eye. Jaws parted, but not to bite.

A scream ripped from her, sharp, loud, almost a roar but not as threatening. It was cut off as Atticus gave her a few scratches at her hood, and she lurched back. How dare he. She went to bite but was restricted when he bit down right behind her head, and she let out another scream, a bit lower in volume but still able to be heard throughout the town.

She needed to back up - find another target. As Atticus swatted at her again, she bounced back, letting him fall. She stared at Moth, anger flashing in her unharmed eye. Breath came in and out heavily, and she growled loudly, "You and the boy get to live. But if someone else tries to attack you, I'm sure you'll both be dead or captured." She struck forward, but was short at it. A mock strike, meant to be threatening.

Ignoring any of what Moth would say or do, she began to slink away for a different target.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - rhosmari - 10-29-2020

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ARGUS - 10-30-2020

Maybe it was a touch overkill, to bring a dragon into the raid, but Argus had spent years with the crave of violence on the tip of their tongue, the edge's of their mind unfraying with the teeter tension of -want. Argus' current form was one born for violence, and meditation curbed that need, hunting along the coasts for large orca's that were too dangerous- too lethal yet such fun Meant little to curb it, so when Stryker made the announcements, Argus was ready, born ready.

ruin them.

"Oh, with glee" the dragon's voice was a purr to the normal hoarse tone, and as their huge, form slipped along their leader, they made no move to hide, but at the command such a beast rose to their full height. Wings expanding into large enough to block out the sun of the one's closer by, with a loud roar, Argus set to the delight of war. What raid would ever be complete without non-compliance?

And oh, such a delightful little prey they came, stumbling closer towards them, Argus had eyes on the battlefield, watching with delight, waiting for the right prize to deign their own destruction from the ten eyed masked dragon.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 10-30-2020

War was a plauge, fighting a beast that seemed to nip at the knight's heels no matter how far he ran. He thought he had done it this time though, had managed to run far enough away that they would know peace. He'd plan to leave soon, just long enough to gather his remaining cousins, to bring them home so they could all live in peace. How foolish he had been to think these lands would remain peaceful, to think they would ever be safe. When the sound of shouts, of screams, of fighting reached him from outside their home. he felt true fear tug at his stomach once more.

Where was Sophiea? Was she out there, or in their home. Fear struck his throat and, he made quick motions. He could hear the many voices, so many unknown, and knew deep within that they would not win this battle. With a heavy heart, he slipped of his leg and his necklace, wrapping them in a tattered hide and shoving in deep in a dark corner of the basement, well hidden and never to be found unless by him.

With that, he climbed the stairs swiftly. He plunged out of the home, hoping that if Sophiea remained within, any attention would be taken off the building by his leaving. Sickened at what he saw, he took in the identifiable dangers. A lion, a dragon, and a snake sort of hybrid. What hell had overtaken them so quickly. Tremors rippled through the small feline as he stood on three legs, memories of his long past home playing through his mind. Images of waking up in flame, of knowing that his family was gone, that he was the only one that remained. Perhaps some had escaped, scattered to far off places. But, his kingdom had fallen and he hadn't been able to stop it.

He may not be able to stop it this time but, he could sure as hell make it difficult for them. "Ve vill not fall vizout ein fight!" he growled out, eyes moving from one enemy to another. He watched as the cheetah headed for the leader and, following her lead he broke out into a run. He spotted the dragon posted by the snowy lion and headed for it. If Elsweyr was going for the leader, someone needed to keep her back side. So, he would lunge for the dragon, gathering his hind legs behind him and launching himself, aiming to latch his teeth into [member=218]ARGUS[/member] ' throat. If successful he would try and sink the claws of his front paw in aswell and full up his back legs to batter at the dragon with harsh claws.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ARGUS - 10-30-2020

Black wept from the porcelain mirage of scales. Blood slicked the hit taken, as Argus reared back when eternalknight had stricken them. Sticking to them like an unruly leach. Argus felt nothing but the ephoria, already their throat was covered in a multitude of scars that ran deeper than any hope a tom could make. Argus didn't pay mind to the one latched to them- couldn't rather. Even at such an angle there wasn't much that they could do to lodge them off. Scales proved slippery, but the damage along their throat was too shallow to be anything dangerous considering their sheer size.

Instead, Argus just grinned. "You are not worth the effort of calling this a fight." Argus growled out, grinning as their own body gave in to it's natural response to the close proximity. Their mind blazed to life, fraying and mad, vicious with the smell of blood- even their own as it aimed to make [member=16111]ETERNALKNIGHT.[/member] forget how to breathe consciously. Enough of a stun even for a moment until instincts overrode Argus' mental attack, but they only needed an opening.

With the mental link already made, Argus used the same power to drag up all the horrors of eternalknight's own fears, bringing them to the forefront of his mind. Make him remember If he still managed to cling to her scales, Argus would rise to her full height, and aim shake him off, turning to watch him fall to the floor at such a high drop of four feet.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"