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[ BUT BABY ] torture! - Printable Version

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[ BUT BABY ] torture! - gregory - 07-31-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

he had been oddly hungry. it had been such a long hunt, following the trail of what smelt like a.. deer, he thought. oddly enough, he found a feline, oh so tiny, one with a deer tail and horns of some sort.. he didn't want to eat her. she smelled like how wormwood smelt and so his intentions were.. bring her back, see what jervis said. he briefly wondered what would happen if he crushed the little wiggling creature in his jaws, holding the femme by the ribs- his jaws practically encircled her ribcage, which was a slightly new feeling. all he did was growl as he released the little wriggling woman from his jaws, aiming to press a massive paw to the side of her head and pin her to the ground, sitting and letting his tail lash back and forth.

finally, he let out a roar to announce his return before softly chuffing, seeming curious about what the others would want to do.



Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - Crackers - 08-01-2019


His jaws would part in a long, lazy yawn, teeth flashing in the sun as his lips pulled back. Damn. If this place didn't start picking up soon than he was going to turn into the laziest asshole that ever lift. Probably. Not really. Hell, it was a miricle that he was sitting still now for as long as he was. The massive maned canine was energetic in most senses, the type of guy who'd prefer to be on the go or doing just about anything aside from lazing about alone in a near empty camp. But shit, a guy had to rest, didn't he? And besides, from time to time it was a bit of a guilty pleasure to sprawl out on some warm rock and bath in the sun. It was probably the lion in him, but he didn't often let it have its way. Sloth was a bad sin to develop habits toward, and siince he was full up on the other five or six he figured he was safe to spare himself at least that one.

Be it luck or ill fortune when his lounging was interupted, he wasn't sure. Part of him would have been content to remain sprawled out on his side in the soft grasses of the jungle surrounding the camp, but another part was equally as greatful to hear the sudden roar of another. He recognized the voice as their newest members, Draekon, and would lazily get to his paws and shake out his coat. He wasn't sure what the tiger was calling out for, but he was more than happy to take the chance to do something other than be alone.

His strides were unrushed as he made his way over, shoulders rolling in a feline-like way despite the fact that he looked like a giant wolf with a main. There were many habits and subtle things that gave away his mixed blood, and the way his broad muscled frame moved was one of them. He'd let a grunt of greeting escape him as he drew to a stop in front of the tiger, wine-red eyes landing on their catch. A brow would raise in amusement- he didn't think Draekon would understand something like taking a prisoner. While the tiger had revealed he could speak and was responsive enough to what others said, there was still something undeniably primitive about them, something instinctual. He'd more expect them to eat a morsel like this rather than bring it back.

"She wasn't wandering near our borders, was she? Jervis'll be pissed if Tanglewoods encrouching on our land again." not that Fourth would necessarily mind this- a pissed off Jervis was apparently good news for the hybrid, who was now free to see the group begin down a road he was more approving of, personally. While he was sure that the Typhoon and Tanglewoods attack had left something broken in the Ardent to make him change like this, it wasn't in Fourths nature to be stympathetic toward someone he wasn't close to, and so he could only dismiss it in favor the outcome, which was The Pitt putting it's big boy pants back on and fucking up it's enemies.

And, like Jervis, this Tangler would receive no sympathy from him either. He didn't know or care about her in the slightest, and as far as he was concnerned, it was her back for choosing to align herself with a clan that wasn't his.


Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - deimos - 08-01-2019

Her body ached. Her head was spinning, the slight wounds on the side of her head where the tiger had knocked her out with his meaty paw. She growled and whined as she struggled against his jaws wrapped about her middle, a wince on her face with each turn. His teeth were sharp, what the fuck. And Sam knew where they were going, as soon as her asthma-ridden ass started to be able to breathe again the scent of the Pitt was sharp on the tiger.

Sam was, essentially, fucked.

She hissed as she was dropped, only to snap her jaws together as her head was forced into the dirt, her rear still in the air. "You motherfucker, let me go you worthless fuckers." Sam said from beneath his paw, her green eyes trapped shut to avoid both dirt and paw getting into her eye. This sucked. Her heart was started to pound. It was dark, and she was captured. Where was Dean when she needed him.

Her ears only flattened at the approach of what sounded like another heavy beast. What the hell was the Pitt filled with? Unnecessarily large beasts? This pissed Sam off tenfold, snarling from beneath the paw. "Fuck your borders- I wasn't anywhere near them. This motherfucker was in OUR land." Sam spat out, mouth filling with dust and dirt as she talked.



Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - Jervis - 08-02-2019

So someone was finally doing something around here, but they were disobeying his rules. They already wandered into their territory with the assistance of other Pittians and now they've left to do who knows what.... Capture a mere Tanglewood member? What could this puny female provide them? Jervis was obviously unaware of their high standing within their ranks and right now was only judging them based on their tiny appearance (something he shouldn't speak on). For now, he determined her to be waste of their time.

Jervis was obviously displeased as he followed in after Fourthwall. A golden eye wandered across the pitiful girl as he contemplated her fate, along with Draekon's own. They were in The Pitt's territory now, hence something needed to be done. He would see to it. The fox finalized his thoughts soon enough, clearing his throat directly after in hopes of grabbing the tiger's attention. "She's all yours," he emphasized. "You brought her here and you will end feverish attitude accordingly." The king made no acknowledgement to her words besides that. "So hurt her."

Whether intended harm or not, Draekon made the first move and was going to finish Samantha off. If not, Jervis would gladly step in.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - gregory - 08-04-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

draekon’s pleases look immediately faded when jervis gave his orders. his heart had dropped into the pit of his stomach, leaving him nauseous and unable to think for a moment. he wanted him to hurt her. he didn’t want to hurt someone so tiny, so helpless.. it was fair of him. his ears pinned back against his cranium, eyes wide as he tried to process his orders. he slowly lowered himself to the ground, backing away. maybe, if he was lucky, jervis would think he didn’t understand what he was saying, that draekon thought he was in trouble for being someone so pretty back to such an ugly place.


Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - deimos - 08-04-2019

There he was. The tiny head honcho. Green eyes focused on him, her lips pulled back in a snarl. She continued to try to push against Drae's paws, only to flatten her ears at Jervis's words. Her stomach dropped. This wasn't good, at all. Sam opened her mouth to complain, struggle, bright green eyes narrowing. She only shot up when Draekon pulled back. She crouched down, hair on end and head low, tail lowered as well. She was ready to run. The sight of Draekon looking almost fearful, however, made her pause.

Her heart thudded. Her stomach twisted, and she looked back towards Jervis. "Fuckass, you're dead the next time I see you." She growled sharply, before turning. She then attempted to sprint back towards their border, her breathing wheezing.



Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - beatae - 08-04-2019

the wiry dog was not a stranger to events like these. while they were beginning to become few and far between, august had long since become descensitized to the sorts of methods they used in outsiders. hell, his own people, even. his work from the morning had been completed already and he was simply awaiting his next assignment when draekon had come back with a roaring announcement. ears perked, august began to approach them.

"aw jeez, man." he cringed, seeing how pathetically small sam was in comparison to the beast. was this something he was proud of or...? august couldn't tell if draekon was just trying to play with his food or something before eating up, but if that were the case he was not sticking around for that.

jervis' arrival had august's skin crawl. edging away from him slightly and closer to fourthwall, he flinched at the cold order. "careful not to kill her." he crudely humored under his breath, though made no attempt to keep quiet to himself. he was genuinely surprised when the beast began to back away and sam made a beeline into the plains.

"ooh, we gotta runner fella's. better go catch her." he looked to the others with a smug grin. he wasn't going to. at least until ordered. chasing after captures wasn't really his thing considering it wasn't even his responsibility to keep them around.

Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - Crackers - 08-05-2019


As Fourthwall had expected, the arrival of Jervis was the catalyst of everything. His wine-red eyes would shift silently to August as the smaller canine stepped closer to him in order to distance himself from the Ardent, and the hellhound didn't snap a warning at him like he may have another. Instead he turned his attention back to the proceedings as jervis order Draekon to hurt her. Curiosity settled over him for a moment as the tiger submissively backed away instead, letting his catch go. Fourth didn't personally take pleasure in hurting people who wouldn't fight back, but he also wasn't the sort to hesitate if he knew it would help him in some way. Moreso, why would Draekon bring her here at all and present her to them like this if he didnt want her injured?

Fourthwall sighed in annoyance as Sam suddenly broke away from the group, racing toward the boarders. Jervis wouldn't be happy to have her escape unchallenged, and so Fourthwall lashed his canine like tail in a very feline like manner, and launched a half hearted elemental attack at the female. Using earth elementals he would attaempt to split the earth under her feet, creating a pit for her to fall into- not so deep it could cripple or kill, but enough that it would keep her from climbing right out.

OOC- if you don't want her caught you can just say she avoided it Smile


Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - deimos - 08-05-2019

Her heart was pounding, her body shaking. Sam didn't want to be here. The Wildmen let her head be chopped off the last time she stood near them- the last time she didn't try to break out. She was told not to be afraid, she couldn't help but be afraid now. Vik had just watched- those cold eyes he had just- Sam was distracted. Too distracted to hear the split in the earth, too distracted to avoid it-

Sam's paw got caught. She didn't fall into the split, but tumbled forward, landing on her side. She panted, and heaved, and she set her darkening green eyes on the very one who had managed to make her fall. Slowly, Sam stood, wiping her mouth free of dirt before grimacing and snarling. She couldn't run, that was for sure- but she was going to be sure to be able to fight them now.



Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - Jervis - 08-09-2019

[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
The tiger slinked away, causing a low growl to leave Jervis' maw. "What?" he exclaimed. With a vicious growl, he moved forwards towards Draekon. His golden eye looked the newest Pittian up and down, a look of disgust spreading throughout his face. Finally, he looked up at Draekon's own eyes. A dagger-like gaze pierced towards him, practically threatening him to disobey him again. "Feral bitch." Thus he turned away. What a 'loyal' subject...

By the time he turned his head, Samantha had already muttered her last words and sprinted out towards the border. Not before his bitchy dog managed to slow her down. The earth below split open perfectly. Fourthwall's attack thankfully got the bitch to fall to the floor, giving the quick ardent time to catch up.

In a matter of time, Jervis grew close. To make sure she was down surely, he leaped at her side and aimed to let his canines dig into her spinal cord. She'd be pushed out of the split and back onto the hard jungle floor. As he did so, his claws aimed to dig into her side and frantically grip at whatever skin he could then rip. Once writhing in pain, he would move back. The ardent would then push the doe-cat onto her back, exposing her stomach, and then keep her in place with his paws on her chest. With a blood-soaked sneer, the leader let out a sarcastic moan of disappointment. "We don't treat runners very politely here," came his venomous hiss, "But I'm sure you already knew that." After all, what else was The Pitt good for? They weren't some pansies like Elysium was.

He shook his head from side to side and let out a disgraced sigh. "But-" Almost as if a switch was flicked, his facade of shame dropped back to his sadistic smirk. Jervis reared backwards. With a leap, he'd slam down into her lower ribcage. Her ribs would cave in from the force and dig into her internal organs presumably. "-apparently it hasn't been made clear enough to see."

That said, he'd press into her chest further. His attempt would hopefully make her squeal in pain. "Perhaps we can change that today." Jervis left his back paws pressed to her pelvis and moved forward with the other paws, pressing her front legs out towards the floor like Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man.' Her muscles would strain a great amount. It was not long before a crack rang out through the area. The feeling was prominent in the right leg, signaling Jervis' decision.

His grip on her limbs stopped and his paws went back to her onto chest with another forceful leap. A demonic smile was signaled towards Samantha's right eye. "Right it is," came his cackle. Claws now wavered in front of the girl's eye, taunting her. For awhile, they stayed there. Then his paw plunged towards her. Ivory claws slashed downwards across her face, digging into her eyelid and the eye itself. There was immediate blood shed. Jervis surely thought her eye was done for.

Awaiting a reaction, he turned back towards the group. As he did so, to prevent her from interrupting him, his remaining paw pressed down into her fractured ribs. "I want her alive," he spat angrily. "She's going to be bait." Unknown to his knowledge, he'd be gaining another vital piece of Tanglewood soon enough. Then the real fun could begin.

//powerplay permitted by autumn for these injuries: spinal bite marks, injured front right leg, body littered in scratches/bruises, fractured ribs, damaged right eye
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE