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Swamped [Joining...maybe] - Printable Version

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Swamped [Joining...maybe] - Olalla - 09-30-2019

    - ♔ -It was the one thing that is or was terribly hard to gain but oh so terribly easy to lose. Olalla lead himself to believe that he wasn't the type of wolf to bicker with the rouge druids, yet he found himself day after wretched day bickering with them over who had the best rump out of the all rouges and new bloods. Olalla rolled his eyes as those little memories faded in and out of his mind, the beast's paws slapped the ground in a mindless walk. The smell of stagnant water, other than his scent, wafted up into his nose and curled itself around his brain like a boa to boar. The distant cawing of birds echoed throughout the boggy, marshy, volatile land and bounced off the rocks and into the water; loud enough for even the parasites who call the water home to hear.

    - ♔ -Olalla let a huff of air claw at his throat and escape through the prison bars in his muzzle he calls teeth, the beast sat down on a dingy group of moss and judged every little detail he saw within his eye's grasp. The moss.Too crumbly, he thought. The trees. Too moist. But despite the judging and the eyebrow lifting, this place had a... gloomy charm to it. The little grass that grew smelled like lemons, the trees grow little spurts of moss here and there like hair. The small rustling wind that brings a thousand new and old smells a long with the awkward croaking of frogs.

Re: Swamped [Joining] - wormwood. - 09-30-2019

When Wormwood approached the border between Tanglewood and the rest of the world, to say that he looked a bit worse for wear would be an understatement. He had almost no sleep the previous night, and the memories of his nightmares still plagued him even as he went through the motions today, so much so that he almost didn't notice when a new scent came to his nose, foreign and too suspiciously near the border to just be something weird and out of place. The "almost" was added on because he did indeed notice it eventually, pausing and turning his head towards the scent, the lion's mouth opening to take it all in for a moment before he shook off his grogginess, padding towards the newcomer. Just because he was tired didn't mean that be could shirk off his duties of helping to defend and improve the clan, which also included welcoming in potential new joiners, or dealing with allies – or in the worst case, enemies – at the border. Thankfully, it seemed that this time he wouldn't have to ready himself for a battle, since Olalla was just sitting there, passing a judgemental gaze over the territory in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, the chaser approached the beast slowly and flashed a sharp toothed smile, although it wasn't meant as a silent threat. He then cleared his throat, saying softly as his tail flicked from side to side behind him, "Hello there, newbie. Can I help you out with something? The name's Wormwood, and this is the territory of Tanglewood." He kept it brief, not only for Olalla's benefit, but also for his own sake, since he could already feel the exhaustion pulling at him again, to the point where he felt like he could just lay down in front of the newcomer and doze off – not that he would, especially since if he did that, he risked having more of the unpleasant dreams that had plagued him the previous night. Besides, if somebody found his greeting to be unsatisfactory – which he doubted anybody would, save for perhaps the eternally positive and welcoming Feza – they could always come along and say hello to Olalla themselves. Despite how many times Worm ended up being the first to show up when new people appeared ay the border, it wasn't as if he prevented others from putting.their two cents in as well. In fact he preferred it, since there were some times he wasn't really sure how to welcome somebody properly.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: Swamped [Joining] - trojan g. - 10-01-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]It had been a while since the mutated leopard had come over to the border in order to greet someone there. Even if she hadn't been injured to the point of bedrest by the hands of the pittian canine that had attacked her, she would have still been too scared for a while to actually come over, and to a point she still was, but seeing Wormwood there eased her fears and Moth began to make her way over to the border, curiosity trickling through her body as she did so.

Though her stomach dropped for a second as she realized the animal of the one before her, ears pinning to the back of her head for but a moment before she tried to swallow it, tried to be stronger, and simply sat, waiting for the female to answer the question that Wormwood had spoken, not finding it in her to try and figure out more words to speak.

Re: Swamped [Joining] - Olalla - 10-02-2019

    - ♔ -The voice ripped at his ears and his eyes felt as if there were bleeding out and melting onto the ground. He felt as if he were a small pup again; cowering under his ma. Olalla turned his gaze towards the beast, whom he though was a wolf, his body stiffened and his chest clenched as if he had run out of air. The beast with the mane stood before him at a staggering hight; much larger than he'd every be. The toothy grin glistened in the near dimmed light of the marshy landscape. Olalla jolted backwards with a yelp of surprise and fear, he was a bugbear so in his mind anything could happen right now.

"Oh uh. Hello. Worm..wood."

    - ♔ -Wormwood? What in the world kind of name was that?
The beast before him asked a few question, though he didnt hear him neither did he want to answer them just yet therefore completely disregarding them entirely. Olalla rose to his paws slowly and looked at the animal, another showed up. More lean than the first and a totally different colour, this one he was more scared of. It reminded him of himself almost. Quit, alert, aware, and quite intimidating at the least. He dipped his head and tried not to make eye contact with the two beast's in front of his lesser self.

"If i may ask, what are you," he huffed. "Iv never seen your kind roaming around these lands before."

OOC: Sorry for the wait, i didnt realize anyone had answered.

Re: Swamped [Joining] - wormwood. - 10-02-2019

Hmm, it seemed as though his questions were being ignored. He didn't feel too much frustration over the fact that Olalla wasn't answering his Tanglewood related questions, since really all he was interested in when someone new showed up was their personality, and their story. He mainly only demanded information if they were some asshole Pittian, or if they seemed like they needed something very urgently. It didn't seemed as though Olalla needed anything too urgently, although he did seem as though he was a bit more energetic now than when he had first arrived, since he jumped back.and yelped when Worm first arrived and began to ask questions of him. The lion ended up blinking in surprise at Olalla yelping at him, and his wings drooped slightly on his back, frightened that he had somehow scared the shit out of the new canine, but Olalla recovered quickly, saying hello and seeming to hesitate as he just tested Wormwood's name on his tongue. Worm did have to admit that his name was pretty odd compared to other people's names in the group. After all, Crow, Moth, and Leroy all sounded pretty normal, and they were pretty far from something as stand put as Wormwood.

It seemed as though he wouldn't have a minute to explain his odd moniker though, since Olalla had already moved on to dancing over at Moth before glancing back at him, asking what exactly he was. The chaser blinked in surprise at this, caught off guard by the rather direct question. He had never just directly been asked what he was, although he had in the past had some people not know what he was, but rather than just asking him what his species was, most just assumed that he was some sort of larger strange variety of their own species. As a result of the odd question, Worm found himself staring at Olalla for a moment before he finally cleared his throat, chuckling and rumbling as he shifted his wings upon his back, his one remaining blue eye flicking down in embarassment for a moment before moving back to Olalla's fluffy form, "Ah, well... I am a lion. It makes sense that you haven't seen many of my kind before, since we're not really common around places like swamps... guess I'm just special. Moth is just a fo- a jaguar. She's a jaguar, of course. They're not very common either, but we've got a couple." He stumbled over his words a bit, since he still wasn't quite used to Moth being a jaguar, rather than her tiny island fox self.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: Swamped [Joining] - Olalla - 10-02-2019

  - ♔ -A lion? His mother used to tell stories of great felines that wore a ring of the sun around their necks, though looking at the lion, he didnt look very...sun like. The beating of his heart clawed at his ears as the small fear of the two animals tearing him apart came running up his throat and into his mouth. Olalla's eyes wore his fear like a cloak and his chest clenched up; as if his rips fused together. He looked at the jaguar, but with every blink of his eyes he saw less of a jaguar and more canine, Olalla's head tilted and his ears covered his face. Pushing these back, he studied the she-cat vixen.

"[glow=red,2,300]A jaguar? Are you sure[/glow]," he replied. "[glow=red,2,300]I dont have the best eyesight, but i know a canine when i see it[/glow]."

  - ♔ -Olalla took a couple steps back; really taking every detail of the lion. He stared in awe at the beast when his eyes met Wormwood's wings. Olalla walked around the lion and sat on the left side of him, admiring his wings, only pawing at it slowly when a very ting breeze crawled its way into the boggy land bringing sweet lemon grass scents his way. Olalla looked first at the jaguar then at Wormwood. Olalla looked like a small pup again. He looked like he'd just found a cricket, wondering what in the world it was.

"[glow=red,2,300]Are these...wings?[/glow]"

Re: Swamped [Joining] - trojan g. - 10-02-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth watched as the other spoke in fear, and her ears pinned to the back of her head quickly, the thought of someone as fearful as that bringing back memories to when she had first joined, and when she had first met Wormwood and his brother. She had been so frightened at that point in time, though she had also been so much smaller and fresh from leaving her family behind. When asked of what they were, the female was about to speak before closing her maw when Worm did so, listening to the words he spoke and simply nodding her head with them - he was correct, she was, currently, a jaguar, even if she didn't look like a conventional one.

"I'm not a canine," She would speak at last, "Used to be a vulpine which I guess is close, but haven't been a canine, and have no plans on being one." She had learned to like being the feline, even if it was a rather large one. The retractable claws and the flexibility was nice when maneuvering through the swampy forest of Tanglewood. When Olalla asked the question towards Worm about his wings, walking around the other and simply sitting on his side, Moth stood up, her feathers that circled around her head in a mane ruffling up in slight annoyance. "He has wings, yes, as do some others here. Speaking of 'here' though, I guess I'll ask the question again, what can we help you with? As although we know you're no threat and simply curious, you're still in Tanglewood territory, and are still a stranger to us." She didn't want another case of what happened to her happen again, didn't want someone on the territory that could be a threat, or that they didn't know.

Re: Swamped [Joining] - wormwood. - 10-02-2019

Wormwood honestly hated it when others were fearful of him. Feza was the most prominent example that came to mind immediately, but he certainly had seen a lot of fearful faces when he had almost killed Roman. It had made him feel like shit, and it wasn't doing a great deal of positive things right now either. When he saw the way that Olalla inspected him and Moth closely, he could feel his own annoyance beginning to grow as well. Sure, it was sort of cute, the way that he was acting like a child that had just opened their christmas presents, but it was also annoying because he had nothing but questions and absolutely no answers. If Olalla actually answered what they were wondering, then Wormwood would have been happy to answer other things for him, since he'd either be a member of the group, or Worm would escort him nicely off of the territory, answering his questions as they went along. However, instead of answering anything, he was coming around prodding at Worm's wings. Worm made a soft noise as he was poked in the wings, and one of them twitched and spread a bit, his feathers stretching as he rumbled softly, "Yes, what Moth said. I have wings, but so do many others. I'm sure that you can meet those others, if you would just happen to answer our questions."
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: Swamped [Joining] - Olalla - 10-02-2019

- ♔ -Boom! A whole wave of embarrassment, he'd just now realized that he hadnt answered any of their questions. Olalla took several steps backwards; giving them room to breathe and giving him a head start if they decided to attack out of annoyance.  Looking back, he shouldn't have bombarded the Tanglewood area with his lethargic self, he shouldnt have been so judgy, he shouldnt have even questioned the felines...But i did...great going Olalla. The wolf let his ears droop a little as he slapped on a smile.

" [glow=red,2,300]Terribly sorry, i was looking for[/glow]...-"he stopped. What was he doing? Olalla wasnt a pack wolf, if anything hed be leading the pack.

  - ♔ -Then it hit him like a bear claw to a salmon, Ill start my own pack Feeling overjoyed, Olalla puffed out his chest and percked up his ears.  He curled his tail around his paws and put on a calm face. The wolf sat up straight and made eye contact with both the felines when he spoke; his voice now his normal low rumble.

"[glow=red,2,300]Im looking for creatures who would like to join my pack. I know it seems odd to go directly to a pack creature whom already has a home and a purpose, and i apologize for being no negligent towards your questions," he rumbled. " If your not interested, ill show myself out. If your interested, you'll follow me out[/glow]."

Re: Swamped [Joining...maybe] - wormwood. - 10-03-2019

To say that Wormwood was caught off guard when Olalla asked the two of them to join his pack would be an understatement. He was pretty damn shocked that this canine had just wandered up into their territory, began asking all these different questions and then proceeded to ask them if they wanted to leave their home. The male stared at Olalla for a moment before he snapped out of his shock, letting out a few soft chuckles and shaking his head from side to side. He rumbled softly after a moment, a soft smile curling upon his muzzle, "Erm... I don't wanna talk for Moth, but I'm pretty sure that we're both good here in Tanglewood. This place is our home, and it more than likely always will be." He had been here for quite a while now, and Moth had been around for just as much time if not longer, so he was pretty sure that the both of them would remain here until their ultimate ends. Of course, he couldn't say that with absolute certainty, since Moth was her own person, but Wormwood liked to believed that he had become pretty familiar with her and her thinking over time, and now that they were practically like siblings, he was pretty sure that Moth wouldn't be running off somewhere else, at least not right now. As for himself... he couldn't imagine anywhere other than Tangle he would rather be.

Meanwhile, even though he knew that ye and Moth certainly weren't going to be leaving... he wasn't sure that he wanted Olalla going off on his own either. It was pretty obvious from how he acted that the canine was pretty naive, and Wormwood wasn't sure how many people would actually join a pack led by someone like that, so he knew Olalla couldn't possibly be going off to a safe life. Ultimately it was probably better for everyone if Olalla found a home with others that could help to protect him. Taking a deep breath, the lion rumbled as his tail flicked from side to side, shaking his head a bit, "Even though we don't want to join your pack... that doesn't mean that you have to leave here. Things are dangerous out there, and there's always a chance that others won't want to join your pack as well, and it would make more sense for you to just stay here in Tanglewood. We'd be happy to have you, and it's not as if you'd be treated as some "peasant", if you're worried about the way that lower wolves are treated in packs... that's not how things work around here." It was a last ditch effort to not have Olalla disappear off the face of the Earth in front of them, since Worm didn't want to be responsible for the male wandering off and getting himself killed.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]