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Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - Printable Version

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Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - jacob w.c. - 05-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob thought that maybe this would be better the second time around but his heart was still pounding and his stomach was still twisted in knots. He had even wrote little note cards this time because he was worried he'd forget something in his anxiousness. Jacob had run smaller events before but meetings made him more nervous than usual. There was something about them that felt more significant than all the other little things he helped with. Still, he came to the center of the tunnels and called, "Snowbound! Gather for a meetin'!" His voice bounced off the rock walls, making him sound louder and bigger than he really was.

Jacob then waited a few moments as his members gathered. The lump in his chest only grew with each person that arrived. He knew he'd have to talk to them all at once so he forced himself to wait in nervous silence. When enough had arrived, he began to speak, "First ah' all, 'm gonna' be addin' two more ranks. One's gonna' be a semi-high position called a Flurryhost n' the otha' will be a high position called a Arcticplayer. They'll both specifically be in charge ah' hostin' events, both for allies n' for jus' Snowbound. They'll also be kinda' like an official welcomin' team ah' sorts, makin' sure tha' everyone gets a cavern ta' stay in when they come in n' makin' sure tha' there's plenty ah' hot coco durin' events n' all that. From now on, when anyone promoted ta' a semi-high position they can choose between goin' ta' the Lionhearts for more fightin' related things or goin' ta' the Flurryhosts for more peaceful n' diplomatic matters," he explained, pausing as he looked over the crowd to make sure everyone understood what he was saying.

"Next, no one's seen Mike 'round so he's demoted from bein' a Lionheart n' warnings go ta' Ivylee n'... uh, I think Leigh called ya' Cry? I'd like ta' see ya' both around a li'l more," he began before continuing, "I'd like ta' give a shoutout ta' Harrison for bein' around so much lately n' I'd like ta' promote Aizawa. Ya' can choose whether ya' wanna' go ta' the Lionhearts or Flurryhosts. Also, any current Lionhearts tha' wanna' move ta' the Flurryhosts, please jus' lemme' know at the end ah' this meetin'," he paused once again, glancing to his notecards and shuffling them around a bit, biting his lip lightly before looking back up and adding, "I'd also like ta' welcome all the new member we've got lately including' Atbash, Skyreacher, Kratos, Jewelia, Harrison, Natasha, Cayde, and Bucky, or Winter Soldier, whichever one ya' wanna' go by I guess. 'M glad ta' have ya' all n' if ya' got any questions or concerns, feel free ta' seem me or any ah' the other high positions," he concluded. Boy that'd been a lot of names. He was glad he'd made notes now.

Jacob took a deep breath. Now came his final announcements. "Finally, I'd like ta' announce tha' I've decided ta' make Typhoon a full ally. Based on our event together n' based on the resources they 'ave, I think it'll be a good relationship for us both." Good, the hardest part was over. "Finally, I'd like ta' remind ya'll that we have the markin' ceremony goin' on, as well as the aurora festival n' monthly checkups. Thank you all for your work this week n', unless anyone has somethin' ta' add, you're dismissed." He lined up the cards in his paws and let out a soft sigh of relief. Finally it was over.

//we also have a clanwide plot discussion going on, as well as a discussion about doing may choice awards so make sure to take a look at those threads!

main points:

Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - cry - 05-05-2018

  A warning? What the hell for? It wasn't like she even signed up for this job. She didn't do anything. It wasn't like she got more chores or perks or whatever. She was a lionheart. That was like. It. Didn't this morons know she was a bird anyways? It sucked. She preferred being a poly. It was easier to move around. Didn't have to worry about organs. Those things sucked too.

  The raven huffed, shrugging the warning off. I don't do this whole... people thing well. She grumbled to the leader. He would never be her leader. Lotus was the only one she ever stepped down to. He was respectable. Jacob was just a doormat. He was easily pushed over and had too many nerves. The raven huffed, glaring at the floor before she opened her wings and flew away. Extra announcements be damned, she wasn't listening.


Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - Sympathy - 05-05-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard
This was very very new to the grolar bear. What was initially a useless call to meeting to the male, he had reluctantly made his way over to the gathering crowd, keeping off to the side by himself. Soon, though, hearing Jacob's words, he learned that such meetings here were oddly normal. This kind of structure that made up their... tribe... as they called it, was different compared to his growing up in Greece. They had been more civilized in a sense, keeping mostly to themselves. The only time they had ever had meetings was for those in strategic or warbound ranks- devising plans and ways to counter an enemy attack, or forge one of their own. All this talk of positions and adding new ranks and parties and such- that was new and Kratos was unsure what to make of it. He would listen absentmindedly, only letting his gaze flick up to Jacob as he heard his name amongst a few unknown others to be welcomed. He remained quiet however, finding no reason to speak.

Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - guts - 05-05-2018

Aizawa steps up, taking a seat towards the back of the small group that had already gathered. He listens to Jacob as he rambles on, only really half listening, as he isn't too interested in whatever is going on in the clan. He wasn't attached to this place like most of the members, and as long as he wasn't expected to be, then he was fine. The lion does glance over as Cry grumbles, though. He narrows his eyes at the crow but doesn't say anything out loud. Really, what was her damn problem?

Focusing back on the leader, he was surprised when his name was suddenly mentioned. He doesn't quite know how the ranks work, so he just gives a simple shrug of his shoulders, scarf rustling around his neck as he does. "I'll be a Lionheart, I suppose," he rumbles before falling silent again. Not much else is interesting enough, so there's no reason to say anything more.


Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-05-2018

Atbash definitely was not expecting to be hearing Jacob’s loud and unnaturally booming voice echoing across the tunnels. Call her skiddish and nervous, but this was mostly her getting used to her new surroundings. Back in her Home Dimension, the only way you got news on the King’s word was through newspapers. Even though Jacob — or hell, this entire group — was entirely different from where she was born. So it was probably going to take her a while to get used to things.

The she-cat followed after the crowd, ears pricked as she tried to figure out what was going on. It was still a bit hard to understand Jacob with his accent, so she had to rely on context clues and how everybody was reacting to see how she should be reacting. Which was a hard task to do, mind you. What she got out of this whole thing was that there were a couple things going on, like a... what was he going on about? Lionhearts? Was that an insult? No, no, he mention something about it being a position. So Snowbound had some sort of hierarchy system? Weird that she wasn’t at the bottom of the chain, then. That’s where she was back at home, part of the Outcasts, the lowest rank you could be. She was born into being in the Fifth Tier, which was like being a peasant, but Caesar fucked things up and got their family exiled to being Outcasts.

Atbash blinked in surprise whenever her name was mentioned and briefly thought she had done something wrong. But no, as it turns out, Jacob was just introducing everybody to her. As a few NPCs turned to look at her, she gave a nervous smile and shuffled her paws. They quickly turned their attention back to Jacob, much to Atbash’s relief.

The last thing that was brought up was some sort of... ceremony? Atbash told herself to check that out at sometime. Oh and a festival! Maybe that could help her relax a little and get to know everybody more. Oh wait, no, that’s what for meet-and-greets were for. Ah, well, she could at least get used to the area through the festival, right?


Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - london r. - 05-06-2018

Meetings were becoming something of a regular occurrence to the girl now. They were expected and familiar, which meant she was finally getting used to these weird clan structures. The girl would settle down within the crowd, but somewhere where she would be easy to spot in case Killua came to sit with her, as he seemed to do rather often now. It was wonderful having the boy as a friend, but she just hoped she was worth his time. There was nothing extraordinary about her, she was just normal, in her own opinion. The albino serval would likely get bored of her sooner or later, but for now she would enjoy the time she spent with her first ever friend.

The girl would listen to the meeting, a smile resting upon her features. The addition of the two new ranks was rather interesting in her opinion, they were rather cute in her opinion, even their names adding to their cuteness factor. But she seemed more suited for them than for the more aggressive, war-based rank she was currently in. She was ready to ask if someone who was already a lionheart could transfer over, but Jacob already seemed to have that all figured out. How thoughtful of him, it seemed the hybrid had everything covered there. Mike's demotion was unfortunate, but she couldn't say that she hadn't seen it coming. The boy had been interesting, with his game of dungeons and dragons, but he had disappeared or so it seemed.

As promotions were announced, and the girl sought out the two whose names were called out with her gaze. She didn't know either of them too well, but that did not stop her from feeling happy for them. If Jacob believed them to be worthy, then she had no qualms with his choices, although Harrison was rather young. She hoped the position wouldn't stress him out too much later in life, but from what she'd seen of him, he would likely be excited about it now, and also probably not really comprehending what was happening. She knew that she wouldn't have been able to really understand what was happening either if she were in such a situation at his age.

And lastly came alliances and events. That the Typhoon was being accepted as a full ally was expected, after all Jacob seemed to really like them. She just hoped that the chief did not let his appreciation for them cloud his judgement, though she really should not speak on such manner as her own opinion of the Typhoon was based on her interactions with Pincher and Guru as she had not really been able to speak to any of them at the Blind dating event. None of the new current events seemed quite as confusing as that one had, with all of the strange, unfamiliar terms she had learned there. Medical check up was really the only new event, the others being ones she was already attending.

Soon the meeting was adjourned, which meant it was time to voice the rank change she had been considering ever since the new ranks were announced. [b]"If it isn't too much trouble, I would like to be switched over to Flurryhost. Also Jacob, if you haven't already, I could go over to the Typhoon with a gift basket and tell them that their alliance has been accepted, if that's alright with you of course."[/ ] the girl inquired. After all such a trip might prove to London the value Jacob saw in the other clan, and it would allow her to spread her figurative wings and really see one the other clans they were surrounded by without just popping up there for no rhyme or reason.

Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - Ivylee - 05-06-2018

Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - arcy - 05-07-2018

It was kind of weird, meetings being hosted this frequently. Up until Jacob became leader, Izuku had been used to them kind of just occurring once on a blue moon. That was 'bad leadership' apparently though, so Izuku was doing his best to adjust. If it was going to be a weekly thing, Izuku would do his damndest to show up. He liked meetings, after all. He liked to be updated on everything that was going on, and the members that'd be promoted -- and new joiners, apparently. All very useful updates, in Izuku's humble opinion.
Izuku had been lounging around camp, so he'd been there to hear when Jacob calls the meeting. The feline is sluggish in finding his way over, tripping over some unseen(obviously) object before he eventually finds himself resting behind Aizawa. The meeting starts, there's some new ranks, some demotions and warnings, and then shoutouts and the such! Izuku perks up, but hearing Aizawa's promotion, feels his tail begin to wag. Lionheart isn't a big deal rank-wise, but it was nice hearing Aizawa's activity around getting acknowledged. Even if the lion in question doesn't care, based on his tone. (harrison gets a shoutout, too. that's nice!!)
After that -- shoutouts to newcomers. The Typhoon was a full ally now -- Izuku's not sure how to feel about that, but he's glad they have support at least. Events, (izuku tries not to shrink when the checkups were mentioned), but otherwise, that was it. That was a lot for a meeting, in Izuku's opinion, but it was nice!! His tail is still wagging, though Izuku doesn't say anything himself. He's just not in a talking mood, no matter if the meeting had been nice.


Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - melantha - 05-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]Another day, another meeting. At first, these things were pretty cool, but now Melantha is pretty bored of them. She acknowledges that attending is part of her responsibility as a resident of Snowbound, so the ever-dutiful huntress trudges over in spite of her obvious lack of interest. Plus, Jacob does his best to keep this place running smoothly even though he probably wants to do anything else besides lead a clan. Melantha feels bad to ignore his effort, which only motivates her to move faster so she can listen to all the announcements. Jake deserves to be heard. Luminous olive eyes search for anyone she might even possibly consider a friend, but seeing that Jake is leading the meeting and Killua is absent, Mel decides that London is the next best choice. The albino snow leopard is unbelievably beautiful and kind, which makes Melantha feel like a troll sitting next to her, but London's atmosphere is refreshing. It's worth putting up with a couple minutes of self-hatred.

Nothing much pertains to Melantha this time. An official alliance with the Typhoon. Some new leadership positions. a couple of event announcements. Promotions and demotions. She bobs her head along silently, listening attentively even though she is bored out of her mind. The cougar female only seems to brighten when her seating companion offers to make a trip to the Typhoon. Wait? That's an option? She really, really wants to go. "May I come with you? It's safer to travel in pairs, anyways." It really is. Plus, it gives the girl an excuse to get out and see the world. She has been dying to explore the other territories since she got here, but ignored those desires due to her responsibilities in Snowbound. If she could help out and explore? It's pretty much a win-win situation.

Re: Our universe was // meeting 5/5 // clothed in light - PIERCE - 05-07-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
It felt like it'd been a long time since the last meeting, though Pierce was pretty sure this was on time- probably just because he spent every day waiting for his family, wondering when  - or if - they'd arrive. At least he knew they weren't dead now, right? But if they were still alive, why hadn't they arrived yet? He knew he'd left the note right on his dining room table- surely Riddler would have found and read it, and if not, Clementine must have stumbled upon it and given it to the older tom. Pierce tried not to think of what might be preventing them from returning to him, shaking his head slightly as he instead focused on what Jacob was saying, stepping into the crowd and finding a seat near the very edge of it. He didn't want to trouble anyone with his presence, seeing as no one who really knew him was here. That was fine. Everything was fine.

The two new positions were interesting additions, though he was definitely more interested in those than Lionheart and Snowstriker. Pierce could fight, of course - considering his peacefulness, he was surprisingly good at it -, but that didn't make him a fighter. For, while he knew he had immobilized and blinded and otherwise harmed countless people in battle in the past, that just wasn't who he was. He didn't want to hurt people. He would if he had to, his actions in the past proved that, but he tried to avoid violence and conflict in general to the best of his abilities, so the Flurryhost and Arcticplayer positions were certainly something he was looking forward to, if he did end up being promoted. It was almost exactly like what he'd done back in his old home- or, what he was pretty sure he'd done. Honestly, he still wasn't sure about much anymore.

Demotions, warnings, and the like, were new in this clan, but Pierce was already familiar with them. They were never pleasant to hear, especially since his friend - or, former friend - Mike's name was included, but if the boy did return, he was sure he'd be able to regain his position if he so wished. Finally, an official alliance with the Typhoon, which was nice, since Snowbound could certainly use a few friends as they aged and grew as a clan, and a few announcements about events that he would hopefully be attending. Allowing a small smile to spread across his lips, Pierce called, once Jacob was finished, "Ah, noted! Good job this week, everyone- especially you, Aizawa!" He couldn't see the other wildcat in the crowd, but he just hoped he'd be able to hear him. If not, it wasn't the end of the world. Most people didn't pay much attention, anyway. That was okay.
