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figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

Too much fucking walking. You think Stryker would have spaced his visits out, but no. The determined and confident lion wanted to visit all of these groups in one day... Why? Because shit wasn't going to slow him down anytime soon and he sure as hell wasn't going to let them know he was tired either. Instead, with his head held high, the Kingpin wandered up to Palmclan's border. A jagged smirk curled upon his maw, revealing the stained teeth beneath. "Afternoon sweethearts," he drawled. "Name's Stryker and I'm here for a little visit." That could mean many things for a clan full of little kitties. Maybe they should watch out for those alabaster canines of his, especially since he was hungry after all this walking.

The lion's tail swished back and forth. Neon eyes narrowed out towards those that approached. "If you would, please direct me to your leader or someone of high standing?" Not taking 'no' for an answer, he continued on. "Thank you kindly." From there he politely awaited his visitor.

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - trojan g. - 10-08-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width:400px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;"]Sugarspice had decided that morning that she was going to go for a walk and check the borders, make sure there wasn't anything going on that would be bad and need the attention of multiples of members of the clan. She had been hoping for a new member joining in on their growing group, but when she saw a large lion instead, simply waiting by the border and asking for someone of high standing to those who approached him, she curiously made her way over to Stryker.

"Hello." She would speak, ears pricked as she looked upon the much larger feline, "My name's Sugarspice, I'm the deputy here. Rhinestonestar should be around shortly if you'd wish to wait to speak to him as well." She was the highest rank other than the leader himself, but if this was important business that required large decisions, Sugarspice knew that Rhinestonestar should be here. "What can PalmClan help you with today?"

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-08-2020


Today was meant to be a hunt for her. She was trying to decide the prey category for the second part of her plight. The scent of lion had sticked to her tongue though, and for some reason it irked her. But she shrugged it off and went to follow the scent. Eyes settling on Stryker and Sugarspice, the she-cat resisted the urge to hiss. Medusa stretched a paw out, then drew it back in quickly. "My name is Medusa, I'm a warrior of palmclan as well as a Waverunner." Her voice was quieter as she said 'warrior'. She was, but sometimes it felt hard to believe.

Sitting down with scaled tail coiling around her scaleless legs, she flicked her tongue out toward Stryker, trying to get used to the scent.

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - VASS . - 10-08-2020

Vass spent the dawn light on patrolling, when it was still considered late for some the tiger slipped outside of his own illuminated den to patrol. It was well past that time though, and the striped feline had been slipping out of his den to note the deputy on the cusps of the border with a horned lion...

Vaas was a part of the Typhoon, not too long ago, he knew of the Pitt and the threat it had held, but the idea of who the leader was is vague, and Vaas didn't know the man at the border, but he knew it was only a matter of time before the small clan was approached by the other clans. He distinctly knew four, but the clans were always in constant flux these days.

He was weary as he approached, jaded green eyes watching the pale lion. "Color me curious today" the tiger rebuffed them both if they questioned the tiger. Red rimmed eyes watching the lion like a threat.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - RHINESTONE. - 10-08-2020

An unusual scent along the border was always enough to draw Rhinestone in, the tom padding over soon after Vaas showed up. Rhine could feel a faint bit of heat beneath his pelt, embarrassed that he was the fourth one to come and greet Stryker. Wasn't he supposed to be on top of things like these? He shrugged this off without too much fuss, however, just slipping past Vaas and brushing up alongside Sugarspice. Offering Stryker a bit of a nervous smile – the other was overwhelmingly large in comparison to all except Vaas – Rhinestone spoke in his most professional tone, "Hello there, Stryker. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader that Suga mentioned just a moment ago. As she said, what can we help you with?" He hoped that Stryker came in peace, and wasn't intending to threaten them in some way. The tomcat was fairly sure that Palmclan would be able to defend themselves, even against someone like Stryker, but he disliked pointless battles as a whole. Thankfully, if Stryker had intended to do that, he probably already would've outright attacked, instead of just sitting on the border.

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - METEOR - 10-08-2020

The fluffy rainbow vomit bounced over, leaves splintering under his pawsteps. He stopped next to Vaas, a shoulder-length behind the tiger. Shaking out his fur, he grit his teeth and looked up.

The apprentice’s blue eyes narrowed at the intruder, sweeping over the lion’s horns and forked tongue as distinctive features for future encounters. The stranger carried a distinctive smell, similar to the jungle scent often clinging to Lovekit when the child came straight from the Typhoon. However, the lion’s smell carried char and ash.

“Aren’t you a talker,” Quasar grumbled. His right eye twitched. The boy disliked the blanket sweetheart nickname; a spark ignited in his chest, stinging and whirling like a trapped wasps’ nest in his chest cavity. “Unless you wanna sign up to be my grandma, you better quit with those nicknames.”

His teeth snapped together so hard his jaw hurt, and Quasar growled low in his throat. “Or your new nickname’ll be my bitch.”

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

Well, that was rather quick. Stryker's brow furrowed as the hoard gathered. From a tiger, rainbow... dog?, and domestic felines, this group didn't seem as traditional as he had thought. The Kingpin merely pushed his expectations to the side, especially when listening to the deputy eloquently answer his request. Satisfied with her response, he nodded. "It's a pleasure, Sugarspice," he remarked back. "I come seeking an alliance with Palmclan today or perhaps a neutrality at the very least." Elysium had already denied his request. Hopefully this occurrence went differently. What was in it for them though? Well, seeing that he already promised Haven Island for The Pitt out of pure bias, there wasn't much besides their outstanding assistance with any of Palmclan's needs. From raids to mere trading of herbs, Coalition of the Condemned would be there for them. Being on an island far from the mainland provided many rare herbs and almost essential supplies for land-locked groups. Needless to say, they were an valuable asset.

His neon gaze maneuvered towards Medusa, watching her tongue stick out. He offered a flicker of his own split tongue with a subtle snort. Snakes, man... "Medusa, your name stands true," Stryker cooed back. "Your gaze is astonishing, but I would hope that you'd be willing to spare me so I can look into your beauty for a bit longer." A smirk curled upon his maw. While she was truly gorgeous, the lion was taken. He couldn't help complimenting a fine fellow or female though.

Following his compliment, Vaas and Rhinestonestar caught his attention as they came to stop. He dipped his head in greeting towards the two, taking note of their curious comments. "As I was telling... Ah-" 'Fuck, what was her name?' "-Suga, my group would like to propose an alliance between Palmclan." Stryker really wished they could skip the repetitive details. 'Hey, can we have an alliance?' 'Sure, what will you offer us?' 'Well...' BLAH BLAH BLAH. It was all boring political bullshit. "You scratch our back, we scratch yours. The whole ordeal, really."

And finally to the most interesting of the bunch. Whatever this fucking eye-blinding thing was. "Might say the same for yourself, grandson," he cockily shot back. Stryker winked. "It runs in the family."

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - METEOR - 10-08-2020

The growl deepened in his throat, rumbling like thunder in the apprentice’s ears. His nostrils flared, and Quasar took a deep breath to steady himself. His teeth flashed as he exhaled a hiss through his mouth. Insults soared through his mind, and he literally bit his tongue to keep from saying them.

Quasar didn’t hold himself back for Rhinestonestar. He held himself back because he wasn’t an idiot. He knew the lion could easily defeat him in a fight, given his age, species, and lack of experience. His blue eyes narrowed, and his teeth flashed again.

“You would be a lot more charismatic if you read people before blathering on and on.” He heard his teeth grind. Jaws snapping shut again, he hissed another exhale. The sparks in his chest spurred his heartrate to faster levels, until his heart sounded louder than Stryker’s voice.

“And I can’t help but notice you only spoke condescendingly to Medusa and myself. What? You too chicken to talk to someone your own size like that?” He growled louder. He stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with Vaas now. “But you don’t speak like that to the leader or deputy here. So, what, you think Medusa and I are beneath you? Because you sure as hell don’t seem to respect my fucking boundaries.”

His tongue swiped across his teeth. The rage burned in his blue eyes. “How much clearer do I need to be? Drop the nicknames.”

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-08-2020


She let the hiss sound as Stryker complimented her. God, if she could turn anyone who locked eyes with her to stone, she would have only looked at Stryker. Something about him made her nerves roll with anger. But she only hissed. Seeing Quasar speak up, she looked to him. She doubted Stryker was being condescending to herself, but he definitely was to Quasar. She moved to stand beside the vaporwave mess.

Medusa's mouth snapped open, fangs moving forward with her snake teeth. An airy hiss escaped her mouth before she closed it.

"Respect our boundaries. Stop with the nicknames and don't ever compliment me again." While she usually would have kept her words back, she was cranky and she was tired. She sat down again, body slumped. Thoughts rolling, she looked away from the group. She should just leave, no slipping up more if she slipped away, right? But she stayed there. No sense running from consequences.

Re: figure it out - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

Stryker huffed. Why couldn't they take his generosity or the jokes? He thought he nailed the 'grandson' sarcasm personally. Slitted hues zoned in on the shitshow of a canine. "I didn't know you were sensitive to comedy," the lion mentioned. His eyes were desperate to roll in disbelief. How fucking pathetic. "You don't seem like one for laughs. Apologies. I'll keep them to myself next time." 'Although that doesn't stop me from telling the rest later on.' Plus watching Quasar scramble for insults was quite fun. The pathetic loser was all bark, no bite.

As for Medusa though, he shrugged. Tough crowd. "So be it," he grumbled. "Suppose lightening the mood before the boring politics wasn't appropriate, now was it?" He'd prefer for this to be peaceful anyways. Stryker wouldn't want that nasty canine tainting his albino fur, especially with that dreaded color scheme.
