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WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - Printable Version

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WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - Luciferr - 08-22-2019

"Well ain't this place peachy" a rough voice mused as she made her way through the swampy outskirts, spine lined fluffy tail swaying and seemingly dancing to the tune she hummed as she went, click clacking golden claws in time.

"Nice aesthetic though - beats a dead desert any ol day of the week" a desert with this fur? she'd be 90% sweat and 10% golden skeleton by the end of an hour in that climate.

an well the ol stomping grounds were all gone - or seemed so now - and she'd be caught dead before she joined some slavin lil 'Big I ams' ugh, she missed the Exiles - yknow they were true top of the line, friends to no one save themselves, ah those were them days.

still, this place seemed peachy keen - so the black-gold tigress parked herself on a fallen trunk and settled "I know y'all are out there - this place is set up right good for ambushin' folks, So I can'a hazard ya' are waitin' in the wings" she shifts shrugging "Names Eternalwar and I'm lookin' for a new home - figured you tangled folks seem like my best bet"


Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - deimos - 08-22-2019

// after selby has treated her of course

Sam was definitely NOT supposed to be up. Broken ribs, broken arm, bleeding all the time.. yet, here she was, dragging her wounded body amongst camp, then out towards the swamp. Being stuck up inside was killing Samantha, and despite visits and Selby keeping her company, she was going nuts. A bad taste in her mouth reminded her of the cell at the Arena.

So getting out and about was clearing Sam's mind. But her duties, hearing someone call out, was something she still had to attend to. Gaunt looking and coughing, she dragged herself up in front of the tiger. Yeah, she wasn't ambushing her. That was like, Beck's job she guessed. Though Beck wasn't in the best condition anyways. "Welcome t' Tanglewood. Name's Sam, a guardsman here. Y' got any questions?" Sam pulled herself to a stop, before sitting down with a wheeze. Ow.



Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - Luciferr - 08-22-2019

she blinked at the rather bedraggled appearnace - was that just part of the aesthetic here? or was this one okay? - but eh, she'd lived among all sorts so she didn't feel bothered by it save a passive word.

"Nice to meetcha Sammy, an nah No need for questions - but er, y'alright? you look like ya might fall over a lil" hey she could be concerned about her newfound friend no? shifting in case she wanted support or something.


Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - wormwood. - 08-22-2019

Worm, ever since Sam and Beck had returned to the group, had been keeping a close eye on the both of them, to make sure that they didn't go around fucking themselves up more. Then the lion had looked away for what felt like five minutes, and all of a sudden Sam was gone, and her scent was going off into the wild where she definitely shouldn't be at the moment. He had sighed extremely heavily at the fact that she was probably fucking herself up even more, and he slowly followed after her scent, looking around as he walked along through the thick growth of Tanglewood. Soon enough he heard a slightly raised voice calling out through the trees, and he blinked at the unfamiliarity of it, his hackles immediately raised as he sped up his pace, rushing along towards the voice and where Sam's scent was leading. He wasn't about to let some fucker mess Sam up even more, in case they were just pretending that they were looking for a new home. Normally he wouldn't be so suspicious of somebody saying they wanted to join, but honestly he was quite a bit on edge lately, and he didn't want Sam being any more hurt, by anything or anyone. At the very least Beck wasn't also here, also completely ignoring Selby's advice to stay inside.

Coming up beside Sam, he flicked his tail gently against her spine in greeting and shot her a little concerned glance before hearing the tiger. Snorting softly, the lion rumbled softly at Eternalwar as he shook his head a bit, [glow=#165042,1,400]"She's not alright. In fact, she's quite injured, and she's supposed to be staying at home right now, but I guess ignoring our medic's advice is just fine."[/glow] He zigjed and shook his head at Sam before focusing his attention on Eternalwar, blinking at the female's very intimidating looking form. She certainly wasn't the first tiger that was in Tanglewood, but she didn't look like any other tiger that he had seen before, with her black fur and flaming stripes. Trying not to stare too openly, the lion shook his head and rumbled as his tail flicked slowly from side to side, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Anyways, ignoring that, it's nice to meet you and welcome you into Tanglewood. I'm Wormwood. I like your pelt. It's very... unique."[/glow] He didn't mean to hesitate when he complimented her pelt, but he also wasn't sure what kind of adjective would truly apply to the odd reverse coloration she possessed.

Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - Luciferr - 08-22-2019

oh? So it’s seems she’d joined a group that did have felines in her class was her first thought when a winged lion appeared introducing himself as Wormwood and berating Antlers for her apparent lack of regarding her own health, which fair, never want to be pissing off your medics an all.

She inclined her head at the seemingly baffled compliment, a wolffish smile with too many teeth - not her fault half her ‘family’ had been the ones inclined to have a lot of teeth on show, she learned from the best after all - and chuckled ”well gee thanks Wiggles, I think your wings make you look pretty too” we’ll gain one and return no?

Still the swampy. Place was nice - made a difference from the prior homes of abandoned Prison and abandoned observatory - lotsa nice places to ambush from or stalk in, she couldn’t wait to sink her claws into the flesh of the land and find all the good secret spots and prey routes.

But she should do her best with niceties an all so I guesss we should head on in? Both for my introducing’ and also Cause Antlers here seems inclined to fall over an now that wouldna do at all” her accent was probably atrocious to them, all over the place as it was but this is what you ended up with when raised by people from multiple (and even prehistoric) walks of life.


Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - deimos - 08-22-2019

Sam had opened her mouth to reply, but guess what, SOMEONE wasn't gonna let her. Wormwood had showed up, and her ears flattened as his tail brushed her spine. Okay, rude. Sam's green eyes turned to scold him, her ears flattened and teeth shown in a tiny bit of a snarl. "Hey, next time you're injured like this, you can try staying at home all day with nothing to do and a itch for something you can't do anymore." She snapped back, tail lashing. She offered a wince as the muscles along her body tensed, her spine crying out in pain.

Sam looked back towards EternalWar, flattening her ears again. Falling over? Sam might've been swaying to and fro, but she wasn't going to fall over. She didn't even realize that she was leaning into Worm's leg at this point, her body tense and almost all of her weight on him. "Sure. I can show you around if you'd like."



Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - HALO - 08-22-2019

She's staring.

Halo has never - ever - known the art of subtlety. Well, perhaps to an extent, but she has never cared for it. Blunt and straight to the point is much more her style.

Wormwood with his wings had been strange enough, but the tiger in front of them right now is a whole different type of odd. After all, the colors should be normal, but they're mismatched.

Blinking violet eyes, the light brown wolf takes a few more steps forward, looking Eternalwar up and down with a rather neutral expression adorning her facial features. She doesn't react at first. The look is enough. Inhaling sharply, she briefly moves her attention to the winged lion and then... Sam. Antlers. Oh here they go again with all the weird mutations and shit. Halo doesn't quite know the story behind the other female's injuries (being new will do that), but the situation feels like it has bully written all over it -

Apparently Halo would prefer bully over straight up enemy.

"I'm Halo." Finally speaking up, she looks back to Eternalwar, offering a small smile now that she has gotten a chance to silently observe her surroundings, as interesting as they are. "You said your name is Eternalwar?" She has to swallow the lump in her throat, biting back the urge to make some sarcastic comment. Like what? Who in the world names their child Eternalwar? Is there some violent background here? Then again... She glances towards Wormwood, only regarding him out of the corner of her eye before tipping her head back in the slightest to look up at the sky. She needs to keep herself distracted before she makes herself sound bitchy.

Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - wormwood. - 08-22-2019

Wiggles. It's a pretty odd name for the large lion, but he doesn't do much about it but just blink in surprise and feel a faint embarrassed heat come to his face. He wasn't used to having his wings be called pretty, so he just gave a soft nod to the newcomer, and a little smile as his wings twitched. He looked back down at Sam when she spoke up, and he let out a little amused chuff before rumbling, [glow=#165042,1,400]"You know as well as I do that you didn't need to come all the way out here to keep yourself entertained. Hell, you probably could've just gone to Feza's house. She could keep you entertained for days."[/glow] He shook his head a little before paying attention to how she was standing, noticing the way that pretty much the entirety of the doecat's weight was leaned up against one of his powerful legs. He didn't do anything to get her off of him, instead just straightening up a little so that she had plenty to lean against so she didn't fall over. When she said that she would show Eternalwar around, he winced before rumbling softly at her, not wanting to point out the face that she was leaning against him, but also not wanting her to collapse, [glow=#165042,1,400]"We could also do a double tour, if you'd like. Tanglewood's territory is very complex, even when you've been here a while."[/glow]

Looking up when he heard other footsteps approaching, Wormwood felt his entire body tense up before he saw that it was just Halo. He hadn't seen her around much yet, but at the very least she was a member of the group, and not a threat. Upon hearing what she had asked, he snorted and pointed out as he shifted his wings back against his spine, done preening over being complimented, [glow=#165042,1,400]"It is a rather intriguing name for someone to have... then again, my parents named me Wormcub, so I can't really say others have odd names."[/glow] He chuckled a bit, although it was slightly soft and strained, mainly because of how much stress he had been other lately. He wanted desperately to continue being a calm and friendly presence to newcomers, and to show a positive viewpoint to his overwhelmingly pessimistic clanmates, but just the presence of Sam leaning against his leg reminded him of how some of the people he loved the most were still suffering and injured, and others still weren't even in camp anymore. His thoughts drifted to Red for a moment, and how he wished in agony that one of the people who showed up at the border these days turned out to be the missing gorilla.

Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - Luciferr - 08-22-2019

Antlers has some spark for sure, which is a good impression to the oddly coloured and golden horned Tigress - means this place ain’t so full of passivity if they can give as good as is thrown at them, they’ll never be Exiles but well fuck, what ever does match up to home sweet home? She can admit the bias.

Instead she grins lopsidedly ah, boredom, I getcha Antlers, you’re a doer not a sitter - still I’d take doc wiggles advice maybe - knew a guy who never did and ended up worser an’ with a crooked leg the one time” she shrugs ”didna stop him true - but we all got tired of his constant whinin’ bout it when the bad weathers hit” or maybe it’d just been the fella’s personality to complain a lil who knew.

Of course then another turns up - staring - and Eternal must be weird to these folks then if they’re staring so much, surely she’s not that odd?

Then again she was raised by a colourful menagerie - maybe out here in the fuck noes where swamplands it’s a lil more mundane?

She inclines her head to the wolf with an amused huff either way - canines and felines, maybe there was a lil variety if Antlers and wiggle’s mowings was anything to go by - and hummed ”well halo hoops, yes indeedy - and if it’s as odd as y’all seem to think me, then it’s from home’s old custom - Etty - or whatever charming nicknames you’d like to come up with - is fine by me” she cocks a grin that’s half feral an well, they did say I was raised by madmen and monsters” dragons, dinosaurs, monsters straight from myth...ah, all come under the umbrella.

She flicks an ear in agreement with Wiggles’ lil name assessment - she’s heard stranger in her own time - before glancing at both He and his injured party well Wiggles, Antlers - if you’re both sure and up to it I wouldna mind being shown around the laylands - better to get an idea of where I’m goin’ Lest I walk into an unexpected tree” which would be something since there were many trees, but that was part of the fun of her misbranded jokes and humour.

She did wonder though... you swamp folks got any enemies I should know about? Just so I’m knowin who to hit and who to heal, so to say”


Re: WHATS UP DANGER | Joiner - DELILAH. - 08-22-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Delilah didn't think she'd be so late to welcoming a new member, but she supposed it wouldn't be wrong for her to show up late instead of not at all.

"We're enemies with the Pitt, a group of slavers who hurt others for the thrill of it." Delilah stepped out from out of the bushes she had been bustling in before, herbs levitating beside her head as blind pink eyes surveyed everyone who was present. "The name is Delilah, by the way. Nice to meet you." She meowed softly, lowering her head in a respectful greeting before falling in beside Wormwood and Sam. Cherry blossoms fell from her pelt, giving the gentle flowery scent to the pastel femme- a trademark, you could say.

"You both should be resting. You both were injured in the raid." Delilah added absentmindedly, having been listening to the conversation before she had shown herself.