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quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Printable Version

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quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Kamara Jilani - 08-31-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

She had only arrived in this land a few days ago. Hardly enough time to get the lay and ways of the land. But her rather strong intuition told her it was of the highest importance to her survival that she did not stray alone too long here.

Normally she would've moved her way through this country. Onwards. Ever moving forward. No end to her life and therefore no end to her travels. However one gets sick of traveling. Never having anything familiar or seeing everything and realizing just how similar it all is.

Either way, the goddess had reached another phase in which she yearned to actually stay somewhere. But just where exactly and with who was up to question.

Kamara had followed the scent, having full respect of the borders she would sit and wait. Often, she had found throughout her very long life, locals were willing to help if approached the correct and proper way.

never will she bow


Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - wormwood. - 08-31-2019

It seemed as thought another large cat had arrived at the border of Tanglewood just in time for Wormwood to no longer be in his usual lion form – the form that had made it so exciting to welcome other large felines into the group because they made him think of his birthplace. Rather, now when he approached the newcomer at joiner – a leopard, it seemed, sharing a species with one of their members. Although Feza was a snow leopard, and was certainly more eye-bleedingly bright than this seemingly normal leopard – he came forward as his blue undead hellhound form, a semi-permanent smile or grimace on his face, depending on how you looked at it. He hoped that he didn't have too offputting of an aura in this new form, despite the fact it seemed vaguely supernatural and rotting, and certainly had an intimidating air about it. Kamara certainly seemed as though she wouldn't be the type to run off just at his unconventional appearance, but it still gave him a slight feeling of anxiety as he wandered over, his bone claws sinking into the wet earth of the edge of the swamp. His stomach recoiled slightly at the feeling of liquidy ground sinking beneath his paws and in between his claws, even when he should've been used to it.

He had been out on one of his usual long walks that used to be for exercising his injured legs but were now for growing accustomed to his new form, when he had come upon Kamara, and his curiosity had been piqued. She was sitting there quite calmly, and didn't seem as though she was presenting a threating front toward Tanglewood, which honestly always put him at ease these days, with the Pitt threats that lingered not that far away. Wandering over slowly, the hellhound settled back on his haunches and offered Kamara a calm golden gaze before speaking in his raspy voice, as if his very lungs were rotting from the inside out, "Hello there, miss. Can I help you out with whatever you're here at Tanglewood for? Joining, perhaps?" She seemed very passive, which usually indicated they were here to join, but he could've been mistaken. After all, she could've been like that merchant that arrived a while ago to sell his wares that Wormwood had bought a necklace from – for Draekon. The thought of the other male made his stomach roll, and he quickly shook his head to calm his thoughts, smiling at Kamara in the most friendly way he could manage.
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Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Kamara Jilani - 09-01-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

She watched the blue canine make his way towards her. His form did not disturb her in anyway. During her time on this planet she had witnessed countless types of bodies. Variety was the spice of life, nothing was ever bland.

She gave him a soft smile, "Hello, I am Kamara."

When he asked if she as joining she looked at her paws covered in muck. Her mismatched eyes looked stayed down, as she picked up the one on the right, mud sticking to her paws before dropping back down into the ground.

"Well...", her voice reached a higher pitch, "Possibly. However I don't think this.. land? Suits me." the leopardess was referring to the swamp.

"I don't like to be dirty... Well what I really came here for was information. I'm looking for a group to join.. but the right one.", she looked at him, "I'm looking for someone who can tell me of the land and the relations within it..."
never will she bow


Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - wormwood. - 09-01-2019

Blinking in surprise at Kamara's words, Wormwood chuckled and barked softly as he nodded, his tail wagging a bit at the thought of sharing everything he had now learned about the groups all around since he had left his pride, "Ah, I suppose that I can understand that. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kamara. My name is Wormwood. I'm not in the right form right now, but I assure you that when I first arrived as a lion, I found this place to be very... hard to navigate, without getting filthy. But if you're looking for info about this place and others, I'm sure that my clanmates and I can be of help. I've learned a lot about the groups all around since I arrived here a long while ago, and my clanmates are even more experienced. The place you're currently in is Tanglewood. We live here in the swamp and surrounding forest, and we're a good and proud group of members all banded together as a sort of found family full of misfits from everywhere. We're led by a feline named Crow Roux, and I'm sorry he can't tell you all of this himself, but he's... in a bit of a state right now." He didn't want to elaborate any further on the fact that Crow was grieving for his recently deceased daughter, considering he wasn't the one to give out that information, and he certainly wouldn't just brazenly tell it to a stranger. So instead he just gave a prompt explanation before moving on, his semi-permanent smile faltering for a moment.

He took a deep breath before he continued on, his eyes darkening considerably as he thought of The Pitt, his bone claws digging down into the murky earth beneath him, "If I can recommend one place that you don't go to, under any circumstances, it's the Pitt. They're a group of fiends and ruthless ruffians that have no friends in any of the other groups, and they capture and torture others for fun, and keep slaves. They're a bunch of no good bastards, and I wouldn't want someone as nice as yourself to get caught up with them." He realized he was venting a bit, a feeling of anger and aggravation hovering over him as he thought of the group that had killed Pastel so recently, as well as having captured Sam and Beck, and more than likely Red. His batlike ears pinned back for a moment before he caught himself and shook his head, forcing his former smile, "Ah... I apologize. We have a bad history with The Pitt, as does pretty much every other group. Speaking of, I promised to share my knowledge with you, didn't I? Well, the next one I know about is The Typhoon. They're one of our allies, and a group living on an island connected to us by land bridges. They're a group of pirate like scoundrels, but in a good way, to be honest. I've personally met their leader, Goldenluxury, and she always welcomes new members, if a free and enthusiastic group sounds good to you. As for Elysium... well, they're admittedly the group I know the least about. Hell, I don't even know who their leader is, but I know that they're pretty friendly, and they live in the mountains, and we're neutral with them... I'm sure someone else here will be able to tell you more."
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Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Kamara Jilani - 09-01-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Don't go to the Pitt. The man had made that clear enough, she would nod slowly at his warnings. Clearly there was much more to that. Besides, Kamara had never been the type to seek out violence. She had found when people warned you, it's best to heed their advice.

Seeing that this Typhoon was closest it seemed most logical to head their next.

"Oh wow, so you're a shifter huh? I've lived many years and only come across a handful. I must admit that the polarity between this form and your 'lion' one is interesting to say the least." another warm smile.

He gave her what she wanted, information. She had to respect that he didn't waste time. Although she saw the turmoil in his mind. However brief it was, she knew the look. Of things that have happened that were too personal to tell strangers. That was fine, she didn't really want to know. Considering the topic and his reaction... it most certainly wasn't good.

"This is Tanglewood... That's Typhoon... and Elysium is in the mountains?", she said to solidify the statement in her head, "Okay... Well I hope that your leader finds himself back to normal.

Simultaneously she was considering the mountains. She would fair pretty well up there depending on how cold it got. Her fur would grow or shed as needed to suit her environment.

"I'm afraid I have one other thing to ask you. Do you mind if you take me to the Typhoon? I'm sure they'd feel better having an ally bring a stranger... I'm unsure as of where I'd want to join yet. Clearly not the Pitt, that name isn't really appealing either."

She quieted down as she thought, "While I figure out where I belong do your people- or would your leader mind if I temporarily stay here? I just have a feeling it isn't safe to be alone anymore."
never will she bow


Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - wormwood. - 09-02-2019

When Kamara asked if he could take her to the Typhoon, he smiled a bit and chuckled as he dipped his head, finding that he liked this new visitor quite a bit. She seemed friendly and smart enough, and it didn't seem as though she had any interest in the Pitt, which was always a plus these days. Smiling, he barked softly after a moment, feeling a bit sad that he couldn't really let out a pleased chuff anymore, nor could he purr like his smaller feline clanmates, "I'll be very willing to take you to The Typhoon when you're ready for it. It's a bit of a walk from here, but it's not too bad, especially considering the Typhoon has the land bridge leading in." He had only visited the Typhoon once thus far, when he had been going to see their allies and just hang out while maybe trading some stuff for some jewelry, but he could still remember the way quite clearly, and it hadn't been too much of a harrowing trip once he was out of the marsh, since he wasn't being weighed down by the moisture that permeated the air.

When the leopard mentioned that she needed a but of rest in the group, Wormwood thought for a moment before nodding and saying softly as he flicked his paw to the side, trying to get some of the muck off of his claws, "I believe that Crow would be fine with you staying here for a bit to get your bearings, considering you're not a threat, and I'm sure you'd be happy to help out around the group while you're here briefly." He knew Crow well enough, and he was sure that the feline leader wouldn't turn somebody who wasn't threatening them away and telling them to go sleep out in the cold wilderness when they had plenty of space for a brief visitor before Kamara moved along to the Typhoon when she was ready for the walk.
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Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Kamara Jilani - 09-02-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Thank goodness.

The longer she lived, the more she began to appreciate how precious time was to mortals. Theirs was a finite amount, so wasting it was never a light matter. But whether Wormwood was immortal like herself, she did not know. However he was taking the time to assist her and she was ever grateful.

"Yes of course. I have no issue resuming the same responsibilities of the average member. At the end of the day I am the visitor, not a guest. Either way I'd be using some resources so I'd be content to help give back to those so Kindly going out of their way to allow me in their home."

It was the way of the world. To get some you had to give some. A trade of energy. Fair exchanges was what made the the universe continue. Chaos was only caused by those who did not understand the value of hard work and fair trades. The world only had turmoil by those who saw no value in a good deed.

"Well perhaps we could head there sooner? And you take me back to Tanglewood to rest and such?"

Who knew, perhaps the people were a higher quality than the land.
never will she bow


Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - wormwood. - 09-02-2019

Wormwood smiled and nodded when Kamara confirmed that she would help out with the average tasks around the group, and the hellhound barked as he nodded his head enthusiastically, "Ah, yeah, just follow me, alright? I'll show you to our main camp, where you can find a house to take up residence in for a bit." He was unaware of the other's thoughts about the Tangler's mortality, but if the goddess had honestly asked him, he probably wouldn't have been able to answer in any sort of straightforward way, since he truthfully wasn't sure with his recent transformation. He seemed to be undead in this form, so he assumed that he couldn't die now, but he was unaware of him having any strange supernatural ability to stay alive. He found that he preferred not to think about it, especially considering how many people had died recently, and he didn't particularly want to think about joining all of those people. He knew it was selfish, but he was in no particular rush to die as of recently – which was different to when he had first left the pride, and he had been at the lowest point of his life.

The small hellhound turned and led Kamara onward through the swampland, carefully maneuvering from raised log to raised log to avoid getting too dirty. Eventually they broke through the tightly packed trees and muddy land to arrive at the central town that the tanglers called home, full of various buildings and holding the large library in the middle that acted as a centerpiece. Wormwood barked softly as he looked around, shaking some mud from his bone claws and glancing around at the various buildings around, "These buildings are what most of us call home, but there's still plenty of them that don't have anybody in them yet, and there shouldn't be an issue with you resting in one for as long as you need. I know that one over to the right is empty." He gestured over at one of the houses and smiled back at Kamara, his tail wagging behind him at getting to show someone around.
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Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - Kamara Jilani - 09-03-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

She smiled, following him with grace and ease. Her paws would hug the logs he jumped the very moment the hellhound's paws left them. She too, disliked getting dirty.

Kamara was nothing if not observant, she knew how crucial it was to soak in your surroundings. So when he gave her a tour she would dip. Eyes appreciating the buildings of central town. She couldn't help but imagine all the ways they were constructed. The beauty of minds put together was great.

"Okay. I've stayed in a building once or twice in my time.", empty houses were unsettling things. Hollow corpses.

"So how long have you been here in Tanglewood? Wormwood?", she smirked at the similarity of the names.

never will she bow


Re: quiet beginnings [VISITOR] - wormwood. - 09-03-2019

Wormwood nodded when Kamara mentioned staying in buildings before, and when the other asked him how long he had been in Tanglewood, he too noticed the way that his name and the group's name rolled together quite nicely. That obviously hadn't been intentional, since he had been Wormwood long before he had ever arrived here, but it was enough to make him chuckle a bit as well as she smirked. He then barked softly, tapping a claw against his cheek in thought as he genuinely thought about it – he hadn't really had to keep track of it, since from the very first moment he had arrived in Tanglewood, it had felt like home, "How long? Hmm... I've been here a while now, honestly. Not as long as some people here, obviously, far from it, but still very long for me, considering I hadn't lived anywhere else except my birth home for so long. I believe it has been a month? Maybe a little bit longer than a month. I've honestly lost track... it feels like I've forever." A small sappy smile lingered on the hellhound's face, although it quickly burned in embarrassment as he chuckled and shook his head.
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