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you always take it further && mikolaj - Printable Version

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you always take it further && mikolaj - trojan g. - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"][[ I can't tag threads on this account because of the custom title moth has, so mentioning now that it's a private thread <33 ]]

When Moth had woken up that morning, she had decided that she was going to make a plan to hang out with someone, and although she would have liked to be able to get to know others well enough to hang out with them - something that was hard for her, due to the worry that plagued her mind with most - she had decided to go to someone she felt like she could trust. One of the few in the clan if she was being honest with herself. She didn't know what it was that had drawn Moth to trust Mikolaj, but she was glad she had. He seemed to be a nice guy so far, and even though he didn't really talk to others that much, she knew that he could eventually get there if he wanted, and was glad of the short conversations that they had already had while she had lived here. They made her feel at home.

So when the thought crossed her mind that morning that she would go to see the male, a smile came to her face and her ears pricked as she walked over to his abode, excited to be able to see her friend once again. Going up to his door, she would knock a few times, sitting down and waiting to see if he was actually there or not.

//hng rushed sorry

Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - beatae - 08-02-2019

mikolaj's home was perhaps a bit... barren in comparison to some of the other tanglers. the shepherd found no use in things like décor or furniture. soft plush sank too much and he felt as though he were being suffocated. why get anything firm when the hardwood floor was enough? he had used the tattered curtains around the windows as a sort of nest at some point, but they had since been in sam's possession after one of her meltdowns. used to cover her as she sobbed on her porch. he had not asked for them back, though he did not feel the need to, either.

the walls were blank with any sort of wallpaper. just peeling drywall with occasional holes the mice had chewed in. his windows were now boarded as the summer's sunlight interrupted his sleep too often.

the outside truly looked no better. if not actually worse. the pillars of the porch were deteriorating slowly. his roof had several minor holes in it that caused rain to leak in. there were still some scattered pots around that he had taken to stop the dripping water getting onto the floor.

the house was truly... empty other than that. it thankfully warded off visitors as well. he never expected anyone to come to his door, so hearing knocking while he took his afternoon nap was unusual.

mikolaj opened an eye and slowly rose from the corner of the room, nosing the door open with a grumpy huff. it opened just enough to fit his head through and look around, then down.


a brief curl at the corners of his lips appeared. he walked out fully, nodding his head to the girl.

"moth." his greeting sounded more as a statement, but at this point she was sure to know his tone was the same in all terms of speaking. "you are safe? problems?" mikolaj couldn't see any other reason for her arrival. she was a rather sweet girl, but they normally met outside of camp, never a direct meeting.


Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - trojan g. - 08-02-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth didn't mind the way that Mikolaj kept his house, her own in a similar state as his. Though it was more tidily kept and had things in it, it was dusty and looked as though Moth was rarely ever there, save for small trails throughout it that showed where she frequented enough for the dust to not settle there for too long, a little corner in her own little hut that had blankets piled there, random piles of little things that she could carry here and there, slowly getting larger and larger as she collected more and more things through the territory, though her favorites were always kept in her tail, tucked away safely where she would know where they were at all times.

When Mikolaj opened the door, her head would tilt up in expectancy to see the other, and a smile would form on her face as he spoke, tail waving idly behind her for a moment before nodding her head quickly. "I'm safe, and there's no problems!" She would offer, a small breath of air leaving her lungs before she breathed once more and spoke again, "I wanted to know if you wanted to do anything today? Like walk around the territory a bit, collect things, even play a card game or something. Get you out of the house for a bit?" She hoped that he would want to, considering she was rather bored and wanting to be able to hang out with her friend.

Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - beatae - 08-02-2019

a small 'hmph' came in response to her reassurance. she was not in danger. part of him pondered over what exactly he would have done if she was... then again how much trouble could one girl get into? mikolaj could not think of back when he was a pup her age, but nothing stood out entirely with how he was raised. it was so long ago, though, most of his memory before the war was unavailable to him. he would like to think that he was a proper pup. listened well and was as disciplined as he was now.

the suggestion of spending time together was not an unwelcomed one whatsoever. it was not exactly on his list of things to do, but he would not turn her away. "walk. we can go for walk." he affirmed with a quick nod of his head. "where... where does moth go?" his first thought was the crater, perhaps explore its odd misshapen earth, but he was still unsure.


Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - trojan g. - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Thinking for a moment, the female would sit down, brows furrowing as she tried to think of a place for a moment before finally speaking. "We could go to the junk yard or the crater, if you want." She would offer, head tilting to the side slightly before asking "Where would you want to go? I haven't really been to either." It wasn't for a lack of trying, Moth had wanted to go to both places, figuring there'd be cool things there that she could see and potentially take back to her house, but she was scared to go into the junk yard, afraid of potential giant rats that could lurk there and try to make it so that she would get injured, and the stories she heard of the ghosts and the potential radiation that lurked around the crater scared her away from that. She'd go there if Mikolaj went with her - someone there to keep her strong she supposed - but knew that, at least at this point in her life - she would never go there alone.

Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - beatae - 08-05-2019

the junkyard was also someplace he had never step foot in but primarily because of its name. it was a junk yard and he could only imagine the type of vermin it attracted. he couldn't tell which sort of adventure would be less dangerous to the girl. a junkyard full of potential rabid animals or territorial rats and scraps of metal lying around? or a mysterious crater that has a strong possibility of radioactivity and mutated creatures?

perhaps they were both fruits of danger from the same tree.

"we go to crater. protect you." mikolaj confirmed, his tail flicking as he stepped off the porch. "moth okay to walk? rest on shoulders?" it could be quite a distance for the young girl. he'd hate to see her burn out just before the actual adventure began.


Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - trojan g. - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Watching the other, Moth would simply nod as he mentioned the crater, fine with the suggestion. "I'm glad you will while we're there." She would speak out, standing up at last as she took a step back onto the dirt in front of the house, "Hopefully we won't run into anything that I need protecting from though." She sure hoped not, at least. For all she knew there'd be three headed alligators there. She didn't let her mind wander too far before she heard Mikolaj speak once more, and she would think for a moment before shaking her head. "I'll be fine to go there, I walk around a lot anyway." She would offer, the same thought on her mind Mikolaj had - she didn't want to tire him out from riding on his shoulders. Besides, if they needed to get somewhere quickly, it'd be easier for Moth to run if she was walking on her own, so she wouldn't have to worry about flying off of his shoulders during quick turns.

Turning for a moment to begin padding towards the Crater, Moth would look over to the male as she walked, opening her maw to speak quickly "Have you ever been to the crater before? I know you were here before I was, but I don't think for that long right?" She was pretty sure he was still fairly new when she had joined, so she was unsure if he'd gotten around to looking at plenty of places yet. He didn't seem to be one to like to travel and look around, however, so she doubted he'd have purposefully looked around at all the places in the territory.

Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - beatae - 08-09-2019

the thought of three-head alligators amused him, he would admit. only because he could only imagine reedy. three alligator heads all saying strange phrases. all with a piece of straw in their mouth and a straw hat to match. for some reason he imagined the middle head having sunglasses on. mikolaj was hopeful for a pleasant journey with her as well. he kept his senses keen and alert just in case anything tried to blindside them or hunt them. he knew the signs of feeling like prey... he would not allow it to happen to her.

allowing her to walk on her own, mikolaj set the pace for her to keep up with. he did not think of the possibility of her losing balance on his shoulders, it was good one of them did.

her inquiry was answered with a quick shake of his head. "do not explore often. like to stay close." mikolaj answered simply as he looked head on. his thoughts dispersed to what he imagined the crater would be like. perhaps desolate as the rumors said, or maybe something different upon discovery? "no. not long. stayed in house." his first meeting with moth was by pure chance of finding him outside on the hill. she was still as curious as ever, that had not changed. but he wished that she was able to make other friends closer to her age.

"do you like here? tanglewood? is it nice to you?" he pondered aloud, his gaze finally shifting back to her.


Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - trojan g. - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]As soon as they began to walk, Moth would quicken her pace in order to keep up with the other, ears pricked as she listened to the words that he spoke in turn to her questions, her own mind wandering into other questions as he answered hers. Why did he stay in his house so often? Why didn't he explore that much? She had too many questions, and too little time to ask him, not to mention her knowing that there were some questions that were odd to word without sounding too invasive or even rude - and she definitely did not want to sound rude.

Looking up and over to the large male as he asked the question, she would nod her head quickly before speaking. "Yeah! So far everyone is pretty nice here, I like it." She was slowly and surely getting used to those that were there, and being less and less afraid of things that she didn't even have to worry about in the first place. Of course, it didn't mean that she would never be afraid again, but she was slowly getting to the point where eventually she wouldn't look over her shoulder every time someone new were to join the group, just in case they were there for ill purposes. "What about you?" She would ask, eyes glancing to him for a moment before they shifted back in front of her to make sure that she didn't hit anything that would cause her to trip, or run into an alligator, "I know you have another home that's far away, and that this isn't your favorite place, but do you like Tanglewood?"

Re: you always take it further && mikolaj - beatae - 08-16-2019

he does not know why, but mikolaj had embraced the possibility of defending moth from hypothetical bullies. he could not imagine anyone here being so low as to pick on a child, seeing as a majority of them were grown adults. a few even capable of being grandfathers and mothers, excluding himself. perhaps the worst that could realistically happen was beck pulling a prank on her... maybe stealing one of her little knick knacks from the house. anyone outside of tanglewood he could not speak for, considering what the pitt had a history of doing to the swamp dwellers.

overall, he was glad to hear she was having a good time. from what he knew, moth did not have any family. she was on her own, strangely, at such a young age. mikolaj realized that he knew as much about moth as she did him.

"do not talk to many. but..." he didn't speak much at all to the others, actually. he trusted no one here except maybe red and even perseus. the greek veteran was a noble old brute like himself. he had earned much respect from mikolaj for how he had dealt with his attack and handled himself.

"tanglewood is not home. will return soon, but not yet. have to make sure it is safe." he began to feel the ground dip into a slope, carefully pawing his way through. the grass began to soften into a grey, ashy dirt. though there were still tree's they began to gradually become barer as they progressed.

mikolaj cleared his throat and gestured to them. "we are close. do not sense danger yet." maybe those mutated creatures were just myths to keep them away. he couldn't imagine anything being able to live here anymore even in its most barren conditions. even the desert had its ways of living. "are we... on adventure yet? now, yes?"
