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This is Home -- Open - Printable Version

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This is Home -- Open - SirDio - 09-15-2020


Furless, scaleless paws treaded across warm sands along the beach, eyes scanning the area. On one side, she was met with the unfamiliar ocean and it's glittery waves, and on the other side, she was met with forest, a landscape she was familiar with in a sense. Scaled body heating up under the sunlight, Medusa found herself simply pacing the shore, walking back and forth.

There were many reasons for her pacing - on one hand, she was trying to figure things out about herself, her past, and on the other hand, she wanted to get away from some prying eyes of her clanmates. There weren't many of them who found her weird, but they were still there. Jaws parting in a yawn, she looked up to the sky, still fresh with morning.

She flicked her tongue a few times, trying to get used to that salty scent of the ocean. Medusa tried to catch a few fish beforehand, but was unable to - damn things be too slippery. A soft hiss trickled from her throat as she turned to pace around again. She was still trying to pinpoint why she ended up on the island, and what her life was beforehand.

God, if only she wasn't so young back then, if she was able to find that out.. was anyone else from... where she was from, on the island too? She was so caught up in the thoughts that she couldn't even catch a mouse. She stopped pacing and sat down where the water lapped at the sand, getting what little fur she had wet. She let out a heavy sigh, curling her tail around her legs in an attempt of hugging herself.

Re: This is Home -- Open - RHINESTONE. - 09-16-2020

In some ways, it was difficult for Rhinestone to understand Medusa's plight. After all, he had lived within Palmclan for his entire life, and he was probably one of the most standard felines you'd meet in terms of appearance. Thankfully, the leader was pretty good at sympathizing with others, even if he couldn't fully understand what they were going through. He had been making a valiant attempt to prevent anyone from looking at Medusa strangely, or making her feel uncomfortable, but it was difficult. Palmclan was still a traditional group at heart, and some were irritated with him for letting in strange creatures and hybrids. He could only hope that exposure would lead to some level of change, or he would be forced to reprimand those who weren't cooperating in the next meeting. The group as a whole wouldn't have been alive if it hadn't been for new and unusual people joining after the hurricane had struck. It was only proper that they show them the respect and friendliness that they deserved. If anyone wasn't doing that, it would not only reflect badly on themselves, but also on the group as a whole, and could ultimately lead to their undoing.

This was what had led to Rhine leaving after Medusa when he noticed her practically fleeing the camp. He went off to hunt for a while, figuring that the other could use some time alone before he talked to her. By the time he eventually approached her at the beach, he had two rather plump mice clenched in his jaws. Padding over, he put the mice down carefully, purring in greeting to Medusa, "Hello Medusa... you looked like maybe you could use a good meal. Might put a smile on your face." It was impossible not to notice the sigh that had left her, and Rhine wanted to change that. Curling his own tail around his paws, the leader then questioned, "How has Palmclan life been treating you so far...? Not too harshly, I hope..." He could only hope her sorrow wasn't entirely caused by her surroundings. Although, if it was, it might be easier for him to help, given his position within the clan.

Re: This is Home -- Open - SirDio - 09-16-2020


Her tongue had picked up the scent of mice and cat before Rhine had said anything, so she wasn't too freaked out. Turning to him, she watched him drop the mice down before her. A kind gesture, and she nosed them to made sure they were still warm - her body didn't react well to cold food. "Hello, RhinestoneStar - Thank you, Truly." A gentle smile showed on her snake-like lips, and she gently took one mouse to eat. She showed no shame in swallowing the mouse whole, dislocating her jaw when needed. Flicking her tongue toward the other mouse, she looked at Rhine. "You can have the other mouse - I'll be shedding soon, anyway." She nodded toward him, then flicked her ears at his inquiry.

Palmclan Life.. "It's uh.. certainly a change for me, but I welcome it. Living lonesome gets tiring." She dug mindlessly at the sand. "Indeed, some cats have looked at me weirdly - I.. I expect that. I am most certainly not normal by any sense." She shrugged, looking back at Rhine. "I'm both trying to get used to the staring, and trying to remember things, I guess." She smiled gently, a weird half grin coming from it. While she couldn't really show it, she was grateful that someone came to speak to her.

Re: This is Home -- Open - VASS . - 09-16-2020

Living to prove yourself and find that you're lacking. Living ostracized for it, for being born something you couldn't change. Never knowing the feeling of home but craving it: knowing freedom like a caged pacing tiger. Vaas grew up in ways that many shouldn't. Matriarchal society made him lesser than most, and his inability to provide sparks or... some other effect of power made him lesser than dirt. Yet he was praised, worshiped for the single fact of being a perfect warrior- w h y ?

The answer was an unsavory one.

So he left, he ran away from the responsibilities imposed upon him from birth and he found his peace within the clan that he shared his home with. Then his island burned, and the beautiful homes and temple of their family was turned into something lesser, something domesticated and clan-like. It destroyed the semblance of the decide; it destroyed any chances of Vaas returning when his family perished in the volcano eruption, and so he left again.

If someone called him cowardly, he would laugh- (maybe with tinges of hysteria). Vaas had sacrificed everything for his family and he got nothing. His family died before he got his claws on them and he felt vilified, felt wronged and so he left. There were no strings- no leash to tie down a tiger- to tie down Montenegro.

Vass had heard of Madusa, an interesting name if nothing else, a lot of ties to mythology. He didn't pay much heed to rumor, as the ex-boss there was plenty that would linger about the tiger. He got enough looks from the large jagged running scar across his face, from his size in comparison to the smaller mostly small-breeds of domesticated cat. Vaas was wild, he was free, and here he enjoyed it. Prowling up the the pair along the beach.

"Don't give them any mind" Vass spoke up as he circled the group, coming o lay along the sandy edges of the shore. tail touching the water's edge but otherwise dry. " my mother used to say something about them being jealous. Hatred is a deep rooted fear, and it is very very easy to play unto fear" He let his teeth show at that, savage canines yellowed with... questionable uses of plants and other, but the tiger gave a level attempt to show off his own frighting display while remaining lax before he flopped deeper into the sands. letting out a ruble akin to a purr at the warm sands.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: This is Home -- Open - RHINESTONE. - 09-17-2020

Rhinestone did have to admit that it was a little... unnerving, watching Medusa fully unhinge her jaw to eat a mouse. Not only that, but her mention of shedding certainly caught him off guard, although he found himself hastily nodding. He couldn't help it, really. He'd avoid staring, or acting like she was some kind of freak, but beyond that? It would take some time before he was fully used to her. It wasn't as if she was the first hybrid to arrive on Palmclan territory – that honor went to Lovekit – but there was a large difference between a canine and feline hybrid, and Medusa's particular brand. Despite this, Rhine was quick to try and be friendly, settling down nearby in order to start eating his own mouse, smiling faintly at the taste. He wondered if Medusa actually got any taste from swallowing mice whole, or whether there was some kind of other similar experience. He hoped that there was, more for her sake than the familiarity it offered. He couldn't imagine a life without taste, especially when there was such a wide variety of prey to be found within Palmclan's territory, from the forest, to the cliffs, to the beach itself.

When Medusa described her experiences within Palmclan, Rhinestone found himself nodding, although he winced in sympathy. He definitely didn't approve of the staring, and he'd gladly tell off anyone who did it, although he wasn't sure Medusa would appreciate that. She was looking for a life that she could enjoy, not where everyone was getting scolded in her mere presence. The leader was about to respond, only to look up when Vass approached. The tom could feel himself tense up slightly, but it was only briefly before he was able to force himself to relax once again. Vass's size was still intimidating, but he was a member of the clan now, which meant that he was good. Nodding along with the tiger's words, Rhinestone turned his gaze back towards Medusa, "He is right, you know. A lot of them are just... trying to figure you out. And those who aren't? It's best not to pay attention to them. All they're doing is digging a hole for themselves that will get them in trouble with me, personally. I welcome your presence within Palmclan." He didn't want to get too preachy, but he really did want Medusa to feel comfortable within the clan. Without all of her memories, she didn't really have anywhere else to turn, and Rhine didn't want her feeling trapped and miserable.

Re: This is Home -- Open - SirDio - 09-17-2020


She had tasted Vaas' scent on the air, turning to look at him when he arrived. Jealousy? She let out a scoffing hiss in response. Nothing to be jealous of here! She simply watched as he flopped down, then turned to look at Rhine. She nodded slowly, moving a paw to her face and rubbing it against her jaw, setting it back into place (sometimes her jaw didn't go back into position and it was hard for her to speak). "I know that they'll have to get used to it - it's hard for one to live in ignorance when the stuff they are ignorant about is around them everyday. If some cats don't like me, then they don't like me." She smiled, then let her jaws part in a yawn.

Her teeth were.. an odd combo - she had 4 canines that would move outward into position when she opened her jaws, and 2 rows of snake teeth. Her snake tongue was nestled in a tube-like structure at the bottom of her jaw, and occasionally shot out. Closing her jaws, she looked back at Rhine. "Thank you - both of you. If either of you want to ask me anything about.. what I am and such, please don't hesitate."

Re: This is Home -- Open - RHINESTONE. - 09-18-2020

Medusa's offer was... tempting, to say the least. So many questions immediately leaped into the leader's mind, all clashing and struggling against each other. However, there was also a healthy helping of apprehension that hit him as well. The hybrid had mentioned that she was willing to answer any questions, but also that she didn't like feeling like an outcast, or an oddity. Would it be insulting to ask, even with the offer? Although, Rhinestone was also fairly sure that Medusa didn't want anyone walking on eggshells around her. Rhine's mind was a whirlwind of different thoughts for a moment, but he eventually managed to take a deep breath, settling them for the moment. He would ask something, but he'd try to make it something small, and do it respectfully. That would make it okay, right? With that in mind, Rhinestone cocked his head to one side, "I do have a question, actually... it's nothing big, but... does it hurt? When you do that whole unhinging your jaw thing? I noticed you rubbing at it, so..." His earlier questions about taste also resurfaced in his mind, but he refrained from asking those, at least for the moment. For one thing, he didn't want to be rude. He also didn't want to overwhelm Medusa, either.

Re: This is Home -- Open - SirDio - 09-18-2020


It gave Medusa great joy to hear a question - she wanted people to try to understand her better, so questions were the first thing she had thought of. "The unhinging? No, it doesn't hurt, not in the slightest. Sometimes, though, my jaws won't settle in right, and it's a pain to talk with them unset. When that happens, I set the jaw back by rubbing at the jaw. If that doesn't work, I just unhinge them again." She smiled toward Rhine, and flicks her ear. Her tongue flicked out, and it wavled around for a moment before sliding back into her mouth.

Re: This is Home -- Open - RHINESTONE. - 09-19-2020

Rhinestone was definitely glad to learn more about Medusa. Aside from Lovekit, the leader had never encountered a hybrid before, and had only ever known snakes as creatures to be feared. In fact, the tom couldn't help the way that his body involuntarily tensed up slightly when Medusa flicked out her tongue, reminding him of the few times he had gone hunting snakes with Vixenvenom. However, he managed to recover fairly quickly, dipping his head in a quick nod. The thought of unhinging one's jaw was still incredible to him, but at least Medusa wasn't hurting herself when she was doing it. Although he supposed that made sense – after all, surely snakes would die of starvation if they had to hurt themselves every time they ate. Tilting his head to one side, Rhinestone let loose another question, glad that Medusa seemed happy, and not offended, to answer, "So... a great deal of the snakes that frequent the cliffs are venomous. Do you have venom? I'm afraid I'm not very good at snake identification, so I'm not sure about what species of snake you're a hybrid of..." The most he really knew about snakes was that they had sharp teeth and they could kill you, hence why he tended to avoid them.

Re: This is Home -- Open - SirDio - 09-20-2020


She let out what sounded like a purr of laughter, seeing Rhine tense up. Force of habit or bad snake memories, she supposed. Tilting her head the opposite way, she listened to Rhine's question. "I possess no venom, just muscle power and sharp teeth. I believe I am a Hybrid between a Rat snake and a cat. I would say that my pupil shape gives it away, but that's not the case." She shrugged. She had heard of snakes being classified as venomous for their slit pupils, which just wasn't the case - and she didn't know why she knew what the slit pupil vs round pupil meant, it was just knowledge she had always known.