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Service of the Dark // Stryker - Printable Version

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Service of the Dark // Stryker - SirDio - 09-12-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

    The night was aging, with only a few more hours at most until dawn. Within his new home, Ezrakel found it impossible to sleep without the nightmares. Or were they flashbacks? it was hard to tell. The feelings were surreal - the wetness of his paws drenched in his blood, the image of him laying there, dead before him, the grieving of his mind shut down by the glory he felt. Just like before, when he did it.

    He had been curled up, eyes wide open, staring at the wall across from him. He couldn't see him, but he could feel him staring. His breathing was ragged, uneven. Cautiously, he stood up, body heavy under the feeling. He dragged himself over and out of his house, slinking away into the night. He kept walking along the ruined land, tripping on things out of nowhere, getting his tail caught on nothing.

    Soon enough he ended up on the beach, and he walked alongside it. Sand became rock and rock grew higher, becoming a cliff where the waves would crash. The cliff wasn't that high, only a few meters, but he felt uneasy, so he turned around and walked inland. He stopped at his house again, but walked away again. 'just like the other times..' he sighed quietly and found himself arriving at a rock pile. A flat rock sat upon the top, so he climbed.

    Perching on the rather short pile, he stared out across the land. The feeling was again heavy on his mind. He did was he was supposed to, so why was he feeling this way? He didn't regret it, so why was the agony there, burning him like the sun was in his veins? He looked to the moon, the stars. They had to have an answer, right??


Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - Stryker - 09-12-2020

The past was something many held onto. Whether it was their finest memories or deepest regrets, sometimes it dragged the animals down. Stryker knowingly had the same issue. Even so, he let his downfall within The Pitt enrage him and lead him into a successful life. After all, the Kingpin wouldn't have found the Coalition of the Condemned without it, nor would have started a family with Ninazu. Nevertheless, the past had always come back to haunt him. His recent visit with Elysium had damned him. Some who knew him stared, others shouted, but the willing gave him a chance. Had their mercy really worked though?

The lion's thoughts of the events ravaged his head throughout the night. As the moonlight shone down onto his alabaster pelt, he traveled throughout the wreck of the territory with a dull expression. Caught within his thoughts, he continued to walk. From the huts to the beaches, Stryker found no one to be seen. 'Wretched place.' Moving onto his next patrol without another thought, he stumbled upon a silhouette in the distance. The dull white glow of the moon outlined their existence, causing him to break free from his thoughts. It was not long before he recognized Ezrakel. Nevertheless, he contemplated keeping to himself, but as always, the Kingpin had to invade someone else's business to avoid his own issues in the heat of the moment.

Stryker redirecting to the rock pile. He cleared his throat momentarily, trying to lightly catch the attention of the domestic feline before startling them abruptly. "Why hello there, Ezrakel," the Kingpin greeted. Paws treaded across the boulders and settled beside the stargazer. "Or shall I call you Ezra? I suppose we haven't properly met." To be truthful, he'd probably default to Ezra anyways. It rolled off the tongue easier.


Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - SirDio - 09-12-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

    Hearing someone clearing their throat before speaking, Ezrakel turned his head slightly. Oh, it was just Stryker. For a brief moment, he thought his brother came back. But he was relieved that wasn't the case. "Oh, hello Stryker. You can call me Ezra if you wish." He looked up at him, then back a the moon. "eah, guess we haven't really met. You unable to sleep?" He stared at the moon as he spoke, part of his thoughts asking the stars and the moon and getting no response.

Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - Stryker - 09-12-2020

Luckily for Ezrakel, there was quite a size different between Stryker and his dead brother. The Kingpin settled down beside the feline following their greeting, offering a nod in retaliation. "Ezra," he restated. The name was quite fitting. "It would be my pleasure to call you that." Thankfully, they were comfortable with it too. After all, some others didn't like his nicknames, notably Goldenluxury and Caesar. Those were mocking though. The Kingpin enjoyed getting cocky and pushing someone's buttons every now and then.

His ears pinned to the back of his head. In truth, he preferred working throughout the day and wandering the beaches, but tonight was a different occasion. "Suppose not," the lion muttered. "I'm going to blame it on the lady though. Sometimes her animal skins get itchy." His tone was lined with sarcasm. Ninazu's blanket skins were actually quite warm. Somewhat disturbing... but comfy! With a sigh though, he continued on seriously. "Ah, but, in truth, just letting myself think for awhile." There was no god for him to pray for, nor stars to ask questions to. All he had was himself. Stryker was alone with his thoughts and his fate laid within his own paws.

Slitted eyes turned their attention to Ezrakel. "How about yourself? Why are you up so late, my friend?" He couldn't help but assume they were stargazing or pondering about their existance. Truly, the lion wouldn't know though. Although he could actually manipulate and read an animal's mind with permission, he'd rather not. That provoked mistrust.

Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - SirDio - 09-12-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

He nodded in acklowledgement, a smile gracing his maw. He listened for anything else, but couldn't hear anything.

A laugh bubbled out of Ezrakel's chest, his tail curling around him. Sensing the sarcasm put him to ease a small bit for some reason. He nodded gently, looking to Stryker. "Yea, you definitely need quiet for That - some of these guys are way too talkative." He chuckled. He was definitely referencing Caesar.

"Nightmares - they're normal for me at this point. I hardly sleep decently." He shrugged, flicking his ears. A flicker of movement flashed to his side, and he looked to find nothing. Something unseen brushed passed his body, then disappeared again. It even ruffled his bandana. "I think the last peaceful sleep I had was months back, when I still was with my family."

Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - Stryker - 10-08-2020

//if you're willing to continue this now that i'm feeling better, that'd be great <3 if not, ignore this reply!

Stryker couldn't help but chuckle in response. To be truthful, the Kingpin was quite a talker too, especially in new environments or during meetings. He couldn't help it. At least most of his comments were jokes or relatively positive feedback, unlike Caesar. That guy is a toss up. "You're most definitely right," the lion remarked back. "Sometimes you have to learn when to keep your mouth shut." Especially in the presence of a leader. He would be a hypocrite to say that he hasn't spoke up in retaliation before, especially back in Atbash's reign. Oh, how far they had fallen.

The lion offered a huff. "Nightmares, you say?" He could recall having nightmares, especially during his time as Jervis' captive. Lately though, his sleep was mostly peaceful. There was always nights like these though that chilled him to the bone. "If you'd like to talk them over to put some pressure of your shoulders-" He lightly raised a paw and jokingly pushed on Ezrakel's shoulder. "-then spill away." Hell, he might even include a free back massage. If the cat got truly lucky, Stryker would just manipulate him to sleep... or knock him out... depending on the mood. Whoops.


Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - SirDio - 10-08-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

"Indeed - some need their mouths wired shut." He chuckled darkly, remembering his own speak out against his father when his brother got chosen for the Rex position. God, that spiraled. Shaking his head, he turned to look into a shadow before looking back toward Stryker.

His tail flicked, as did his eyes as a memory washed at his mind. "Nightmares indeed," He swayed gently at the push, a gentle smile at his lips. "it's been pretty much the same one. Surrounded by darkness, can't see shit. I hear voices, countless voices. They're yelling out my name, asking for me. I respond, then the tone shifts. They're screaming at me, but they're not screaming my name. They want my brother, Ezekiel. They're screaming at me, they want me to tell them where he is," He shuddered for a moment, recalling his own response. "I lie and say 'I don't know' but they don't buy it. I keep telling them 'i don't know', but I know where he is." He scratched at the ground, sighing.

"Fucker's under moss and rocks. Dead."

Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - Stryker - 10-12-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
His slitted gaze peered over at Ezrakel as they spoke. Their nightmares seemed to be haunting. Stryker couldn't imagine the mental turmoil they endured, but then again, he could. His own dreams bashed him similarly. Nevertheless, he kept that to himself. He didn't want to appear weak. Although he would allow himself to come forward and be empathetic, especially in this situation. The Kingpin couldn't help it.

A liar though? The lion's metaphorical brow furrowed. "Dead, you say?" he enthused. His head craned in curiosity, wondering what their mysterious brother died from. "Enlighten me with your truth then." Stryker thought explaining the truth could allow Ezrakel to get whatever this burden was off his chest. "No more lies." He leaned in, eyes staring down the feline. "What happened to your brother, Ezrakel?"


Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - SirDio - 10-12-2020

Ezrakel Tsune - Male - Oriental Shorthair 
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Ezrakel heaved a sigh; "Yes, my brother is dead." The pain of his mind, his sins, hit his head hard. But he ignored it. The Kingpin deserved the truth. No loyalty sprouted from secrets. Meeting his leader's stare, he blinked slowly as he struggled to surface the memory again.

"Being a second born wasn't the best thing for a Rex family. Only first-born children ever had the chance to lead the group. My brother was the first-born. He was going to greatness, and was going to leave me behind. I loved my brother. Truly, I did. But after a while of being in the background of his life, after being by his side for so long as a child, my mind took the harsh action," His legs shook, but he reeled himself in to continue. "So... I killed him. Covered his body and ran. Cowardly, right?" He laughed bitterly, looking away from Stryker.

Re: Service of the Dark // Stryker - Stryker - 10-12-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
Stryker nodded. They had already established that his brother was six feet under, so he wasn't sure why Ezrakel felt the need to restate that. Nevertheless, he let the boy have his moment. Dramatic tellings were interesting, after all. "My condolences," he muttered instead. That was before the truth came out though, leaving the Kingpin in the dark. The lion would come to regret his words.

Listening further, he wanted to snort. 'Sounds like that cunt Jervis' reason for taking my spot within The Pitt,' his internal thoughts reminisced. Nonetheless, Stryker tried to take his words seriously. Death was not a laughable subject... At least for most. He contemplated his words carefully, debating whether or not if he should reel back or acknowledge the elephant in the room calmly. A cackle left him upon his decision. "You're right," he enthused. "It was cowardly." Talk about being 'empathetic.' "You should have taken his spot on the throne and hid your secret, rather than letting the body rot." It didn't seem that Ezrakel ever got caught either. To the lion, the feline's leave just appeared to be out of fear and the fact that they didn't want to acknowledge their mistakes.

His tail swished from side to side with the wind's breeze. Neon eyes turned back out towards the horizon. "What was preventing you from staying? Shame?" he prods. "The Coalition of the Condemned will not shame you for your mistakes, Ezrakel." At least not for the mistakes that happened elsewhere. For a former exile and prisoner, Stryker couldn't judge others too harshly.