Beasts of Beyond
intoxicated | joining - Printable Version

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intoxicated | joining - pallid-i - 08-23-2019

He was weary, but not for the reasons of being inside the territory of savages. No, he was weary because he had been walking for days and his paws ached.
The green feline's whiskers twitched and he grumbled something to himself before stopping short and falling flat on his haunches. He frowned before straightening up and smoothing his whiskers. There was no need to present himself in such a disgusting state. Volatile should clean himself up a bit before he met his new clanmates. The male began to groom himself, not really caring if anyone walked up to him like this.

Re: intoxicated | joining - Jervis - 08-24-2019

[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
Another one. Really? It was as if no one knew their border policy. Jervis, displeased as ever, managed to strut over towards the scene with a furrowed scruff and a grim expression across his face. His expression only switched to a sly smirk when he began to talk. First impressions, of course, were key. "Can I help you?" came his mischievous comment. If things excelled, he wouldn't be polite whatsoever.
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE

Re: intoxicated | joining - musicbox. - 08-25-2019

[glow=#A76566,1,400]CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I EXIST, AND I DON'T NEED AN EXORCIST, TO LET ME OUT? — 。+゚.[/glow]
It seemed as though Muse wasn't the only one that hadn't exactly noticed the border that surrounded The Pitt too well. This newcomer, whoever he was, was also suspiciously close to the inner sanctum of their territory, but Muse wasn't nearly as aggravated as Jervis was about it. Perhaps because he was just sweeter, or perhaps because he saw that new joiners were, in the long run, good for them. Or perhaps, on an even deeper level, he was happy because he knew this person. Or rather, he had known them. Now, with his memories mostly gone despite those surrounding his childhood, he had no memory of Envy or Volatiletimes or the almost familial relationship that they had once shared. No, instead he just saw – through many different lenses – a face that he didn't recognize, cleaning himself so that he would be presentable to a group full of such savagery. Muse supposed that at the very least Volatiletimes was showing up in a better state than he had, since when Muse had arrived, he had been disoriented and terrified, hardly in a state that made anybody want him in their group.

Ears pinning back at the thought of his own patheticness, Muse moved slowly up beside Jervis and sat down obediently beside the leader. He watched Volatile with several of his many eyes, tilting his gaze less head to one side before speaking up shyly, [glow=#A76566,1,400]"Hello there."[/glow]

Re: intoxicated | joining - Crackers - 08-25-2019


Fourthwall was alone, an unusual occurance since bringing his sister back to the clan. Glitch had asked to patrol in a different direction though and he figured that she deserved some alone time. Besides, he trusted her to do her job if she ran into anyone. She knew the rules here and wouldn't fail him.

As for himself, he'd come across the scent of someone only a few minutes ago and was quick to approach them. Jervis was already there, along with the last straggler theyd found collapsed on their border. Making his way over the massive hound would take his place on the Ardents other side, winre red gaze landing on the exhausted and ruffled looking stranger with casual indifference as he waited for their asnswer.


Re: intoxicated | joining - pallid-i - 08-26-2019

He paused and looked at Jervis, grey eyes gleaming. He licked a couple more inches of fur before sitting up straight.

"For brutes, I wasn't expecting there to be any polite greetings." The maine coon rumbled before stretching his leg out and grooming it. The dude was an asshole, and there was no way he'd ever fake being polite. He wasn't one for subtlety, after all.
When he was finished, he put his leg down and finally started talking. "I'm Volatiletimes, and I am here to join. I know it might seem odd for someone such as I to be in a clan full of savages, but I think I'll fit in just right. What do you think, fox man?" He said while looking over the others, grinning a toothy grin.

Re: intoxicated | joining - Kydobi - 08-27-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: shitty post but estoy aquí <3 ]

As of late there had been so many new faces. He didn't recognize half of them. How separated did the canopy keep him?

Kydobi would arrive late. Not yet saying anything until he assessed the situation further.

Re: intoxicated | joining - beatae - 08-29-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
august peered through curiously, sticking behind kydobi while they tried to get a look at the foreigner. they eyed it's green form before ducking back behind the jaguar. with jervis here, he wasn't entirely sure what he could do except... be quiet.

i'm the prize

Re: intoxicated | joining - aine. - 08-30-2019

[align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Brutes?  Savages? The petite vixen failed to comprehend or enjoy the sound of the words, charcoal ears flicking down sharply.  A frown broke across her maw, though she shyly lingered behind with Kydobi and August.  The child bit the inside of her cheek silently as she glanced upwards, towards Jervis, curious and somewhat wary.
I'll come back when you call me

Re: intoxicated | joining - Kydobi - 08-30-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

"Your words address us as if we were lowly. I suggest your choice of words be more carefully chosen. While there are plenty here that lack... good morality. You will find majority of the population here has ample intelligence."

He could see the expressions on others faces, while the newcomer's diction didn't bother him it clearly caught others off guard. But that was how the world saw the Pitt. But to question their intelligence would be fatal.

"I'm Kydobi."

He let his tail brush Aug and Aine to let them know he knew they were there. And he did not mind they lingered behind him. He had always been a protector.

Re: intoxicated | joining - Jervis - 08-31-2019

[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
Well. Someone had caught him in his bluff, causing a smirk to appear upon his maw. Their polite greetings always had a second meaning to them. The Pitt wasn't exactly friendly. At least he thought so. Jervis was only projecting himself though, seeing that he expected the rest of the clan to follow him. Unbeknownst to him, they weren't willing to follow his every word. Even so, the leader saw them as his goons. If they didn't comply, then he'd eliminate them from the agenda accordingly.

Luckily there were always replacements. Volatiletimes, though showing attitude, seemed to have good potential. "You just didn't let me finish my greeting," Jervis remarked cockily. "Now you'll never be able to hear what I have in store for you." A shame. In the future if there was a problem though, Jervis surely already had plans for the small maine coon. At least he thought so. Size doesn't matter... These days at least.

Despite the man trying to deflate Jervis' own ego, he held his head high. With a nose pointed at the sky and eyes wide with confidence, he replied. "I think you'd fit right in," the fox noted. "Welcome to The Pitt." For a moment, his gaze shifted towards the others who reminisced in silence. Sovietsnow's subtle movement set off an alarm in his head, along with Aine's displeasure, but he strived to keep a positive attitude. Tension, though admirable sometimes, was not welcome currently.

A golden eye moved back towards the feline. He hoped for the others to give them their attention also. "My name is Jervis, your leader," continued the narcissistic fox. "It's a pleasure to have you."
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE