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WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Printable Version

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WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - roan ; - 08-24-2020

Well, one couldn't say that Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux hadn't tried to stop being a medic. He had honestly meant to step down as Soothsayer, and go enjoy a solitary life. He had even been in the process of doing so, only for everything to go south rather quickly. He had just been sitting by the tavern, relaxing, when he had seen Goldie coming back from the Pitt, proudly – or tiredly, he couldn't really tell – announcing that she had gotten Vigenere back. Immediately, the young draconic feline had been filled with a sense of panic, his mind going static with dozens of images of what could've happened. Goldie, injured, with him not immediately coming to her aid because no one came to get him. It was enough to immediately push him into action, going to see his cousin as soon as she was settled back in, to essentially ask for his job back. Thankfully, she hadn't exactly been around for his "retirement," and the thought of it seemed to leave her a bit uneasy anyways, so his request had been accepted. The rest of the day had been a rush, moving all of his things back to the temple and grumbling at himself for thinking The Typhoon could take a day without somebody putting themselves in life threatening danger.

Now that he was once again Soothsayer, Roan knew that he had a job to do. Despite him being more than capable of healing, he also couldn't be everywhere at once, and he needed some assistance. Besides, Goldie had already once expressed her desire to see a new sage or two around, so once he was settled in again, Roan had gotten to work. The medic had filled his bag with all kinds of different herbs, and had even snatched himself a willing NPC to act as his medical dummy. Once he had everything he had believed he would need, he led the NPC near the middle of their little town, away from the tavern where everyone could see. Clearing his throat, the feline spread out his dark wings, calling out to all those looking over at them with interest, "Attention, everyone! I have resumed my position as Soothsayer for the good of The Typhoon, but I can't do all of the medical work on my own. So, I'm going to offer you all some training today. If you would be interested in becoming a sage at some point in the future, please come over and say so, and participate, so I know you're capable. Even if you have no desire to step up as a sage, you should still come over, just so you know the basics." With that, he let his wings fall back against his spine, a sigh leaving him as he let his bag slip back down to the ground.

( like Roan said, if you're interested in your character becoming a sage, please state that icly or oocly! )
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Lawlocked - 08-25-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
Momma had been missing for the better half of the day, had sent Lawkit in the fit's of a panic. It was a slow realization, that momma hadn't been there within the borders- off to do something or other for the clan, but momma was hurting- and hurting led to recklessness. It led to people being hurt and it led to Lawkit being scared. Seldom was the time that Lawkit found his voice now: the sanctity of his security robbed in the night with Samantha's passing- but for once that morning the only words he could utter were his mother's, a plead that fell into reassurances from some and only pitched his desperation before- when she returned back Lawkit had sulked, silently- away from the rest of the group. Trying to calm himself and his nerves but that wasn't how it worked- looking at the waves was not calming, the sand under his feet was not grounding: Lawkit still felt- helpless- useless. He needed to do something- anything to prevent his home- his family from getting hurt- again.

it hung in the air; the silent promise like a hemlock bush of bristles. Lawkit couldn't stand it; childishly wanting to fight the inevitable- he wanted immortality for his family, wanted them to never leave him. His siblings his older cousins- wanted them safe and well. wanted the happy he felt selfish with it- these people were his and it was his job to take care of them: wasn't it? That's what a big brother was for- right?

The soothsayer's words spoke into lawkit's mind: cutting at the fog that lingered there and clearing lawkit with a sudden thought- a soothsayer: roan's job was essential to the typhoon- he was a healer. He was the one that people went to for injuries; for issues. Lawkit remembered that, Roan was the single member of the typhoon that knew how to fix something- if lawkit had an issue: it was his temple that the creature sought out.

Now, he was offering a place for lawkit to learn the same practice.

Lawkit's wings were in full spread, even as the ached; yellow spots from lovekit's paint unwashed from the fledgling feathers- but the brilliant gold of lawkit's natural spotting shined in the light. His eyes a blaze of silver as he landed a foot away from the soothsayer- a solemn look in his eyes but determination: Lawkit will help his family, and this was the first option open to him: protect them in the ways that roan protected the clan- lawkit wanted that.

"[glow=Grey,2,300]I want to learn. Learn how to help[/glow]" Lawkit's voice cracked slightly, voice still hoarse and quiet usually held firm. His stance only showed that.

/def interest!
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - PAOLA - 08-26-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
Paola isn't sure what she's doing at the sage tryouts. She knows about washing wounds and bandaging them, but anything else is completely unknown to her—how she's still alive with such poor knowledge of treatment and such an active lifestyle is beyond even her. She should probably be dead, but the gods, whoever they may be, seem to think it's funny to keep resurrecting her... but never give her any knowledge to keep that from happening.

Gods are so useless.

Paola decides that maybe she should just take care of it all by herself, and so she has her answer: she'd probably be the worst sage in the history of sages, but that isn't her goal—she wants to learn (somehow) how to heal herself (alternatively, not have to resort to dying and being resurrected by unknown powers who clearly want to fuck with her) and attending one of Roan's trainings would be the perfect way to get her up to speed.

"Count me in," Paola pipes up as she takes a seat next to Lawkit, offering both him and Roan a friendly grin in greeting. "Only for training, though. I'd probably make a horrible sage." Or maybe she wouldn't, maybe she'd actually be good at it and she just doesn't know it yet—nah, she'd probably be the worst at it. Gods save the Typhoon if she were ever to become one, considering the fact that the only piece of medical advice she could consciously give is don't bleed out.

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - roan ; - 08-27-2020

Lawkit being one of the first to come over for the training session was... surprising, to say the least. Although it really shouldn't have been, considering Roan had started his medical journey off rather early on in life as well. Despite this, the soothsayer couldn't help the slight ache that reverberated through his chest at seeing the younger male come scampering up. It was clear Lawkit was interested, but did he really want to deprive another kit of their childhood, just so they could watch their family and friends get injured? The medic shoved that to the back of his mind for now, his teeth digging just a bit into the inner flesh of his cheek. That wasn't his call to make, at least not yet. He'd need to see how the other did, after all. Plus, he'd need to convene with Goldie after all this was done... at least he thought he did. He wasn't sure how eager she'd be to talk, given recent events. Eager to get out of his own head, Roan offered both Lawkit and Paola a slightly forced smile, nodding, "Ah, yes... alright. Thank you, both of you. And noted, Paola. I'll be sure not to put your name on the list of potential candidates." He chuckled just a little, his blue gaze quickly darting downwards to focus on his supplies.

Going over his supplies, the siamese began to pull out several different kinds of herbs from his bag, including horsetail, marigold, several poppy seeds, and some dock. Laying them out clearly so that both Lawkit and Paola could see, he pointed at them with a paw as he spoke, "These are, in order, horsetail, marigold, poppy seeds, and dock leaves. While they don't even begin to encompass all of the herbs required for full medical knowledge, they're some very important beginner herbs. Thankfully, they're all also not too hard to find, with just a little bit of searching." He then lifted his head up, meeting both of their gazes before he continued, "I'd like you to try and guess what these things are used for. Horsetail and marigold are used for two important things, and poppy seeds and dock are both used for one fairly important thing. Don't worry if you get it wrong, I just want you to try." He needed to gauge just how much they knew off the bat, even if he doubted it would be too much. After all, Lawkit was only a child, and Paola would more than likely have the basics, but nothing beyond bandaging and cleaning of wounds.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - salem - 08-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | "I'm interested."  The words flew haphazardly from the oft quiet beta -- the kodkod had yet to even fully decide on his division, yet he knew he wanted to help; through words and kindness, rather than tooth and claw.  The vines that curled around his legs tightened, ears flicked down sheepishly as he found a seat among the small class.

"I'd like to help."  The youth already possessed some knowledge, although it was limited to the scope of his connection to specific plants -- to learn the rest made sense, even if he could not grow them through his abilities.  Tending to plants remained an enjoyable task regardless.

With perked ears, Salem tucked his paws beneath his chest, dark eyes locked on the assembled herbs with intrigue as Roan began his lesson.  Marigold and horsetail were the most familiar, asides from poppy seeds -- they were essential first aid herbs.  However, he failed to conjure an answer for dock within his mind.

"Horsetail and marigold stop bleeding.  And they both help to stop infections... I think." His voice drifted off, laced with an abrupt uncertainty.  Salem enjoyed studying immensely, though he found himself shy in any class setting -- drawing attention to himself causing the youth to buzz with antsy energy.

He ducked his head, the tip of his tail twitching as he fell silent -- perhaps Paola or Lawkit had an answer for dock, if not for poppy at least.

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - PAOLA - 08-29-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
Listening patiently, Paola gathers her long tail around herself and squints at the four herbs laid out for inspection. The first two, she doesn't seem entirely familiar with, but another has already answered and she's a little thankful for that. Towards the latter, she shows more familiarity with the poppy seeds, and she nervously clears her throat before speaking out.

"Poppy seeds," she starts, motioning towards them with her paw. "They're shaken from a poppy plant. They calm someone down, maybe help them sleep—something to ease their tension, maybe? The last one, though..." Paola sucks on her teeth in thought before giving her head a shake. "Sorry, I'm drawing a blank on that one."

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Lawlocked - 08-29-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
the thing, was law wasn't precisely well under pressure- he hadn't been pushed to that limit. the fight or flight steady thrumm of fear that lawkit felt for most of his recent month had been because of the almost radio silence of his mother: lawkit was insecure about a lot of things, but before the entire situation blew over- law was an avid reader. Recent events had drawn him closer towards the temple than ever, and it meant knowledge. Sparse as it was- law enjoyed picking up that knowledge. Flower knowledge, simple herbs: as Salem and Paola both spoke up- law's stutter and their voices silencing him- law found the silence and broke it with his own voice.

"[glow=grey,2,300]poppy is known as a flower for death, that counts for something.[/glow]" Lawkit offered, his tail swaying behind him, not agitated but... nervous, anticipatory. "[glow=grey,2,300]taking too much could cause death. But that's the same with every herb in the right amounts.[/glow]" He didn't know about doc leaves, but he knew about marigold, because it was pretty and- well commonly found here. "[glow=grey,2,300]Marigold helps sooth irritated skin or fur, it's also easy to grow. Even poppies are finicky.[/glow]"
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - roan ; - 08-30-2020

It seemed that Roan had three students, and none of them exactly seemed as though they were lacking in knowledge. That was... delightful, really. It meant that he wouldn't be wracking his brain trying to think of ways to teach properly, and it also meant they were enthusiastic. He nodded to both Salem and Paola, offering both Salem and Lawkit specifically reassuring smiles. Paola didn't seem as nervous as either of them, but then again, she was only here for the knowledge, not specifically for a position. Once they had all given their answers, Roan explained with a low hum, "You're all right... on some level, anyways. Horsetail and marigold do both stop bleeding and infections, and marigold is quite easy to come by, thankfully. Poppy seeds do ease tension, but they also have an added effect that they share with dock leaves – they both help to ease pain. In most medical situations, stopping bleeding, preventing infection, and reducing pain are three of your top priorities. Hence why these are all very important to most situations." He tapped the herbs once again with a paw, his gaze lingering on the dock leaves. Were they really not that widely known about?

Moving on from that, Roan decided to test his students' knowledge out practically. Ushering over the NPC that he had brought with him, the soothsayer lifted a claw to drag it over the NPC's shoulder. He wasn't actually causing any wounds, just demonstrating where something would be. Turning back to the trio, the feline asked as he gestured to the NPC with a paw, "Let's say someone is injured. They have a deep wound on their shoulder, right where I just pointed out. What steps do you think that you should take in order to treat them?" Part of Roan subconsciously realized that he had just described Devland's situation when he first joined, but the medic quickly shoved that to the back of his mind. Shoulder injuries were quite common, so he was just trying to prepare them correctly.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - bubblegum - 08-31-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

Goldie had been there solely to observe, oversee the training with her appointed soothsayer. His decision to retire and take it back so soon was dull in her mind, hardly taking up room at all. She wanted the boy to do what was best for himself, and she would not have been upset with him if he'd chosen to step back altogether, but after her decision to help Vigenere he changed his mind. It was clear he was born to heal, with his concern for others and hard working nature, but the tigress did not want him to feel so exhausted all the time. She's lived that way since she was little, and it was something she'd done herself to make sure her family would never have to go through such a thing. Clearly, it didn't work though, so she settled on helping him where she could, giving him things like coconut cake and cookies when she made them.

The same was still happening with her children, she knew, and the female was so overloaded by her own mind it was hard to stop it when she saw it. It was hard to even be around for it. But the tigress wanted nothing more than for her family to be healthy, happy, and safe. So, it was pleasing, at least, to see one of her sons approach for the lesson. She watches quietly and careful, tail tip twitching silently to herself.
[div style="font-size: 11px; color: #008ab5; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; word-spacing: 10px; padding: 3%;"]ϟ    ϟ    ϟ
[i][b]whose side are you on? [color=#008ab5]what side is this anyway?

put  down  your  sword  and  crown,
come  lay  with  me  on  the  ground.
you come beating like moth's wings, spastic and violently,
whipping me into a storm shaking me down to the core.

Re: WOKE UP THIS MORNING ☆ training + sage tryouts - Grimm - 09-08-2020

Watch the ceiling fan turn it's shape again
[size=9px]( hybrid ; four months ; typhoon minnow )

My threads are coming loose[/SIZE]
Intellectual curiosity, a driving passion beneath the capabilities of memory. To a child once caged by own self dined whim there is an ease within finding such was lacking among their minimal repute, an observer of still tongue and paced thought. There was hesitance in wandering step, a notion unwelcome may they be deemed among those speaking with knowledge garnered from pursuits of indulging curiosity, their own mind a locked and largely empty vault.

"I...want to try." Lull within conversation filled by the rasp of rarely used voice, averted attention as mind pieced together the little they had been privy to of prior lesson. Spoken of the effect to both halt bleeding and infection, though little the use when forgein containment may enter with ease. "M-make sure it is clean. Sand gets everywhere." Light hearted the 'joke' Harlow voiced with a sheepish little smile, indeed known the properties of the grating grains.
code by Reggan